What size pants do you wear?



  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    I have a pair of size 30W jeans -- that one memento piece. I thought it would be a miracle if I ever got to size 12.

    I wear 6/8 or small/medium depending on how the garment is made.
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    I started at 195 lbs. wearing a 33/34 jean or a 16 pant. I'm now 150ish and wear a 28/29 jean and a 9 pant.
  • cheesesandwich
    cheesesandwich Posts: 79 Member
    I started at a size 8, now I'm 118 lbs and usually a size 4 but sometimes a 2.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Started MFP at 250lbs should have been in a size 20 jean, but I refused to buy them so I wore my pants unbotton lol, I wore 18's. I'm 66lbs lighter 183 and am in a 14.
  • I can anywhere in the general area of 10's, 12's, or 14's depending on what's going on that week (coughcough*monthly torture*coughcough) and the store/brand. I find that Sears tends to be the smallest sizes for me, with Old Navy, Walmart, and Bluenotes being average, and AE, Levi's, Stitches, and Billabong being my bigger size stores.

    I really want to be in the 2-4-6 range.

    Right now I'm 5'6' and 190lbs (I haven't weighed myself in sometime so I've lost track).

    I've never, ever been under a size 10/12 in my whole teenage years (17, going on 18), and possibly a good chunk of pre-adolescence.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    i was a 10, then gained till i was at a 18
    now im a 12 and i want to be size 6 lol
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    Oh crap! I mean I'm 133lbs not 333! LOL!

    lmao i was like holy cow how did you get them on at 333 lol
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    My biggest size was a 20...that's when I knew that I had to start doing something about my weight. I actually refused to wear that size, and I squeezed all 191 pounds of me into a size 18 just so I didn't have to wear a 20. Sad, huh?

    At my smallest, I was a size 6 and I weighed 128 pounds. I have gained since then (that was 2008) and have yo-yo'd for a while. I am finally on my losing track again now that I know what works for me and how to stick with it.

    I currently weigh 146 and can wear size 8 or 10 depending on who makes it and the style. I have skinny jeans that are size 10 because I don't to cut circulation off in my thighs, lol, and my bootcut or easy fit jeans are size 8. All are comfy.

    Back when I was a size 6, I still had a bit of body fat to lose cause I hadn't yet reached my goal before life slapped me upside the head...but anyways, my goal is to fit into a 2 or a 4.

    I'm 5'5" tall and I have 32% body fat. My "real" goal is for body fat, and since I want to be around 16-17% body fat, and I was still 22% in a size 6, I feel that a size 2 or 4 is reasonable.
  • humblestudent
    humblestudent Posts: 47 Member
    atm australian size 14. but depends on the make. the smallest i'v ever been was about a 9 or 10. in euro size at the moment i'm around 32 or 33... i wanna be a size 29ish :D
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    i was a 24 when I started and now a 16. big jump in sizes, considering it's only a 46 pound loss.
  • When I started looing wieght in March I was a 22 now I am a 14.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    10 years ago, I was a size 26W/28W. When I started MFP in August, I was a size 16. Right now I'm a 10/12, though the 12s are pretty baggy on me now.
  • Size 10-12 in kid jeans.
  • When I started losing in July I could barely fit into a size 8. Now I finally fit into a size3 6 with a little room to spare!
  • In the beginning a size 16 (being tight), now a size 10 (tight or a well fitting depending on the brand).
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    I wish I knew.....I am 5'3" - 142 lbs, and have sizes from 8-12. I like my pants looser, though.
  • Size 40s. But I have a closet full of 38's and 36s. Hope to toss the 40's soon. I do notice at Costco the 40's are always out of stock.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    im ethier a 3 or 5 depending on brand and i still want to lose 20-25more lbs lol 5ft 3

    p.s it all depends on body shape and where people like to wear their pants im an apple i like to wear my pants on what i consider my hips which means not any where close to my belly button lol
  • I started out a juniors 11, and am now a juniors 7:D
    I want to be a 3 when I reach goal, the smallest I can remember being in high schoo is a size 5 my freshman year
    I am 5'2" and 135 as of this morning:D
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Started at an 18W. Currently, size 14/16 depending on the brand.