Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Just a quick stop in to wish everyone well. I’ve been finding it hard to keep up with all the posts; I read most but never have time to reply. What’s worse is that my schedule will only get worse in the upcoming months, so I apologize if I’m not always active on this board or if I miss a comment. But I do hope everyone is healthy and active!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey ladies, 16 weeks! Did some weights and went to aquasize last night. Ate pretty good even though I really wanted onion rings and a strawberry milk shake...

    weights still holding steady... gotta wrok out today somehow!

    Im feeling the baby a bit so thats exciting!

    Anyone opting for a non natural childbirth? Also are stool softeners safe during pregnancy?

    Im really behind on posts
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Anyone opting for a non natural childbirth? Also are stool softeners safe during pregnancy?

    Im really behind on posts

    I plan on an epidural. I am also not opposed to induction either but don't want to be induced super early or anything. I think it's awesome that some women have such strong feeling about letting nature do the work and being au natural and admire their strength. I just feel like the actual delivery is more of a medical procedure for me.

    Yes, stool softeners are safe during pregnancy. I take 3 every night.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member

    Anyone opting for a non natural childbirth? Also are stool softeners safe during pregnancy?

    I am of course hoping to be able to do it natural, but I tried for several hours with my son and couldn't. I ended up getting an epidural with him and it really helped things progress, after that labor was nothing, I actually fell asleep when I was dialated to a 2 and woke up ready to push, so the epidural worked great in my case. I really hope to NOT be induced this time though. Last time I had preeclampsia and REALLY high BP, so they had too, but hoping this time I won't, if I do I guess I do though.
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    No you won't!!! I'll be there and so will my preggos running buddy too. We're doing the marathon one. :D SUPER EXCITED!!!
    Don't know how I'll manage to stay up but I'm pumped!
    Elce 28W3D
    Morning ladies! Man, am I way WAY behind!!!

    Workload is still crazy but I count my blessings every day that I have another day of OT, especially since DH hasn't found any employment yet. We've both began to noticed that with my work load increase that not only am I more physically tired but mentally as well. And oh boy if these hormones havent' been in full gear lately!! Comes with the territory I guess?

    Attending the TWILIGHT Breaking Dawn Midnight Showing tomorrow night!! SUPER DUPER excited!! I'm sure I'll be the only pregnant woman in line with a bunch of teenagers :laugh: but it's a tradition that hubby and I have had since the very first movie came out and I'm not going to break it now! :smooched:

    Doctors apt is on Monday and I'm anxious to hear what he'll say. I'm not showing that the scale has increased, but my appetite sure has- so hopefully he'll say that I haven't lost any additional weight and that I'm on the right track.

    Miss all of you dearly, and I promise to try to stay more on top of the boards!! ((hugs)) :flowerforyou:
  • Roobean33
    Hello all!
    It's late into November but I'd like to join your group. I am 7wks pregnant with my first child and I'm already gaining weight - The scale # changes a lot but at least 2lbs. And my gut is all bloated. Not my best look! I've been exercising pretty regularly but I need to get back into MFP & log! Morning sickness seems to make me crave high cal foods. If my stomach is empty, I get nauseated. Despite my gain, my husband and I are very excited. Hoping to pick up some tips from all of you fit, fabulous pregnant ladies!!!
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Uhoh... we haven't heard from Heather in a while. Maybe that means Charlee is on her way here? Fingers are crossed for you.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Check Heathers profile:0)
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    morning ladies! so yesterday was the start to jessica 're-focusing!!' and i have to say i had a great day nutrition wise and exercise wise! the problem that i have been facing is the cafe here at work. lunches are free and the chefs are REALLY good and they put out these amazing meals every day coupled by a delicious dessert. so my goal is to not eat dessert every day (which i was doing in the past) ... so yesterday went well - i had my yoga class last night which is always great (i slept so good last night too!) - i am feeling great about myself today!

    rayna - i am keeping my fingers crossed for you and the midwife situation! hopefully one of these last four will have good news for you. and i totally agree...i really wish i knew what i knew now when i first got pregnant! but i guess thats the beauty of being a first timer!!! we'll be seasoned pro's the second time around!!

    about the natural birth - i am keeping a very open mind as far as my labor. if i am feeling good then i will definitely go natural. but if the pain is way too much i am 100% open to the epidural.

    hope everyone has a great day!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    No you won't!!! I'll be there and so will my preggos running buddy too. We're doing the marathon one. :D SUPER EXCITED!!!
    Don't know how I'll manage to stay up but I'm pumped!
    Elce 28W3D
    Morning ladies! Man, am I way WAY behind!!!

    Workload is still crazy but I count my blessings every day that I have another day of OT, especially since DH hasn't found any employment yet. We've both began to noticed that with my work load increase that not only am I more physically tired but mentally as well. And oh boy if these hormones havent' been in full gear lately!! Comes with the territory I guess?

    Attending the TWILIGHT Breaking Dawn Midnight Showing tomorrow night!! SUPER DUPER excited!! I'm sure I'll be the only pregnant woman in line with a bunch of teenagers :laugh: but it's a tradition that hubby and I have had since the very first movie came out and I'm not going to break it now! :smooched:

    Doctors apt is on Monday and I'm anxious to hear what he'll say. I'm not showing that the scale has increased, but my appetite sure has- so hopefully he'll say that I haven't lost any additional weight and that I'm on the right track.

    Miss all of you dearly, and I promise to try to stay more on top of the boards!! ((hugs)) :flowerforyou:

    AHA!! Love you for attending!! I'll be rooting for ya all the way from where I'm at!! YAY US!! I have no idea how I'll manage either but I'm going!! My SIL even promised to get me a collectors cup!! I have Edwards, Bellas and now I need Jacobs!

    :laugh: I'M A NERD!! :laugh:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Check Heathers profile:0)

    Can you enlighten the rest of us?
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    heather had her baby yesterday!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Yay!! I'm so glad to hear about Heather!! Hopefully everything went according to plan (as much as feasibly possible) hope we can hear from her soon!!

    Welcome Charlee!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    heather had her baby yesterday!
    Thank you for the news! I tried to check her profile but it's friends only. Glad to hear Charlee has arrived.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Yay for Heather! Welcome Charlee!

    Babeed- You're not a nerd, I'll tell you I wasn't all into the books before the movie came out when it did and I saw it I checked the books from the library and couldn't wait to see the next movie and so on. To tell you my fav movie is Lord of the Rings & I watch 7 watch & still :cry: at the end.
    HAHA i love Sci Fi

    Jessica- I alsio had better choices yesterday & made me a romaine salad today for lunch. I brought tons of fruit to much on, and I must STOP hitting the vending machine. It's hard but we can do it!

    Welcome Roobean!

    Cindy-I was thinking about you yesterday. Good to see you're ok!

    I walked for lunch yesterday a nice 20 mins.

    ~Brenda ~ 25 wks 2 dys
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    18 hours ago from Heather:

    "Charlotte "Charlee" Kendall was born today at 1103am! 7lb13oz 19"long. 11 hours and 16 minutes of natural labor! She is PERFECT!"

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    SO excited to hear that Charlee has arrived! AND a day before she was supposed to get induced! That is so great! Can't wait to hear her story!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful week - it's getting crazy up in my neck of the woods! We're supposed to get over 10 cms of snow today and it's supposed to get to MINUS 25 degrees Celsius here...GROSS :sad: The roads are really bad and I'm just wishing I could be at home in my pjs cuddling with my hubby and our puppy Sophie by the fire place...sigh*
    I really feel the urge to be a hermit and not leave my house when it gets like this! Too bad for having to work everyday lol

    I get my hair cut tonight, I'm beyond excited my hair is getting out of control. I have really thick hair so it gets crazy if I don't get it cut regularly and the last time I had it done was July. I'm thinking I might get some longer side bangs because my hair is all one length in the front and I don't think it compliments my face very well...we'll see!

    Last night I did some major cleaning and am making some good progress cleaning out the nursery...(it was pretty much our junk room for storing all sorts of weird stuff and a lot of RANDOM paperwork that we've been procrastinating on filing away or shredding) soooo yeah it's been a project in to say the least...we also have a massive bookshelf that's FULL of books in there and I finally got all the books packed away in boxes and Jay put them in the basement. Almost all done! It feels good. I can't wait for the furniture to come! I also did a lot of stretching last night because my lower back and hips were killing me and I did a few sets of squats and lunges but that's about it.

    I'm getting into the habit of playing music for Mason when I go to bed - just from my iphone but I think he likes it :) Kind of cool

    Also, still waiting to hear back from the remaining 4 Midwifery Practices in Edmonton...fingers crossed...

    Anyway, better get back to work.

    Happy Thursday :flowerforyou:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    No you won't!!! I'll be there and so will my preggos running buddy too. We're doing the marathon one. :D SUPER EXCITED!!!
    Don't know how I'll manage to stay up but I'm pumped!
    Elce 28W3D
    Morning ladies! Man, am I way WAY behind!!!

    Workload is still crazy but I count my blessings every day that I have another day of OT, especially since DH hasn't found any employment yet. We've both began to noticed that with my work load increase that not only am I more physically tired but mentally as well. And oh boy if these hormones havent' been in full gear lately!! Comes with the territory I guess?

    Attending the TWILIGHT Breaking Dawn Midnight Showing tomorrow night!! SUPER DUPER excited!! I'm sure I'll be the only pregnant woman in line with a bunch of teenagers :laugh: but it's a tradition that hubby and I have had since the very first movie came out and I'm not going to break it now! :smooched:

    Doctors apt is on Monday and I'm anxious to hear what he'll say. I'm not showing that the scale has increased, but my appetite sure has- so hopefully he'll say that I haven't lost any additional weight and that I'm on the right track.

    Miss all of you dearly, and I promise to try to stay more on top of the boards!! ((hugs)) :flowerforyou:

    AHA!! Love you for attending!! I'll be rooting for ya all the way from where I'm at!! YAY US!! I have no idea how I'll manage either but I'm going!! My SIL even promised to get me a collectors cup!! I have Edwards, Bellas and now I need Jacobs!

    :laugh: I'M A NERD!! :laugh:

    I'll be there too!! My girlfriends and I are getting together for a dinner and Twilight marathon to get ready for the midnight show!! SOOO Excited :bigsmile:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Bump for later


    32 weeks, 2 days