How Do You Feel About The Flu Shot?



  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    Never had one as far back as I can remember.

    Whatever happened to the swine flu anyway? Or was that just here?

    I remember lines and lines of people in every city, goin to get swine flu shots or some garbage.

    Pigs are better off gettin a kiwiburger shot.

    there was one year when you had to get 2 shots, one for reg flu and one for swine flu because it wasnt added to the "formula" but now it is added to the reg flu shot so you only have to get the one shot

    yep, so i wonder why you dont hear alot about it anymore. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................................

    i do remember hearing about some cases last year...we had one preg woman get it (i think it was last year) and she got very ill.
    you don't hear about near as many though

    you are right...there will be a new mutated strain soon :(
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    The flu jab doesn't actually stop you carrying the virus or passing it on.

    if you got the flu shot, when you pick the virus your body is able to fight it, you no longer have the virus and this keeps you from passing it on to others.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Never had one as far back as I can remember.

    Whatever happened to the swine flu anyway? Or was that just here?

    I remember lines and lines of people in every city, goin to get swine flu shots or some garbage.

    Pigs are better off gettin a kiwiburger shot.

    there was one year when you had to get 2 shots, one for reg flu and one for swine flu because it wasnt added to the "formula" but now it is added to the reg flu shot so you only have to get the one shot

    yep, so i wonder why you dont hear alot about it anymore. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................................

    i do remember hearing about some cases last year...we had one preg woman get it (i think it was last year) and she got very ill.
    you don't hear about near as many though

    you are right...there will be a new mutated strain soon :(

    that is the unfortunate nature of viruses , even seeing that in some of the old viruses in my field yay (the yay is dripping with sarcasm)
  • TinaMLT
    The important thing is to ask yourself why you are so upset about getting it?

    Is it the risks? Which ones?

    Are you uncomfortable with getting a needle?

    Are you worried about side effects?

    I can answer some of these:
    The risks of getting the flu shot are VERY small.
    Almost every person who gets the shot experiences little or no side effects.
    The mercury that it contains is significantly less than if you ate one can of tuna a week for 1 month and you can now get a
    flu shot that does not contain the thamerisol (mercury containing preservative)

    I don't want to get sick. You CANNOT get the flu from the flu shot. However, if you have been in contact with some who as
    the flu before you get your shot, the shot will not save you.

    Don't like needles?
    There is now a flu vaccine that is available in a nasal spray. It is not nearly as affective in transferring immunity, but it
    works pretty good.

    Side effects?
    The most common side effects are a sore arm and a low grade fever for 24 hrs. These are easily handled with some

    Reasons to get the flu shot
    1. Influenza is a serious, potentially life threatining illness. It will take you out of work for a minimum of 1 week. I can't even
    begin to describe to you how aweful you will feel with it. My best description of it is take the worst cold you have every had
    and multiply the symptoms by about 1000 (not an exaggeration). You will NOT be able to get out of bed for at least 3-5
    days. No showers, no making meals, no laundry, no shopping. Nothing. You will NOT be able to do it. Getting up to
    go to the bathroom will take all the energy you have and you will need a 2 hr nap just because you went pee. This is not
    something you want to catch.
    2. Last year in Canada (where I live), approximately 7000 people died of influenza and we only have 35 million people.
    3. Your age, fitness level and previous healthy lifestyle will NOT protect you because it is as easy to catch as the common
    4. Your children and your parents are more likely to get seriously ill from influenza if they come in contact with it from you.
    This will only happen if you do not get the flu shot.

    So the next time you are approached about the flu shot it might be time for some self honesty. What are you concerned about? Talk to a medical person about your concerns. You may be surprised at the amount of misinformation you have been given.
  • TinaMLT
    This is absolutely FALSE. The flu shot will stop you from being a carrier. :explode:
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Where do you live? I get a flu shot but it isn't mandatory at all...
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    FORCED, WHAT???? Where on earth do you work? If it's with kids, the elderly or in medicine I understand.

    I haven’t had the flu since I was a child, I had the flu shot 5 years ago and got sick and then got H1N1 last year BEFORE I was even available to get the shot (high-risk people had first dibs) and even then with Tami-flu prescribed (it's supposed to reduce duration/symptoms) I was only sick for 4 days, 2 of which I was at work with the sniffles, called in sick on the Friday which broke my streak of never calling in sick (6 year run I had) and then recovered on Sunday to be perfectly fine by Monday.

    My favourite part of the flu was when I asked the doctor, how do you know if I have H1N1 or the regular flu? And was told, the only test is by autopsy, YIKES! So if you had the flu and not just a cold you had H1N1.

    That being said I am NOT getting the shot and I'm Canadian where medical care is ALWAYS FREE!*

    *Something’s may be extra, had to buy a $20 brace for my knee once when I was a kid but crutches and ortho consult is all free, weird.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    My best description of it is take the worst cold you have every had and multiply the symptoms by about 1000 (not an exaggeration). You will NOT be able to get out of bed for at least 3-5 days. No showers, no making meals, no laundry, no shopping. Nothing. You will NOT be able to do it. Getting up to go to the bathroom will take all the energy you have and you will need a 2 hr nap just because you went pee. This is not something you want to catch.
    This is 100% true. I think a lot of people who think they have had the flu didn't actually have the flu, but rather had a stomach virus or cold or other respiratory infection. Everyone who posted about sniffles or dehydration and missing a day or two of work - you did not have influenza. If you felt like you could barely muster up the energy to move, ached in every single joint, ran a fever while simultaneously having chills (when I had it I had on flannel pajamas, a sweatshirt, a bathrobe, socks, slippers, and two blankets and was still shivering), and only started to feel anywhere close to something that can be described as "normal" after 7-10 days, then yes you probably had influenza.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have never had one before but I had pneumonia last year, and have also had bronchitis a few times, trachitis, pleurisy and numerous lung infections and this year I decided I couldn't risk it again. So I had it, and so far, no chest infection, which is a change for me.
  • myshell26
    I have never had a flu shot and I get the flu maybe once every 8 years.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I have never had one before but I had pneumonia last year, and have also had bronchitis a few times, trachitis, pleurisy and numerous lung infections and this year I decided I couldn't risk it again. So I had it, and so far, no chest infection, which is a change for me.

    Bronchitis and flu are totally unrelated. Pure coincidence.

    I never had the flu so I didn't bother getting the shot. I'm more of a common cold person.
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I do not take the flu shot. My husband does because, being a nurse, he is at higher risk for contracting the flu.

    I'm not a big immunization fan for the most part. Now, if someone in my family were immunocompromised, it would be a different story. I'd do it for them, not for me.
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    My best description of it is take the worst cold you have every had and multiply the symptoms by about 1000 (not an exaggeration). You will NOT be able to get out of bed for at least 3-5 days. No showers, no making meals, no laundry, no shopping. Nothing. You will NOT be able to do it. Getting up to go to the bathroom will take all the energy you have and you will need a 2 hr nap just because you went pee. This is not something you want to catch.
    This is 100% true. I think a lot of people who think they have had the flu didn't actually have the flu, but rather had a stomach virus or cold or other respiratory infection. Everyone who posted about sniffles or dehydration and missing a day or two of work - you did not have influenza. If you felt like you could barely muster up the energy to move, ached in every single joint, ran a fever while simultaneously having chills (when I had it I had on flannel pajamas, a sweatshirt, a bathrobe, socks, slippers, and two blankets and was still shivering), and only started to feel anywhere close to something that can be described as "normal" after 7-10 days, then yes you probably had influenza.

    I am going to agree with this as well. I had the flu several years ago and it was horrible. I had no energy, slept every chance I got, and at it was the worst. I think I slept at least 2 days (who knows how long it actually was, the only way i was judging days was when my husband would go to sleep but he wasn't sleeping in the bedroom because he didn't want to get sick) waking up only occasionally to not have energy to eat or get up and go to the bathroom. I remember the day it started I was so incredibly tired the night before I went to bed at like 6 pm. The next day I was so exhausted but I tried to go to work (worked at Target at the time). I hardly could stand, had terrible chills, and apparently looked horrible because my boss sent me home. At least I had a few days off in a row after that. I didn't feel well for at least a week.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have never had one before but I had pneumonia last year, and have also had bronchitis a few times, trachitis, pleurisy and numerous lung infections and this year I decided I couldn't risk it again. So I had it, and so far, no chest infection, which is a change for me.

    Bronchitis and flu are totally unrelated. Pure coincidence.

    I never had the flu so I didn't bother getting the shot. I'm more of a common cold person.

    While they are unrelated, once I get flu my immune system gets knocked and then I am more prone to other infections. My mother had swine flu last year, which turned into pneumonia the same time I had it. There is viral pneumonia as well as bacterial.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    to all the people who say i never get the flu so why bother with the shot. it only takes getting it once to have it possibly turn into a fatal case.

    sorry i try not to play the odds with anything that can be fatal
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    to all the people who say i never get the flu so why bother with the shot. it only takes getting it once to have it possibly turn into a fatal case.

    sorry i try not to play the odds with anything that can be fatal
    My daughter would never get one and she got the flu last year. I think she has a different opinnion about them now. And while a person still might get another strain of the flu, why not get vaccinated against some of the ones that they know will be likely to come our way? I totally agree with you!
  • frugalmomsrock
    to all the people who say i never get the flu so why bother with the shot. it only takes getting it once to have it possibly turn into a fatal case.

    sorry i try not to play the odds with anything that can be fatal

    Some people have died (or wish they had) as a result of immunizations. I choose not to take chances either. :)
  • wagreen
    wagreen Posts: 76 Member
    In the healthcare industry we are recommended to get it every year. It does not bother me, but I must say I have not had the flu in years just a slight cold. It helps because I come in contact with so many people on a daily basis.
  • aimhigh4once
    No company should force you to get a flu shot. I am allergic to eggs and latex. I can not take a regular flu shot and have to have one that has no preservatives. I sign a paper opting out of getting one. 2 years ago with the big scare of H1N1 I relented....I ended up fighting pneumonia for a good 2 months.....I've promised myself that I won't ever get another one.
  • TinaMLT
    The flu vaccine relies on your immune system too. It simply offers the same virus (without the getting you sick parts) to your immune system and then lets your body develop an immunity the same way it woud as if you had come into contact with the full virus that caused the full disease. Your immune system doesn't know one from the other.

    The amount of mercury in the preservative that is placed into the flu vaccine (and they make one without it now), is equivalent to you eating one can of tuna a week for a month. The amont of mercury is so low, that it is even less than the amount of mercury that leaks out of those "silver" fillings in your teeth.

    H1N1 was actually a very mild influenza. The media made a big hype out of a mildly virulent new strain of the flu simply because it presented at an unusual time of the year and spread quickly. Your family got lucky only because the flu that they caught was not making a lot of people seriously ill (thank goodness).