C25K Training Group: October 16 to December 4, 2011



  • ktjones3
    I did W2D1 last night. It was tough the first run, but after that it was easy! I even did it twice :) Ready to do Day 2 today.
  • wyangel
    wyangel Posts: 36
    Did W2D1 this morning! I felt great, except for a little shin splint pain. It was a little hard getting out of bed this morning, but I feel great now! I just have to keep reminding myself of how it makes me feel afterwards, and that I'm accomplishing something. Keep going everybody!
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    Completed W2D1 tonight. Had to run on the treadmill instead of outside since I got a late start. Calf muscles are a little sore. Talked to my dad, track coach, and he said I was probably running to far forward. As in more on my toes instead of heal-toe. Good to know.
  • Silentspring
    I did w2d1 yesterday, which was pretty good considering NZ won the rugby world cup the night before and the party was bigger than New Years Eve! Am going to have to do tomorrow's run at 6am or 830 pm. Neither of those are very appealing!
  • nikkiloseit
    nikkiloseit Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry for the late update, I has a sort of trouble spot there for a second.

    However, I am on week2day1, and I feel fantastic! I have never been able to run as much as I had at one time practically in any point of my life! I am so excited to see where this adventure takes me, and I'm just going to keep at it and stay motivated with everyone!

    Much love, Nikki.
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Sorry I've been a bit quiet...been traveling. I did W2D1 today on the treadmill. Interestingly, I had some real shin-splint pain. Been running outside and did fine, today my left leg is screaming at me!! Go figure. Nothing to stop me though.

    Looks like all of you are doing really well. Keep it up all!
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    W3D3 tomorrow morning, hoping it is not too humid out. Great work everyone!!!
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    D1W2 done this morning and felt loads better for doing it! Made loads of excuses this morning as to why I couldn't do it but then gave myself a good talking to and just when out and did it!
  • ktjones3
    W2D2 Finished. Tonight I'll be doing W2D3 Then moving on to Week 3
    I'm sure I'm not supposed to run this much, but I don't have any pain when I do, and it makes me feel good so I'm going to continue to do it.
    Good work everyone!
  • cowgrl84
    cowgrl84 Posts: 75 Member
    Well, I initially joined this challenge and then fell a week behind because I ended up working 13+ hr days last week. Sooo, I finally completed W1D1 today...

    Ah well, better late than never!
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    Am I too late to join? I did W2D1 yesterday so the timing of this is perfect for me :happy:
  • nikkiloseit
    nikkiloseit Posts: 29 Member
    It is never to late to join! Glad for you to be a part of it! :)
  • nikkiloseit
    nikkiloseit Posts: 29 Member
    I just finished W2D2, and I feel amazing once again! It's like a high that I cannot get off of. I kinda wanna amp it up tomorrow, just a smudge. Let's see where this takes me! :p
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Just finished week 3 tonight. OMG-- every day of week 3 I struggled on the 3 minute runs, but I didn't give up...I just kept plugging away at it & I finished. I'm so nervous for week 4 (5 min runs start)! Wish me luck.
  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    Hi y'all!
    I know I'm a little late, I'm starting tomorrow (10/26), but is it okay if I post with you guys on this journey?
    I tackle C25K a little differently than most people do, and I'm also following a slightly different plan although the basic outline is the same. I think it's called 5K Runner. Something I downloaded on my phone. I like the way it's laid out a little better than C25K. I did get almost all the way through C25K earlier this year...the last day I did it was June 11, and I was on W7D1 and I dunno what happened, but I bailed. But I'm definitely ready to get into the groove of things again, and being a part of a community helped me soooo much last time, I've never gotten that far in a workout plan before.

    So can I join you? :)
  • wyangel
    wyangel Posts: 36
    W2D2 done! Yay! I feel great, and the scale is smiling (just a little, but it's smiling).
  • ktjones3
    W2D3 complete. I'm taking a day off today.. I think my legs will love me for that. I'll be starting Week 3 Thursday or Friday.
  • alhoward8
    :sad: I'm so behind!!! I haven't run since Saturday morning and now I am this nasty sore throat. I can breathe (no congestion) so I guess I shouldn't use that as an excuse... Hopefully this evening I can start week 2.
  • wyangel
    wyangel Posts: 36
    Hi y'all!
    I know I'm a little late, I'm starting tomorrow (10/26), but is it okay if I post with you guys on this journey?
    I tackle C25K a little differently than most people do, and I'm also following a slightly different plan although the basic outline is the same. I think it's called 5K Runner. Something I downloaded on my phone. I like the way it's laid out a little better than C25K. I did get almost all the way through C25K earlier this year...the last day I did it was June 11, and I was on W7D1 and I dunno what happened, but I bailed. But I'm definitely ready to get into the groove of things again, and being a part of a community helped me soooo much last time, I've never gotten that far in a workout plan before.

    So can I join you? :)

    I say welcome!
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    W2D2 done and I'm shattered. I think my endorphins lasted as long as it took me to walk from the treadmill to the changing room! I can't wait to reach the point when it's a good tired and not collapse-in-a-heap-and-whimper exhaustion.

    I've decided to do Jillian Michaels BFBM on my days in between, maybe with a bit of swimming every now and then, and possibly move on to Body Doctor (a UK gym programme) when Jillian starts to really annoy me. What's everyone else doing/planning on doing?