New 30 day shred group!!! ALL WELCOME!!! :o)



  • alaskagirl5
    alaskagirl5 Posts: 95 Member
    So yesterday I did my second day of 30DS and it was horrible how sore I felt! I decided to give myself a break from it today and I'm planning on going to the gym to do the elliptical for a while instead. I will probably still do some abs and push ups. I'm so psyched about my results so far though! I already see a bit of abs peaking out from my tummy :bigsmile: Sooo happy to finally be getting back into shape!

    I think after I'm done with the first 10 days of 30DS, I am going to reward myself with a new dress!!! :drinker: I've been meaning to go to Charlotte Russe for a long time and I have a 10% off coupon now! :heart: Nothing like a nice reward after working hard!

    What about you guys? What do you reward yourself with??
  • shanintesar
    Count me in too please!!! I am going to start it on 17th.. I started it summer but couldn't complete it ...please I need some support and motivation from everybody:smile:

    Height : 5 '0
    Current wt: 164lbs
    Goal wt 130lb

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Guys,

    What an excellent group of Shredders!!! Im going to jump on in with you all. Today was my second day so I am a couple of days early but would love to jump in on all the group support.

    I have 3 events (Racing Carnival, Dance Recital and Black Tie Gala ball) All within the next 30 days. Whilst I won't be finished and entirely "Shredded" before going to them all I am positive that all the exercise and endorphins will make sure I feel fantastic at all of them.

    Good luck to all, and thanks Mel for getting this group going. Its fantastic!!

  • londanfudd4eva
    just finished my 30 day shred and also some days im doing jillians 6week 6pack abs its working me very hard but im motivated after seeing so many before and after pics . cant wait til im ready to show mine. lets get shredded ladies! welcome everyone
  • sorzel19
    sorzel19 Posts: 2 Member
    Please cont me in...I haven't used the 30 day shred yet, but it looks like alot of people on MFP use it. Is there more than one version? I'm going to have to purchase the DVD! Thanks, looking forward to it!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    So its the day after my first day of 30DS and I must say it kicked my BUTT! lol! I am so very sore today in places I didn't even know I had muscles! I think it's time for a nice long stretching session! Lol! :smile: I was really suprised my butt was sore this morning lol! Usually I try butt workouts and I don't feel A THING the next day, so that made me happy!

    Even though I am in a lot of pain, it makes me feel so great about myself because I know that I pushed it!! :happy: Whoop! And thanks mel! I will definitely try the reverse psychology on him :wink: He likes to walk to, but he has a super heavy load this semester, poor guy! He is taking 19 credits, in his last semester of college, and workign 20 hours a week on top of all of that. Once he graduates this December, I will be sure to take advantage of his extra time!:smooched:

    But anyways, good luck ladies! Let's kick our own butts and work hard! Just like Jillian says: if we want great results, we have to work for them! :flowerforyou:

    Hi :drinker:

    I LOVE THIS!! I can remember the first time I did the shred and I was shocked how much I had to push myself to keep up and do it!! I didn't even do all the moves and only managed the beginner level for most!!

    This just goes to show how much we all will progress with this, about a week from now you will find that you can do the DVD much easier and that you have really gone a long way with it.
    Just believe in her methods, they really work!! I still have the results from my three previous shred months, It's so worth sticking with it!!!

    I can't wait for monday to join all of you already doing it!! We will ROCK THIS!! :laugh:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    :happy:Hi everyone! Count me in too I just started 30DS today but would love to have the support and motivation of everyone else for the next 30 days :happy:

    Great to have you on board!! Shall look forward to seeing you here on monday :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I just started 30 DS today actually just got done doing it and was looking up how to log it and found this beginning group =) think ill do circuit one until the 26 so were all caught up because I am too prone to starting things and then stopping them so im just going to keep going. feel free to add me if you want. have a couple of questions as I received my dvd's second hand there is nothing else that is supposed to come with the dvd's is there? no special diet plan or anything rt? I used 2 lb weights today and thought oh this will be too lite but by the end of it i ddnt think so... think i may go for 4 or 5 lb weights though just to push myself. Oh yea btw this is my first go at it so yay!

    Hi!! Fab to have you with us!!

    The dvd is all you get, your MFP settings will be perfect to go hand in hand with this plan, stay under you calorie goals xx
    Will do great!!

    I find that the bigger weights I use the harder the DVD is, I will be using 6kg weights, and smaller ones on the parts that they use no weights, this is because this is my forth shred challenge and I need to make it tougher to challenge myself, BUT I LOVE IT and will be able to still get results from it!!!

    Can't wait to see us all shredding monday!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    i love the shred, but haven't done it in so long! this is a great motivator for me! sign me up!


    Hello!!! :drinker:

    Will be excellent to have you with us on Monday, Its still such a fab all round workout, I know we will all benefit from 30days non stop!!

    LETS GET SHREDDING!!! :wink:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello! Thank you for starting this thread and group! I would love to be a part of it :-) I've list 5 lbs so far, but really need to step things up and I know I can do it with a support group.

    I'll request you and pls. let me know if I've made it in...



    Your very welcome!! I have started this group as I have got into some lazy ways with my exercise afte my holiday and need to focus or I will lose the shape I have worked so hard to get.
    Christmas is not far away and I want to look fab at new year and all the christmas parties!!

    We are thrilled to have you with us!! Let's do it!!! EVERYONE GETS IN!!!! :bigsmile:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I'd like to join. Guys allowed? :wink:


    Welcome on board!! I have several male friends who have tried the shred and were shocked at how hard it was it will be great to have you with us!!!

    Thanks for signing up!!! :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I would like to join too! I've never tried 30DS, so I need to go out and buy it. I see that Targe has it for about $9.

    So count me in!!

    You in!!! Thanks for joining us!!

    Try to get your copy for monday, we start of the 17th but if you are not able to then start as soon after that as you can, I will do extra days after the 15th November if some people are late getting their copy, I'm happy to do a 4odayshred if it supports others who have supported me!!! LETS DO IT!!!

    Can't wait for monday :tongue:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I have the dvd and have not used it yet, I am so close to my goal at this point I think 30ds would help me get rid of that last 7lbs much faster than I have been going.

    The last pounds are the hardest, I have been working on them for years.
    This DVD will build muscle and burn fat... Exactly what you need to maintain you current loss and hellp you reach your target, I can not recommend this challenge high enough for your needs!!

    I hope you will do it with us!! We would love yo have you on board :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    would love to join too! i actually just started this week- i'm on day 3 of level 1, but would love to tag along with y'all- i think the extra support would help a lot! best of luck!

    Welcome to our group, there are so many of us now we simply can not fail!!!

    Thank you so much for signing up, we already have a few people doing the DVD and they may well do extra to keep up with those of us who start on the 17th, will certainly not do any harm to do extra days!!

    You can use this thread to check in and report your workout experiences, we would love to hear your progress and how your doing!!

    Good luck this week and we will join you on Monday xx :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi! I am interested in joining your group and starting the Shred on the 17th.

    YOUR IN!!! :drinker:

    Welcome to our group!!!

    Have you got your DVD and weights?

    ALL SET?! :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Count me in.

    OFFICIALLY counted IN!!!

    LETS DO IT!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I was just thinking about starting the shred, so it would be great to have some people to compare notes with. I'm in!

    Welcome!!! It's so cool to have so many people doing this with me, thank you for signing up!!!

  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    i'm in! i've tried starting it on and off all month and can't get in a routine so this should help! :)

    We will help motivate you, seeing everyone else doing it and knowing we are waiting to see you check in to say you have done it will make you feel like getting it done!! We can do this together, and the great thing is there are so many people doing it you will find that there are loads at your level and you will be able to compare notes and get advice to make sure you do moves right and don;t give yourself an injury!! Welcome to our group :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Can you count me in too? This would be of great motivation for me.

    YOU ARE IN!!! :happy:

    Great to have you with us!!!

    LET'S DO IT!!
  • Raji_fitness
    Raji_fitness Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, Im also starting as soon as my DVD arrives. I have one question though, how do I log calories into the diary??