200+ Sheddin' the Stuffin



  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Three packages of fun for me, Pam. Peanut M&Ms, Almond Joy, and Starburst.

    Also... is it just COMPLETELY wrong that I really, really want a McRib and am trying to work it into my calories tomorrow?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Just popping in to say I'm almost packed... The final laundry is in the washer... The cat sitter coming over for training tonight and I've been challenged to do the ***** Cat Dolls workout with them. I've already done a half hour LIA with mom (I'm using the abbreviation to save typing)... Eating has been so-so... I've been limiting myself to 2 or 3 pieces of candy a day (120 cal total) but fell off the logging wagon this week. I'm stuck on what to take for working out - should I run or take DVDs? My friend would probably try the DVDs with me but running burns more cals... I could do both but don't see having the time for both... Sighs. We've decided to carry stuff on rather than check-it... Which means no hair products. I'm fretting already. I know there are stores there to buy stuff and it would be cheaper than the $25 to check the bag.

    Amy - what happened with Loki?

    Jessie - good luck at the doctors.

    Congrats to all with NSV!!! and weight loss for the week!!!

    Hosanna - good luck on the house buying. We looked at 50 before we fell in love and put a bid in. Lacey is right - when you find the right place, you just know and it will all work out. Getting the mortage approved should have caused me to lose 50 pounds since they made us jump through so many hoops. The funniest thing was - the loan went through on my salary alone and the closing people pulled me aside to let me know I didn't have to put my husband on the paperwork. Michigan is one of the few states that if a couple gets divorced and the husbands name is not on the loan, she gets the house free and clear. I opted to put him on the paperwork anyways. I've no plans to divorce anytime ever.

    Jenn - loved your checkbones!!!

    Amy - you look sexy!!! You may need to troll some threads about people losing the last 20 to 30 pounds to see what their advice is.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Rikki - Way to go on the inches lost!! That's an awesome achievement!

    RainSarah - Awesome job increasing your water! Eventually you get used to it!

    Pam - AWESOME NSV!! :happy:

    Amy - Your costume is adorable!

    Lacey - I miss nights out with the girls too. I really think i just miss having 'the girls' to have a night out with. Isaac and i were having a small spat last night (just about our opinions on renovating) and suddenly it became about the fact that i have no friends... The connection between the two made sense to me. I do miss having a big group of friends to hang out with, but i do have to keep reminding myself that really, even when i had it, it was only really a "big group of people i know who don't REALLY give a crap about me"... But still... i digress...

    Thanks everyone for the happy thoughts about the houses! It's doing my head in but it's kinda fun, and we're learning all sorts of lessons. I have a good feeling we'll be homeowners by the end of the month.

    Now, possible ***********TMI ALERT***************

    Anyone who's been around for a few challenges and has followed the story of my fiance's painfully low libido will hopefully see why this is such an important thing that i absolutely MUST tell you girls about it...

    Last night i was pestered for LIA for the first time EVER!!!!!!! I was asleep when Isaac came to bed, and half woke and curled up for a cuddle... and he was clearly up for it and i was like "baby i'm so tired..." so i rolled over and intended to go back to sleep... But he was persistant, and really it was awesome and i eventually woke up and all was good... I'm somewhat amused, because it's also the first time i've ever tried to get OUT of sex hahaha. But it's such an awesome indication of his progress (mainly with the anti-depressants i think). ALSO, this makes TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW. I don't remember the last time that happened EVER!

    I'm so happy!

    ***************TMI OVER***************

    Love you girls, hope you have a good day!
  • az82
    az82 Posts: 152
    Hey ladies,

    I just wanted to check in. I know I'm one of the newbies that joined the group and then just disappeared - not my intention at all! I was going to try to read through all the posts to add to the conversation, but I got a bit overwhelmed to tell you the truth. So I thought I'd just make this one about me again and then hopefully do a better job of adding to the conversation the next time around.
    The reason I've been MIA since my first post is because I went home (to Indiana from Boston) for almost a week to try to hammer out some wedding details with the folks. Being home is stressful and definitely not conducive to sticking with my weight loss goals. Add trying to plan a wedding to the mix, and well... I'm actually proud of myself for not completely failing.
    My mother is an amazing cook and since I don't get to eat her cooking all that often, it is really hard to say no. She also never measures anything so trying to figure out the number of calories a dish has is next to impossible so I had to guesstimate calories - but I guess it is a NSV to say that I even bothered to try logging in my calories at all.
    I tried to stay good and I ate pretty well the first two days - kept my portion sizes down at least. I also worked out 4 of the 6 days I was there - and finished week 3 of C25k! BUT I also ate a lot of crap (delicious, amazing crap) that definitely killed any progress I would've made with my workouts. I weighed myself this morning and I gained a pound - at 232 now - so I guess I should be happy it wasn't worse but I hate seeing the scale move in that direction.
    Now that I'm back though, I really want to refocus - but I'm struggling. I ate pizza last night along with way too many mini 3 musketeers and a giant eggplant parm sub this afternoon for lunch. I haven't had time to go grocery shopping since I've been back and I've obviously been using it as an excuse to go crazy. Hopefully tonight I'll be able to squeeze in some time and get back on track tomorrow.

    Oh and just a few individual responses -

    Navajoon - mmm... a mcrib sounds amazing. I definitely don't see anything wrong with having one if you can work it in.

    Lacey - have you finished Dance with Dragons yet? I finished it on the plane - and am not quite sure how I feel about it to be honest. I love the series, but after all the build up, I'm a bit disappointed. Still can't wait for the next one though!

    Also, I've got a question for those of you who use workout videos/ wii games / etc - I live on the third floor of my apartment building and I worry about jumping up and down doing workout at home because I don't want to annoy the people who live below me. Before I moved to this new place I had started doing the 30 day shred - but I don't feel comfortable doing jumping jacks in my apartment. Does zumba (which I've never done) require a lot of jumping? I was thinking about getting it for the wii. Or any ideas on other videos that won't make the floor shake too much?

    Anyway, hope all of you had lovely halloweens - especially if you have little ones and were able to take them trick-or-treating!

    - Ami
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    AMY, OMG THAT DINNER...!!!! I just finished it and already can't wait to eat the leftovers for lunch. So good!! Thanks again!

    Hosanna, yay for the LIA two days in a row!! Fantastic!

    Ami, I do Zumba on Kinect and it doesn't have much jumping. You should be okay with that one!

  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Pam - :happy:

    Ami - Wii zumba doesn't have much jumping either. It should be fine for an apartment block!
  • jessicae1aine
    Didn't read anything, just here for a sec, but OMG! BEST. NSV. EVER. I was going to call the doctor today to set up yet another gyn appointment, but I forgot when things at work got irritating... and guess what?! TOM STARTED!!! HOLY EFFING GOODNESS I'M SO EXCITED!!!!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Woohoo, Jessi!!!!
  • hkallembach
    I can not focus. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Guess who volunteered to go first for an informative speech tomorrow about 5 minutes long? Sweet. Plus, the instructor changed my topic on me on Monday. Yay. School is taking over my life so individual responses aren't happening at the moment in time. Sorry.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Holy moly. Today has been MENTAL!!

    Morning walk - check.
    Superwoman-gym-session - Check.
    House offer in - Check.
    Change of dress fitting organised for Saturday - Check.
    Attempting to find poeples' houses to stay in Adelaide - Check.
    Meeting with wedding Minister organised for Friday - Check.
    Bedroom and Bathroom cleaned - Check.


    Still have to take the dogs for their vaccinations at 4pm, make tea, hang out the washing and pack for the weekend in Adelaide. ARGH! This is what happens when i work six shifts straight!!
  • qofsheba
    Katheryne.: You can get an extender for the WII leg strap--it is really just two-way velcro. For the WII Zumba the waste strap is bigger than the Wii leg strap and will work with the same Velcro extender. I got mine from Game Stop online. However, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use the Zuma with the controller and belt. The controller doesn't seem to pick up anything. Might be because I bought an off-brand. Anyway--just got it and am still trying to figure it all out. I do like the exercise.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Lisa: definitely need to stick to one scale when weighing and I hope you are having a better week:flowerforyou:

    Teo: Welcome. Hope you are over your sickness and yeah - we all have trouble staying 'on the wagon' but these ladies are great at being there with a helping hand

    Megan: yeah for a trip paid for by work!!!!!

    Kiki: glad scale was nice to you this time - will probably (although as we all know - not always) reflect your wekk so yeah!!!!

    Hoseanna: pleased to hear your friend is feeling better and :flowerforyou: for completing your six shifts xx

    Victoria: looking forward to your return but have a great, great week xx

    Lacey: hope your little princess has calmed from her candy revenge and that you got your phone sorted. Well done for loggin your food and, did the dress fit????

    Sarah: are you okay lady - sounds like life is being just a tad too demanding??

    Sheba: glad the advice helped and you started downward again - keep it up xx

    Amy: love your photos - really must get organised and post some - love seeing everyones elses.

    Pam: Really felt for you on your Tuesday morning - hope wednesday is proving less stressful!!!!

    Rain: awesome on your run - repeating a week is fine - you is still doing it lady :smile:

    Kerry - yeah for Chris wanting to work out - could you send him over here to encourage mine??? Sounds to me like you might not settle until you have given a full marathon a try?????? Oh and please add - tupid shepherds pie; stupid apple crumble; stupid custard; stupid biscuits to your list.....

    Okay - attempt two of catching up - still not there - page 10 next time then only one more page to go.......but need to shower as I'm already heading on being late for work - not good!!

    Again - if you have fed back on any of the things I have commented on - bigs apolos - have a great Wednesday xx
  • qofsheba
    How do i add the custom message or starting weight/goal weight or whatever that appears after the Ticker or the reply?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Checking in for Tuesday: 2825 cals burned/ 1869 cals eaten/ 956 calorie deficit.

    Sheba: under the community tab, choose signature and you can edit the stuff you want in your signature right there.

    Hosanna: Wow, busy day! I totally dig your TMI - it's awesome!!!

    Hailie: What's your speech about?

    Jessi: It seems weird to be happy about your TOM, but - given the circumstances - i'm happy for you.

    Pam: I'm seriously so happy you liked the chili and pumpkin cornbread!!!! I am making seitan hot "wings" tonight from the recent issue of Vegetarian Times, if it works out (you never know with faux meats), I'll give you the recipe.

    Ami: I'm only about halfway through with Dance With Dragons so don't tell what happens. Also, there really is no jumping around with Zumba, so I'm sure that your neighbors wouldn't hear you.

    Victoria: The lady who met Loki originally said she'd love to take him and then emailed me to ask if they could think about it until Thursday. I thought they would be a great family for him but I don't really think they're gonna take him now. I've had a couple other emails about him but I've kind of put those people off until I know what this lady is gonna do. It's been a big PIA, I so regret getting this dog!

    Nava: I think if you work a McRib into your calories, then you are good to go.

    Lacey: I miss girls' nights out too. Although, now that The Kid is pretty self sufficient we have a compromise. We go over to our friends' house, break open fabulous wine and sit outside and enjoy it until the sun comes up (while the kid passes out on the couch). It isn't dancing all night, but it's something.

    This morning I did my Dance Central 2 video game for exercise. It was a super-fun way to start the day. Now I have seitan hot "wings" marinating and school work to do before The Hubbs comes home and I can get my P90X workout in. Have a great day, everyone!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Well, the dogs are su fficiently traumatised by their visit to the vet. Alex doesn't know if he's arthur or martha. But they were so good and the vet loved them. Our bank account is crying though... ... $400 to vac cinate and heart worm treat. Ugh.

    In other totally awesome news... THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW??? Who IS this man? I'll keep him though! :wink:
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Jenn: yeah on the weight loss. Keep it up lady xx

    Katheryne: don't you just hate it when anyone does that - I spent ages trying to log into a website this morning - my boss takes over and gets in first time :grumble: Hope your day is full of better choices today xx

    Jessie: hope your day is better today. Sorry test outcome not as wanted - and goodluck with finding help and yeah for your NSV x

    Keshia: good luck :wink:

    Kendal: love your five week story. Have things settled down a bit for you?

    Amy: you are not at all competetive then????????:laugh: Glad you like your new game. Sorry that things are so not right with Loki - and no it doesn't sound too positive with this family either - let's hope what ever they are hanging out for sorts itself xx

    Pam: you paint such glorious picture of a girlie night out - now I know why I never really got into all of that - ever!!!!

    Ami: welcome back - jump straight back on the wagon - you have a wedding to 'go to'........

    Haillie: glad you still around girlie - good to hear from you - hope school going okay :flowerforyou:

    Yeah - I've caught up.

    To catch up on me: things trundling along as always - update my 100 day challenge: 31/39 - good food choices; 36/39 - reading; 32/39 - exercise and 28/39 - productivity (now, if only reading burnt calories....)

    Getting into the 6 week 6 pack with Gillian and Hubby says he is noticing a difference - yeah - let's hope it lasts.

    Need to decide on a plan for first two weeks of New Year - exercise and food - any ideas??

    Now, back to work xxx
  • az82
    az82 Posts: 152
    Ok, I know I missed a lot - but here's my attempt at catching up:

    Hosanna - woo hoo! three nights? I think I'm jealous!

    Amy - I won't share any of the details for Dance with Dragon, I promise. :) And btw - I love that you have a Neil Gaiman quote in your signature. Also, are you a vegetarian? I'm not anymore, but I was for a long time. One of my fave recipes comes from vegetarian times - it's a stuffed peppers and quinoa and absolutely delicious. If you're into that kind of thing, I totally recommend googling it.
    Also, about more LIA on days I work out with the SO - not so much. I certainly wish that were the case though!

    GonnaDoItJenn - that's a fabulous NSV - I love the fact that my cheek bones are starting to come back too!

    Lacey - I've never tried Paleo, and it seems like you have already have a lot of info about it - but if you are looking for a good community to ask questions and learn more about how other people do it, you might check out - http://www.reddit.com/r/paleo - they have a pretty active board and they have a FAQ section that might help you out too.
    Also, I know what you mean about missing the days of getting drunk and rowdy with the girls - as well as throwing back irish car bombs. I miss being drunk and rowdy in general. I miss having girl friends who I want to go out with at all - all my friends seem to be scattered all over the world. I don't have any kids yet - but even without, I seem to have lost my ability to just let loose.

    Rainvc - drinking enough water is hard! I bought a liter camelbak water bottle though and I find that it makes it easier to get more water down - I think it's because of the straw. Maybe it makes me weird, but somehow, when I drink from a straw, I am able to get more down. Oh, and I count tea as water too.

    Kiki - congrats on the 75lbs! That's an awesome achievement!

    Pam - reading through your posts - wow you really do a lot of different workouts! I love the variety! What's your favorite? And how was your sewing class? Congrats on the NSV size 16s! I can't wait until I drop a size or two (or five)! Also I LOVE the Walking Dead. Although, I can't believe they can get away with some of that stuff on cable!

    Katheryne - I'm with ya on the movie prices - it's absolutely ridiculous! The SO and I almost never go anymore because its not worth it! When I was in Indiana last weekend I noticed that its almost $5 cheaper than here in Boston. Nothing I wanted to see was playing at a time that I could go to, but I almost went to anyway just because it felt so much cheaper. Oh, and I'm definitely jealous LIA activity with your hubs - I'm just engaged and we don't come anywhere close to that.

    Keshia - any luck finding those pumpkin bars? Do you live anywhere close to a trader joes? I found them there. And the best part is they are only a $1 a piece which means I definitely stocked up on them!

    Erin - congrats on the 3lbs lost! That's awesome! I HATE wearing heels and my feel always end up hurting after I wear them for too long. I get in these little kicks where I think if I just wore them more often, they would hurt less - it never works for me. I am so jealous of ladies who can wear them on a regular basis.

    Megan - sorry to hear about your breakup. I know how easy it is to just give in to the junk food and laziness after one - and last time, I gained 30 pounds after getting my heart broken. Good for you for trying to stick with it and using exercise to help. It takes a lot of strength but it sounds like you got it under control.

    Nava - I love London! I'm sure you are going to have a great time there! Oh and way to improvise a halloween costume - it sounds quite creative.

    Megan - a paid for trip to Colorado? That sounds awesome! I've never bee skiing before either but it's something I've always wanted to do- you'll have to let me know how it goes. Also, I have a love/hate relationship with the "in 5 weeks" thing - I love it when it tells me I'm gonna lose a ton of weight - I hate it when it doesn't. I never keep track of it though so I don't know how accurate it is either.

    Kerry - wow, I can't even imagine running a maraton right now. Granted, I'm still struggling to run five minutes and the idea of running a full marathon seems outrageous. But since you've conquered the half marathon - my two cents is that you should go ahead and try for the full marathon - why not? It might be good to work towards the goal. But then again, 13 miles is an incredible feat so congrats on that!

    Jessi - yay for TOM!

    In other news...
    I totally failed at week 4 day 1 of C25k this morning. I was doing alright up until the last five minute run. I just felt really nauseous and tired had to slow down to a walk. I couldn't even bring myself to jog slower. But I know that I just have to fight through it. I am gonna run again on Friday and then on Sunday. If I have to, I'll just repeat this week until I can do it. Also, I made it to the grocery story last night and am back to planning out my meals. No more eating out or eating junk - hopefully, I can stay good until thanksgiving now.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ami: I am a vegetarian (although I do occasionally eat fish to up my protein). I love Vegetarian Times, I'll have to look for the stuffed peppers recipe. Thanks!

    Annette: OMG, I am ridiculously competitive. The Hubs refuses to play Uno with me (it's a card game, not sure if they have it in the UK). I like winning.

    Hosanna: The vet can be so expensive! It's awesome that you have your pups all taken care of though. A healthy pup is a happy pup!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Annette- no, things haven't settled down yet. If anything, things have been added to the list of life stressors. But God thinks I'm strong enough to handle it all, so He's gotta be right, right?? lol

    I ran week 1 of c25k last night (90 second walking, 60 seconds running intervals). My first jog I started at 5.5 on the treadmill and that was my slowest jogging speed. By the time I got to my last run (there were 8 running sections), I ran at 6.5. That's a 9:13 mile, and even though it was only a minute, I was incredibly happy about that. The downside is I couldn't sleep last night cause my hips were uncomfortable. I'm a freakin zombie today. My work friend thought my eye liner had fallen under my eyes and was trying to wipe it off for me. When she couldn't remove it, I looked in a mirror and was like "yeah, that's just my bags" lol

    anyways, got lots to do at work today, plus we are still on major overtime....trying to find a balance to get a decent amount of overtime in while having enough time to cuddle with Mr. Reunion every night.
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    I love reaching Wednesday, because I always feel like I've gotten the hardest bits over with (though sometimes that's not really true!)

    Amy- I would love to try the Xbox Kinect. I don't know anyone who has one, but it sounds like tons of fun and would eliminate the need for remotes and the like.

    Pam- It's definitely my goal to be under 200 by Christmas. I feel like that would be a great way to spend the holidays. Unfortunately carbs and sweets are my weakness.... and both seem to be in abundance around the holidays. Yikes. But I'm definitely pushing to get (and stay!) there by Christmas. Is that your goal too?

    Annette- Congrats on doing 6 week 6 pack. Jillian is one tough cookie. Have you done the 30 Day Shred? I'm just wondering how the two compare.

    Nava- Mmm McDonalds. I definitely love their french fries. They are sooo horrible for me, but sometimes I just go for it..lol. Then I force myself to drink a ton of water to flush out the sodium and spend an extra 20 on treadmill. ick. Enjoy the McRib if you decide to fit it in :)

    Hosanna- House hunting seems like so much fun. I love to watch House Hunters on HGTV. I can imagine that it's super stressful, but when you finally find a place of your own that you love, I'm sure it'll be worth it We're cheering for you! And 3 nights in a row.... WOW! Consider me impressed :wink:

    Ami- There's something about going home to the midwest that makes you forget allllll about eating well. lol. I'm originally from the Chicago area and anytime I go home, I eat horribly. My grandmother is an amazing cook and I have yet to find the will power to say no to her homemade rolls and cakes :) I'm so glad that you've gotten back into your routine so quickly! Good luck this week with C25K. I can only imagine how tough week 4 is, but it'll get easier!

    Jessi- Yay for TOM!!!!! Super exciting :)

    Hailie- I completely understand what you mean by school consuming your life. This semester is starting to get really tough, but the good news is that it's almost over (November already!!) My professor just asked me to teach one of the undergrad courses and I'm petrified! Each section of the course has 150 students :noway:

    As for me, I'm drowning in a sea of school work, but doing well otherwise. I hopped on the scale this morning and it said 212.6!!!! eeeep! I was super excited to see the number go under 213. I'm definitely one of those people who weighs themselves everyday (which I know probably isn't the best practice) but I only record what I see on my official weigh-in day. Hopefully I can hold on to that 212 number or maybe push it a little lower by Sunday.

    Cheers to you all!

This discussion has been closed.