Completely irrational judgement



  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    People driving SUVs and vans. It stems from dbags that cannot drive or park and enjoy being on their cellphones when driving. I know many drivers are guilty of one or multiple of those things, but these populations seem to manifest these traits more than any other vehicle type that I will purposely steer around them to get away.
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    the SAHMs who live less than a half mile from school and DRIVE their kids instead of walking them.

    I'm not a SAHM, but I work from home and do this.... but only because I have a 15 minute break in the morning and that's how long it takes me just to walk him to the school. Whereas a 8 minute round trip car ride is a bit of a time saver. However, most of the time my sister picks him up from across town, and I make him walk home from school.... next year he'll be on the bus to middle school. hehe
  • NB_Eric
    I judge people based on how I feel that day. It makes no sense. One day I may judge somebody for being a rude driver then the next I am going to judge the person that is too nice. You can't win with me!

    I also judge people who eat 1,000 calories in food and drink diet soda. It could have to do with the fact that I can't stand diet soda. And if you do this I am judging you right now....

    Sorry ;) I'm one of those people who really does enjoy the taste of diet pop ( I don't call it soda ) vs sugar pop. And yes everyone needs to put in the obligatory I don't drink that crap, all I drink is water bla bla bla ;) Sometimes I just like fizzy diet pop :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    People who have very huge opinions on something that they've never experienced. Like how to raise a baby, buy a car, eat your food, etc.
  • NB_Eric
    People driving SUVs and vans. It stems from dbags that cannot drive or park and enjoy being on their cellphones when driving. I know many drivers are guilty of one or multiple of those things, but these populations seem to manifest these traits more than any other vehicle type that I will purposely steer around them to get away.

    SUVs bother me a little bit but the real kicker for me are people driving Hummers, to me those vehicles are the most obscene monstrosities on the road.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    What are some things you judge for no real reason?

    Me- people that purposefully back their car into spaces instead of pulling in, are arrogant *kitten*. :angry: (don't know why.. but thats the first thing I think...)

    what about you? You know you got something...

    My hubby is a fireman and he backs in to every freaking parking spot...annoys me...but it is apparantly a fireman thing...they back the truck into the firehouse for a quicker departure...
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Tiny dog owners that bring the dog every where. I see them as morons who think rules about animals in stores, restaurants, parks (with signs saying "no dogs"), schools don't apply to them because their dog fits in their purse.
    I also judge those who drive with dogs on their laps as pretty unsafe.

    I don't judge you for owning a dog.

    Also, I judge anyone who is critical of any profession that they have no actual insight to. Unless you have been a teacher, parent, waitress, police officer or have some insight to the sacrifices and laws and regulations that govern those doing the job just shut up.
  • erinrose07
    I judge people who tailgate and swerve in and out of traffic without regard for anyone else on the road. It's like they think they're time is worth more than anyone else's, or that they're more important and everyone should make room for them.

    I have probably tailgated everyone on this post....sigh....I'm sorry. I can't stop myself.
  • myshell26
    I judge people who blast their radios. If I'm 10 car lengths behind you and can hear your music it's way too loud. Oh and morning joggers. Don't know why... just envious I guess. LOL!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    My biggest pet peeve?

    When someone is ignorant on a subject but somehow think that without knowing anything about it, they can form and argue an opinion. I don't mine you arguing an opinion that is different than mine, but PLEASE, if I ask you, have something valid to back it up. Engage me in a real conversation!

    But on the backing up thing. I park in a parking deck where I work. ALLLLLL the time I see cars that have backed up...and are in two parking spots. Or RIGHT on top of one spot next to them. Or have one whole tire in the other can't tell me that backing up was easier for them. Obviously they have to be blind, every one else see's the white lines dictating your spot and someone elses. We already have to fight for spots as is.
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    I judge people who blast their radios. If I'm 10 car lengths behind you and can hear your music it's way too loud. Oh and morning joggers. Don't know why... just envious I guess. LOL!

    I jog in the morning sometimes.. :cry:
    Lol, I don't have time during the rest of the day.

    I agree with the car thing though. I hate that crap.
    Or when all you can hear is the bass, and it makes your car vibrate!
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    People with the pursed-lipped duck-face photos posted of themselves on social networking sites. It gives me the mental image like they are sucking on a straw, except then the straw sucked all their brain matter out!

    This might sound really really mean, but a girl I met at a get together once added me on facebook, I deleted her because every single one of her pictures were duckface, and I just couldn't stand it. I think they look ridiculous.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I wanted to quote everyone's replies!!! Thanks for the smiles everyone!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I judge people based on who they associate with on MFP...IJS.

    ^^^ This.

    I judge the parents of the stupid teenage boys who wear their jeans belted around their thighs/knees. Seriously, how is that even comfortable and why as a parent would you not say PULL UP YOUR D@MN PANTS!

    Yes. This.

    This thread made me smile, too.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    But on the backing up thing. I park in a parking deck where I work. ALLLLLL the time I see cars that have backed up...and are in two parking spots. Or RIGHT on top of one spot next to them. Or have one whole tire in the other can't tell me that backing up was easier for them. Obviously they have to be blind, every one else see's the white lines dictating your spot and someone elses. We already have to fight for spots as is.
    Totally! That drives me crazy. 90% of the people who back in, do a poor job of it. My assumption is that they somehow think it makes them cool to back in (and don't realize that it just shows that they can't drive well). But that is totally judgemental of me! LOL

    I also hate those jerks who know the lane is ending, but don't get into the correct lane until the last second. Do they all just think they're brilliant and have found a short-cut the rest of us morons don't see? Duh, we know it's there, we are just not jerks.

    Oh, duckface. Yes, duckface.
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    I judge people who tailgate - if they're in that much of a hurry they should've gotten their *kitten* in the car sooner..
    And people who think they can give advice on something that they've never experienced or those who give advice but think their own advice doesn't apply to them.
    I judge people based on how much makeup their wearing - if they feel they have to wear makeup then they're probably insecure, and those who wear way too much - I just think they're freaks..
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    people with fake LV...really bother me...a lot.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    Guys that have on boxers, shorts, and jeans all at once but they butt is still showing... or they have a belt and they are still sagging and their shirt is too short to cover the area that is not covered by pants... Drives me nuts! I do not want to see your behind and its def not cute...

    how the hell do you walk with your pants belted at your knees?! Do you want to be a penguin?
  • branflake5
    I judge people who "name drop" I moved to California LA county about 7 months ago and practically everyone we meet "knows Lil' Wayne, Adell", bla bla bla. Or everyone is a freaking manager or producer. This woman told me this big long story today about how she produces Trey Songs BS, I just nod and smile, then I watched her get into her 1998 Ford Escort and drive away. Its so ridiculous...

    Also judge obese people who ride around in electric chairs, maybe if you walked you wouldn't be so obese. Just watched a lady a walmart a few weeks ago in her electric chair go down the little debbie cupcake isle and load her basket up. Wow!!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I judge people who "name drop" I moved to California LA county about 7 months ago and practically everyone we meet "knows Lil' Wayne, Adell", bla bla bla. Or everyone is a freaking manager or producer. This woman told me this big long story today about how she produces Trey Songs BS, I just nod and smile, then I watched her get into her 1998 Ford Escort and drive away. Its so ridiculous...

    Also judge obese people who ride around in electric chairs, maybe if you walked you wouldn't be so obese. Just watched a lady a walmart a few weeks ago in her electric chair go down the little debbie cupcake isle and load her basket up. Wow!!

    Hmmm...I live in California and I don't think these people are lying~^^