Flab-u-less Closed Group (November Team Challenge



  • Mememone
    Mememone Posts: 48 Member
    We are doing great! and Jill I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Welcome Back Jill! We missed ya! I hope your daughter's party went great! Don't worry about your emotional eating too much, I had my own share with that one yesterday! lol today is another day. My motto is, you can only do things one day at a time... sometimes one minute or a meal at a time. Your weigh in made it in, because I got some special permission to change it after I gave in the numbers.

    Which brings me to.... Ladies! May I have a drum roll please! pum pum pum pum pum (ok my best attempt at a drum roll... haha)

    Our team has made it to first place!!! We are tied for first place, but first place never the less!!! In case you haven't read the message yet, here it is:
    "Here are the team points:

    Flab-u-less = 45 points
    Moves_To_Improve = 45 points
    Bestest Burners = 44 points
    Turkey Trotters = 44 points
    Fall's Fab Five = 41 points
    Fall's Foxy Femmes = 40 points
    Let the Pounds Fall = 35 points
    Vivacious Vixens = 33 points

    We had a tie for first place and a tie for 3rd place! Just so you guys are aware that Moves_to_Improve had ZERO points from weight change. However, they drank all of the water and did all of the exercises so they managed to pull together enough points to get first.

    Congrats to PeachyKeene for being the biggest loser out of the 8 teams/40 participants! Amazing working dropping 4.8 pounds in one week!!! "

    So Ladies!!! All of our hard work did pay off! Way to go team!!!

    On another note, just so you all know, we don't get any extra points for drinking the water anymore. However, it is good for you so feel free to do it, you just don't have to keep track of it. Thank you everyone for completing all the exercise for today! I am certain that I will be feeling it tomorrow!!!

    Ok, next posts will be tomorrow's challenge!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    So, here are the challenges:

    Bonus points!!!! Let's gather them up!!!
    SUPRISE! Tomorrow the bonus points will be earned in the form of calories BURNT! Your team will earn 1 point for every 100 calories that your team earns. If your team burns a total of 5,024 points that is 50 extra points....or if your teams pulls of 906 then your team earns 9 points. The points will be rounded to the closest 100.
    (PLEASE let me know how many calories you burn throughout the day... you can either post it all together or little by little as you exercise)

    The actual challenge:
    Tuesday =leg day
    100 jumping jacks
    40 squat kicks (squat then kick right leg kick left leg squat)
    1 mile run/walk on top of what you already had planned for the day. If 1 mile is easy make it a 5k
    50 toe touches -- feet shoulder width with hands on hip. Bend as waist touch toes and back uo to hands on hips
    60 calf raises --- can be done on flat ground. Add weight or a ledge to increase difficulty
    10 one leg squats on each leg

    Don't forget that your team is also earning bonus points for your TOTAL calorie burn for the day. This includes your full workout and not just what you burn doing this leg workout.

    Good luck team! And remember, we want to keep our lead! So, let's work together to make this one happen! My question is, how do I calculate 1 mile run/walk?
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    How do you get your calorie burn for the workouts. I can only get them for cardio on my tracker....is there a way to do it?
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    I have a hrm (heart rate monitor) and I keep track of it with that.

    However, you could probably count most of it as circuit training and see how much calories you end up with. For the running/walking you could calculate that individually.

    That's my guess... what do you think?
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Helpful tip! I was told that if you can't calculate whether you are walking a mile or not... 20 minutes walking would equal a mile.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Ok, I completed today's challenge! I used my treadmill for the 1 mile walk/run. I did do some running in there, which I never usually do! I am pushing myself. I also completed the other challenge exercises in there at the same time, without any double dipping. (ex: instead of 100 Jumping Jacks, I did 150). I am really pushing myself like I've never done before! I've never had motivation like this before! I will do some more activities later tonight to help increase our bonus calories, but I burnt this morning, according to my hrm 506 calories! So that's 5 bonus points for our team!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Ok, the challenge looks tough, and I'll get it done later, but I don't know how to do 2 of the exercises.

    What are squat kicks?? And how do you do a one leg squat?

    If someone can explain those, that would really help. Thanks!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    I googled it all last night...

    Squat kicks (that I did)

    One leg squat: (I can't go as low as the guy in the video, so I did my best)

    calf raises: (I used the stairs and held on to the railing)

    toe touches: they are not the cheerleading advanced jump... that you might get if you googled. It's just to touch your toes... haha it would be funny to see me complete the cheerleading move... look it up

    Enjoy everyone!!!
  • Mememone
    Mememone Posts: 48 Member
    Oh Wow! I have finished the challenge exercises and more.... I found the one leg squat the hardest. But I burned 397 calories.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Ok, team! I really badly wanted to earn our team more points! At first, I was going to do zumba or something like that, but instead I ended up doing my floors! Both upstairs and downstairs! I regularly do the floors upstairs, but the downstairs... well, that used to be my stepdaughter's domain. She was responsible to keep it clean... Well, as clean as teenagers can keep something clean. So, I don't usually go down there much, but since I started this challenge, that's where I go do my exercises in the morning. So, while I was doing either some planks or push ups, I realized the carpet really badly smells!!! So I wanted to clean it... First I had to sweep, swiffer and mop the floor... I vacuumed the carpet and haven't quite cleaned it yet. I may go back to do it later if I get motivated. I'm waiting for the floor to dry first... So, by doing all that tonight, I burnt an extra 926 calories! According to my HRM. I'll see if I get the energy to clean the carpet later.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Good job finishing the challenge Monique! It was a harder one today I know!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Holy cow, Lynn!!! That's a great burn!!!

    Ok, so I did the challenge exercises... thanks for the videos (I used to do those other cheerleading jumps back in 9th grade!!!) so count me done. I also ran a mile. I wasn't going to, I abhor the treadmill, but I did it!!!!

    Then I finished the rest of my workout, and ended up burning 411 calories. I was going to push for 500, but I still had to hit the grocery store for milk and make dinner for my boys... so I'll settle for what I did. It's still more than I usually do on a Tuesday night!!!

    Thanks, ladies... let's win this thing!!!!
  • Mememone
    Mememone Posts: 48 Member
    Good job Nickstergirl! and good job Lynn! :)
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Good job Nikki!!! And of course, feeding your kids should come first... haha

    I did go finish cleaning the carpet (area rug). Now, I hope that tomorrow, it won't smell too bad when I do my exercises. I'll go check if they've been posted yet. I burned another 228 just doing that.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Ok, I have a GRRRRRRRRRRR moment to share! After all the work that I did in the house tonight, I did put my spotbot on a stain that was on one of the cushions on the couch. (My stepdaughter 16, had decided to doodle on it-happy happy joy joy). Anyhow, I was excited to see after it was done, that the stain had come out. So, I called my fiance over. He was impressed, then he said, "Why don't you do all the furniture too?" I said, "I'm done!" Then he said, "well, then just do the cushions."

    Really! I can't believe he said that after I spent all that time doing that! Yeah he helped a little bit at the beginning when I was doing the floors, but he was just sitting on the couch and then expected me to do more cleaning! It kind of makes me feel unappreciated! GRRRRRRRRR

    Then, I didn't do it, I figured I'd done plenty! I'm sitting at my computer, he's watching tv, and he says. "No offense, but are you going to be a while on the computer?" I said, "I don't know why?" He said, "cause it's disturbing my Hockey game" All I said is, "Are you kidding me?"... Then, I guess he understood from the tone in my voice that I didn't like what he said and he just said he was going to turn up the volume.

    We usually get along quite nicely, but I guess we are having one of those moments... Just had to share my frustrations... now I feel better. The challenge for tomorrow morning wasn't posted yet, I'll check again and then I might be going to bed.

    Have a good night ya'll
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Oh, honey... sounds like you had a tough day!!! I've had those... it comes with being married!!!! I hope you two can kiss and make up, but make sure he understands why you were so frustrated! I still may happen again, but you could always come up with a word you could say to make him understand when he's being a pinhead!!!!

    Anyway, you cleaned your patootie off... good for you! My house is a mess!!!!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Looks like Lynn's having some trouble today, but here's today's challenge!!! It's all arms... I need this!

    Wednesday = arms

    If you need to adjust or modify any of these to your ability level please do. If you have questions on modifications please message me. I am also including videos for those that want to watch them....

    Everything should be broken up into 3 sets of 10

    Standing Bicep Curls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av7-8igSXTs
    Shoulder Press: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-aVuyhvLHU&feature=relmfu
    Tricep Extension: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRiJVZDpdL0&feature=relmfu
    Pec/chest Fly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmXSO_EqNeY
    Push ups (you can modify these to be on your knees or against a wall)

    Good luck ladies!!!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Thanks Nikki! I appreciate your help! We got hydro back at work around 1 pm. I'm heading to zumba and will probably be back later to do my exercise. I forgot my HRM, so won't be able to tell you how many calories I burned. Feels like my day was upside down, so I forgot a lot leaving the house... No biggie, things always work out anyhow.

    Please remember to post your exercise here :-):wink:
  • Mememone
    Mememone Posts: 48 Member
    Here we go! Mission accomplished! In total with the challenge exercises done, I burned 330 calories.