Autumn Leaves November '11 Challenge



  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    I haven't been able to do challenges this week. My husbands Grandmother had a stroke Monday. She is in the hospital.

    So sorry to hear about your husband's grandma. Stay strong and my prayers are with you.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    No miles yesterday or today, but yesterday I did Zumba and today I did my cardio kickboxing class. I love it so much I convinced the instructor to have it on Friday as well. WOOO HOOO!!

    I'm so close to Onederland I can feel it and I am determined to get there by Thanksgiving!!

    NSV: I took tags off a skirt I bought 5 years ago but could never wear and got so many compliments on it today!
    I'm so EXCITED!!!

    Wow Angel, you had a fantastic day. Good luck getting to onederland. With that attitude and your activity level, I am sure you will get there.

    I had a great day miles wise. I rode 10.5 miles on the bike today and then went for a 5K (3.1 mile) walk with the dog. I also did some strength training. I can't believe how much more energy I have now. Keep it going everyone. Have a great day.
  • alwaysangel
    Great job to you too carhicks!!
    Thanks for the compliment!

  • alwaysangel
    Anyone heard of the 17 day diet? There is a workout DVD that goes with it that is pretty amazing. A coworker brought it in for my exercise club today and we rocked it! Problem is I don't know how to log in my burn. It has it all, dance moves, cardio, and strength.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Hi All,

    Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I'm out visiting my folks and am a little limited to the online time.

    It really makes me smile to see the progress you girls are making! I'm so proud of everyone for pushing themselves, finding new ways to move, losing weight, running, strength training etc. Wow! You all are my heroes!

    No workout Tues on my travel day
    Wed- 45 minutes Cardio on treadmill, 45 minutes Strength Training at the Y
    Thurs- Long walk at the Lake, approx 2 miles....where le' dog rolled in many dead things. Barfaroni.

    Sherri, thinking of you and your hubby just now. Hope she's safely on the road to recovery. When the stress gets a little on the high side, take a moment for yourself and take little walks, even if it's just in the hospital hallways. It'll help you help your husband. Take care, we're all thinking of you.

    Signed up for my second 5K for this Sunday morning. I just read there are 1400 participants! Holy smokes, that's a lot of tennis shoes!

    Unless someone thinks we REALLY should move to a "group", I think we'll just stay here as we all know where to find us now. I am thinking of starting a challenge for December and will definitely slip that one into the 'groups' area. It's a nifty concept and one that allows various threads within one group.

    Ok, enough rambling. Happy Friday girl team!
  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 172
    Still going strong for this challenge! :) and i would totally join again if you did something for december..i would love that because this challenge keeps me held accountable.
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    Had a pretty good week, been working hard on cardio. I have a 3yr old daughter and I have started including her in my workouts. I life her for strength training she thinks we're just playing but I'm getting a workout. We also play the wii fit together sometimes. Can't wait to see this weeks results of my hard work.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Still visiting my folks, going back home tomorrow...tis nice to be here amongst my loved ones

    Here's my workout today at the Y with my Daddy:
    20 minutes Treadmill @ 3.5mph, 1.10miles
    45 Strength Training on Cybex Machines
    20 minutes Recumbent Bike doing HIIT, 3.98 miles

    As SOON as I get home I'll be logging my food intake again. I have been a big slacker this entire week about this. I'm feeling good about the exercise though. It's so easy to get into my old habits while here of not being active and fortunately, I've been active every day.

    Have a wonderful Saturday, ladies. Get out in the sunshine if you have it, get your move and your groove on! I'll be thinking of you!
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    Anyone heard of the 17 day diet? There is a workout DVD that goes with it that is pretty amazing. A coworker brought it in for my exercise club today and we rocked it! Problem is I don't know how to log in my burn. It has it all, dance moves, cardio, and strength.

    I would spit the total work out time between calisthenics and running/walking. This is how I log Jillian's videos like 30DS. My HRM gives me a total calories and I split the time up b/t cardio and strength to get the total calorie # the HRM gives me.
  • alwaysangel
    I will Definitely join your Dec. Challenge. How bout Holiday Hotties, or something like that.

    Thank you for this one. LOVE it!
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Hi girlies!

    Back home, dog is bathed, I am bathed and sitting in my easy chair. Life is good. Dog bathed? Absolute necessity after 2 walks at the lake in the past 3 days and 5 days of playing with my family's dogs made for one dirty girl! We literally got in the car from the lake to come home (wet and filthy) and she slept all the way here. When I looked at my seat, there was about 1/4 Cup of sand!

    4 mile walk at the lake with my sis and her boys and the 2 dogs. Plenty of dead fish for the dogs to roll in. Ugh! I couldn't be a dog!

    Tomorrow I walk my second 5k....and start logging my food again! This mini vacation had way too much sugar involved!
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 293 Member
    Its been a busy week and even busier weekend. Talk about needing a I haven't done any weight training or any other exercise for that matter this past week. I have been keeping it under calories though. I'm hoping the scale is still good to me tomorrow morning!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Well after a terrible weekend food and exercise wise I am almost back to what I weighed on Friday :grumble: Must try better this weekend!!

    So although I could have done better I still am happy to have already met my goal weight for November of 145lbs. So my revised goal weight is 140 :smile:

    Apart from the weekend I had a good week, did well with staying under calories and even managed to stop the night time snacking that has always been a big problem for me. Made it to the gym 3 times and completed Week 2 of C25K. This week has started off well too, gym yesterday morning and then started week 3 of C25K last night. Only problem was that after dinner and then going for my run I still had 1000 calories left to eat and am really trying to stay away from eating at night. I must remember to eat more during the day when I know I will be burning lots of calories.

    Taking it easy today, just going to take my boys for a walk to the park, I will wear my HRM, pushing twin 3 year olds in a pram can be a good calorie burn!!

    Good luck with weigh in eveyone :happy:
  • braves1girl
    braves1girl Posts: 189 Member
    Hey there leafy ladies! Hope everyone had a great week. Not sure what my numbers will show on the scale...when I travel, I retain water...even though I drink at least 2-3 liters a day! Anyway, just wanted to wish everyone the best for tomorrow! And I would love to join in a December Challenge! I never dreamed I would be getting in 15 miles a week, but so far so good...Best of luck to ya'll!
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Hey there girls!

    So good to read the reports from y'all. This being something we're all doing together for the greater good of ourselves makes it wonderful to hear how and what you're doing. Even if it's coming here for a wee confessional. Perhaps that's one of the best things...that we have a safe place where we can share and help take the guilt off our back...get up and go at it again the next day. I know after a week of being with my folks and being around (and eating) way too much sweeties that I need very much to come here and be honest with everyone.

    Even with the indulgences I still managed to hit the goals physically. Being accountable to everyone truly helps me stay on track.

    Today I joined a gym! I've been thinking and writing about it for a while and I finally did it. Through Costco you can get a 2 year membership to 24 Hour Fitness. It's about the best rate I've found for any gym so I finally did it. Got my 3rd strength training workout in there tonight, just under the wire!

    I don't imagine I will have lost any weight this week...and feel I may have gained, but I still feel good for all the exercise. I even walked my second 5K this weekend. I feel there may be a third one coming up!

    Best to you all as you weigh in! Remember, it's not the numbers that are truly important, it's how you're beginning to feel about yourselves for the good work you're doing!
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    i've just updated the spreadsheet

    i love what you said about it not being the numbers but how you feel, the numbers have been cruel to me - i've been juggling 4lb for months - but i am feeling better and fitter day by day
  • shadea4455
    shadea4455 Posts: 173 Member
    Just checking in this week... Hope everyone had a great week! My weight is still fluctuating and it's driving me crazy!! Every week I have a weigh-in on Friday where I usually post a low weight, then by Tuesday, it goes up two pounds! WTH. Overall, it is steadily going down, so I'll be thankful :) Had a sinus infection this week that took a toll on my miles and strength training, but managed to get my 3rd strength workout in this morning and did go over my 15 miles, but not over my 38 from last week! I'll bump those miles back up next week! Good luck to everyone with your weigh-ins today!! Oh and I will definitely join the December challenge too, I love that this one motivates me to get off my butt and get those miles in at the gym everyday!!

    Keep up the great work everybody!!
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 293 Member
    not sure how i pulled it off but i lost another 1.8 pounds. I was in shock. Now I have to kick it up a notch and get my strength training back in for this up coming week!!
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    I'm watching the numbers on the spreadsheet and I'm so happy for y'all. I know there are some of us who are losing slowly, and even gaining a little. Please, please, please don't let it discourage you. It's a hard hard thing to work at something and not quite see the results you want to see (I'm in that group!) BUT, think about how much better you're feeling for doing the work! Think of the days prior to now that you were not moving, not eating right, not aware...and how much guilt and denial weighed on your shoulders. How your health was going down, how your weight was going up, how your body hurt from the extra weight, how your clothes were too tight or they were all elastic. Those are times that we're moving past. What we're doing now is setting us up for positive things. Things like lowering or losing medication needs, clothes getting looser, feet feeling better, hands not feeling puffy from all the salt in processed food, mind being clearer, personality perking up, reaching out to our friends and family more. I could go on and on!

    My little tale is I've been stuck for a while weight wise. My measurements were down just a little this week, which is a victory. My clothes are looser. I'm mostly wearing 1x and 18-20's where I used to be wearing 2x and 22-24's. I am frustrated about the weight stalling like it is, but I also know there are reasons for it. Age...I'm 48, almost 49 and losing weight is going to take longer. Last week's food was probably over calorie limits, my choice entirely. There's a litany of reasons and going to choose to accept that this will be slow for a few basic concepts I'll explain below.

    Years ago a nutritionist told me that plateaus have a real physical reason. She said that because we lose fat, we also have to lose extra connective tissue and blood vessels that were used to support that extra fat. When our weight stalls, our body is absorbing that extra 'stuff'. It has to work hard to dissolve the unneccesary tissue and vessels. She said it's at this time that we need to work our hardest. She said it's typically going to happen after about 10-20 pounds lost. Our body will stall for a while, then it'll kick back into losing fat, stall again to absorb etc etc etc

    The other concept I've heard about is we should try to lose about 10% or ouf body weight, then spend 3-6 months just maintaining that loss. Then begin another thrust of losing and maintaining. Strange! It's something the "Cut The Fat" podcast discussed. I'll have to listen to it again to really catch just why it's so important. My mind is torn between wanting to DROP THE WEIGHT FAST and doing this the smart slow way....the tortoise way.

    All this blather to say, keep working at it girls. I'm so proud of you all and your successes and good things you're doing for yourselves!
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    This past week was great for me, I'm down another 3.4lbs and I'm excited. This challenge has helped me to stay focused, everyday is not great but I don't beat myself up I just jump back in to what I know I need to do.