Biggest Loser Challenge - Team 3

Here we go Team 3...a Place to Chat


  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    OK we need a Team name any suggestions? Team Sizzle, Team Victorious Secret, Team e-LEMON-ators, Team Viscious and Delicious, Team Gym Class Heroes, Red Hot Oompa-Loompas

  • StephyGetsFit
    Haha. Those are such cute suggestions. I'm never that creative.
    I like Team Victorious Secret. :P
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I second Team Victorious Secret :o)
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Are we supposed to submit today's weight...or tomorrows?

    Do you guys have an idea of how many calories you can commit to each week?
  • StephyGetsFit
    I think tomorrow's.

    My daily MFP burn goal is 250, so I should be able to get AT LEAST that, but I'm aiming for more usually. This week is a bit scattered for me unfortunately because I'm travelling, but I'm gonna do what I can do get a good burn in.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I started doing 3 mile walk/runs and I usually burn about 500-600 and I'm hoping to also do the 30 day shred. That burns about 230 for me. So I'm aiming for 800/day.

    I'm trying to lose at least 10 lbs by December 9th. It's my sons first b-day and I want to look better in pics
  • StephyGetsFit
    I'm also hoping to start the 30 DS, but that probably won't become a regular thing until next week unfortunately.

    My goal is to lose ~20 lbs by Christmas...

    Anywhere between 10 - 15 by the 9th and I'd be happy.
  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    If everyone likes the " Team Victorious Secret" we will go with that:) Glad you like some of my ideas it was fun:)

    I usually burn around 800 exercise cals a day. I belong to an all women fitness center and we do Zumba, Kickboxing, Yoga , Bootcamp etc it is a lot of fun.

    So we submit our weight Monday morning? I have hit a wall in the weight loss but hopefully this will shake it up a bit.

    So do we have a volunteer for the team leader???? Not Me please

    Good luck ladies and happy exercising.

  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    Oh and I sent our Team name in to "DrG3n3"

  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    What is 30 DS??
  • StephyGetsFit
    30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels.

    The videos are online if you're interested.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I will be captain. I don't mind it.

    Has anyone heard from our other team member?

    My weight is actually up a few pounds. I have really slacked the last few weeks so tomorrow I will see what my weight is. I'm anxious
  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    Thanks for taking on team Captain! No I have not heard from our other team member, I did send hr a message this morning.

    I think my weight is up a bit also I caught a crappy cold a few days ago and not much motivation.
  • StephyGetsFit
    I've been messing around with my intake so I'm not sure what's going on with my weight. I won't be able to weigh in until at least 3 either so I might be a bit bloated compared to what I'd be in the morning....
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I will email her hmmmm...I wonder at what point we request a new member? Maybe she doesn't get on the computer on the weekends. I don't think I sent her the link to the thread. I will send her another email and see what's up.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Do u guys have heart rate monitors? I got one not to long ago and I totally love it. I have the polar ft4. It helps me push myself to my calorie goal when I can see it as I'm earning it
  • StephyGetsFit
    I don't just because I can't afford one at the moment. It's on my list of things to buy one of these days though.
  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    Yes I have a heart rate monitor and I also bought a Fit Bit that is really great for tracking calories burned steps taken miles walked etc.

    I quit smoking 2 months ago so with my non smoking money I am using to buy cool toys for me:)

    I think if we do not hear from our other teammate by tomorrow we should request a new one. I saw on the thread that there are a few on the waiting list.
  • mylife33
    Hi everybody! My name is Sally. Sorry I was MIA all day.......traveled to Chicago and back today for some family stuff..........but did great with food!! I am ready to go!!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Yay! Our team is complete :)