TEAM January-ers



  • mandersen16
    How is everyone doing this morning? I have a mid-term in an hour and a half!!!! :frown: :frown:

    That does not sound fun!

    I am sitting at work, bored out of my mind. I have no idea why they hired me.........
  • adamk0324
    i vote for team name to be can do. hope everyone is doin great today. i had a bad last night we went to perkins resturant for a study group and i ate fried food at 930 at night that was so bad i have not had fried food sience jan 1st eww. i had chicken tenders fries breakfst potatos and the rool with mass amounts of honey mustard, my brain must of ran away because i have not ate like that in like a omonth i feel so guilty that i dont even want to eat today but i will becasue i dont want to go in to starvation mode. lol err i am just goin to have to go to the gym and double my rutine eww that is almost 2 hrs on the elipptical. i just dont know what to do and i feel so stupid for eating that err i wish they hadd texting support from ur cell phone. i cant aford to get internet on my phone to much but a texting line would be cool.

    so that is my story so eww bad day
  • chantybear
    How is everyone doing this morning? I have a mid-term in an hour and a half!!!! :frown: :frown:

    That does not sound fun!

    I am sitting at work, bored out of my mind. I have no idea why they hired me.........

    No it is not fun, I love history, but my prof gave us the questions, and I do not even know what one of them means...I do not even think we talked about it!!!

    They hired you because they liked you! :smile:
  • chantybear
    i vote for team name to be can do. hope everyone is doin great today. i had a bad last night we went to perkins resturant for a study group and i ate fried food at 930 at night that was so bad i have not had fried food sience jan 1st eww. i had chicken tenders fries breakfst potatos and the rool with mass amounts of honey mustard, my brain must of ran away because i have not ate like that in like a omonth i feel so guilty that i dont even want to eat today but i will becasue i dont want to go in to starvation mode. lol err i am just goin to have to go to the gym and double my rutine eww that is almost 2 hrs on the elipptical. i just dont know what to do and i feel so stupid for eating that err i wish they hadd texting support from ur cell phone. i cant aford to get internet on my phone to much but a texting line would be cool.

    so that is my story so eww bad day

    Do not kick yourself in the butt for it, just realize it was a bad day, and continue living. If you beat yourself up for it there are really no pluses!! Everyone has bad days, and just try to not do it again, that is the only way you can 'fix' it.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Hey ethan19blue,
    Was that a regular size snicker bar and if so and you ate the whole thing then times that 230 you ate by 2.5..That would be 575 calories:noway: . Scary huh? My fav candy bar is the peanut butter twix so I really know what im talking about.:flowerforyou:

    Oh oh!! I learned something new today... speaking of snickers...WHOLE GRAIN POPTARTS....(I couldnt believe this when I read it on "Eat this, not that") have just as much sugar in them as a 230 cal snickers bar. Whole grain!? I dont eat poptarts, just thought if ever given the choice between the 2, I would definitely pick the snickers bar!

    Not that I'm defending Pop-tarts or trying to say they're good for you.... :embarassed: BUT....

    I actually have the brown sugar flavored whole grain pop-tarts in my cabinet, my 11 year old likes them for a snack sometimes. They only show 12g sugar in one pop-tart (200 calories, 6g fat in a 1.76 oz. pastry) An original flavor regular size 2.1 ounce Snicker's bar has 280 calories and 30g sugar and 14g fat.

    I definitely say the pop-tart is the lesser of 2 evils! :devil:
  • andersonchristineg
    I'm rejuvinated! I sat myself down and had a long thinking session about why I keep "failing" myself. Long story short, I keep making excuses for myself. I'm a tough-love-kinda-success-story. I basically have to kick myself to stay on track. I tell myself "its ok" once and its all out the window. So, I know a lot of people do well with encouragement and letting it go when they mess up, but I don't. Since this is a motivation and support group, I need something from you guys:
    When I moan about messing up tell me that I can do better and I should try harder, its just my weakness coming through. I've done it before, I can do it again, stop making up reasons to feel sorry for yourself damnit.
    Sometimes I think I would thrive in a boot camp setting... has anyone ever done those?
  • chantybear
    I'm rejuvinated! I sat myself down and had a long thinking session about why I keep "failing" myself. Long story short, I keep making excuses for myself. I'm a tough-love-kinda-success-story. I basically have to kick myself to stay on track. I tell myself "its ok" once and its all out the window. So, I know a lot of people do well with encouragement and letting it go when they mess up, but I don't. Since this is a motivation and support group, I need something from you guys:
    When I moan about messing up tell me that I can do better and I should try harder, its just my weakness coming through. I've done it before, I can do it again, stop making up reasons to feel sorry for yourself damnit.
    Sometimes I think I would thrive in a boot camp setting... has anyone ever done those?

    You have to do that sometimes to kick yourself in the butt, and get going on track again! I have never done a boot camp, but my sports doctor told me yesterday that a young lady was running about 4-5x a week, and did a boot camp then she went for a run the next day sore, and really hurt herself!... It kind of scared me away:smile:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Happy Tuesday!
    Chantybear, how'd you do on your test?
    andersonchristineg - get your butt in gear girl - or I'll come put it in gear for you!!:angry: (was that tough enough love?)
    cmriverside - uggghhhh, food poisoning?::sick: I had that several years ago and it is soooo miserable. I feel bad for you:cry: Hope you're on the mend and all better soon!:wink:

    Hey, for you emotional eaters... thought I'd share my tip with you. Keep a small spiral notebook on the kitchen counter close to the pantry or fridge, every time you go to the kitchen for food, write down the time and the REASON for wanting to eat. We track our calories on MFP, but not necessarily what's behind our cravings... the notebook may end up being as eye-opening as the calorie counter was when you started here!:noway: Writing it down usually makes me decide NOT to eat when I shouldn't be eating. It feels good to change my mind, and my reason for wanting to eat is sometimes embarrassing and sometimes a revelation. We can learn all sorts of good stuff in this process!

    Have a great Wednesday all! Eat less, move more, be strong! No matter what we end up calling ourselves, we ARE T.H.E. Can Do Team!!:bigsmile:
  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    This weekend was a tough one, but thank GOD I changed my weigh in day to Friday. Hey sometimes you drop the ball (like I did this weekend) but the games not over. We're still playing and in the end we WIN. Absoluteley, yes it will happen, we will all reach our goals. How do I know this, its simple... we are unbeatable, we're in control and we want it. But "wanting it" is not gonna get us there, got to have a plan (I've had modest success with slim fast),read about diets (I've got three books on my night stand), use the tools (myfitnesspal) and absolutely stay with the TEAM. Stay connected, its gonna be fun.
    Here's a list of things that can slow down my progress....
    Lets call them BuzzKills (or really bad habits)
    Alcohol with dinner (increases appettite)
    NO activity (gettin lazy)
    Too much TV (couch potato)
    Too Much Activity (I'll strain somethin, and I can't work out)
    Not post a reply (pulls me away from you fine folks!)
    Anybody want to post theirs?.....Zano
  • chantybear
    Happy Tuesday!
    Chantybear, how'd you do on your test?
    andersonchristineg - get your butt in gear girl - or I'll come put it in gear for you!!:angry: (was that tough enough love?)
    cmriverside - uggghhhh, food poisoning?::sick: I had that several years ago and it is soooo miserable. I feel bad for you:cry: Hope you're on the mend and all better soon!:wink:

    Hey, for you emotional eaters... thought I'd share my tip with you. Keep a small spiral notebook on the kitchen counter close to the pantry or fridge, every time you go to the kitchen for food, write down the time and the REASON for wanting to eat. We track our calories on MFP, but not necessarily what's behind our cravings... the notebook may end up being as eye-opening as the calorie counter was when you started here!:noway: Writing it down usually makes me decide NOT to eat when I shouldn't be eating. It feels good to change my mind, and my reason for wanting to eat is sometimes embarrassing and sometimes a revelation. We can learn all sorts of good stuff in this process!

    Have a great Wednesday all! Eat less, move more, be strong! No matter what we end up calling ourselves, we ARE T.H.E. Can Do Team!!:bigsmile:

    Thanks for asking, but I am doubting very well! It sucks have a 3000 word essay due at the same time as a shorter essay, and two mid-terms...damn college! :smile: Gotta get my butt in gear, and not procrastinate!
  • Mette
    Mette Posts: 29
    Thanks for the link cmriverside! i am in for sure...i don't weight myself anymore (the scale hasn't budged in a year and i was getting a little obsessed with the weighing)...maybe i'll try to squeeze into my old skinny clothes every friday and then i can just tell you my equivalent of a weigh-in... "too tight, so tight i couldn't breathe, or almost got my big butt stuffed into them" :laugh:
    i don't have a preference for the name...i know where to find ya! :tongue:

    I know of someone who bought a button down top she loved in a size too small.... every week she took a picture of herself wearing that top (which would barely button at first) Her goal was to be able to wear that top comfortably buttoned all the way down without it pulling.

    It was kinda cool to see the progression of her photos and how that top fit better each week!

    I love that idea, I'll have to find some of my old clothes too. :noway:
    The picture is not going to be very nice at first, but hopefully it will over time. Maybe I should write comments like : tight, too tight or barely breathing on them. :laugh:
  • adamk0324
    ok so the weather have been so bad here that i have not went to the gym in ta week eww and the roads were so bad tonight that i could not get to the gym. i feel so asamed and i need to get there ewww
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    get_fit: :wink:
    G'mornin' - how r u feeling?
    I spk gr8 text no wories

    I read everyone's posts today, and I think we are sharing some good stuff. All great ideas!

    My problem today is twofold. 1.) I bought a new Speedo for SCUBA. I had to buy it online because I couldn't find a dealer anywhere near me. So I bought the size to fit according to their size chart. Well IF I lose 10-15 lbs it will work. so I hung it up in my hall where I have to see it every time I go anywhere in my tiny condo. I won't be able to afford SCUBA until I get a job, but it's only a suit - not that expensive.

    Problem 2.) I'm not working and some things have to go to save money. My gym membership and my cable cost the same - $60 a month each. I want them both:sad: . One has to go. I live alone. TV is a huge comfort to me. I have DVDs to workout. I have resistance bands and a balance ball. I live right on a 40 mile long bike/walk trail. I never go to the gym - but if I didn't have TV, I would probably be there alot more. I have NO family so no one to go visit and a lonely existence. I can't decide.

    My phone is going to have to go, too. (I'll keep my cell) I may sell my car, too. I just sent off a 6-month's insurance check for $469. It's bad you guys. 60,000 layoffs in my county in the last two weeks, and I'm not 25 anymore, and I don't qualify for unemployment, disability, or COBRA, so I'm paying $300 a month for health insurance.

    Sorry to burden you with this. I don't expect answers - it just is a lot at once.....

    Bright side, I took the ferry to the peninsula and walked on the beach - burned 400 cals and it was a gorgeous day!

    Logging off till 2mro.
    EDIT: team-name update since I'll miss you morning posters:

    THE Team (or T.H.E. Team) = 6 ..........( cmr, fletchchic, wolfena, mandersen, vonzo, chantybear )
    CAN DO = 2 .............................................( zano, adam )
    THE CAN DO Team = 1 .........................( lulu )
    February-ers = 2 ......................................( wanning, smontoya )
  • vonzo
    vonzo Posts: 161
    Hi guys!! How are we all feeling today?

    CM: I know how you feel about the money situation, 2 lttle kiddys not only plays havoc with your belly, but with your wallet too :noway: So far all I've done is alternate 2 dvd's. I bought some hand weights too. So far so good *touch wood* I have a gym ball somewhere but i have no idea how to use it. I only bought it to help get my babies in the correct position to help with labour to be honest :laugh: .. worked a charm ... twice!! Anyone have any tips on how to use it in the correct way?

    You guys who can't make it to the gym could maybe do dvd's on days you miss the gym. That way you won't be missing out on any workouts and will feel proud of yourselves for sticking at it :smile: There are workout channels on cable too (so i've been told), and also youtube so you can get them freeeee!!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!

    How about a running total of how much weight we've lost as a combined group? Anyone think that would be a good idea?

    :embarassed: speaking of which....I cheated today :embarassed: I'm not meant to weigh in again until Sunday but I caved this morning :embarassed: .. Another 1.5lbs gone forever!! YAY!

    Have a fantastic day everyone :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Kelleighanne
    Morning ladies.

    I'm getting discouraged. My clothes are fitting better Yay, but my scale hasn't moved. I had to move my calories up from 1200 to 1430 (the one pound a week for me) because I was getting light headed like it was the last time. I feel like such a wimp sometimes... ug.

    Anyway, off to feed my kids.

    chattybear, I don't miss college at all LOL
  • vonzo
    vonzo Posts: 161
    Morning ladies.

    I'm getting discouraged. My clothes are fitting better Yay, but my scale hasn't moved. I had to move my calories up from 1200 to 1430 (the one pound a week for me) because I was getting light headed like it was the last time. I feel like such a wimp sometimes... ug.

    Anyway, off to feed my kids.

    chattybear, I don't miss college at all LOL

    Don't feel discouraged. It's fantastic that your clothes are fitting better! I think I would rther lose inches and gain muscle weight that just lose weight and keep all of my flub! You're doing a great job! Measure yourself and I bet you find that you'll have lost alot of inches ... if you;re losing inches who cares about the lbs!!!
    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Morning ladies.

    I'm getting discouraged. My clothes are fitting better Yay, but my scale hasn't moved. I had to move my calories up from 1200 to 1430 (the one pound a week for me) because I was getting light headed like it was the last time. I feel like such a wimp sometimes... ug.

    Anyway, off to feed my kids.

    chattybear, I don't miss college at all LOL

    Hang in there! It will happen all of a sudden, honest! The loose clothes is a good sign!
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    cmriverside - I know how you feel, I am getting a little panicky. I'm on a temp assignment that ends in June with one kid in college and the other in high school. My husband's land contracts are all going bad on his development deals, because none of the people has the money to make good on their contracts. If you sue - you still don't get money because they don't HAVE any! Ugh! :frown:

    Hang in there - can you find a simple little job where you could meet people and earn a little cash on the side?

    Glad you are feeling better and had a nice walk!

    I'm off to the grocery store before I work out - more money being spent, oh boy! And let me tell you - teenage boys eat A LOT! :ohwell:
  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    cmriverside...I love it that you ended on a "bright side". Everyone has issues, everyone has problems. I'm sympathetic to yours. Logging in everyday and posting your thoughts inspires all team members to do better. I'm grateful you gave me the link, and we'll all reach our gaols. I just to have to remind myself to have VISION.
    One more buzzkill to my list, "get the laptop out of the kitchen."..Team, have a fantastic morning.
  • chantybear
    Morning ladies.

    I'm getting discouraged. My clothes are fitting better Yay, but my scale hasn't moved. I had to move my calories up from 1200 to 1430 (the one pound a week for me) because I was getting light headed like it was the last time. I feel like such a wimp sometimes... ug.

    Anyway, off to feed my kids.

    chantybear, I don't miss college at all LOL

    It will get better when I am in the swing of things again, only my first year so it is hard to get going! :smile: