Completely irrational judgement



  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    What are some things you judge for no real reason?

    Me- people that purposefully back their car into spaces instead of pulling in, are arrogant *kitten*. :angry: (don't know why.. but thats the first thing I think...)

    what about you? You know you got something...
    I don't have an issue with people backing into a space. I take issue with the jerks that take up two spaces on purpose. It makes me wanna key their car.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member

    I also judge people who see the lane closed 1+ miles before it happens and still wait to the very last minute to squeeze in. These people think they are entitled & I cannot stand them.

    grrr! They make me mad too! I call them "entitled" also!

    This is one of mine but I'm not nice enough to call them entitled. I call them .......never mind, I can't say that here.
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    On the cell phone note, I can't stand people with Bluetooth devices walking around chatting loudly and trying to look important! That seriously urks me! :grumble:
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    I judge the contents of people's shopping carts at the grocery store.

    It's like WTF, some people don't use their stoves at all, everything is microwaveable.

    I don`t for the contents but for how they use one.

    People that park it on one side and then stand in the aisle beside it so you have to make an effort to pass or wait on them to move. machinegunsmilie.gif

    This gets to me.

    Carl where are you getting the cool smiley things?
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    People who don't return the carts to the cart areas or the store are inconsiderate douchenozzles. This is not a "completely irrational judgment" though as I have a fist sized dent in the side of my car thanks to one of these turds.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member

    But on the backing up thing. I park in a parking deck where I work. ALLLLLL the time I see cars that have backed up...and are in two parking spots. Or RIGHT on top of one spot next to them. Or have one whole tire in the other can't tell me that backing up was easier for them. Obviously they have to be blind, every one else see's the white lines dictating your spot and someone elses. We already have to fight for spots as is.

    For me it's people who take up two spaces. Doesn't matter if they pull forward or backup to park.
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    People who don't return the carts to the cart areas or the store are inconsiderate douchenozzles. This is not a "completely irrational judgment" though as I have a fist sized dent in the side of my car thanks to one of these turds.
    ^This! It's becoming a GD epidemic and must be stopped! The laziness of some people these days is driving me insane!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I don't have kids so maybe I just don't get it, but it drives me up the wall when parents write TMI stuff about their kids on any sort of social networking site. Just...why?

    "Junior went poopies in the big toilet today!"

  • erinrose07
    Guys that have on boxers, shorts, and jeans all at once but they butt is still showing... or they have a belt and they are still sagging and their shirt is too short to cover the area that is not covered by pants... Drives me nuts! I do not want to see your behind and its def not cute...

    how the hell do you walk with your pants belted at your knees?! Do you want to be a penguin?

    So THAT must be how the "gangsta lean" came to be! They just simply couldn't walk right with their pants like that and everyone thought it was a trend!
    I wonder if these little hoodlum boys would still "rock" this style if they knew that it actually originated in PRISON as a way to let other inmates know that they were "available." You know, like they weren't anyone's pet yet and were on the market for butt play. Now THAT is gangsta! Rolling my eyes.
  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    Me- people that purposefully back their car into spaces instead of pulling in, are arrogant *kitten*. :angry: (don't know why.. but thats the first thing I think...)

    I do this, unless I can pull straight through into a spot that will prevent me from backing out. It's not because I'm arrogant, it's because I'm a dumb *kitten* and I don't trust myself to NOT hit something trying to back out.

    It drives my boyfriend crazy, I will always pull forward into a spot if I can because backing out of parking spots makes me nervous. A lot of times that means we have to park further from the store... oh well... I can use the few extra steps walking through the parking lot!
  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    I judge people who use double negatives... drives me crazy! I also judge people who talk on their phone while they are checking out at a store. I think it's incredibly rude, and if your call is so important that you can't put your phone down for 2 minutes or call the person back, you should not get into the checkout line. I also judge people (even my friends) who tip poorly at a restaurant. I guess that comes from being a waitress when I was younger.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    People who don't return the carts to the cart areas or the store are inconsiderate douchenozzles. This is not a "completely irrational judgment" though as I have a fist sized dent in the side of my car thanks to one of these turds.

    This!!! times a million! :explode:

    I also find myself judging people who are clearly judging someone else. Example: The other day my husband and I were at a restaraunt and a woman walked in with bright purple hair. The look on my husband's face as he watched her and the comments he made about her made me judge him for being judgemental! :laugh:
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    people who are standing like a foot away from a trash can and cannot manage to throw their trash in it! i mean, littering is bad enough anyway but really, you are too lazy to take the extra step to throw it away!

    also, people who get in the express lane at the grocery store and obviously have more items than it "allows".... i ran in the other day to get my son cough medicine and this beast in front of me was buying like 35 cases of soda... just because it is all the same item, does not mean it is ONE item... ugh! and then she had the nerve to complain how slow the line was moving
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    people who are standing like a foot away from a trash can and cannot manage to throw their trash in it! i mean, littering is bad enough anyway but really, you are too lazy to take the extra step to throw it away!

    also, people who get in the express lane at the grocery store and obviously have more items than it "allows".... i ran in the other day to get my son cough medicine and this beast in front of me was buying like 35 cases of soda... just because it is all the same item, does not mean it is ONE item... ugh! and then she had the nerve to complain how slow the line was moving

    In this case, the cashier should have been able to scan one and manually enter the number of items very quickly.
  • sunnyzephyr
    People who forget to turn their blinkers off are idiots in my mind. I always find myself screaming from my car, "what do you think that ticking sound is you dumb a**!?"
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    People who forget to turn their blinkers off are idiots in my mind. I always find myself screaming from my car, "what do you think that ticking sound is you dumb a**!?"

    OMG I love you. :flowerforyou:
  • sunnyzephyr
    People who forget to turn their blinkers off are idiots in my mind. I always find myself screaming from my car, "what do you think that ticking sound is you dumb a**!?"

    OMG I love you. :flowerforyou:

    <3 great minds think alike, huh?
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    also people that look like they put zero effort into getting ready in the morning. not like i look like a supermodel every day but come on... use a mirror.

    This is a strange one. I put zero effort in in the morning, why would anyone else care?

    I judge people who use textspeak on a forum. It makes me disregard their posts, which is silly as they could be well educated people with good points but it just puts me off.
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    In Britain, we are taught to reverse into parking spaces as part of our driving test so quite low on the 'irritability' count for me - and I will continue to do it.

    As for judging the contents of shopping trolleys - I don't just look to see what they are buying - I make up a whole back story for them based on their purchases - such as do they have children, are they in a relationship, do they eat healthily, are they struggling to make ends meet, is it a special occasion etc., I also look in my own trolley and try to imagine what people are making up about me!!

    I judge people who smell unpleasant - and wonder why the heck they don't smell it themselves?? I'm not talking post workout good sweat either.

    People smoking just outside shop doors so that when you walk out, you get a face full of rancid cigarette smoke. I judge these people as being thoughtless and completely incapable of seeing the effects of their addiction on all those people leaving the shop.
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I don't have an issue with people backing into a space. I take issue with the jerks that take up two spaces on purpose. It makes me wanna key their car.

    This! If you park your car diagonally across 2 spaces so that no one will park next to you don't be surprised to find a shopping cart made its way to your car. If you care much park as far away from the store as you can and walk.

    I know people are going to be upset about this but I judge people who have young overweight kids. I know some of them have medical conditions and what have you but seeing a 5 year old that weighs 70lbs breaks my heart and makes me judge their parents.