C25K Training Group: October 16 to December 4, 2011



  • Silentspring
    W2D2 done. Looking forward to getting the next one done and starting on week 3 to amp up the distance a bit. Today was fun! I'm trying to do Kinect Your Shape in the days off, a little bit of boxing and pilates to keep me honest. If you fall behind, keep going, you will get there. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    W2D2 done and I pushed myself to run faster than I have done in the other workouts! I started off by telling myself that I would do the first run faster and then the next one slower. When I got to the next one I told myself "I can do this one faster and the next one slower". I carried on with this until I got to the last one when I was knackered and I told myself "if you could do all the others at that faster pace, your going to do this one also!" I was screaming at myself with 30 seconds to go, but I did it!
  • Jones4177
    Jones4177 Posts: 136
    Did my Week 2 Day 2 last Tuesday....was supposed to do my Week 2 Day 3 today but have to do tomorrow. I feel good about it. I've just been out of town.
  • ktjones3
    Starting week 3 today... Very nervous about it, but I know I can do it!
  • FLGatorGrl
    Would love to join this group. Tonight I am on W3D3 need the motivation and accountablity. Good Luck everyone.
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hope its ok if I jump in here too.... I've done W3D2 and about to do next one this morning..... I am really enjoying it but a bit scared about how I will cope with increasing the running in the next few weeks....can't really believe I will be able to run 5k in just over a months time!!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    I forgot to post after my last session- so here to report that I have just finished D2W5- so am feeling pretty pleased to have managed two 8 minute runs with a five minute walk in the middle. It went really well today although for some reason - my first day of the week was a real struggle and I could even feel it as I walked up a hill in my warmup period.

    For those of you who have said that you are worried by the five min runs ahead, try not to be as they are not as daunting as you think-just go really slowly and push through it. On the forum on the c25k website - they stress that if you need to go slow - then ust do it as the priority is continuing to run. It means that the distance covered is not great - but as we build up more endurance we can focus on speeding up and covering the distance. If I can do it all of you can. I am 55 years old - and have never run at all other then perhaps 20 metres to get out of the rain!!

    Keep going and good luck to everyone - I can't believe that I am actually really enjoying this:)
  • ktjones3
    Finished W3D1 last night. It didn't feel like I worked out that long. I was surprised how easy it was.. Trying W3D2 tonight :)
  • wyangel
    wyangel Posts: 36
    I went to the Taste of Home Cooking School last night, so got to be later than usual. It was hard to get up this morning at 5 to do my workout, but I did it! And of course I feel great for doing it! W2 done, bring on week 3! Oh, I went to www.runnersworld.com and looked up information on preventing injuries, and found some great stretches and whatnot to stay injury-free. I think they are helping me with shin splints and my knee. Check it out if you need to. Have a great weekend everybody!
  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    Hello everyone!
    So, today I completed week 1. Days 1 and 2 were much easier than I thought, and after the routine I threw an extra 5 min run at the end, just because I felt like I didn't go hard enough, but I don't want to skip weeks or anything. So I just ran as far as I could, which on day 1 was about 5 min, 5 seconds, and day 2 was 5 min, 35 seconds. Today was a hard day for me though. I went out last night and had a few cocktails and smoked a few cigs, so that's probably why. The interval runs weren't bad, but at the end when I decided to do a long run, I only went for about 2 and a half mins. I also think that I didnt drink enough water before I left, because all I could think about was how thirsty I was for almost the whole time. And I switched up my breakfast which prob didn't help. Hmm. Oh well. I still got out there, and it was cloudy which was nice. Tomorrow is rest day, which I'm sure my legs are excited for. This is what I did the last time I did c25k: I run all of the weeks in a row, then do my rest day. Basically all of week 1, rest, all of week 2, rest, etc. that way, if I have to skip a day or 2, it's not like omg I just missed 3 whole days in a row!

    Anyway. After this weekend I'm also doing No Drink November, which is going to be really hard for me but is the only way I'll ever quit smoking. So that should help with the running a lot too.

    Alright friends! I hope you're all doing wonderful! Keep calm, run on!!
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    W3D3 - done!!

    Not as bad as I thought it was going to be ..... walked on the beach this morning and even ran a little bit in the sand.

    I'm away for the weekend so won't get on to W4 until monday..... I am a bit nervous about the longer run.

    Have a good weekend all, Lisa
  • Silentspring
    Week 2 completed! I felt fitter and I ran further and faster with less exertion today. Can't wait for week 3, might even start it a day early! Got home to a yummy green smoothie, perfect start to the weekend.
    Keep up the hard work everyone
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    W4D1 done. Not sure that I am getting any faster, but I did have enough in the tank to do three or four more 90 second sprints at the end. I hope I am ready for my race in December and my time is not too embarassing!

    Keep up the great work and Happy Weekend!!!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I took the last 4 days off for what felt like a bad cold, but I stopped at the doctor today, and it is Strep. I thought I was going to have to skip another couple of days.... But I started the meds and started feeling a little better this evening, so I did go out! I was worried I'd have to backtrack more, but I just redid week 5 day 2, and it felt really good. I hopefully will be feeling good Sunday, and I'll probably re-do 5/2 again, then move up.
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    Week 2 finished today for me. Dreading week 3!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Well done to ktjones,wyangel,regina,lisa,realrayne, sara, silentspring and gail- you have all done magnificently!!!!
    I just managed to finish one of my main fears - W5D3- and had energy to spare at the end of it. I don't try to push it any further because at the old age of 55 I don't want to tempt fate - or worse damage/ injure myself in any way as I read in the C25K forums that you should be careful not to overdo it and place extra stress on your body.

    I am very very pleased with myself - I haven't run since I left school in the 1970s - and even then was amongst the group that only ran (even in cross country runs) when the teacher could actually see us. When out of sight we would relax and stroll in a leisurely manner- and have a great natter.

    With the 20 minute run under my belt - I now feel confident that I can actually finish this program. In saying this - I am running ever so slowly - but once again on the advice of the people on the C25K forums. From not on - I will slowly begin trying to work on my pace!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    That's awesome, Deb! I'm looking forward to (& not looking forward to...) that run!

    Good job Gail, too!
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    :( Am now a week behind (hope to do week two this coming week) due to sinus infection and bronchitis. But having this group is motivating me to want to get back at it SOON!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Finished week 3 now & I'm on day 2 of week 4 tonight. YAY for being 1/2 way done! I'm excited. When I was doing week 3 I was worried about distance, but now that I am on week 4 I feel like distance won't really be an issure.
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Well done to ktjones,wyangel,regina,lisa,realrayne, sara, silentspring and gail- you have all done magnificently!!!!
    I just managed to finish one of my main fears - W5D3- and had energy to spare at the end of it. I don't try to push it any further because at the old age of 55 I don't want to tempt fate - or worse damage/ injure myself in any way as I read in the C25K forums that you should be careful not to overdo it and place extra stress on your body.

    I am very very pleased with myself - I haven't run since I left school in the 1970s - and even then was amongst the group that only ran (even in cross country runs) when the teacher could actually see us. When out of sight we would relax and stroll in a leisurely manner- and have a great natter.

    With the 20 minute run under my belt - I now feel confident that I can actually finish this program. In saying this - I am running ever so slowly - but once again on the advice of the people on the C25K forums. From not on - I will slowly begin trying to work on my pace!
    Congratulations deb... great effort!

    I am going to do W4D1 tomorrow.... I'm a bit worried if I will be able to run for 5 minutes..... but I'm going to give it a go.... I'll keep you posted!
