C25K Training Group: October 16 to December 4, 2011



    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 Complete! WOOOHOOOO!!!
  • dianerml
    dianerml Posts: 74 Member
    Did W1 D2 this morning and it went well. I'll be doing day 3 Saturday afternoon after work because my gym doesn't open early enough on weekends for me to get it done in the morning. Hope everyone is doing awesome!
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Week one done!! Had to do Day 2 and Day 3 tonight ( I am sure that is not recommended) due to inability to get to the gym rest of week/weekend. Praying i can get out of bed tomorrow. :)
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    W3D1 was a piece of cake today. The workout itself is actually shorter that the previous two weeks but you are running 3 minutes at a time. It was pretty easy and flew by. The only downside - it was a little colder than normal so I put on pants for the first time in a while and they started to fall off before the first run ended!

    Keep working hard! You can do this!
  • alhoward8
    W1D2 is in the books! My stamina was good, but my legs couldn't keep up... LOL My legs felt really tight and my shins were burning. I wasn't sure I would make it but I did.

    Does anyone know how to help with the shins? I don't want to end up with shin spints...
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Finished week 2 tonight!! Yay! Tomorrow is a rest day & then Week 3 begins (YIKES)!
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    Week 1 finished and ready for week 2 :o)
  • Jones4177
    Jones4177 Posts: 136
    Did Week 1 Day 3 yesterday, feeling good!!
  • wyangel
    wyangel Posts: 36
    I have that 'I Feel Good' song stuck in my head! Finished W1D3 at a higher pace than I started, so I'm very happy, and the scale was down. So it looks like it's going to be a great day! Hope everyone else has a great one and a great weekend. Now the battle begins for me - weekends are awful! But I'll check in for inspiration. Keep moving everybody!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    I managed yesterday to finish W4D2 without too much bother. I was glad when it finished - but generally II was very pleased with how it all went. I do day 3 tomorrow - then I am looking down the barrel of the dreaded week 5.
    Good job to all of those who are working their way through!
  • ktjones3
    I'll be doing W1D3 tonight. I might get a jump start on W2 over the weekend. Just signed up for my first 5K e v e r ! I'm really excited and hope I will be ready for it in December :)
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    Just completed the first week!!!! This run was so much easier than day 2. I think it might have been the weather. Am looking forward to Week 2!
  • Silentspring
    Finished week 1 yesterday. The 3rd day was much easier than the 2nd day. Am having a rest day today with pilates and boxing, and into week 2 tomorrow, Yay! Well done everyone on the completion of week one, and others who are ahead, you are our inspiration, so please keep letting us know what it's like.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    W3D2 done! It went so well that I threw in a few extra uphill sprints! Legs are still a little wobbly hour later but I feel great!

    Hope everyone has had a fun and productive day! Keep it up!
  • alhoward8
    I went to the gym to run this morning... I realized after I finished today's run it was NOT W1D3 like I thought, it was W1D2 (again). Grrr....

    I may go run tomorrow, but I don't want to run 3 consecutive days (which I will since I am planning on running Monday) I don't want to risk shin splints. Oh well, at least I ran!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Well - despite the rain my little dog and I bowled over day three of week - so happily we look to week 5 next week, I am trying my best not to be apprehensive.:smile:
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Ooooh! I would love to join you guys if I may. I started a little earlier, I was on week 5, day 2 Monday night(which was AWESOME! 8 min runs, 5 min walk, and it felt so empowering as someone who's never made it that far before!), but I was battling some shin splints, so I took the rest of the week off. I'm hoping I can get out tonight, but I'm going to backtrack a little bit and see how it goes. I'm starting week 5 over, so I'll start wk5, d1 tonight, and depending on how it goes, scoot up or down from there.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I went to the gym to run this morning... I realized after I finished today's run it was NOT W1D3 like I thought, it was W1D2 (again). Grrr...
    Hmmmm.... According to the app I use (C25KPro on my Droid) week 1 days 2 & 3 are exactly the same anyway. ? :)
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    Suffering with sing splints too, so my progress is going very very slowly unfortunately :(
    There are literally no parks or anything in my area either, so I'm having to run on hard surfaces.
    Hoping that they'll be feeling a little better to run on in a few days.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Jones4177
    Jones4177 Posts: 136
    Did Week 2 Day 1 yesterday....It was tough at first but I got thru it. Feeling really good about this.