Biggest Loser Challenge - Team 3



  • Man we are doing awesome on the calorie burns keep up the great work ladies!!

    Sally you get some major burns!! You Rock:)

    My burn for Saturday was 1129

  • 269 cal burn today.
    I feel like a slacker compared to you guys!
  • Today, Saturday.....693 burned with my usual walking and aerobics DVD. I need to shake it up and do something different!
    Long day at work.....being a massage therapist, my job is very I had 6 clients..... wonder if that should count towards calories burned?! What do you think?

    Tomorrow, Sunday I'll post weight loss.

    Hope you al are enjoying your weekend!

    Keep burnin'!!!!!!!
  • Hey Steph! Don"t be so hard on yourself!! I have very few responsibilities these days my kids are grown and out of the house and I only see my hubby on the weekends so I have a lot of free time to burn some calories.

    Sally yes you should be able to figure your job as some calorie burn! Do you have a heart rate monitor you can set when you do a message on a client and then just take the average?

    I am a writer but some days I have to go on the shop floor and put a piece of equipment together to be able to write a Technical Manual to explain how the end user would put this piece together and this can be very hard Physical job. I have a "fitbit" that tracks my calorie burn and it is amazing how many calories I actually burn doing that compared to sitting at my desk all day.

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Ladies you guys are doing awesome!

    I have had a super tough week trying to get my burn in. My hubby has been aching and sore and not able to take care of the kids for me to get out of the house. I am definitely going to be getting out of the house here in a few minutes to get a good burn in is sleeping.

    I tallied up the calorie burn so far...and thank you ladies for carrying me this week! As of Saturday we are up to 15788! So I feel confident that we wont get eliminated this week!

    I want to say that if at some point we do get eliminated I am totally cool with us keeping this going through the end date. I think its great accountability. to burn...Check in with you ladies this evening and we will have our final numbers by the morning :o)
  • Today, Sunday............326...........3 lbs.........lost ths week!
  • I had a .4 gain this morning. Supppperr frustrating.
    I've been reassured a lot that it's probably a combination of period bloating and water weight, since I haven't been drinking as much water as I should be lately.

    Either way I'm drinking tons today and am gonna try and hit the gym tonight if I get everything I need to done.

    I hope we don't get eliminated this week, but I'm definitely down with continuing until the end even if we do. I've got a date with "onederland" for Christmas hopefully. (:
  • Happy Sunday!!

    My burn was 820 today!! I had 0 weight loss this week. I wont be much help in the weight loss but I can burn calories for the team.

    Great Job Sally on the 3 Lbs loss.

    Steph things will balance out for you just be patient. You will get to Onederland!!!!!!! I doubt we will get eliminated we have some awesome calorie burns but if we do I would love to continue on with this.

    With the help of my daughter I updated my closet at little today and I cleaned out my closet of all my BIG clothes! I am never going back to that weight again!!!! My daughter was so proud of me and it felt awesome!! I had a hard time parting with a few of my favorite hooded sweatshirts.

    Have a great Monday Ladies
  • 520 calorie burn today.

    Thanks Judy.
    I'm definitely not beating myself up too much about it. I've still lost 10+ lbs and that's too much to let .4 set me back.
    Have a good Monday ladies, see you on the flip side.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Alright at 201...thats a .4 loss from last week...still up a 1/2 pound from the start. Oh well.

    My burn yesterday was 722.

    Sally i looked at your page and got a 693 burn for you for yesterday. If there are any changes let me know.

    This weeks totals are:

    18543 calories burned

    3.5lbs lost.

    I dont think we will be gaining immunity at any point based on weight loss but as long as we keep our calorie burn up then we dont have anything to worry about.
  • Hi All

    My burn for Monday was 838

    Have a great evening

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Good evening ladies...My burn today was 384.
  • Monday's burn was 693. Got caught in a rain downpoor during one of my walks..should be some bonus calories in there for that!

    Looong Monday! Glad it's over! you like your "fitbit"?

    Keep burning team three!

  • Hi Sally,

    Yes I like my Fitbit. They have great customer support. I broke my first one after about 2 month and they sent me a new one for free! I wear it all the time and it is very accurate.

    I dont use the sleep part of it though. I set it on the counter ever night and it resets it self back to Zero at midnight. Very user friendly.

    Google FITBIT Coupon you should be able to find a coupon for free shipping or 25.00 off. I ordered my through Amazon
  • Hi Ladies

    My burn was 820 today

  • Thanks Judy..........I'm thinkin' maybe Santa will be getting me one for Christmas this year.....since I know him personally!

    Rained a good part of the day but I got my usual burn in! I am just getting into the busiest time of the year for me with long long days and busy kid stuff with my boys.............but IT WILL NOT DEFEAT ME THIS YEAR!! I will make myself a priority this year!

    Today, Tuesday, my usual burn was 693!

    Have a blessed Wednesday everbody!!

  • Hey sorry I was kind of awol the past couple of days. My burn for Monday/Tuesday was 1052. (:
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member that each day or a combined total
  • Combined, sorry I thought I'd said that. (:
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    My burn today was 744

    I ran for an hour at 4mph...but according to MFP that is just brisk walking...gotta get up to at least 5mph so I can honestly say I ran