How Do You Feel About The Flu Shot?



  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member

    And how would you feel if you didn't get the shot, got the flu and passed it onto someone immunocomprimised, elderly, or a child and they died?

    Are you serious? Then their flu shots didn't work, I guess, right? Why is that on my conscience? Every older person I know is basically bullied into getting a flu shot every year, as are the immunocompromised that I know. My daughter IS immunocompromised, but I let her own immune system do its work without kicking it into hyperdrive (through immunization-hello! Her immune system doesn't work efficiently, so let's pump her full of stuff that her immune system has to tinker with??? That's stupid!!!). She has only half usage of one of her lungs due to being born with several congenital heart defects.... however, if I had continued to give her the shots (prior to her diagnosis), it would have killed her. My mother's heart said to stop. I did. She was later diagnosed, and the doctors told me that because her body was busy making extra red blood (because her heart was all jacked up), that the immunizations would have killed her while her body stopped with the red blood to make the white blood and let her immune system go to town with the crap they'd put in her. I'll take her weak immune system any day. It's done just fine so far.

    would it not be better for her for you not to bring **** home to her? she can't have the vax to protect her not everyone can.
  • frugalmomsrock
    I believe that her well fed body can do its job without the interruption of immunizations. It has worked very well so far. She also drinks my breastmilk if she gets sick. :) She gets a HEALTHY dose of immunities from that... no needles needed.
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member

    Have you actually looked at those links you posted?
    They all agree with exactly what I said. There is so little of those ingredients they are at non-toxic levels

    AGAIN I say , it is the DOSE that makes the poison.

    You can die from drinking too much water for example.
    You can have tissue damage from too much oxygen.

    Too much sunlight can burn you, too little and you get a Vitamin D deficit.

    Too much Potassium can kill you, too little can too.

    Without iron you can't make hemoglobin and without hemoglobin you can't deliver oxygen to your cells.
    Yet Iron overdose has been one of the leading causes of death caused by toxicological agents in children younger than 6 years

    Balance is the key.

    The ingredients that keep being brought up are only put in vaccines in levels to do just what is needed, sometimes it's a co-solvent, sometimes it's to prevent growth of bugs etc.

    There are Preservative free Flu-shots available , and that's what we give to pregnant women,
    Just like there are double dose flu-shots that have twice as much antigen for senior citizens .
  • dianita22
    I don't like flu shots. I've never had one in my life. My kids don't get them. My husband doesn't get it. My family got the H1N1 last year, and we survived. We felt miserable for a little while, slept a lot, drank lots of water and vegged out together, took our fever meds, and got over it. We relied on our immune systems, and they worked just the way they were supposed to.

    The flu shot isn't even guaranteed to work. It's a guess. Loaded with a mega dose of mercury. Mmmmm. Delightful. Don't you dare throw out one of those mercury light bulbs in the regular trash, but let's all be forced to get a shot full of mercury? Doesn't seem right to me...

    Well The Flu shot actually relies on your immune system, it exposes your body to pieces of the protein coat of the 3 most common flu strains this year (as determined by epidimiologists). Yes its not guaranteed you won't get the flue but works at least 90% of the time (that's the threshold for FDA approval and they are FDA approved). When your immune system sees the piece of foreign protein it creates antibodes that allow a secondary immune response to an actual exposure to eradiacte the virus before it can cause you illness (theres a definitive difference between exposure and illness). And they any vaccine produced today does not have a "mega dose of mercury" I'd LOVE to see your source on that. As for me I got my information from my undergraduate degree in Biological sciences but you can find what I explained in any college immunology textbook
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I bet no one but the three people arguing even read this far into the thread. And no one's ever reading this post since its not inflammatory, but as for my two cents:

    You work in a hospital, Its required. No questions asked, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Get the shot, its an occupational hazard. I get 1st and 2nd degree burns, you get flu shots, its the way the world works.

    Personally, I don't get the flu shot because 1- its not free, and 2- I've never needed it and suspect I never will. I haven't gotten sick even once from any virus since having chicken pox and walking pneumonia simultaneously. If its bacterial, I'll get it every time, but I haven't had a single virus in twenty years, so I like my odds.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Wow, apparently a lot of controversy on this subject! However, the facts speak for themselves. Mortality rates have decreased to the tens of thousands instead of millions (20-40 million in the pandemic of 1918-1920) since flu vaccine was invented.
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    I am required to get one because I am a nursing student. I wouldn't want anybody working around my family if they were sick or weren't vaccinated. I also would hope that anybody working with people who have chronic diseases, elderly, and small children would get the shot. People who are more at risk for getting sick should be confident that they aren't going to get something because somebody that they come in contact with (school teacher, health care worker, day care/nursing home faculty, etc.) didn't get vaccinated.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Wow, apparently a lot of controversy on this subject! However, the facts speak for themselves. Mortality rates have decreased to the tens of thousands instead of millions (20-40 million in the pandemic of 1918-1920) since flu vaccine was invented.
    Yup. Not to mention the increases in overall lifespan because children stopped dying from measles, smallpox, polio, diphtheria, etc.
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    Personally, I don't get the flu shot because 1- its not free, and 2- I've never needed it and suspect I never will.

    You can get free flu shots. You just have to look. If you have insurance, it is usually covered and you pay nothing. Students can usually get free flu shots through school, a lot of businesses offer free flu shots to employees, and there are clinics that offer free flu shots. You have to know where to look.

    Not getting the flu shot can put others at risk around you. It's not just for your benefit, it helps the people you come in contact with every day.
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    It is impossible to get the flu from the flu shot. The virus is inactivated and dead. The nasal spray one is live, so technically it could happen that you get the flu from that, but still very unlikely. Just wanted to make that clear!

    I'm not argueing your point at all because I hear this all the time but what I don't understand is why certain people get the flu after the shot.

    I've heard this too but I literally got the flu within 48 hours of getting the shot. And not mild flu-like symptoms, full blown flu. Concidence? Sure, could be. But as I'm not prone to getting it, it's not something I feel is necessary and I wouldn't appreciate being forced to get it.

    I refuse to get the flu shot. A few yrs ago my oldest daughter and her step dad got the flu shot. EVERYBODY in my house got the flu a few days later, except me (an I think I had a mild version. I spent one day sick in bed, which is RARE for me) Wouldnt have been as bad, but we're talking 3 adults an 3 kids an I was the only one not sick. My in-laws were living with us as well, they are elderly and frankly almost ended up in the hospital. I never want to go thru something like that again.
    He has gotten the flu shot a few times since and gets the flu every-freaking-time! Oldest learned her lesson and I wont let the other 2 get the shot.

    Every single person I know personally that has gotten the flu shot, ended up with the flu anywhere from a few days to about 4 weeks after getting the flu shot. Very weird coincidences. I had the flu about 4 years ago. It sucked, but I got through it. It wasn't even as bad as everyone makes out to be (for me at least). I stayed hydrated and took all of the medication as directed by my doctor. It lasted about 4 days. I also have never gotten the flu shot.
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Never had one as far back as I can remember.

    Whatever happened to the swine flu anyway? Or was that just here?

    I remember lines and lines of people in every city, goin to get swine flu shots or some garbage.

    Pigs are better off gettin a kiwiburger shot.

    This year's flu shot has H1N1 (swine flu) in it as well. No thanks!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Personally, I don't get the flu shot because 1- its not free, and 2- I've never needed it and suspect I never will.

    You can get free flu shots. You just have to look. If you have insurance, it is usually covered and you pay nothing. Students can usually get free flu shots through school, a lot of businesses offer free flu shots to employees, and there are clinics that offer free flu shots. You have to know where to look.

    Not getting the flu shot can put others at risk around you. It's not just for your benefit, it helps the people you come in contact with every day.

    just thought her post needed repeating
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    It is impossible to get the flu from the flu shot. The virus is inactivated and dead. The nasal spray one is live, so technically it could happen that you get the flu from that, but still very unlikely. Just wanted to make that clear!

    I'm not argueing your point at all because I hear this all the time but what I don't understand is why certain people get the flu after the shot.

    I've heard this too but I literally got the flu within 48 hours of getting the shot. And not mild flu-like symptoms, full blown flu. Concidence? Sure, could be. But as I'm not prone to getting it, it's not something I feel is necessary and I wouldn't appreciate being forced to get it.

    I refuse to get the flu shot. A few yrs ago my oldest daughter and her step dad got the flu shot. EVERYBODY in my house got the flu a few days later, except me (an I think I had a mild version. I spent one day sick in bed, which is RARE for me) Wouldnt have been as bad, but we're talking 3 adults an 3 kids an I was the only one not sick. My in-laws were living with us as well, they are elderly and frankly almost ended up in the hospital. I never want to go thru something like that again.
    He has gotten the flu shot a few times since and gets the flu every-freaking-time! Oldest learned her lesson and I wont let the other 2 get the shot.

    Every single person I know personally that has gotten the flu shot, ended up with the flu anywhere from a few days to about 4 weeks after getting the flu shot. Very weird coincidences. I had the flu about 4 years ago. It sucked, but I got through it. It wasn't even as bad as everyone makes out to be (for me at least). I stayed hydrated and took all of the medication as directed by my doctor. It lasted about 4 days. I also have never gotten the flu shot.

    i have had the flu shot every year since my son was diagnosised wth asthma at age 3 he is 12 , i have never gotten sick from the shot. neither has he. worse i have had is this year my old shoulder injury flared up a little, next year i will remember not to get it in that arm
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    Never had one as far back as I can remember.

    Whatever happened to the swine flu anyway? Or was that just here?

    I remember lines and lines of people in every city, goin to get swine flu shots or some garbage.

    Pigs are better off gettin a kiwiburger shot.

    there was one year when you had to get 2 shots, one for reg flu and one for swine flu because it wasnt added to the "formula" but now it is added to the reg flu shot so you only have to get the one shot
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Never had one as far back as I can remember.

    Whatever happened to the swine flu anyway? Or was that just here?

    I remember lines and lines of people in every city, goin to get swine flu shots or some garbage.

    Pigs are better off gettin a kiwiburger shot.

    there was one year when you had to get 2 shots, one for reg flu and one for swine flu because it wasnt added to the "formula" but now it is added to the reg flu shot so you only have to get the one shot

    yep, so i wonder why you dont hear alot about it anymore. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................................
  • cupboard_stalker
    cupboard_stalker Posts: 62 Member
    I was never a fan of getting flu shots until a coworker got H1N1 aka Swine Flu. She was SOOOOO VERRRRY sick she thought she was going to actually die.
    Seeing how that was for her was enough to convince me.
    If you are around ANY young children, elderly people or anyone with a compromised health condition get the flu shot for them.
    You may be healthy enough to fight back/recover when you get the flu but you could also be spreading it to others less fortunate before you even know you are carrying it.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i work in health care so i get the flu shot every year because women come in my office when they have the flu and they want me to make them feel better. i don't want to take it home to my family. my daughter has asthma but she is away at college now so i enc her to get a flu shot. my sons are both in the Army...they don't get a choice...they get the flu shot! i do usually get mild symptoms a few days after getting the shot...mild headache, sore neck, sore muscles but it is way better than getting the flu!
  • cupboard_stalker
    cupboard_stalker Posts: 62 Member
    The flu jab doesn't actually stop you carrying the virus or passing it on.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    Never had one as far back as I can remember.

    Whatever happened to the swine flu anyway? Or was that just here?

    I remember lines and lines of people in every city, goin to get swine flu shots or some garbage.

    Pigs are better off gettin a kiwiburger shot.

    there was one year when you had to get 2 shots, one for reg flu and one for swine flu because it wasnt added to the "formula" but now it is added to the reg flu shot so you only have to get the one shot

    yep, so i wonder why you dont hear alot about it anymore. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................................

    i do remember hearing about some cases last year...we had one preg woman get it (i think it was last year) and she got very ill.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Never had one as far back as I can remember.

    Whatever happened to the swine flu anyway? Or was that just here?

    I remember lines and lines of people in every city, goin to get swine flu shots or some garbage.

    Pigs are better off gettin a kiwiburger shot.

    there was one year when you had to get 2 shots, one for reg flu and one for swine flu because it wasnt added to the "formula" but now it is added to the reg flu shot so you only have to get the one shot

    yep, so i wonder why you dont hear alot about it anymore. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................................

    i do remember hearing about some cases last year...we had one preg woman get it (i think it was last year) and she got very ill.
    you don't hear about near as many though