New 30 day shred group!!! ALL WELCOME!!! :o)

I am starting a new group to do the 30 day shred!!!

I already have about 5 of us wanting to do it, we are planning to start on the 17th of October, this gives us time to get weights and mats and the DVD if needed!!!

I have done this DVD for 30 days non stop 3 times before... I still love it!! I am planning on using bigger weights on the hard bits and small weights throughout, even on all the jumping jacks and where they don't usually ask us to to make it tougher for myself.
I know I will still get great results from this and for me it's about getting back into daily exercise as I have been a little bit slack lately!!!

Please add a comment below if you would like to join this group... ALL ARE WELCOME!!!

We will just aim to complete the 30 day shred for 30 days non stop.
We can pick which ever level we feel we need, even if we stay at level 1 the whole way through. Up to you!!!

Hope to drum up a lot of interest here, would be great to have a big group to do this together xxx


  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Hi! Count me in! I have completed 30 day shred once before! And completed it halfway about two months ago. I do level 1 every once in awhille and I also use weights when she doesn't call for them. I have used 3 to 5lb weights. Looking foward to completing it all the way through again!
  • ShellBell4281
    ShellBell4281 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm doing the 30 Day Slim Down program right now.
  • rockeraxXx
    Hello, so I'm current;y doing the 30 day shred 3 to 4 per week. Wondering how much you lost doing it 30 days in a row.
    I think that's amazing because I'm trying to build up my endurance. i cant work out more then 30-45 min per day.
    I'm on the go 24 hrs a day with my kids and housework. Thinking that may be why I'm exhausted all the time.
  • Gay11nell
    Gay11nell Posts: 166 Member
    I'm in! Started already-day #4. Did my measurements. I love that I get a good workout in 20mins. Sometimes I get on the treadmill afterward, just because!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi! Count me in! I have completed 30 day shred once before! And completed it halfway about two months ago. I do level 1 every once in awhille and I also use weights when she doesn't call for them. I have used 3 to 5lb weights. Looking foward to completing it all the way through again!

    YAY!! Good to have you on board!! I think we can do it 30 days solid!!
    I will set up a new topic page on the 17th and we can all log in and keep each other accountable for it.
    I shall add you as a friend too so we can compare notes!!!

    Can't wait to get started on this again, I have missed working out daily but found it difficult to get started again after my holiday!!
    This is just the motivation I need!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I'm in! Started already-day #4. Did my measurements. I love that I get a good workout in 20mins. Sometimes I get on the treadmill afterward, just because!

    Maybe you can do it with us still, maybe the 40 day shred for you!!!! :drinker:
    Will give you great results if you can stick to it that long!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello, so I'm current;y doing the 30 day shred 3 to 4 per week. Wondering how much you lost doing it 30 days in a row.
    I think that's amazing because I'm trying to build up my endurance. i cant work out more then 30-45 min per day.
    I'm on the go 24 hrs a day with my kids and housework. Thinking that may be why I'm exhausted all the time.

    I think I lost only a few pounds but what I gained was more valuable that the weight loss. My shoulders still today have great definition and my back and arms improved massively. I also noticed a real change in the shape of my legs which has stayed and with the running I know do I'm nearly happy with my legs, they are bettr than they have been for years.

    For a all round workout if you only hve 20 minutes I don't think you can beat the shred.
    It's brilliant. I now use heavier weights on the weight parts and light weights on the parts without weights so I am making iot harder all the time to keep me challenged. I love the selection on exercises and the length of time it takes to complete it, it's perfect for the amount of time I have on a busy day!!!

    Maybe I can convince you to join us for 30 days non stop?!?!?! :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I'm doing the 30 Day Slim Down program right now.

    Oooh I've not heard of this one?! What is that about then? What do you have to do?

    Maybe doing the 30 day shred with it would work really well?

    Would you like to join in with it?
  • alaskagirl5
    alaskagirl5 Posts: 95 Member
    Hey! I'm Rachel and I would definitely LOVE to join this group!! I actually just started today, but I don't see any harm in getting a few days head start :tongue: I am super sore from this morning, but so very excited to get back into shape! I don't need to lose any weight, but I definitely want to be looking awesome again and feeling great! Now if only I could get my fiance to work out with me..... :wink:

    Anyways, super excited and can't wait to hear how everyone's progress goes!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I'm in! Glad it starts on the 17th, my DVD should be here right around then! Let's go guys. Don't forget to do some other activity in your day though- Jillian will help us burn fat and start getting ripped but the DVD only burns somewhere around 120-150 (something like that, going by what I've seen a lot of peopel say on here). Gotta make sure we're still burning those extraneous calories in other areas.
    Can't wait to start- good luck to everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hey! I'm Rachel and I would definitely LOVE to join this group!! I actually just started today, but I don't see any harm in getting a few days head start :tongue: I am super sore from this morning, but so very excited to get back into shape! I don't need to lose any weight, but I definitely want to be looking awesome again and feeling great! Now if only I could get my fiance to work out with me..... :wink:

    Anyways, super excited and can't wait to hear how everyone's progress goes!

    great job on getting started!
    lol, i wish I could convince my fiancee too! he'll walk occasionally and has claimed (after 3 years) that he wants to make it a regular thing but he's not as determined as I am. (he doesn't need to be!) but anyway, hopefully he'll come around. use reverse psychology- "i bet you wouldn't make it halfway through this DVD!" :laugh:
  • bnigh001
    Just got my DVD today from a friend! Had planned on starting tonight! I'll just get a few days ahead ;)

    Bring on the shred! (:

  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    i have the dvd and tried it a few times but got really busy during the summer. i already workout 3-4 hours a day so what is one more workout to do so count me in!!! this time i will stick to it. no vacations or anything to make me busy this time!!!!
  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    I am on day 2! I need to join this group for MOTIVATION!!! I will be a few days ahead, but I wanna join :)
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hey! I'm Rachel and I would definitely LOVE to join this group!! I actually just started today, but I don't see any harm in getting a few days head start :tongue: I am super sore from this morning, but so very excited to get back into shape! I don't need to lose any weight, but I definitely want to be looking awesome again and feeling great! Now if only I could get my fiance to work out with me..... :wink:

    Anyways, super excited and can't wait to hear how everyone's progress goes!

    Hi Rachel!!

    Great to have you with us
    This is such a great workout we can all benefit from doing it, I can not wait to get started!!
    I have set the start date for the 17th of october - this monday... That give people time to get all the things they need as quite a few people still don't have their copy yet, I will start a new topic page where we can all post our daily activites and goals and then keep track of how everyone is doing!!

    I think the extra few days on the program will only do more toning and you will benefit massively from sticking to it throughout!!
    LETS DO IT!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I'm in! Glad it starts on the 17th, my DVD should be here right around then! Let's go guys. Don't forget to do some other activity in your day though- Jillian will help us burn fat and start getting ripped but the DVD only burns somewhere around 120-150 (something like that, going by what I've seen a lot of peopel say on here). Gotta make sure we're still burning those extraneous calories in other areas.
    Can't wait to start- good luck to everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I hope your DVD arrives in time!! we have quite a few people ordering their copy now and waiting for theirs to arrive still so it's a good thing we aren't starting right away.
    I have my faithful copy here and will make sure it's dusted off and ready for use!!

    I too will be following a good eating plan, I might use my HRM to track my calories burned, as you say it's not very much actually.

    I'm so excited to see so many people signing up!!! I think we will do really well all together!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Just got my DVD today from a friend! Had planned on starting tonight! I'll just get a few days ahead ;)

    Bring on the shred! (:


    YAY love this attitude!!

    The workout is fab!! I LOVE it!!

    I can't wait for the 17th!! so many of us on board now this is AWESOME!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    i have the dvd and tried it a few times but got really busy during the summer. i already workout 3-4 hours a day so what is one more workout to do so count me in!!! this time i will stick to it. no vacations or anything to make me busy this time!!!!

    Excellent!!! Wish you all the best with all your other workouts too, I will be doing running and weights and ab work too.
    Daily shred and then 3 runs a week and 5 lots of weight and ab work per week. That should be do able!!

    Can't wait to get started!! I might even have time to fit in a 6 week 6 pack challenge after... just in time for NEW YEAR!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I am on day 2! I need to join this group for MOTIVATION!!! I will be a few days ahead, but I wanna join :)

    Your in!! Welcome aboard!! The workout is great isn't it!! I'm so happy to have so many people signing up, we can do this together and it'll be fun to compare notes!!
  • elissascotland
    elissascotland Posts: 256 Member
    I'm in! I need the group accountability :)

    I did 30DS earlier this year - 30 days over 36 days - and loved it.