Biggest Loser Challenge - Team 3



  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    Oh SWEET!!! Welcome Sally:) Our team is "Team Victorious Secret" hope that's OK.

    Have a great Monday

  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92

    My starting weight this AM was 139

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Great! Mine was 200.4 ....that's up 3lbs from a few weeks ago but down 6lbs from 2 days ago....crazy water weight!

    I didn't get my run in this morning. My baby didn't let me get much sleep....hopefully I can get it this evening!

    Ladies it turns out we weren't the only team to submit Victorious the end of the day we need a new name. I'm gonna try to use the creative side of my brain to some up with some more options :) you guys submit anything u like!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Also I was thinking it would be good to submit calorie burn at the end of each day. I'm thinking that will help keep us accountable. I will keep a spreadsheet totalling up everyone's individual burn and team burn.

    Let's do this ladies! Definitely don't want to be eliminated first!
  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    I got another email from the gal that started this and she said the other team changed there name. Can you double check this?

    Yes I think it is a great idea to put our calorie burn in daily.

    My plan for tonight is 1 Zumba class and 1 Kickboxing class.

    Hang tough ladies we can do this:)

    Thanks for taking this on TB

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Last I talked to her was about I'm assuming we still need to change. I think she may be having a hard time getting organized because I emailed her that I was captain and in the very next email she told me to report my weight to my leader. So I don't know if she's got everything straight
  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    The last note I got from her was 10 last night and she had said team 7 changed there name. No biggie we will just pick a different one.

    I am sure this first week will be a little nuts for her till she gets her paperwork straight.

  • mylife33
    Options we turn in our calories burned daily here as well as on our own page? And how about weight? I woke up this morning ready to go! I have usually a 1/2 hr break in between clients so I plan on walking for 15 to 20 minutes many times throughout my whole day and then still do my am and pm dvd's! Oh.....and any name will do! We're winners no matter what they call us! :)
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Yes submit your daily calorie burn here and todays weight. Future weigh ins will be sundays.

    If everyone puts there info here daily then I can keep track.
  • StephyGetsFit
    Weighed in at 217 just now. 2 lbs down from last week. Woo!
  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    Great job Steph!!

    Sounds like we can keep the same team name. Team 7 picked a different name.

    Off to go work out I will post my burn numbers later

  • StephyGetsFit
    776 cal burn.

    Though most of this week will not be like that because I'm travelling.
  • judyw51
    My calorie burn today was 726.

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My burn was a little low today. 272

    Had a lot going on
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My burn was a little low today. 272

    Had a lot going on
  • mylife33
    Options goes!
    This morning weight was 334.5lbs
    Started walking on my many breaks during the day for 10 -15 minutes each walk totaling 75 minutes AND did my usual 30 minute aerobics DVD tonight for a total burn of 1494 cal's.

    Dang!! I better lose weight with this challenge! I usually grab a snack or play on-line during my 1/2 hr breaks between clients!
    All this walking sure made my day go by fast though!

    GREAT DAY EVERYBODY!!! :happy:
  • judyw51
    Good job Sally!! Yes walking during your breaks is huge! I started doing that when I first started exerciseing and it was amazing on how fast the caloires burned up. Great way to keep from snacking too. For me it was so I did not go out for a smoke!! I kicked that habit also.

    Remember to drink tons of water, and don't cheat yourself with NOTeating enough that will backfire on you also.

    Keep on trucken you will win this battle:)

  • mylife33
    Thanks Judy! I have been drinking tons of water! And as for not eating enough............I really do not want to eat back all my calories that they give me from the calories burned so I will really try to keep my protiens up and in check so it doesn't backfire! I'm sure I'll need some adjustments as I go along because I am usually not one for so much exercise.... but hopefully I'll see the rewards and change that, too!

    Have a great day team 3!

    Off for a walk! Catch you all later!

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Way to to Sally! That's an amazing burn.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    As a team we had a total burn of 3265 yesterday!