Do you judge others on their workout clothes?



  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    i don't. i do prefer to look presentable myself, but i know trying to look cute and working out is often a losing battle :) and workout gear can be pricey. what really matters is that people make it to the gym - not what they look like!
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    This whole thread is a little bit funny really. Everyone is talking about how much they don't judge.....except when (insert list of issues). I guess i'm gonna be judged because i like rewarding myself with nice workout gear and come to the gym straight from work and still have a face full of makeup and jewellery (which i refuse to leave in a locker for its safety). The fact that i look presentable doesn't change the fact that i bust my *kitten* every time i'm in there. I don't think people need to spend a fortune on workout gear. Clean, unstained clothes and shoes are not that hard to organise.
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    I steer clear of the people working out in those plastic sweat suits. One time, I was right next to this lady who was busting her *kitten* on the elliptical machine next to me. At some point she put down her arms and about a quart of sweat poured out of her sleeves and hit the floor next to me. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

    LOL!!! Thanks for the visual. But major props to that lady working out!!

    Not really. Making yourself artificially sweat more is both pointless and dangerous.
    The reason for sweat is to cool you down, the water loss is an unfortunate side effect of that which is why you need to drink plenty while (and after) working out.
    Because people associate sweating with exercise they think more sweat is better but it's just not. If two identical people did identical workouts and one was wearing loads of heavy clothing so sweated more, the end result would simply be that that person lost more water, not fat.

    Hey, ummm... those people wearing those special sweat suits are MOST Likely CUTTING WEIGHT. "artificial" sweat is what people in many sports like wrestling, MMA, UFC or my personal sport... powerlifting do to meet weight classes. Get over the smart attitude about it. You don't know what other people are doing. That 'artificial" sweat session is SUPER hard to force yourself through. I've gone through two days of stuff like that. My boyfriend at 275 uses that method frequently to get down to 241. Its not "healthy" to stay dehydrated... but if done right is important to stay competitive at certain weight classes.

    Just because a lot of people do it, doesn't make it ok. Fact is, whatever your reason, forcing yourself to lose water weight is unhealthy. If people do it to get into weight brackets then there is a problem with the way the rules work imo.
    So I will continue to judge you and anyone else making themself sweat to lose weight as taking stupid risks with their health. It's my head and I'll think what I like. Ha.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I don't judge people in their workout clothes because mine are particularly cheap and ugly. lmao. I just have this one gym outfit that I wash all the time, consisting of my brothers old jogging bottoms which are covered in white splodges of paint because I also used them for decorating, and whatever baggy t-shirt I can find.

    I joined the gym on a whim back in november so I didn't really think about getting a proper set of work out clothes and as a poor student I don't want to spend money on new gym clothes. Maybe I will when I hit one of my goals though.