Mommy's Losing It! (closed group)



  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Evening, Everyone,

    MFP and my doc set my calories for about 1250 everyday.

    Sample menu:

    Breakfast, almost every day of the week: old-fashioned Quaker Oatmeal, with 1 tsp of peanut butter stirred in. Tastes like desert for breakfast.

    Lunch--soup and/or salad. I also like fruit and yogurt.

    Dinner--salad, baked fish or chicken, lots of vegetables. And I always save room for a little desert, even if I go over my calories.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    It's Friday and it's weigh in day. I am at (drum roll, please) 150!!!

    This was my original goal when I started MFP back in April!! How I got here isn't story time material, but nonetheless, the weight is gone! Whoo hoo!

    I have been going back and forth about whether to add another 10# loss to my goal. Given that Thanksgiving and then Christmas are right around the corner, I'm going to amend my goals to just maintain my weight until January. If I can get through all the holiday parties without gaining weight, I will be far ahead of previous years.

    Everyone have a great weekend!
  • Jenners4
    Jenners4 Posts: 49 Member
    WooHoo !!!! Good for you. What a great accomplishment. Just goes to show that ..."you can do it"
  • Jenners4
    Jenners4 Posts: 49 Member
    weigh in ..... 141
    gained 1lbs ...

    Not going to stress about it, just going to work harder
  • sunflowertimes
    sunflowertimes Posts: 85 Member
    No weight change this week. Thankful that I didn't gain. I didn't make great food choices this week. I did stay close to my calories most days and still worked out 4 days. Not expecting a loss this next week given that I will be out of town with family during the thanksgiving holidays but if I can maintain this week I will be happy. Still going to workout, of course. Good luck to everyone this next week and have a restful and yummy Thanksgiving.

    BW: 163
    CW: 138.5 (no change)
    GW: 125

  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I've been Mia for awhile, been busy sewing, I am determinded to get something listed in my Etsy shop before Christmas if it kills me!!
    Anyways, I have been staying away from the scale lately, I don't think I've checked my weight for 3 weeks? I started lifting as heavy as I can, so I know betwen water retention for muscle repair and actual muscle gain I'm sure I've put on some weight. My clothes fit nice, so that's what I'm focusing on for now.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Topic of the week: What is your daily calorie intake target? Give an example of your food menu for one day.

    My daily goal is 1450, 30%carb, 30%protein, 40%fat. And I eat all my exercise calories back.
    Average daily menu:
    Post workout~
    1 scoop pure protein powder
    8oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk

    2 eggs scrambled
    1 1/2 cups tapinaki veggies with white sauce

    3oz salad made with red leaf lettuces and baby spinach
    1 hard boiled egg
    1.5 oz deli ham
    1/3 cup shredded cheese
    2T newmans own olive oil & vinegar
    16oz crystal light

    Afternoon snack~
    1 scoop protein powder
    80z almond milk

    4 oz Grilled chicken breast
    1 1/2 cups veggies (anything but corn)
    1/2 cup of a starch (might be rice, potatoes, or corn whatever the family wants)
    maybe a dinner roll or biscuit if my carbs have been really low.

    I usually don't eat dessert, but if I do it's always some kind of fruit. I love a grilled peach topped with ginger snap crumble!! Can't wait til peaches are in season again. OOoo, or fresh blueberries with coolwhip, yum!!!
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    Still the same. Im hoping for a loss next week but it is tom for me. Atleast I didn't gain. Happy weekend everyone :)
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    Hey ladies I actually made a real group for us. Please join that group if you would like.

    Here is the link
  • trickerson
    I would love to join this group. I am mariied and a mother of 3 daughters. 17 yrs 6 yrs and 3 yrs old. I drive a city bus in Las Vegas 40+ hrs a week. I have a very busy sachedule between my activities my girls' activities and my husband's. I have a very supportive husband but i need more support friom women who know how i feel the struggles i face and understand when i want to give up. I have no problem with the eating part i eat pretty healthy and can stay on track with my calorie intake but my exercise is where i slack off... would love to join this group