

  • littlemount
    Quite a busy day today-
    Saturday check in- did better with the fruits and veggies 3/6
    Exercise did a class of water aerobics for my knee pain I do see a considerable amount to reduction in knee pain and the muscles around knee and core muscles better with the water exercises- 5/6
    Garys strength exercises- done- 6/7
    Tomorrow is a new week my official weigh in day to see how I progress evaluate what works and what doesn't.
    My book carb and sugar counter by Jorge Cruise called belly fat cure is waiting for me at Barnes and Noble.

    Welcome back Ladygloria we missed you too.
    Hope you get your Zumba class tomorrow.
    Friday check in-
    Fruits and veggies- well messed up again today,one would think for a person who is mostly vegetarian this should not be a problem-WRONG ,I am consuming so much of processed foods and sugars it is scary I need a quick overhaul of this toxic eating habits.Need to think over carefully about next weeks goals-2/6
    Exercise- 30 minutes brisk walk,zumba done today-4/6
    Gary's strength- done-5/6
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Hi All! Been reading your posts... you all have been doing great! Thank you for the encouranging words. The rest of the week was more of the same. Felt listless.... today we went out to a spring and spent the day having fun, outdoors as a family. Got some swimming and hiking in. I think it has helped me to get out of my funk. I will start logging again tomorrow and will restart my P90X on Monday. Have a blessed Sunday everyone!

    Hugggggssss! :flowerforyou:
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Hi all!!

    Sounds like everyone is doing great on a Saturday!

    Way to go!!!

    Good day today. Under my exercise calories.

    25 Crunches - 4/6
    Walking for 30 minutes - 6/6
    No snacking after 7pm - 6/6

    I love the support of these mini challenges and all you ladies are great! Just checking in daily really helps to keep one
    accountable. I love it!!

    La_nanita - sounds like a fun day. Hiking is so much fun!

    Littlemount - great going on the fruits and veggies!!

    Have a great evening everyone!!!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sat. Check-in

    1. Good food day!!!!!!!!!! YAY :drinker: I'll get the rest of the water in this evening.
    2. no workout at the gym but a definite workout outside the gym.
    3. I am SO FOCUSED! I'm back BABY..I'm BACK!:smooched: :wink:
    4. Checking in and looking forward to our new week beginning tomorrow (Sunday for me).

    YAY another party starts tomorrow Gang!:tongue:

    Hope you're all doing something fun this weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Quick Saturday Check In
    1) Keep macronutrient ratio at 50:25:25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat-- 40/21.8/38.2
    2) Sodium under 2000--4608 (2 meals out today, but TONS of water too)
    3) Get at least a 3500 calorie deficit total for the week--ACHEIVED! 3868! First day with Zumba! I am super uncoordinated, but I don't care because it was super fun!
    4) Do Not Weigh In On Any Day Other Than MONDAYI did not weigh in today. I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW.

    Ittee will make it to NC tonight! She should hopefully be back in the group soon.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    Looking back on this busy week, I think I know why I have a difficult time with challenges. I did not complete the number of crunches that I thought I could, but it was an awesome & productive week otherwise.

    Fitness related accomplishments:

    Mon: 10 mins jumping on trampoline, lots of sewing.
    Tues: 31 mins step aerobics on 6-inch step
    Wed: church nite
    Thurs: 5K walk/jog in 48:50, 150/500 crunches
    Fri: Exhausted & crashed on couch so burned a few calories sleeping
    Sat: still a bit tired, but worked on sewing project for about 5 hrs

    Personal accomplishments:

    got job promotion
    completed my daughter's outfit for homecoming dance
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    34again, thanks for the re-welcome. It sucks to be sick. Way to rock your goals!

    Aninamika, great job on your goals. I hope your knee is feeling better. That one small part of your body can make or break your exercise routines. Take it easy and don’t hurt yourself.

    Littlemount, thanks! I did get in my zumba class. It was great to be back. I was exhausted afterwards. Still recovering, but it will get easier. As for your fruit and veggie goal, I find that to be the hardest goal ever. Of course, I’m an anti-vegetarian, so I have to work on eating veggies that aren’t starch heavy. You can do it! BTW, What is Gary’s strength?

    Bhurley1424, thanks. :-) And hey, nothing wrong with enjoying a day at the zoo and helping that baby of yours get what she wanted. Afterall, it’s not like she could eat it all herself. Way to go on your goals! Stress free days are hard to come by.

    Philoshoe, thank you sweetie. Glad to see you rocking it. I also read that you tried Zumba. Did you like it? Since you read my story on my blog (I think the only one who did), you know it’s my first exercise love. I still suck at the coordination so no worries. In classes you learn that everyone does. It’s only on the videos that everyone looks so pretty. Chalean is something I worked up to and you can as well. I have faith in you. I’m really impressed with your macronutrient goal progress this month. Amazing!

    Hearts Desire, glad to be back. Please don’t beat yourself up for a bad day. We all make mistakes. We’re human. The good news is, we can pick ourselves up and try again the next day (like you did). If you need support, this is the thread to get it. Glad you’re here and keep coming. Also glad to see you did so well yesterday.

    Mak, so proud of you for shredding with such consistency. You are rocking your goals this week. I know what you mean about sodium. I went out to eat last night and went over another day this week and I feel blah. The good news is, that is an easy recovery. Wish it was just as easy to lose the fat. LOL!

    Papillion, congrats on the honeymoon and the move. Where in the US did your hubby get a new job? You will make it through this transition and we will help support you in the process. Enjoy your weekend away!

    Genene111, welcome! I’m putting up the new thread ASAP for goals starting this weekend so please keep coming back. We’re glad to support everyone as we all take this day by day and week by week. Love your goals and great job on them this week!

    La_nanita, sometimes we just need a change of routine and relaxing trip to recharge our batteries. Glad you were able to take that time. Can’t wait to see you come back victorious and ready to kick some butt!

    Fitnhealthyccthats, great job on completing most of your goals. The joy of this challenge is that we all recognize that we’re human and we take everything one day and one week at a time. Life can get super busy and it’s hard to keep up and make healthy lifestyle choices. Congratulations on the new job!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Home with sick kid on Friday didnt get in a workout but I did walk 2.25 miles around a flea market yesterday so that gives me 13.25/15 miles this week.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    so another 1.25 miles today to finish at 14.5/15.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    oops! wrong thread.:blushing: :laugh:
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Wonderful I will be keeping my goals the same this week and will be getting a late start on them. Got a little sidetracked Sunday Monday but tomorrow is a new day:)! Thank you for the support:)
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Gene we have started a new thread for this week. We do a new one every week. Ladygloria posted the link to it. Find us there!