When does the abuse stop?



  • suegmune
    Absolutely! When I first began trying to lose weight, I decided I would try to jog a little each day until I could go a mile. I had a car full of kids stop and tell me that I would give myself a black eye and start an earthquake if I didn't stop jogging.

    That's because they were jealous of the girls!!!!! :P
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    When I was in college I lived in a rural area and collected cedar bows and sold them to companies that made christmas reefs for extra money. I did have a big *kitten*, still do. Every year I did it a truck would drive by and some guy yelled Fat *** at me as I am reaching for the boughs. This first two years I would get offended, but after that I took it as a complement.
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    I have been never called fat even when I was tipping the scales are 250 lbs.
    However, people have called me things like anorexic, bulimic, and other means things when I lose about 50 lbs. Some were from family, too! I'm guessing that they were concerned but still! I have proof that I did it the healthy way, because I have YET to gain a pound back and girl I EAT!
  • emilycandoit
    WOW> This is a heartbreaking post.
    Im so sorry someone would treat you with such incredible disrespect.

    This day in age, people are rude verbally, physically, emotionally- they drive angrily and cut people off, they flip people the middle finger, they swear--- they have NO manners whatsoever---- so though this kind of thing isnt shocking, its also considered bullying in repetition.

    Great reminder to everyone- say nothing in jest that you wouldnt say in seriousness.

    Again, SO sorry to you that you had to endure this.

    NO excuse for anyone treating a person this way.

    DONT QUIT on your goals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Eventually you'll be shopping for the perfect friend or mate or buddy
    and at that time, coming from your perspective, you'll have a GREAT radar for a quality person,
    as opposed to a materialistic or superficial one.

    God bless.