Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • Show_Stopper
    Show_Stopper Posts: 656 Member
    I am 6 months pregnant with my 1st baby how do you ladies find the energy to work out I'm so tired all the time. Help me please ideas?????
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Hi everybody. I feel out of whack this week once again. :( With my FIL in the hospital and having family in town, it took a small toll on me. However, I'm trying extremely hard to stay within my calorie range even though I've been eating out a lot due to no groceries at home. The time change has affected me in a way that I've never been affected before during the fall, I usually feel groggy like this during the spring time but not fall!!!

    I have not been able to walk this week due to me being at the hospital all weekend and basically all week long. I haven't given up on the rest of the week since technically for me Monday's is when I start over completely. :) So I will be walking the remainder of the week. I'm making chicken soup tonight, so I'm looking forward to a healthy dinner and getting to bed early!!!! I need it. I went to the Chiro on Tuesday only to find out that he didn't take my insurance. HOW annoying!!!! I told the lady, that it was so rude to have somebody make arrangements to come down there especially after speaking to someone the day I made the appt and told them what insurance I had!! I'm still having back issues, like I have been and I need to look for another chiro that takes my insurance. Dallas, has been extrememly active now, and I think its because he's getting bigger and less room. :) I LOVE it. There's times I feel like he's tumbling in there!! HA!!
    I've done great with given up the Dr. Peppers and have stuck to diet snapple and only have a certain about due to the caffeine.
    This Sunday I turn 7 months!!!! I know, its crazy and that means closer to meeting Dallas. :)

    Goals this week:
    Thursday: 3 mile walk
    Friday: 3 mile walk
    Saturday: rest and clean house
    Sunday: 5 mile walk

    stellcorb- congratualations and welcome aboard. I'm excited for you. :)

    shellgib- I'm sorry about your sucky sleep patterns. I have been able to sleep through out the night pretty well after buying my snoogle but do wake up extrememly early, which is very unlike me. I'ml ike you, once I hear noise, I'm up. For instance this morning my cat decided to be a pain, so lets just say, I got NO sleep. Grrrr.

    dexters- what a pain. I'm sorry you're going through this. But yes, better safe than sorry.

    H_82- Oh do I completely understand. I felt the same way the last time I went to see my midwife. I was like HOLY MOLY!!! Not a cool feeling AT ALL!!!!

    Jennamom- how AWESOME!! I love the name by the way. :)

    Ash- that's exactly how I felt when I saw a 7lb weight gain!!! I thought for sure since I was doing a half freaking marathon that I wouldn't gain but maintain or stall my weight loss some, not much but some. APPARENTLY NOT!!! I felt like you, I started having images of being 60lbs by the end of 9months. GEEZ!!

    Ashely- great bargain deals!! I love it!

    Kristy- how cool for the high definition US!!! I LOVE to see my baby. :) So exciting!!!

    Andrea- I am praying for you and that baby. I'm SUPER excited for you and your hubby.

    Misti- sounds like fun!! Yes, I know how being busy bodies makes you just want to do NOTHING!!! Hopefully you'll get to relax soon and take it easy.

    sabrinafaith- YES!! OMG YES!!! LOL. I plan on starting Jillian's 6 week DVD to start off with and I have several half marathons already paid for, for next year. So needless to say, training as early as I get the go ahead from my midwife!! In my area I have a place called My Fit Foods, which specializes in fresh, balanced meals, that you just pick up and they have a 21 day challenge program that I'll be doing a month after I get home. :D YAY!!! I'll be doing it for 2 months back to back. :D

    rosanna- sorry you're feeling funky. Lots of water and rest. :) I'm sure you know that already. ;) Well wishes

    paulandrea- I'm sorry. :) As for the name, I LOVE it!! if it makes you feel anybetter my family about flipped out when I told them our sons name, Dallas Aaron Rogers. We are from Dallas, TX but I have always LOVED the name and well they were like, are you SERIOUS??? I don't really care what people think, its actually becoming pretty funny to see the faces some make. LOL!!

    Rayna- I told you this alreay but I LOVE the darker side of you. :D

    Heather- I'm SOOOO proud of you for taking charge of your body and your right to birth the way you want too. Its so much easier to just say, lets induce and get it over with than it is to let women now a days labor and have our bodies take their natural course. I hate to say this but its a business!! Hospitals, doctors, nurses, etc. If it makes you feel any better, with my first I was due June 8th, nothing, then nothing again, then had and appt and she told me that if I didn't have him by the following Monday they were going to induce me!!! I was freaking! Being a first time mom and having no education on birth etc. I only knew that c-section meant MAJOR surgery (which for some reason we have moved awa from, everybody thinks its so normal) and not natural. He did come on the 17th of June!! HA!! He came all on his own. She will come when she is ready so I'm hoping you go into labor SOON. Many many prayers for you and Miss Charlee.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Morning Mamas! Welcome to all the new people.

    A couple people mentioned fatigue in pregnancy. I found the first trimester was the worst for me. There were a couple weekends where we would go to bed at 10 and sleep until 10. I do find working out helps with energy however, just like when I wasn't pregnant. If I alm feeling run down or groggy, a walk or run or yoga or anything active typically makes me feel better.

    Instead of going to yoga last night I did my prenatal yoga DVD. It was good and I like that it is specifically for pregnancy; lots of hip openers, kegels, etc. It was very easy but I felt good after. I must have slept funny however as my lower right back has a pinch in it today. Anyways, I had planned on going to a class last night, but I am having a hard time with it getting dark at 6 which is when class starts. I sort of want to be home when it's dark. So we'll see how many more classes we go to. I think I'd like to get some more yoga vidoes. I know the question has been asked a million times, but can anyone recomend a yoga DVD that involves some more active poses?

    Not much planned for the weekend other than a family party and studying. My exam is next Thursday. I may start repainting the changing table too if I get motivated. Speaking of furniture, I found this and wondered if anyone had seen/ordered this? It's only available online but the price is right and I like the way it looks.

    I have my 29 week appointment tomorrow; they are seeing me every 2 weeks now. Have a great day. Weekend is almost here!

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies! Still pregnant... lol

    Welcome newcomers! Please read the intro on the first page of the board and jump right in!

    Thanks for all the support ladies. It means a lot. :)

    Ashley the Element prenatal yoga is really good for more active poses.

    Elce that is annoying! If they are so unorganized I wouldn't wanna go there anyways! I'm lucky that my chiro charges a flat rate of $25 for an adjustment and acupuncture so we don't even deal with insurance. I guess that is a small benefit of living in a small town. Hopefully you find someone who is good and takes your insurance.

    Shelley I don't blame you...I couldn't resist all those goodies either! Today is a new day though :)

    bmfrazie I think the biggest annoyance isn't necessarily "you haven't had that baby yet?!" it is "Get induced already!"... aargh!

    Well I'm doing my best to try and relax these last couple of days before the baby comes. I'm still being active in cleaning (this nesting thing is no joke! lol) and walking, I just don't want to over do it and be exhausted when it is time to get this party started! My attitude is a lot better today. The way I see it is that by next weekend I will have my baby regardless of what awesome is that?!

    I hope you all have a wonderful, fit, and healthy day!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    The way I see it is that by next weekend I will have my baby regardless of what awesome is that?!

    OMG! Heather!! That just sounds so freaking cool when you say it like that! Way to be positive! :)
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hey all--I've been MIA, but wanted to pop in.

    Heather--One week or less...that's a great way to look at it. Funny story (kinda)--I was about a week before my due date, and I went into the office for my appt, and the Dr. says "You look like a lady ready to be done with being pregnant." (I was so tired, etc.) I was like, "Yeah", till she called my bluff and said "If you want, I can induce you tomorrow." My eyes got all big at the thought of having a little baby to take care of the next day, and I panicked, and I was like "Noooo, I think I'll wait a few more days!" At that moment, the reality of it all REALLY hit me, and I was like "No, I want just a few more days with the baby INSIDE and not outside!" It makes me chuckle looking back on it.

    I'm enjoying reading everyone's recommendations and experiences--sorry I'm not posting more often...maybe I'll get around to that eventually.

    AFM: I'm at 7 weeks. A few days ago, the nausea making me not want to eat anything has been replaced by a different, yet more familiar phenomenon--I get really nauseous if I DON'T eat something every hour or two. I remember that with my first pregnancy, but it wasn't this severe this early (or I just don't remember it since I was in the midst of a stressful internship for my Masters). So I've had to radically shift my eating habits, and I'm struggling, because the healthy foods are still not appealing (veggies mostly), but I'm needing to eat something every hour or so to keep my tummy under control. Ive learned the hard way in the last day or two that large meals are not working either--they are just sitting in my belly like a rock which ALSO makes me nauseous. So it's a very delicate balancing act right now. My poor hubby and son who never know what is for dinner anymore--all I seem to want is peanut butter on saltines. Anyone have any good suggestions for coping with this?

    On the exercise front, I exercised yesterday morning. And it killed me. And this wasn't even a "real" workout--it was like a 2 mile walk! I felt so exhausted by the end of it...I think my big plan to push through the first-trimester tiredness by exercising bit me in the bum yesterday. Ugh. I have a prenatal yoga and strength training video on order, and I'm excited to try those out and throw them in the mix, because the cardio just left me breathless! Lung capacity--where have you gone, and are you ever coming back?
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning guys - man I'm SOOOOO far behind!!

    Okay well - for all those having natural birth- KUDDOS to you for that. I'm having a C-section done and it's not by choice. My body was just not "built" for pregnancy- so Csection it is and I'm ok with that considering that there is another option for us besides not beign able to have a baby :smile: which makes me wonder about women in the 1800's who died of natural child birth because we just didnt have the technology we have now. Regardless, I feel blessed and sorry for all those women who have died wanting to have the most precious gift of all...

    Moving on- Tons of work. no working out. healther I ordered the Yoga DVD and jsut in time. With all this extra work my lower abs/ back are starting to kick into full pain gear. Ugh.

    I have moved from eating to heavy snacking several times a day due to my work load. I have also increased water intake to offset that the fact taht I'm sitting 8-12 hours a day.

    ((hugs)) to everybody. Cant' wait to catch up with you ladies--

    To the newbies without energy- I feel your pain!! I was there for 5 long months! but I worked my schedule out to where I was in bed by 8pm, up by 630 at the latest. First nap was at 1030 for 15 min, second nap was at noon for 30 min and my last nap was at 315 for 15...only to get me home by 5pm and nap for another hour!! Hey, you have to do what you have to do!! Heads up ladies- we're all in this together!!

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Quick post...

    After sitting here watching youtube for an hour I finally got inspired to get up and dance...literally! lol For a great laugh I highly recommend going on youtube and searching for "labor inducing dance". These women crack me up and several of them have said that after dancing they went into labor that day/night. I figure...what do I have to lose. I've already danced to 3 songs..and am sweating like a pig! Operation "dance Charlee out" has commenced! And just so you know...looks like the more ridiculous the song, the better luck you have. :)

    Wish me luck! lol!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Morning all!
    Happy Thursday - so glad it's a short week this week and today is my Friday! :drinker:
    I had my 25 week appointment yesterday and it was good, Mason's HR is 130, he's growing really well and I gained about 4 lbs since my visit last month, which I'm ok with because it's slowing down ;) My BP is good and everything looks great. So that's always good. I tried to talk to my obgyn about some questions I had and preferences I have for when Mason's just hard because he's always in such a rush and then I get flustered - not the best feeling, and I feel like he just thinks I'm overthinking things...yeesh. Anyway it was a good appointment over all.
    I then had a wonderful massage at Sweet Momma - it really was amazing and I got some major knots worked on THANK GOODNESS!
    Then I went home and had some supper and my husband and I watched The Business of Being Born. The more and more I learn the more strongly I feel about this whole process and the more protective I feel of it, if that makes sense? My husband, after the video, said "we need to check into that birthing centre" which was exactly what I was thinking. So I've made contact to this birthing centre that's about 30 mins away from our house to see if they have any availability around my due date. I'm really hoping they do because I would really like to give birth there instead of at the hospital. But if it doesn't work out at least I know I'll be prepared and so will my husband. Fingers crossed.

    Heather - that is so funny about the dancing! Go girl! Dance your heart out lol! Like you said, what have you got to lose - I love your attitude :bigsmile:
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Quick update.... still don't know much, waiting for radiology to review the US and then doctor to call. She ordered a full abdominal scan, so we looked at kidneys, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen and even another full blown U/S of baby, just as a follow up. We even got some 3-D pics. As far as my gallbladder, we couldn't see gallstones but there may be some small ones that the radiologist will be able to see. My right kidney is bigger than the left one too, so that might have something to do with the pain if there is infection somewhere???? The baby looked great, she's healthy and active, already in the down position and weighs about 2lbs. I was glad to see my lil' baby is doing great. Now if I can just get a good report all will be well! They have a 3-D/4-D U/S specialist coming to my hospital in two weeks and asked if I want to be a guinee pig. She said the specialist will be able to get me all sorts of cute pics. It's totally free, they are just using me to give some of the other U/S techs some practice with the new machine. So excited to get another peek at baby!!! I can already tell she has her dads shape of head, and my shape of eyes. LOL. My son said she looks just like him. LOL Hopefully everyone else is doing great. I will try to respond to everyone later.

    Got in an hour walk last night, and worked on the nursery some more!! Woo Hoo, it's coming together pretty well. It's definately girly, which is what I was hoping for. I will post pics for sure when it's finished!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Quick post...

    After sitting here watching youtube for an hour I finally got inspired to get up and dance...literally! lol For a great laugh I highly recommend going on youtube and searching for "labor inducing dance". These women crack me up and several of them have said that after dancing they went into labor that day/night. I figure...what do I have to lose. I've already danced to 3 songs..and am sweating like a pig! Operation "dance Charlee out" has commenced! And just so you know...looks like the more ridiculous the song, the better luck you have. :)

    Wish me luck! lol!

    You should youtube yourself doing the preggo get down and send us all the link. :smile: Good luck!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Ashley I probably would in a heartbeat if I was a little bit more technologically savvy :) So far I've done "Baby" by Justin Beiber, "Push it" by Salt N Peppa, "Ice Ice Baby" vanilla Ice...and a several more. Who needs to walk on the treadmill when you can set up a full length mirror and giggle at yourself as you bust some sweet dance moves out?! lol Definitely keeping my spirits high today!

    I feel like Napoleon Dynamite when he is in his room practicing his sweet dance moves...
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Okay Ladies! I was going to wait for Monday to set up some goals, but I think I'll jot them down today. I'm asking for you ladies to help keep me accountable on these!

    Increase elliptical from 30 min 6 days a week to 40 min 6 days a week (which means getting my lazy butt up a half an hour earlier in the morning! 5:45 here I come... )
    Throw in pre-natal yoga at least once a week
    Strength train at least twice a week (even if it's just some push-ups and planks)
    Lay off the sweets!!!- I'd like to bake a few things over the long weekend that have a little more nutritional value to help satisfy this craving w/ out packing on the pounds (again!)

    Does anyone have some good recepies for baked sweets that have a health kick to them? I've found a few good recipies on here in the past, but haven't had too much time to try them.
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    You are CRACKING me UP!!!!! Miss Charlee is going to have some funny stories one day to hear!!!!! LOL, whatever works naturally is GOOD!!! Boogie down girlfriend!
    Ashley I probably would in a heartbeat if I was a little bit more technologically savvy :) So far I've done "Baby" by Justin Beiber, "Push it" by Salt N Peppa, "Ice Ice Baby" vanilla Ice...and a several more. Who needs to walk on the treadmill when you can set up a full length mirror and giggle at yourself as you bust some sweet dance moves out?! lol Definitely keeping my spirits high today!

    I feel like Napoleon Dynamite when he is in his room practicing his sweet dance moves...
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ashley I probably would in a heartbeat if I was a little bit more technologically savvy :) So far I've done "Baby" by Justin Beiber, "Push it" by Salt N Peppa, "Ice Ice Baby" vanilla Ice...and a several more. Who needs to walk on the treadmill when you can set up a full length mirror and giggle at yourself as you bust some sweet dance moves out?! lol Definitely keeping my spirits high today!

    I feel like Napoleon Dynamite when he is in his room practicing his sweet dance moves...

    I'm laughing out loud!! HILARIOUS!!!! You need some "Come, baby, come,, come...come..." LOL!!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ashley I probably would in a heartbeat if I was a little bit more technologically savvy :) So far I've done "Baby" by Justin Beiber, "Push it" by Salt N Peppa, "Ice Ice Baby" vanilla Ice...and a several more. Who needs to walk on the treadmill when you can set up a full length mirror and giggle at yourself as you bust some sweet dance moves out?! lol Definitely keeping my spirits high today!

    I feel like Napoleon Dynamite when he is in his room practicing his sweet dance moves...

    Sweet....nice tune selections. Did Lafawnda help you out with those? :wink:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    lol! I'm telling you my this point all you can do is laugh or cry...I'm choosing to laugh and it feels great! I hope you all are able to have high spirits at the end, it is the only thing getting me through :) Not to mention it works great for this board cause an hour of dancing my HUGE belly around had to burn at least 500 calories!!
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    does anybody has been dealing with hypothyroidism here? my TSH is quite high.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member

    I tried to talk to my obgyn about some questions I had and preferences I have for when Mason's just hard because he's always in such a rush and then I get flustered - not the best feeling, and I feel like he just thinks I'm overthinking things...yeesh. Anyway it was a good appointment over all.

    I found that writing out your birth plan and having them sit with you while they read it helps a lot. I had an OBGYN and she read it and had some other opinions that differed. I then changed to my midwife and she agreed to everything and most of it was her normal practice. I changed at 31 weeks and could not be happier. My midwife is way easier to talk to and spends a lot more time with me.

    So I highly recommend giving your birthing plan now even if you are not completely done with it. You will feel better when you know that you and your Dr. are on the same page:0) Good luck getting into the birthing center. Our birthing center is too far away:( The hospital is literally 7 minutes away so I plan to labor mostly at home.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    lol! I'm telling you my this point all you can do is laugh or cry...I'm choosing to laugh and it feels great! I hope you all are able to have high spirits at the end, it is the only thing getting me through :) Not to mention it works great for this board cause an hour of dancing my HUGE belly around had to burn at least 500 calories!!

    You go girl:0) It's funny because I saw a funny youtube video a couple days ago about a woman dancing her baby out and I thought of you, hehe. They are funny.

    I had my 34 week appointment today. It went well. My uterus is at its full size and will not get any bigger so from here on out Hannah will just have to make due. (the top of my uterus is just below my rib cage now) While trying to get her heart rate Hannah was doing gymnastics. At rest her heart rate was around 140 during her gymnastic bouts it was up to 188. My midwife said her activity level indicants a very healthy baby:0)