Biggest Loser Challenge - Team 3



  • judyw51
    judyw51 Posts: 92
    Great job Steph!!

    Sounds like we can keep the same team name. Team 7 picked a different name.

    Off to go work out I will post my burn numbers later

  • 776 cal burn.

    Though most of this week will not be like that because I'm travelling.
  • My calorie burn today was 726.

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My burn was a little low today. 272

    Had a lot going on
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My burn was a little low today. 272

    Had a lot going on
  • goes!
    This morning weight was 334.5lbs
    Started walking on my many breaks during the day for 10 -15 minutes each walk totaling 75 minutes AND did my usual 30 minute aerobics DVD tonight for a total burn of 1494 cal's.

    Dang!! I better lose weight with this challenge! I usually grab a snack or play on-line during my 1/2 hr breaks between clients!
    All this walking sure made my day go by fast though!

    GREAT DAY EVERYBODY!!! :happy:
  • Good job Sally!! Yes walking during your breaks is huge! I started doing that when I first started exerciseing and it was amazing on how fast the caloires burned up. Great way to keep from snacking too. For me it was so I did not go out for a smoke!! I kicked that habit also.

    Remember to drink tons of water, and don't cheat yourself with NOTeating enough that will backfire on you also.

    Keep on trucken you will win this battle:)

  • Thanks Judy! I have been drinking tons of water! And as for not eating enough............I really do not want to eat back all my calories that they give me from the calories burned so I will really try to keep my protiens up and in check so it doesn't backfire! I'm sure I'll need some adjustments as I go along because I am usually not one for so much exercise.... but hopefully I'll see the rewards and change that, too!

    Have a great day team 3!

    Off for a walk! Catch you all later!

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Way to to Sally! That's an amazing burn.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    As a team we had a total burn of 3265 yesterday!
  • Wow!
    We almost collectively lost a pound. Good job guys!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    I got our tracking sheet put together today :o) Feeling good and organized and ready to really burn it up.

    I contacted the leader to confirm if we need a name change or not. If we have to change it I told her to just make us Team Sizzle...cuz we need to burn it up :o)

    On a different note...I ate 300 calories in candy this morning...I couldnt resist. But thats ok...I am just going to make better choices on my other foods through the day. I dont expect it to make me go over my calorie goal, especially once I go burn it up on the track.
  • Great job on getting job on getting the spreadsheet and getting us organized!

    The Halloween candy is hard to pass up I grab a Reese PB cup myself it was good!

    I left a whole bowl of candy out for the little kids to help themselves and they took all that plus the bowl I had the candy in!! Glad they left the chair:)

    Well I am off to strength training and Zumba
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Have fun! I'm really wanting to try zumba
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Alright ladies. It's final. We are Victorious Secret. Seems everyone wanted the name and we got it :)

    My burn today totalled 909! Feels good
  • Great glad we gotta name! What are the odds more than one of us came up with Victorious Secret???

    I did a Zumba, Strength and walked on the treadmill at work during lunch for a total burn of 724.

    If you have not tried Zumba give it a shot it is a great work out.

    Tomorrow I have a Turbo Jam class and Kickboxing those are two high burn classes!!

    Have a great night all!

  • 359 cal burn today.

    If you don't hear from me tomorrow I apologize in advance, I'll be on a bus literally all day.
    Hopefully I can get some yoga or a quick run/walk in before bed tomorrow so I can contribute something..
  • Burned 994 today!! Only got in 4 ~ 15 minute walks & my regular 1/2 hr aerobics. Busy day at work so my meal times were all over the board but I held it together!! This challenge has come at a great time for me!

    Good job everybody!
    Have a great tomorrow!
    Good night!

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Way to go yesterday team!

    We had a total burn of 2986! We are on fire!

    In case you didnt see...todays Biggest Loser Challenge is No Added Sugar or Sugar Substitutes.

    Personally this is a super easy one. I only use Splenda in my coffee. Even when Im not on a diet I dont "add" sugar to things. I just eat things high in sugar. If the challenge was like no sugar except from fruit I would probably die. I have a huge sweet tooth. I live with Extra gum in my mouth at just about all times. So I can avoid adding sugar to my coffee this morning...ill just add a little extra cream
  • Great job Sally you are burning some major calories!! You keep with theses numbers Sally you are going to see some amazing results! Remember it only takes 21 days to create a new habit:)

    The challenge was easy for me also, I dont add sugar to anything! I dont drink coffee or pop but I do have a sweet tooth and like my cinnamon fireball jawbreakers.

    We are getting some great team effort on the calorie burns awesome job ladies!

    I am now headed to Turbokick, Zumba and finish up the night with Kickboxing I LOVE Wednesdays!!

    Think BURN!!

  • Hi All,

    I burned 1068 calories today Wednesday

  • Ugh, dropping in for like 5 seconds and going to bed. No burn for me, super disappointing.

    Make up for it tomorrow though definitely!
  • Burned 994 with the same walking and aerobics as yesterday....... super busy day so I'm proud of myself for making it a priority and getting it done! Almost too busy to eat.........will plan better food options tomorrow!

    Hope everyone else is doing well!

    Remember.... YOU ARE WORTH IT! (need to remind myslef of that daily!!!)

  • Yes Sally your are worth it! Great Burn you had way to go!!

    Hang in there Step life gets heckic but you will find the time! Dont beat your self up over it:0

    HAve a great Thursday everyone

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Good morning ladies! My burn yesterday was 540 bringing our daily team total to 2602. So far for the week we have 8856!

    Doing awesome ladies!
  • Trivia Question for today.....

    17 Billion of this is consumed every year..... ( I won a 6 inch subway for knowing the answer today:)

    HINT: It is not a liquid

    I am off to Strength class and Zumba

  • 1058 cal burn today.

    Campus tour = 2+ hours of walking and a whole lot of stairs.
    Tomorrow's gonna be another no burn day. On a bus from 8 am - midnight, oh the joys.

    As for the trivia question, no idea.... I was going to say water but if it's not a liquid. :P
  • Hi guys, what do you do for this? Is it an open group or have all spaces been filled like the other groups?
  • Rained here all day so I didn't get to go out for my when I got home I did the 30 min aerobics video twice to keep my burn up! 986 burned today!

    This is the begining of a very crazy busy time for me, both work and home, so this challenge is always on my mind and I know it is going to make a difference!

    Judy...... Is it 17 Billion Quarts of popcorn?!!?

    Keep on burning everybody!!
  • You Ladies Rock!! Awesome Calorie Burns!!

    Yes the answer is POPCORN!! Good Job Sally

    Have a spectacular Friday!

    I will be smoke free 60 days tomorrow:):):)

    I had 869 Calories burned on Thursday

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