

  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    OH MY GOSH I almost forgot! I had an awesome NSV I wanted to share with my favorite peeps. For my college graduation I got a right hand ring, which I loved. But after I graduated I started packing on the pounds and soon my beautiful ring didn't fit, and it was banished to the depths of my jewelry box (ok it's really not all that dramatic). This morning I was looking in my jewelry box, and saw the ring, so I thought I’d give it a try. IT FFFFFFFIIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!! I wore it to work today. I'm so excited it FITS!!!!

    OK... now to go and spend quality time with 30DS.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi all - I guess I need to check in for Tuesday, Wednesday and today. Sheesh - what a week! :noway: Thank god tomorrow is Friday!

    1) Exercise 6 days - 3/6 (Mon, Tues and today)
    2) Sodium under max - 4/7 (I didn't log anything Wed but feel certain my salt would have been ok)
    3) 3 servings fruit/veggie - nope; didn't eat but maybe 2 on Wednesday. 3/7
    4) Log every day - Hmm - well didn't log on Wednesday. Every other day though ---
    5) Trying to keep the stress in check - haven't done any emotional eating so that's good.

    34again - Yum - love Red Lobster. The cheddar bay biscuits are awesome!!! A nice dinner out is great every now and then; we try to do it once every 2 weeks or so.

    Nanita - So sorry your feeling low - I have those days too. Hope your feeling better soon! Good job on not eating emotionally!

    Hello to everyone else! Everyone is doing awesome!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Quick pop in before bed... I'll catch up in the a.m and add my 1-3 stats for the day.:yawn: :wink: :flowerforyou:

    4. Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had .. WOOT, here I am even if it's a quick one.:tongue:

    Hugs all around!!!:smooched:

    Weds Check-in

    1. Hm...the beginning of the day went well, the evening not such great choices. Water was good though!
    2. Great workout
    3. Working on my keen an owl! ha ha
    4. Well I did check in here last night before bed. YAY

    Thurs. Check-in

    1. Hm...again the morning started out good and somehow the rest didn't ... so glad this day is nearly over!! :o) water = good!
    2. no workout
    3. FOCUS on refocusing.:wink:
    4. Checking in to say hello and share how my day went!

    :love: Looking forward a to a hard workout tomorrow (Friday), healthy choices and plenty of water..that means strong FOCUS and a smile when my day is done and I check in & I get to share it with you all.

    Have a great Friday everyone!!cancan.gif
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Mak - Happy Birthday to your hubby!! Congrats on the ring fitting. That is awesome!! Stay in control this weekend and you'll do fine but remember to have fun!! :-)

    Bhurley - great job on staying away from the stress eating!! It can be tough but you are showing it can be done! Thanks for being such an inspiration! :-)
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Today's check-in......

    Water goal-So did not do good. I only got 2 glasses in......Sigh.....

    Shock of the day...went to Starbucks for the first in a long time, and thought I was doing the right thing by getting a green tea, unsweetned......thinking zero calories right.....wrong, go to put it in my tdiary, and the darn thing is 120 calories! What! Thank goodness I had enough calories to spare! Lesson learned there.

    Exercised for 20 minutes today, I did not want to do anything at first...I know I did not give it my all. But my logic is, it is better than nothing!

    Hoping to make good food choices for the rest of the weekend.....
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    phew!! so trying to get back on track last night I did the 3 miles I alternated .25 miles walk and jog. After that I thought I would just jump back to my C25k week 4 where I fell off at tonight and it was still rough but finished and completed 3.5 miles in 60 mins and felt good afterwards !!!!!
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    I did it :frown: I cancelled my gym sessions for the next week to give my knees a rest. I went today and had to do a lot of the exercises one-legged including pushups - today was an upperbody workout too! So, I figure I am better off getting this sorted will still be able to do a lot of the upper body work ie weights as well as strengthening exercises. This calorie burning machine needs to get oiled and hopefully this week of no intense-lower-body workout is going to be the way to go.
    So I urge YOU ALL to NOT SKIMP on your exercises. Be thankful that you have complete health to workout - NO EXCUSES. TIREDNESS is just an excuse unless you are in EXTREME pain then I suggest you stop thinking about working out and just DO IT!

    We are lucky to have the "health" that we have in order to do things such as lift weights, do those workout vids as well as something simple as going for a walk. Don't let tiredness get the better of you or even a crap day. Chuck your shoes on and get out there - KICK SOME SERIOUS FAT BUTT and be PROUD TO DO IT!

    Managed my crunches today. Under my cals and over my H2o yesterday.
    60 originals - 40 reverse

    BIG LOVES TO EVERYONE - KEEP UP THE FABULOUS WORK ON MEETING YOUR CHALLENGES...If you haven't met them then you need to find a way to ensure that you do. Even if it means filling up a 2L bottle and strapping it to your hips to ensure you get your water intake!

    GO HARD EVERYONE! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    OH MY GOSH I almost forgot! I had an awesome NSV I wanted to share with my favorite peeps. For my college graduation I got a right hand ring, which I loved. But after I graduated I started packing on the pounds and soon my beautiful ring didn't fit, and it was banished to the depths of my jewelry box (ok it's really not all that dramatic). This morning I was looking in my jewelry box, and saw the ring, so I thought I’d give it a try. IT FFFFFFFIIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!! I wore it to work today. I'm so excited it FITS!!!!

    OK... now to go and spend quality time with 30DS.

  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    MAK--CONGRATULATIONS on your awesome ring fitting NSV!! That is fantastic! And I'm SO PROUD of you for logging all of your BLTS. That is awesome, and it is so helpful to see as a reminder that all those extra little bites add up. I figure, if you've got the room for them in your numbers, then no harm/no foul. Happy BD to hubby & happy 30DS-ing.

    la_nanita--HHHUUUUUUUGGGGGG! I hope you're feeling better soon. I've been hitting my head against the same depression wall for the past few days between work & family stress and Ittee leaving. :( But WTG YOU for not stress eating. I can't say the same, but at least we are still checking in, logging in, hanging in! As our dear HeartsDesire always reminds us: Stay FOCUSED! You can do this, and tomorrow is a brand new day!

    aninamika--Wow! Good for you for getting in your workout and still taking care to not make a bad knee worse! You are such a fantastic cheerleader too. Nice to have you here.

    KrisPage--Awesome with your 3.5 miles today! Keep up the great work!

    littlemount--Great job with meeting your goals this week. And thank you for your continued encouragement :) I sent you my magic formula for my macros. Enjoy!

    Thursday Check In:
    1) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat--CARB CRAZY DAY: 69.6/15.6/14.9 but finally a day where fat was under control
    2) Sodium under 2000--1735 today! Hooray for Trader Joe's Low Sodium Soy Sauce with dinner!!
    3) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week--2051 so far
    4) Do Not Weigh In On Any Day Other Than MONDAY--I did not weigh in today. I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW. I will not take the scale out of the drawer. I will not rationalize that I will only check for change. I will not convince myself that I really need to check so that I can tell my dietician. I will tell her about last week's loss and be happy about it!

    Heading to bed. Happy FRIDAY everyone!!!
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Gooood Morning everyone!!!!

    It's FRIDAY!!!! Yippee!!

    Everyone has been doing great with their goals! What an inspiration you all are!!

    Kris - great job on the 3.5miles!!!

    Aninamika - awesome alternative to give your lower body and break. Thanks for the reminder that tiredness is NOT an excuse.....soooo true!!!

    Philosohoe - so glad you didn't step on that scale and what a great day you had!! Woo hoo!!

    Heartsdesire - love that word focus!!! Will think of it often today.

    Off to start the day. Wanted to check in with all of you first to get the right mindset for the day. :-)

    Don't forget your water!!! Exercise!!!! Eat right!!!!

    Kick some serious butt today's almost the end of the week!!

    Have a WONDERFUL Friday!!!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Feeling better, though probably running at 75% now. Missed you guys! Will make it up to you all ASAP.

    My progress towards goasl:
    1. Get better. -75% there. Going to do Zumba tomorrow either way.
    2. Still do strength training. -Been doing strength training as scheduled. Today is my last day of Push before I start Lean next week.
    3. Rest, rest, rest when not at work.--Been doing that, thus why I've not been here.
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome back ladygloria!!

    Did well today. Exercised, stayed under exercise calories and drank all my water. Woo hoo!!


    1. Crunches done 3/5
    2. Walking 5/5
    3. No snacking after 7pm - stuffed from dinner so safe tonight! 5/5

    Have a great night everyone!! :-)
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: MORNING EVERYONE!
    Water over and cals under yesterday. Have pounded out the crunches today - so far only managed to do 50 swiss ball crunches
    believe it or not but my knee started making itself known and I needed to stop. Went to stand up and a few sharp pains which landed me on my butt! :grumble: I WILL GET OVER THIS! So will try another 50 as soon as I get off the lappy - just wanted to check in for today cos I may not get a chance later on!

    THANK YOU for the 20 min tip Philosohoe - that and water has been keeping me from putting the unnecessaries in my mouth :happy:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • littlemount
    Welcome back Ladygloria we missed you too.
    Hope you get your Zumba class tomorrow.
    Friday check in-
    Fruits and veggies- well messed up again today,one would think for a person who is mostly vegetarian this should not be a problem-WRONG ,I am consuming so much of processed foods and sugars it is scary I need a quick overhaul of this toxic eating habits.Need to think over carefully about next weeks goals-2/6
    Exercise- 30 minutes brisk walk,zumba done today-4/6
    Gary's strength- done-5/6
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi all! Well, it's been a great day so far. I got in to work this morning and we had NO power! :noway: :noway: We were told we wouldn't have any for most of the day, sooo I left around 11. Yay!! :bigsmile: I picked up the baby from daycare and we spent the afternoon at the zoo. The only thing I ate there was ice cream; what can I say my 11 month old wanted some. :blushing: :wink: So mommy had to help her eat it. I'm still under cals though, so not so bad.

    1) Exercise 6 days - 4/6
    2) 3 servings fruit/veggie - ahh well I'm only at 1 now. :blushing: they don't have fruit at the zoo unless you count the cherrys in the ice cream.
    3) Log every day - 4/6
    4) under sodium max - Yes!
    5) no stress today!

    Welcome back ladygloria!!

    aninamika - Hope your knee gets better soon!

    littlemount - I eat way to much processed foods also; it's so easy! great job on your goals!

    34again - good job again! Your doing great!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Exercised for 20 minutes today, I did not want to do anything at first...I know I did not give it my all. But my logic is, it is better than nothing!

    WTG getting in your 20 minutes! And I totally agree--moving at all is always better than not moving! Hope you were able to get in some more time today :smile:

    Welcome to the weekend everyone!!

    ladygloria!!!!! Hooray for your return! I'm so glad you're starting to feel better. So awesome that you were able to keep going with Chalean while sick and in overwork mode. That stuff is no joke. It's so great so have you back. We'd rather have 75% of you than none. :smooched:

    Friday Check In:
    1) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat-- 50.7/18.7/30.5
    2) Sodium under 2000--1526
    3) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week--2981 so far (as soon as I log off and hop on elliptical :tongue: )
    4) Do Not Weigh In On Any Day Other Than MONDAY--I did not weigh in today. I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW.

    Had a phone conference with my dietitian today. She told me I was doing a great job and that I was one of her best patients! I'm so sad that she's moving to Sacramento, but I am on the list for when her replacement takes over. In the meantime, I am continuing to work on my goals...One WEEK At A Time :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend with lots of well-deserved family time, fun time, or whatever the heck you wanna do with it time!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Goals for this week (10/9-10/15)

    1 - Track food daily, make healthier choices
    2 - Workout 4-5 days this week
    3 - Stay FOCUSED on the Game!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY no matter what type of day I've had

    Friday Check-in

    1. Did good on the a.m food again, having issues with the food later in the day..really NEED to get a grip on that!! Water today was good
    2. no workout:sad:
    3. Needing to check out the dictionary for the word FOCUS and see if I actually have it! :brokenheart: Oh those mornings this week started out so good and then part way through the week the afternoons/evenings killed me. Need to get back to where I started in the week!
    4. Checking in and heading to bed...rather bummed at myself today.

    Sending hugs and warm thoughts to everyone...LadyGloria you've been missed!!:smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Friday check in:
    1. 30DS – Day 20?? I think ... I lost count. After everyone went to bed I got my shred in. I did get it in last night too.
    2. Get in 4 non 30DS workouts in – still hanging at 3/4. I ended up doing an extra work out last night after my shred was done.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – I was off work today.
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – did ok with this today. Left my phone at home so couldnt log right away. Did the best I could do with logging.

    Ate two meals out today and I'm feeling it this evening. Blah sodium city.
    Time to get some sleep. Have to get up and going bright and early. HUGGS to you all!! You all are amazing. Keep up all the hard work.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Friday check-in:

    1- Follow Chalean schedule - nope...I was supposed to start the lean for life'll have to wait. I'm exhausted and need a break.
    2- 5 fruits/veggies - done!
    3- One glass of water before every meal - failed!

    Ok, so I've been feeling off for a couple of weeks, and next week isn't gonna be different since we're going to Paris for a mini honeymoon + get visas done to move to the US!!! I'll keep logging my food in, will take Chalean with me -just in case- but will certainly do a lot of walking, so I should be ok.

    Hope everyone has a beautiful weekend and next week!
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Love this:)! So for week(10/10-10/16)
    * 50 crunches every day - 4/7
    * five work out days 4/7
    * no soda except for club soda -5/7
    * weights 3x this week- I am going today and tomorrow which should make 3/3

    I'm new to mfp and I love the group support ! Mini goals are the way to go!!!:) thanks for putting this up:)
    Cw- 166lbs
    Gw- 125 - 130 by feb 18
    Everyone in this forum is doing such a fantastic job :) proud of all our mini feats!!!!