Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm glad the weekend is over!! I had a busy busy weekend. We volunteer with a group called Engaged Encounter and its basically a premarital weekend. We were the kitchen couple and OMG!! it can be tough. Needless to say, our shift was over at 2 and we got home and CRASHED!!! Woke up at 7 for dinner and i was back in bed by 10! I was GLAD to be home. Sunday was a very lazy day for me. I had a melt down on Friday because I'm dealing with pre teen attitude my house was a MESS!! husband wasn't cooperating. I'm not sure what I'm going through but seeing my house a mess makes me go into a panic mode. Then when I clean, I feel its not clean enough. Its driving me insane, not mention, I'm sure my husband thinks I'm crazy. I also feel like I don't have enough hours in the day to do the things I want to do. I'm always rushing to get dinner done, if it gets done at all, always rushing to get a work out in. So I've decided to that this weekend I'm going to try OAMC (once a month cooking). I'll be packing my freezer w/a bunch of pre made meals. I was also thinking this might be a great thing for me once I bring Dallas home. I'm excited to try it and see how it turns out. :) Needless to say, I didn't get any exercise in last week. Although I like walking outside, I still have to come home and get dressed and its pretty dark out by the time I do that, so today I brought my clothes to walk on the treadmill at home. I'm starting to feel really bad, almost like I can't handle life all together. I mean, here I am struggling w/everything and I only have ONE child so far. :( If I don't get it together soon, I'll lose my mind by the time I have baby.
    Sorry for the venting ladies, but its just been overwhelming, to say the least. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    I turned 28 weeks yesterday and celebrated with pancakes, eggs and turkey sausage. :) YUM.

    Goals this week:
    Monday: 3 mile walk
    Tuesday: 3 mile walk
    Wednesday: 5 mile walk
    Thursday: Yoga
    Friday: rest
    Saturday: 5 mile walk
    Sunday: Yoga
    drink 160 oz of water a day
    stop skipping meals

    atynk- How gorgeous is she!!! Congrats. She doesn't even look like a newborn? Lol. :) How exciting

    Heather-Miss Charless, loves her temporary home. Funny how the body does what it does. No matter how active or not active you are, your body is in control. I'm praying for anytime before Thursday contractions and labor for you. :)
  • gisele246
    gisele246 Posts: 57 Member
    I haven't really posted until now so I thought I'd share this group that someone else just created and also a bit about myself.

    There is a new groups section which might be fun to post topics and whatnot on our pregnancies.

    This might be fun and a little bit easier to sort through topics. I am glad to have all of you to support me through my pregnancy, although sometimes I feel a little lost in the thread :(.

    I am now officially done my 1st trimester ! Very exciting although they want to test me for GD at 16 weeks so I'm really nervous about having it again. I've been counting calories, exercising (although sometimes it was just cleaning or walking), and trying to get sleep. My goals this week are to work out 4 times 30 minutes each time and to weight train at least 2 times. I'm still down a pound and would like to not gain this week. Officially I shouldn't start gaining until week 14 but really until week 20 if I want to stay in my 10 pounds "budget". Yikes!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Monday not ready for it. Had a good weekend though, but could really use one more day at home. Feeling a bit uncomfortable the last couple days. I guess baby has moved up some, my hips don't hurt anymore but I can't really breath. My stomach feels hard and I'm just kinda blah feeling. My son got 3rd at his last tournament! Placed at every tournament this season! YAY! I'm so proud of him. Sunday, I didn't get to sleep in, but I cleaned house almost all day. Caught up on tons of stuff, painted some more and now it's time to just decorate. I might attempt to put together the crib, just to have it all set up, but IDK yet. Might wait for hubby to help me. I'm so thankful for all my sons help, he helped me pack wood, carry grocerys and paint. He's SO excited for the baby! :heart:

    Jennamom - hope the BH have stopped. I went to a nascar race when I was pregnant w/ my son and I had contractions the whole time, a few hours after leaving and I layed down they quit. I think I was about 8.5 months along or so, how far along are you?

    offcat - Glad things are going well. Awesome job on the workouts!!!

    svgarcia - CONGRATS on your baby girl!!!!! YAY!

    dexter - Hope things are going better for you. I've never experienced that or heard of it, I hope everything is ok. Good Luck!

    atynk - CONGRATS!!! She is so cute. I LOVE the name Brooke!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Ashley - Sounds like a busy weekend! Glad you got some time to study! Can't believe the two week appts. have already started. Time is flying by!!!!

    Brenda - That's exciting about the pics!!! Woo hoo! My feet were a little swollen yesterday too. I think they are better so far today. Hope yours are too. Sounds like lots of travel for you next week. Have fun!! I still can't believe it's already Nov. and it's half way over!! Geeze, time just goes by way to fast.

    Emrogers - Awe, sorry to hear things are hectic and crazy for you. It does get overwhelming when there is no time for nothing. I hope things slow down a bit and come together for you. The once a month cooking sounds like a great idea and I bet it will free up a lot of time. During the week is so busy for me usually, I keep things cleaned and picked up but I always use Sunday for a major cleaning day. That's laundry day, extra cooking day, and deep cleaning day, also do extra projects on Sundays. I hate having a messy house to wake up or go home too, but it's also hard to fit it all in to an everyday routine. Husbands and kids don't and wont ever understand our points of view on cooking cleaning working and all that, it sucks but that's what I've come to realize. I hope you find a routine that works for you to get it all done and still get your workouts in. Good Luck with things, hugs to you!!

    Heather - I can't believe Charlee still hasn't made her debut!! I really hope she decides she's ready before Thursday! You deserve her to come natural since you've been so patient. Either way though, it's super exciting you get to meet her in just a few days at the least!!!!! :happy:

    Better get to work. It's another super busy week, but now that wrestling season is over, I only work til 4:00 no matter what. No more working late! Woo Hoo!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm glad the weekend is over!! I had a busy busy weekend. We volunteer with a group called Engaged Encounter and its basically a premarital weekend. We were the kitchen couple and OMG!! it can be tough. Needless to say, our shift was over at 2 and we got home and CRASHED!!! Woke up at 7 for dinner and i was back in bed by 10! I was GLAD to be home. Sunday was a very lazy day for me. I had a melt down on Friday because I'm dealing with pre teen attitude my house was a MESS!! husband wasn't cooperating. I'm not sure what I'm going through but seeing my house a mess makes me go into a panic mode. Then when I clean, I feel its not clean enough. Its driving me insane, not mention, I'm sure my husband thinks I'm crazy. I also feel like I don't have enough hours in the day to do the things I want to do. I'm always rushing to get dinner done, if it gets done at all, always rushing to get a work out in. So I've decided to that this weekend I'm going to try OAMC (once a month cooking). I'll be packing my freezer w/a bunch of pre made meals. I was also thinking this might be a great thing for me once I bring Dallas home. I'm excited to try it and see how it turns out. :) Needless to say, I didn't get any exercise in last week. Although I like walking outside, I still have to come home and get dressed and its pretty dark out by the time I do that, so today I brought my clothes to walk on the treadmill at home. I'm starting to feel really bad, almost like I can't handle life all together. I mean, here I am struggling w/everything and I only have ONE child so far. :( If I don't get it together soon, I'll lose my mind by the time I have baby.
    Sorry for the venting ladies, but its just been overwhelming, to say the least. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    I turned 28 weeks yesterday and celebrated with pancakes, eggs and turkey sausage. :) YUM.

    Goals this week:
    Monday: 3 mile walk
    Tuesday: 3 mile walk
    Wednesday: 5 mile walk
    Thursday: Yoga
    Friday: rest
    Saturday: 5 mile walk
    Sunday: Yoga
    drink 160 oz of water a day
    stop skipping meals

    atynk- How gorgeous is she!!! Congrats. She doesn't even look like a newborn? Lol. :) How exciting

    Heather-Miss Charlee, loves her temporary home. Funny how the body does what it does. No matter how active or not active you are, your body is in control. I'm praying for anytime before Thursday contractions and labor for you. :)

    Elce 28W1D
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Happy Monday! I had a Dr. appointment this hearing the heartbeat!! I am trying to get my next ultrasound scheduled for next week because my husband has a day off from work. I will be 18W 5D and am hoping to find out the gender! :) Of course I will love whatever we have and want him/her to be healthy....BUT...I REALLY want a girl! I grew up with 5 brothers, my husband has 2 brothers....lots of noisy/dirty boys in my life and am ready for some PINK. :)

    Heather - hope you are feeling good this week and good luck!!

    atynk - CONGRATS! She is beautiful!!

    Chadam - Congrats to you! I hate people saying "you're eating for two". It has been frustrating for me watching myself grow the last 17 weeks. I worked so hard to lose the weight, but as long as we are healthy throughout the pregnancy it will be ok. We worked hard to get it off before and now we will have an even better reason to be healthy after! :)

    Luna - jealous of your Thanksgiving plans. I would love to be somewhere a little warmer. We have snow already here :( Exciting about the pics and the baby's room. I am excited to get started on ours!

    Elce - Try not to stress. :) Hope the once a month cooking works will have to let us know how that goes! Good goals, stick with them!

    Misti - glad you have no more working late! I am coaching swimming and it is exhausing getting home late. I am not excited for the uncomfortable stages, but I hope it goes quickly for you!!

    Sorry...I know I am missing people I wanted to comment on. Happy Thoughts to everyone!!

    My goals:
    Exercise - 4X
    Water - more of it! :)
    Healthier snacks!
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    atynk - CONGRATS! She is adorable n healthy.

    Heather - hope you are feeling good this week and good luck!! heard dates are good for labor and postpartum as Mary was told to sit under date tree, and when she cried in labor pain, dates fell off and it was meal for her and Jesus.
  • millionsofpeaches
    atynk - What a beautiful baby!!! Congratulations...

    I read through everything and am excited to see everyone's progress... I am soooo tired and on a deadline for an online class so not much time to type responses. I needed a mental break.

    I had Thai food last night and baby did not like it... I have never had such horrible indigestion before. I thought that I had turned a corner this past week morning sickness/nausea wise. I think I have and that I just need to stay away from super rich and greasy foods. My tummy is finally starting to show... Probably not to anyone else. I can't button my dress pants anymore but I can button my jeans still... Probably because the jeans hit a bit lower than the dress pants. I got a bella band which is amazing and allowing me to wear all of my pants. I will say that it is strange teaching in front of a classroom with your pants unbuttoned.

    Goals this week... I have yoga tomorrow! I am going to do my video 2 x's this week. I am also going to shoot for the gym 2-3 x's this week to jump on the elliptical and to work out my arms. I am finally not nauseous all the time and puking so hopefully a more rigorous work out routine will be possible.

    Have a good week ladies! I will check back in... and write back to everyone's comings and goings.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Elce- I hope you feel better, and I am right there with you on the getting home late, cooking, washing dishes and having the time to workout.
    Our big worry is " Who will we find that we can trust to watch the baby? I really don't want to put the baby in a daycare. Quitting my job is not on the agenda, but I am considering finding a night job or something along that so I can care for her. So much to think about.

    Misti- So cute, Glad to hear Isaac will be such a good helper when baby arrives.
    I hear my tween complain & complain over the chores he has to help me and talks back to me. :grumble: I am such a nagging mother, but I tell him " Milo" you won't be happy until Mars takes me. (Like the movie: Mars Needs Moms, too bad he's not younger and would believe it right!) :laugh:

    Aimeeclaire- yay for your appointment, glad to hear things are moving along as should be. You're getting close to the half way there mark.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies! Quick check in (which is what I feel like all I do these days and am being a lousy board member and not very supportive..I'm so sorry...I never realized how hectic and tired I've been the past few days). Anyways, I had my doc appt and am feeling a bit more positive. My doc is in Vegas right now so I had another doc. He checked me and I am now 2cm dilated, 90% effaced, and baby is at +2 station (which means her head is down low and the reason why my ribs haven't hurt me in the past 3 days...woot!). He said that he wouldn't be surprised if I went into labor on my own before Thursday but if I don't that my cervix is "very favorable" in case I do have to get induced (check out the Bishop score ladies...I learned a lot from this). He stripped my membranes again and suggested having "relations" which put prostaglandins on the cervix and help it to dilate/efface more and might jump start labor. So....I'm really praying things happen soon!

    To the person who asked about "natural" labor...some women would describe that as having a vaginal birth, but my definition of a natural labor is one that no pain medication is used including epidural, IV pain meds, pudundal blocks, etc..

    Again I am reading everyone's posts and just want you all to know I'm thinking of you all as much as you are sending positive thoughts/vibes my way! It means a lot to me how supportive you all are! Keep on rocking it ladies :)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    That is such good news Heather! I've been thinking of you a lot lately and it really sounds like from your appointment that little Charlee will come on her own! that's very positive news! Glad to hear that your ribs aren't hurting anymore and she's moving down! YAY :bigsmile: any day now!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    sorry double post.
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Heather!!!!!! Yay!!! I'm so happy for you. I knew something had to be happening. :) I'm glad though. I also think you'll go into labor before Thursday. I started on a Sunday with really really light contractions and didn't have him until Thursday a.m. but Wednesday was when labor really started. Woohoo!!!! Charlee will be out soon. :D I'm very excited to see how your labor goes, especially knowing that you're going natural, which I always love to hear the stories. :D
    Hi ladies! Quick check in (which is what I feel like all I do these days and am being a lousy board member and not very supportive..I'm so sorry...I never realized how hectic and tired I've been the past few days). Anyways, I had my doc appt and am feeling a bit more positive. My doc is in Vegas right now so I had another doc. He checked me and I am now 2cm dilated, 90% effaced, and baby is at +2 station (which means her head is down low and the reason why my ribs haven't hurt me in the past 3 days...woot!). He said that he wouldn't be surprised if I went into labor on my own before Thursday but if I don't that my cervix is "very favorable" in case I do have to get induced (check out the Bishop score ladies...I learned a lot from this). He stripped my membranes again and suggested having "relations" which put prostaglandins on the cervix and help it to dilate/efface more and might jump start labor. So....I'm really praying things happen soon!

    To the person who asked about "natural" labor...some women would describe that as having a vaginal birth, but my definition of a natural labor is one that no pain medication is used including epidural, IV pain meds, pudundal blocks, etc..

    Again I am reading everyone's posts and just want you all to know I'm thinking of you all as much as you are sending positive thoughts/vibes my way! It means a lot to me how supportive you all are! Keep on rocking it ladies :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hi ladies! Quick check in (which is what I feel like all I do these days and am being a lousy board member and not very supportive..I'm so sorry...I never realized how hectic and tired I've been the past few days). Anyways, I had my doc appt and am feeling a bit more positive. My doc is in Vegas right now so I had another doc. He checked me and I am now 2cm dilated, 90% effaced, and baby is at +2 station (which means her head is down low and the reason why my ribs haven't hurt me in the past 3 days...woot!). He said that he wouldn't be surprised if I went into labor on my own before Thursday but if I don't that my cervix is "very favorable" in case I do have to get induced (check out the Bishop score ladies...I learned a lot from this). He stripped my membranes again and suggested having "relations" which put prostaglandins on the cervix and help it to dilate/efface more and might jump start labor. So....I'm really praying things happen soon!

    This is exciting stuff! I hope everything prgoresses quickly for you!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Heather -Wonderful! Prayers & thoughts for Miss Charlee to come out on her own. Wooohooo on the Nooky (sexy time), take advantage!!! Best wishes!

    Don't worry if you've been feeling out of it on here. I think you've been a great example for us and have definitely been motivating and supporting! :flowerforyou:

    Ashley- Good luck on your exams! I am here with you on the visiting, we hosted the fight on Sat and people left late.

    On another note:
    I gave in to a baddddd lunch today! McD's all the way. Must get my work out on tonight!

    ~Brenda~ 24 weeks 6days
  • batgirlrox
    I'm back.

    Sorry like so many of us it seems from skimming over the posts life has been beyond hectic here. Unfortunately MFP was the one that suffered. I hope to be back and a better board friend now.

    Heather- YAY! I hope she keeps progressing down. I would love for plans to work out the way you want them too. I can't wait to see Charlee!

    AFM- I was being good and active and taking my dogs for lots of walks last week because the nausea has settled down a bit. Unfortunately one of my dogs has fear aggression which means he freaks out if we are out of the house and someone acknowledges him or if there are other dogs he's not allowed to go smell. Well Thursday we crossed paths with not one but TWO dogs on "HIS" path (the nerve I tell ya ;)) Well he had a freak out on his leash(he's a 75 pound dog) and I twisted my back so I spent almost all weekend with spasming sharp back pain. I was pretty bummed since my official Christmas decorating day is November 12th and I'm a little bit crazy when it comes to Christmas and decorating. So it has taken me 3 days to get 1 of my trees set up and decorated and nothing else done :(.

    Well I thought that was bad enough until I woke up this morning with really bad pains when I would urinate. I didn't chalk it up to much and headed down to the Doctors to get something for what I had self diagnosed as a bladder infection. The Doctor I was able to see (who is an awesome doctor I work with) said he had never heard of someone this early in pregnancy getting an bladder infection (I'm 11+4 today) and when he did a urinalisis it didn't come back conclusive that it was a bladder infection so he's sending me for an ultrasound to a) ensure there isn't something on or in my bladder that's not supposed to be there and b) that it's not twins causing the extra pushing since there are lots of twins in my family. So one side of me is very excited I get an ultrasound on Friday and get to hear the heart beat and see the little baby and the other side of me is freaking out that something is wrong.
    *Breathe in...Breath out* I know it will work out the way its supposed to but I'm still my worrisome self.
    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    atynk-CONGRATS! Brook is adorable

    Heather-you are almost there, she will be here SOON

    emrogers-hugs--our hormones are wacked. sorry things seems overwhelming. I can relate. However i love your wkly goals.

    Luna- any pic of baby's room

    Thanks misti and better Balance, yes a girl after having 3 boys, :-)

    now that families flew back after my g'mas funeral, it's ME time. However I must say, I did alot of walking, taking them to the malls and sightseeing etc....But then again, ate out everyday last week. I have my OB appt on Wed and am afraid what the scale might tell me.

    eat better and track it. My calories says 1740
    drink lotsa water
    strength- 3x this wk
    cardio--walk at least 30 min or more 3x this wk
    get my HRM a new battery
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    I take back my last post! I do want a girl...but after doing some reading...totally freaked out and just want a healthy baby!! I scheduled my ultrasound for next week and was reading up on the things I will be able to find out at the appointment. Totally scared me. AHHH!! I know I worry too much and it doesn't help anything. I will try to think only happy thoughts and stay away from online reading :)
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    I take back my last post! I do want a girl...but after doing some reading...totally freaked out and just want a healthy baby!! I scheduled my ultrasound for next week and was reading up on the things I will be able to find out at the appointment. Totally scared me. AHHH!! I know I worry too much and it doesn't help anything. I will try to think only happy thoughts and stay away from online reading :)

    Same here, my DH doesn't want me to read anything. last night, he was saying ill bring the book "what to expect" and ull not read from net and i was like everything is available on net free, so y will u buy book :)
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    sorry had to delete double post. :(
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Ok, I have like a double post again. :/ How do I delete it. Something I'm doing isn't working.