Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Good Morning Ladies .....Geeze, it's Monday already!!!! The weekend flew by!!! Faster than usual.

    So I had a GREAT weekend!!!! My son's tournament went great. He's 7 and wrestled 10 year olds in the class above his and still got 2nd!!!! So proud of him. Painted some more in the nursery Sat. night, decided to re do all the pink, it just wasn't pink enough!! Few more things to paint, and it will be done!! It looks pretty cute so far. Changed my mind again, the room is white, with pink trim and will have purple curtains and purple bed set.

    :happy: I had my baby shower yesterday, much to my suprise I had 24 people show up and got so much stuff!!!! Everyone says baby showers after the first one are small, but thankfully not in my case! The only thing I need to get is a diaper bag, and a baby book. I can't believe it!!!! I'm so happy!! One friend also gave me 50.00 so I actually won't be paying for the things needed. I'm so thankful for all my family and friends who made it such a great day!! :love:

    This is our last week of wresting and I am glad and sad, I'm ready for some down time. We've been busy non stop since August. (moved, got married, school started, football, wrestling).....ready for some quiet nights and weekends. Lil' sad today, Zack went back to work but is being sent 12 hours (one way), away for a LONG job. (most likely most of the winter) Hoping they finish it by mid Jan. He will be gone now til' at least Thanksgiving :cry: then home for a few days and gone again til' Christmas.....just hope they finish it and get a job closer to home around the time baby is due.

    Goals for the week:

    Finish painting!
    Need to go for gluclose test
    Yoga 3x
    Walk at least 1 - 2 miles - 5x
    Water, water and more water!
    Get sleep and get over this cold!!

    H_82 - LOL! Glad the poop hostage has let you go. You crack me up. I wouldn't worry about the weight gain, maybe your one of those people that are going to gain it all in the beginning, and hardly any towards the end. :) As long as you eat healthy anyway you will lose whatever you do gain quickly.

    Andrea - First of all CONGRATS!!!!!! So happy for you! As far as the furniture - The one great thing about living in a really small town, Everyone knows I'm pregnant, and I just happened to get asked if I had a crib yet and I said no, the UPS driver recently got divorced and has just had baby stuff sitting around taking up space, so when I asked how much he said how about 200.00 for all of it!!!! I was in shock! It's super nice, looks brand new and he even game me a diaper genie w/ 3 refills when my husband picked up the stuff. :)

    Heather - I was thinking about you all weekend!!! Thought for sure you would have the baby. :) Anytime now! So excited for you!

    Shellgib - 3 lbs at 17 weeks!!! That is AWESOME!!!

    Brenda - Good job getting out there walking even if it is FREEZING!!!! Have fun painting, so glad I'm almost done with that part!

    Ash - Your goals look great for the week!! Good job on you hike!

    Ashley - Your goals are great too!!! I so wish I had a place to swim!!!!!

    Babeed - Glad you got lots of walking in this weekend!!!! Good job! That's awesome about all the things your getting from SIL too!!!

    Kristy - The pics are great!!! I wish I could get a 3-D u/s!!! Kinda gives you an idea of who the baby looks like. That's so cool!

    Taldie - Great job on your excercise this weekend! My mom swears by drinking chocolate milk before an U/S. She said she did w/ all 4 of her pregnancies and all of us babies were going crazy, doing all sorts of things!!!

    Think I got everyone, sorry if I missed someone, better get to work. Think I'll leave early today and rest. Not feeling good. Baby is way up, acutally I think up further than she should be at this point!!!!! Pushing on my gallbladder a little which makes it reallly hurt unless I lay on my left side!! Hopefully I can leave early!!!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Hey guys, happy monday!

    I was wondering if anyone else has started planning their POST baby fitness routine?

    I was thinking about ordering some new jillian michael's dvds so I'm prepared as soon as the ob gives me the ok!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Udder Covers is offering free covers again. You pay shipping only.

    Discount code is: MATERNITY

    I haven't used this for BFing before, though that's what they're designed for. They totally awesome for pumping though... especially if you don't have guaranteed privacy.
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Bump for later!

    Happy Monday!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Udder Covers is offering free covers again. You pay shipping only.

    Discount code is: MATERNITY

    I haven't used this for BFing before, though that's what they're designed for. They totally awesome for pumping though... especially if you don't have guaranteed privacy.

    Thanks for sharing! Was just about to look for a cover somewhere.

    Just found one of the Udder Cover (porter print) is selling half of what their own website offering ($16 instead of $32):
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    stellcorb...that really sux : ( But at least you can do the elliptical (although I know that can get monotonous after a while) Good luck with the hip

    abeare...I sympathize with the back pain...I used to have back issues all the time and had to see a chiro during and after my 1st pregnancy. It's been really good for the past couple of years since I lost weight and have gotten more fit and strengthened my core...but now...ugh! It's starting again already!! It felt better after I did yogo yesterday so maybe I will be able to "work" thru it, but it really stinks!!
    And I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain over one weekend (easier said than done I know) But I think it's probably just like before we were pregnant, Might have big fluctuations one or two days, but then it evens out again. I know my scale went up like a whole pound over 1-2 days but then it's been holding steady again for the last few days. But I do is hard to see the numbers climb like that all at once. And it could be just your body holding on to it from doing all that hiking too!

    kristy...that is awesome about getting the 3d pics!! very lucky!!! I will be getting my 20 week u/s done the week of Thanksgiving and can't wait!! I hope our tech has that "magic" little button to switch to a 3d view : ) And I will def. check out your other pics too!

    andrea...YAY!!! so glad you had a good heartbeat!!

    looks like everyone is doing great with your goals!! good job!!!
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    It was so weird watching my baby mutilating my belly tonight. Instead of feeling her kicks, I decided to stare at my belly earlier. I watched her got my popped up belly button sucked in like a cave, my belly was waving like tides. Definitely amusing. :-)
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hi everyone. Just wanted to do a quick check in. Sorry I haven't been posting. Last time I read we were on page 5 now its 7. But I've been so busy helping my mom prepare for my gma's funeral svc tomrw. Aunties,uncles, cousins are in town from California and Canada so busy with them also. I've been eating so much with them, ugh!
    Wed will be my gma's burial svc...

    So pls pray for me and my family during the services.

    Tnk u.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Has anyone bought a crib from Ikea?
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    good morning ladies!!!! hope you all have been doing really well. sorry i havent checked in for a while...we dealt with the crazy october storm which resulted in us losing power for a whole week! let me tell you ... this girl is SUPER thankful for so much more now (crazy how a storm can do that to you!).

    at this point i am just trucking along! i am feeling parker more and more each day and i love it! we're 25 weeks tomorrow so just over the 6 month mark! i just know that things are going to speed up really quick with the holidays right around the corner so I have been doing all sorts of projects around the house to get ready. we have wanted to paint our bedroom for a while now...and we have a new bed coming next we're starting that tonight! we picked out this beautiful light yellow which will be so nice and bright in there. then i am painting parkers room...a light sage green which will look really nice!!! i am just excited to get things moved into the nursery and actually have it look like his room! the only hold up there is that we dont have any of his furniture yet (it is a gift from my that will be coming around christmas).

    other than nesting at home i have ramped up my work outs...really concentrating on my arms because i took a look at them the other day and wasnt happy with what i saw. so i have been hitting the gym almost every day.

    hope you all have a great day and its good to be back on the board and have power in my house!!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Quick stop by- No time for fitness this week. Working some major OT and I can say I feel blessed to have it considering our position at the moment :ohwell:

    Going to keep working at eating healthy (so far so good) and keep up on my water intake.

    Have a great day ladies!
  • millionsofpeaches
    Taldie01 – Wow, snow already! I am not ready for old man winter to come a knocking.

    Rosannabarbarofl – I had a cold about two weeks ago… I headed it off with tons of orange juice. What would normally last a few weeks only lasted a few days. Feel better!

    Atyynk – Good luck!!! Looking forward to seeing pictures!

    Paulandrea – good luck with your tests… I hope all goes well.

    Shellgib – Get some rest girl!!! Perhaps drinking a glass of warm milk and then trying to get a bit more shut eye. Hopefully you can get in some naps.

    Stellcorb – Congrats!

    Heather – I was having some pooping problems. I bought fiber gummies for some extra push. It worked! I am back to being regular. I find that after I drink my morning O.J. that I get the urge.

    Heathercrist1 – We are on baby watch! I hope your little bundle of joy is in your arms soon!

    Abeare – your weekend weight gain may level out… Perhaps some water retention from your hike?

    Bmfrazie – I have a friend who bought a crib from Ikea and was not impressed with the quality.

    Happy Tuesday ladies!!! I was unable to log on yesterday... I tried to catch up with some of you! I noticed that there is now a groups section on the Community Boards. So, does this mean that we are going to be there?

    Tomorrow is the big day! We have our first u/s appointment tomorrow. I am so excited and scared at the same time... Also, I haven't weighed myself since my 8 week appointment. I wonder how much I have gained? I am still fitting into most of my pre pregnancy pants which zip and button. So it cant be that bad... right? :ohwell: I am 12 weeks and sort of itching to start showing. I just look bloated like I do after Thanksgiving dinner. I am going to hit up Old Navy today or tomorrow to get some maternity jeans for when I do start showing.

    I have been to yoga once. I have a 10 class punch card so I plan on going once a week and then doing some at home 2 times a week. I got in a run this past weekend... I had a really hard time. It was more mental than physical but I cramped a bit and didn't like it. I am going to start up on the gym track with one lap walking and one lap jogging. It is my planned pace. I am also going to work some arm and leg weights in.

    Have a wonderful week ladies!!!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Today is a cold yucky wet day here. The weather has me in the Holiday mood though. I am ready to get my craft on and start decorating the house. It seems like I am a little more into Christmas earlier this year. I think that might be because of the new baby on the way and the fact that after Christmas I get to start working on getting the nursery all set up.

    Since the weather has me stuck inside today I have tried to start working on some Christmas gifts and building ideas for our Christmas card this year.

    Is anyone doing anything cute for their Christmas cards this year related to the pregancy? I had really been hoping that I would have a bigger bump so you could really tell in our pictures. I think the wording will be something along the lines....Merry Christmas from our growing family to yours.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Today is a cold yucky wet day here. The weather has me in the Holiday mood though. I am ready to get my craft on and start decorating the house. It seems like I am a little more into Christmas earlier this year. I think that might be because of the new baby on the way and the fact that after Christmas I get to start working on getting the nursery all set up.

    Since the weather has me stuck inside today I have tried to start working on some Christmas gifts and building ideas for our Christmas card this year.

    Is anyone doing anything cute for their Christmas cards this year related to the pregancy? I had really been hoping that I would have a bigger bump so you could really tell in our pictures. I think the wording will be something along the lines....Merry Christmas from our growing family to yours.

    Noticed that as well the other day!! Even my husband was shocked!! i'm not normally the big Christmas type but I'm super hyped about it this year???

    keep me posted on any ideas that you find!
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Hi Ladies!

    Still not quite over the cold-thing I have going on, but it hasn't actually turned into a full-blown cold either. So that's good.
    Weather has been crummy :grumble: but that is expected. Tis' the season.

    Had a busy but unproductive weekend. Did get the glider home from my SIL's SIL though, so very excited about that. Just need to get it cleaned. I thought I was going to purchase a cover for it because I expected the color to contrast with the wall color, but no need. Its almost an exact match. I'm thinking with some accent fabric placed on the head-rest it will look great! So glad I don't have to drop another $500 on additional furniture.

    Everyone's goals look awesome!

    Here are mine for the week:
    Walk 3 miles, 5x
    Yoga, 2x
    Strength, 2x
    Dine out, max 2x
    Drink 8-12 glasses water/day

    Busy day at work so no time for responding, but always makes my day checking in with you ladies and hearing about your day!

    Have a great Tuesday!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Heather & Atynk how are we doing? :wink:

    SvGarcia-Thoughts & prayers to you & your family. :flowerforyou:

    Atomdraco-How cute watching your lil girls movements.

    Jchecca-Great working out the arms I really need to do that.

    Babeed-Hang in there work, glad you'll have a lil extra $$$ it comes in at good time right? I have a couple of sat to work so if i get enough hrs i can take a day off in Dec. :bigsmile:

    Taldie & MofP-Yay on your U/S

    Bmfrazie- I am into holiday mode too, it's my fav time of the yr, also comes with my birthday 2 days before Christmas.

    Rosanna-Hope you feel better.

    Last night, J & I watched Cars 2, the hubby says I am the bigger kid. LOL I didn't walk or anything but I will today. J has a soccer game at 6pm tomorrow. So I might walk during the game to stay warm.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Is anyone doing anything cute for their Christmas cards this year related to the pregancy? I had really been hoping that I would have a bigger bump so you could really tell in our pictures. I think the wording will be something along the lines....Merry Christmas from our growing family to yours.

    We will probably use a couple pictures with the "bump" included on our Christmas cards. We had some pictures taken over the weekend and the photographer took a few of my belly so we can use them. It's not super big, but big enough to see it. I like your wording idea!! I may have to use it too, if you don't mind. :wink: lol I'm so excited to get our Christmas cards made. I'll probably use Snapfish since they have good prices and a lot of templates.

    Didn't get a work out in yesterday, but didn't overeat so that's good. I plan on jogging/walking today though since it's so nice outside. Eric won't be home from his flight until 6:30pm, if not later, so I'll be going at it alone. I may possibly do some yoga today too as my joints are kind of achey and that always seems to help. I tossed and turned a lot last night and just couldn't get comfortable.

    Goals for the week:
    Today: jog/walk & possibly some yoga, finish laundry
    Wednesday: walk the dogs & pack for Pennsylvania
    Thursday: walk the dogs & yoga, leave for PA
    Friday-Sunday: We'll be in Pennsylvania, but will hopefully at least get in some walking and maybe a short yoga session a couple times.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!!

    WOW...I am SO behind on posts!! Been very busy lately and it's been hard for me to catch up on here.

    So, to update on me: I'm 18 weeks tomorrow, and have now gained a total of 11.5 pounds!! Ah...more than I had hoped for by this point. But I'm exercising pretty much every day so know that I am doing something right! I have an appointment this afternoon and hope to schedule my ultrasound! EXCITING!!

    Goals this week:
    Yoga 3X
    Strength/Cardio 3X
    Jog/walk outside if weather allows

    Have a great day!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Holy scha-moly I fell behind on these posts! WOW
    I had a really jam packed weekend going to Calgary for those prenatal classes and I'm so glad I took yesterday off to recover. Honestly, though it was SO worth the trip to Calgary for those classes. My whole perspective has changed and I feel really empowered that with the knowledge I have gained I can make my birth experience at the hospital what I want, and still have a natural birth - I learned so much and I feel so much better than I did before. I no longer have fear of giving birth naturally (which is what I went in with) if anything my fear/anxiety has shifted a bit to fear of making sure my environment at the hospital is conducive to what we're trying to achieve in our birth experience (as hippie as that sounds lol)
    I was feeling really overwhelmed and defeated before because the options in Edmonton for natural childbirth (support etc) are so limited. I mean the hospital that I am giving birth at doesn't even ALLOW midwifery care or a midwife to deliver your baby if you want...The closest hospital in Edmonton that does is the Royal Alex and it's SO far from my house. BUT now that I've taken those classes I don't feel as defeated because I have such a better understanding of the process and when/why medical intervention is necessary and when it's not. And when to ask questions and ask for other options. Plus my husband is totally on board too and we have the same vision together. So yeah...without going on and on I feel really good :bigsmile:

    I have my 25 week appointment tomorrow in the afternoon - I have a few questions to ask my obgyn but it'll probably just be a quick routine visit.

    Quick question has anyone done any research or thought at all about delayed cord clamping/cutting? It's something that I learned about this weekend and I'm going to do more research on and ask my doctor about his thoughts. Would love to hear some opinions! :smile:

    Dyed my hair back natural to "dark blonde" yesterday just with hair dye out of a box from the drug store (it's actually this cool new mousse stuff that was really nice to use) anyway, turned out a bit darker than I had originally planned but I still like it and it will be a lot easier to maintain than bright blonde ;)
    I definitely need to get a trim though and thinking maybe some side hair just looks like a mop right now!

    I'm also thinking of getting a massage this week because my ribs are still really bugging me, and thinking of going back to the chiro...

    Hoping to get more exercise in this week. I'm going to really try to ride the bike tonight and do some weight training at home.

    Had a REALLY good breakfast this morning because I actually woke up on time lol - spinach two egg omelet, chicken breakfast sausage, and a small bowl of homemade canned peaches YUM

    I'm also super pumped that the Christmas oranges are back in stores! I bought a big box yesterday and can't stop eating them! I LOVE THEM :bigsmile:

    Anyway, I hope everyone is doing really well! Welcome all the new ladies!

    Heather - way to be patient! I bet you she will come any day now! I also learned this week that first timers usually go until 41 weeks 7-8 days! So don't get discouraged! I can't imagine how hard it must be though! Patience is not one of my strong suits so I know if I go "overdue" it will be really hard for me! lol you are doing so well! :flowerforyou: