C25K Training



  • debee2000
    Not sure where my last post went.

    Could I be running too slow? I walk about 2.8 but run 4.2 to 4.4... I could run harder but wont that be harder on me and make me feel even more 'weird'?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Not sure where my last post went.

    Could I be running too slow? I walk about 2.8 but run 4.2 to 4.4... I could run harder but wont that be harder on me and make me feel even more 'weird'?
    Honestly, I think you may be running too slow but it's really what feels right for you. I'm certainly not an expert but what I do know is that running slow is actually harder for your body and burns more calories than running at 5 MPH and above. The same thing with walking above 4.5 MPH. I read an article about a guy who actually tested this on a treadmill. Running slow or walking fast are not "natural" for our bodies so they are harder for us to do. You do want to make sure that at whatever speed you are running that you're not getting too out of breath. You should be able to carry on a conversation while you are running.
    How many of you do this right when you get up before you eat anything, ect? I may have to do this after work instead, then at least I have 2 meals in me.
    I ran first thing in the morning without eating anything for the first 6 months and while I was running less than 5K. I would tumble out of bed, drink a glass of water, get dressed and head out the door while it was still cool enough to run. I'm now running after work, because it's too dark to run before, and I can honestly say that it's not making a difference. If anything, I feel like I don't run as well in the afternoon.