Do you judge others on their workout clothes?



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    no why would i even give a crap? i generally try not to judge people at all.. makes life a lot easier...

    as long as they are not in anything holden i don't care ;)
  • missfluffyuk
    I have co-ordinated outfits to work out in, lol.

    ... By "co-ordinated", I mean I have black pants and whichever shirt I can find :laugh: One of my sets of pants has a pink stripe down each side, the other white. I don't wear the pink ones with my blue shirt :laugh:
  • Workout246265
    Workout246265 Posts: 3 Member
    Generally, no - everyone is sweating and working. I do wonder about people in the gym in street shoes, however, and I SERIOUSLY wonder about those souls in flip-flops.
    I have reported people in my gym before for wearing flip-flops on the treadmill as it is dangerous :)
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    When I started getting seriously into exercise I bought some proper sports shirts and shorts from an outlet place and it makes so much difference. They were only about £10 each and are just old ranges of Nike and Addidas. Compared to an old t-shirt, they are way more comfortable because they are designed to wick the sweat off your skin.

    A lot of people say they might as well wear an old tshirt since they are going to sweat it all up anyway but if you get something designed for purpose, which doesn't need to be expensive, it actually lasts way longer because of the way the sweat wicks to the surface and evaporates instead of soaking into and destroying the material.
    It is also quicker to wash and dry.

    That's kind of off topic I guess but hope it helps :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I usually wear black leggings (not the see through ones) plus they REALLY help prevent chafing and whatever shirt I can be bothered throwing on... who cares? Saying that I do have a mix of workout *designer*clothes and just normal tshirts... but only because I got given them for christmas and my birthday...
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Generally, no - everyone is sweating and working. I do wonder about people in the gym in street shoes, however, and I SERIOUSLY wonder about those souls in flip-flops.
    I have reported people in my gym before for wearing flip-flops on the treadmill as it is dangerous :)

    Flip flops on the treadmill???? How fast do they go? (curious now)
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    not really. i do wonder why some people come in jeans i can't imagine that 1)that's comfortable or b)they are changing into new jeans after they are done. then i'm envious of thos people who come to the gym looking all put together like they should be in a fitness magazine.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    absolutely not ... i do not dress to impress at all at the gym. my trainer always tells me i should show myself off and .. my reply to him the day he said that was .. if you want to see my body that bad why dont you just ask me out? ....he he we did go out too
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I wear athletic leggings and tank tops. I just find it more comfortable. I sweat like crazy when I'm working out and if I wear a regular t shirt, I get too hot. The material tends to be too baggy (I like my t shirts big!) and get in my way.

    The colors of my tops are a little out there though. They're all fluorescent... green, blue, pink, yellow... and a normal red one. What can I say, I like bright colors!

    I don't really pay attention to what other people are wearing unless they have a lot of skin showing or you can see their body parts through their clothes. I do wonder a little sometimes when I see people in enormous t-shirts way too big for them. I figure they just want to be comfortable, but I feel like it would be way too hot to wear a t-shirt that fits like a tent.
  • alicia_louise29
    I do I guess ha when I see girls with short crop tops on and their firm toned stomach I hate it I get so Jealous lol
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I steer clear of the people working out in those plastic sweat suits. One time, I was right next to this lady who was busting her *kitten* on the elliptical machine next to me. At some point she put down her arms and about a quart of sweat poured out of her sleeves and hit the floor next to me. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

    LOL!!! Thanks for the visual. But major props to that lady working out!!
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    I steer clear of the people working out in those plastic sweat suits. One time, I was right next to this lady who was busting her *kitten* on the elliptical machine next to me. At some point she put down her arms and about a quart of sweat poured out of her sleeves and hit the floor next to me. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

    LOL!!! Thanks for the visual. But major props to that lady working out!!

    Not really. Making yourself artificially sweat more is both pointless and dangerous.
    The reason for sweat is to cool you down, the water loss is an unfortunate side effect of that which is why you need to drink plenty while (and after) working out.
    Because people associate sweating with exercise they think more sweat is better but it's just not. If two identical people did identical workouts and one was wearing loads of heavy clothing so sweated more, the end result would simply be that that person lost more water, not fat.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't judge people on their workout clothes...unless they are torn, smelly, or whatever. :tongue:

    I tend to wear things from Chalene Johnson's line of clothes on, so I pretty much stand out in the crowd anyway. But my style is so weird compared to most people's...unless you dress goth or punk in between your "I want to look like a hottie model type" days, lol. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Absolutely not! I'm a student so can't afford to buy any expensive workout clothes... that, and being in NZ there just isn't the selection available and what there is available is double the price of Europe and America... so I just concentrate on the fact I DO go to the gym. I guess one thing that irritates me is when I see people wearing unsuitable shoes - good training shoes are a 'must' in my mind... but that's just me! :)
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member

    Thank you. Why does anyone care??? Why would you judge anyone else for anything that they're wearing, working out or not?
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I steer clear of the people working out in those plastic sweat suits. One time, I was right next to this lady who was busting her *kitten* on the elliptical machine next to me. At some point she put down her arms and about a quart of sweat poured out of her sleeves and hit the floor next to me. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

    ROFLMAO... Those are serious people right there. I've trained with those on... its the WORST thing in the world being inside one of those!

    I love cute gym clothes! I actually choose cuter clothes because it helps me show off the hard work I have been doing, and it makes me feel better about myself! Its also a much better reward then buying myself pie! Walmart has the best deals on the most adorable gym outfits! :D
  • onefourone
    I don't care what you wear or how you wear it. If it is to small to large or full of holes all i care about is that you wipe down the machine after you use it. Other then that do whatever it takes to get you there.

    Although to the would like to know how you tell a person you have a whole in the wrong spot and i know it just happened. Young girl thigh machine and ripped the pants almost dead center and she just keep going.. Only caught it because bright pink against all black sticks out.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I steer clear of the people working out in those plastic sweat suits. One time, I was right next to this lady who was busting her *kitten* on the elliptical machine next to me. At some point she put down her arms and about a quart of sweat poured out of her sleeves and hit the floor next to me. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

    LOL!!! Thanks for the visual. But major props to that lady working out!!

    Not really. Making yourself artificially sweat more is both pointless and dangerous.
    The reason for sweat is to cool you down, the water loss is an unfortunate side effect of that which is why you need to drink plenty while (and after) working out.
    Because people associate sweating with exercise they think more sweat is better but it's just not. If two identical people did identical workouts and one was wearing loads of heavy clothing so sweated more, the end result would simply be that that person lost more water, not fat.

    Hey, ummm... those people wearing those special sweat suits are MOST Likely CUTTING WEIGHT. "artificial" sweat is what people in many sports like wrestling, MMA, UFC or my personal sport... powerlifting do to meet weight classes. Get over the smart attitude about it. You don't know what other people are doing. That 'artificial" sweat session is SUPER hard to force yourself through. I've gone through two days of stuff like that. My boyfriend at 275 uses that method frequently to get down to 241. Its not "healthy" to stay dehydrated... but if done right is important to stay competitive at certain weight classes.
  • monkeymouse74
    There are other people at the gym? Unless they are using a machine that I am trying to get on, I don't really pay attention.

    This^^ I dont even notice other people in the gym, I'm there to work out, even my friends have to come over to say hi, or I just dont see them.:blushing: I only see people if they're using equipment I need next, or, if they dont wipe down the equipment when they're done! Then I really notice them!!!!:explode: LOL.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    No I don't because not everyone can afford brand new matching gym gear especially when they first start working out- gym memberships are expensive enough as it is!

    I found that the longer and more regularly I've been going the more clothes I've accumulated but I do sometimes wear things until they are literally on their last legs.

    I love buying new gym gear though- especially when it's in a smaller size :happy: