Senior Golden Sneakers............November



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well i lost another post. But will try one more time.

    jeri that trail looks might rough going. I think you walk off those pancakes. But I bet they tasted good out in the park with all the snow. Another lovely picture. So lovely.

    Buzz how is Mike and you doing. I think of you alot. Take care

    Chris i like your new picture. Is that you and your daughter?

    Becky I guess you were off today. Get some shopping done?

    Phoebe. i am back on my 1/2 servings.I am afraid to get on the scales. my blood sugar went up yesterday but got it back down today.. I did kink of watch it but it don't take much carbs to get it up again.

    Becky I guess you are off today. Get any shopping done. I am like Sandy I will do mine online and gift cards.

    Jackie Christmas time in England. I bet it will be lovely . Do you all have snow at Christmas time?

    Well i am not going to push my luck any farther. going to send this post off now before I lose it

    Love Marie
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good evening all,

    Marie , yes that is my daughter and myself, she put in on here for me as I am not that good at it.

    We are visiting with my daughter and her family, we ate too much so today I walked and walked. There is no scale here so I will be surprised when we get home. The food was good and the visit was wonderful. The weather coming here to /Spokane was good and we will be leaving tomorrow to avoid the snowfall on Sunday that is predicted.

    Did anyone go shopping today for black friday? We went our for an hour about 9:30 am to 11:00 and that was all. We didn't encounter any crowds or rude people. I think everyone went out at midnight. The only reason we went out was to pick up a couple of presents as we dropped their Christmas gifts off as we will not be leaving home at christmas.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am thankful for family and friends.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: our Thanksgiving was great:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: even with an almost two hour drive each way in the rain to get there.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I was bad about portion control but did not eat pie, potatoes, rolls, or gravy. :bigsmile: we joined a friend's family and there were a lot of people (the group was 20 adults and 2 toddlers) we didn't we were thrilled with the subject matter of dinner conversation
    instead of leaving everyone to make conversation with the people around them (and possibly having some people left out), the hostess started by telling everyone what she was thankful for this year and then we went around the table and each person shared.......since there had been a lot of drinking of wine and beer before dinner there was a lot of laughter and interrupting but it allowed everyone to be included in the conversation and made the focus on the real reason for the dinner.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Well, I'm popping in today....I missed birthdays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving.......I apologize. I am in another upward spiral. I hate it. My back still hurts from the fall, I can't breath when I'm this fat and on and on and on. I believe I'm OK, you're OK.

    So much fun news. This group is always on the go. I thought that's what I would be doing, too but my youngest grandson needs me and he is such a joy!!! Very loving and sweet!!!

    Buzz & Marie: Thanks for checking up on me. I really appreciate it.

    Welcome to all the newbies. Even though some of us disappear from time to time, there is always a group here to help!

    Jeri: Those are the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen. Are you a photographer? If not, YOU SHOULD BE!! Nat Geo could use someone like you!!! I can smell the air just looking at them.

    This is the first holiday season without my mother....rough.....but the family has been sticking together and she is happy where she is and that get us all thru. I've said before that no one is ever ready to lose a mother so I wonder why am I trying to deprive my own kids of their mother??????

    Give me your thoughts, your hugs and a butt kick or two!!! :sad:

    Maddie :heart:
  • Hugs to you, Maddie!! we have all slid, and gotten back at it, so here's your kick, I'm not ready for mine yet, still eating, lol!
    All of the 'firsts' after losing a mom are tough. So glad you posted today!! Happy Belated Thanksgiving, and give the grandbaby a hug from me.

    I changed my user name so I won't have to remember to sign at the bottom of the post, which I wasn't very good at!
    It only shows part of it but you get the drift.

    Barbie, glad you enjoyed your trip and your meal, and yes, thats a very good idea to go around the table. We had about 40 at our family get together, (we didn't go, got home too late), and we often do that after prayer.

    don't know what I'm up to today, did some online shopping already, for the pets!! ok, did order some pillows to try.

    have a good Saturday
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :bigsmile: Dreary day today so I am so happy that I got my outside decorations up yesterday. The weather is going to get cold and snow will be here soon. :grumble:

    Christmas Decorations 2011 by Sandydur, on Flickr

    I did some online shopping and hope I can do it all that way since I hate the crowds and the hot malls. :noway: I hope to get my inside decorations done today so I can get me cards done and mailed. Are the holidays over yet???

    Maddie, so glad you checked in, never leave us for too long we will be here for you forever no matter what. I haven't been good myself lately and I too am mad at myself. :explode: The numbers are starting to climb so I must as you must get back on track.
    My downfall is snacking and even while eating them I know I am wrong so how dumb am I?? My DIL loaned me two of Marisa's Wii Dance DVDs so I am going to try those because they have a part called sweating or something like that. It is just futile to try to lose weight without thinking and exercising and drinking water. I think we all need a boot in the rear to get motivated again. :heart:

    Phoebe, sorry you didn't make it home in time for
    Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends but I bet your kitties were happy to see you. Did they leave you a mess or any damage? :tongue:

    Barbie, your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful, I love big family functions but since my second marriage things have changed. We used to have all the big holidays at our house with my first husband because we had the biggest house. It was always wonderful and great fun. Babe doesn't like to entertain and doesn't like big parties so my life has changed in that respect. Of course now that I am older I prefer to be the guest rather than the hostess. :laugh:

    Chris, I too like your new profile picture, it is always nice to place a face with the name. At least you walked and walked after your Thanksgiving dinner, the most I did was dance a little with my granddaughter with the Wii. I really want to start walking Daisy again but I just hate walking in the dark, I am afraid a skunk or something will jump out at us. :laugh: I just better get up off my lazy butt and walk her in the afternoon before dark. :grumble:

    Marie, glad to hear from you and sorry you lost your first post. We all need to get back on track and we will, we have each other.
    Hope your tail gate party was great, did the Cowboys win?

    Jeri, I agree with everyone else, your pictures are just amazing. I hope you do enter contests or submit them to newspapers or magazines because they are just so professional. So happy you had some down time with your hubby and had such a great time.
    I know what you mean about the casino, so much fun but oh so dangerous. :laugh:

    Time to get moving and get those decorations up. I will be good today, I will be good today.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :flowerforyou: Marie, I watched the Cowboys’ football game Thanksgiving Day----what an exciting game

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I saw how many calories you posted for putting up Christmas decorations and when I saw the picture I understood what a great workout it was….my weight has been creeping up, too, in spite of my usual good exercise…..I have been horrible about portion control and have made some bad choices and have been to too many dinners that offer too many opportunities for bad choices…I get up each day with a new resolve…so you and I are on the same journey right now…….my thin jeans feel snug maybe because of the leggings I’m wearing underneath them or maybe because of a few pounds of padding that I keep pretending are water weight.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, I think Alberta is one of the most beautiful places in the world and your photos bring that to all of us.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, sorry you didn’t get to the big family celebration….did you have Thanksgiving with the kitties?

    :flowerforyou: Maddie, take it one day at a time and make today a new beginning for you…being healthy for a long life to be with your grandchildren is a good motivator.

    :flowerforyou: Dottie, I hope today is a good food day for you

    :flowerforyou: Jake came back from his retreat with rave reviews for the breakfast they served---steel cut oatmeal with toasted sesame seeds, cut up apples and bananas, walnuts and raisins. So for lunch I cooked oatmeal and he went to the store for the rest of the ingredients….tasty and healthy but higher in calories than I would have wanted.

    :flowerforyou: Chris, that’s a great photo of you and your daughter
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i wrote a post but must have forgot to send it off for I don't find it.

    Sandy you yard looks wonderful. As usally. but it seems moreI .Beautiful this year than last year. I don't remember all the blue lights You did a good job.
    Now I don't remmber what I said in the other post. Oh well.

    Ibarbiecat. I love the steele cut oatmeal. But oatmeal has a lot of carbs than I need.
    I try to keep my carbs to 15 a serving/. I didn;t Thrusday. tho.

    I turn the news on to get the weather report and they got cartoons on. Kids ought to be in bed. That where I am headed as soon as I hear the news.

    We don't have no football tomorrow. has turn colder here too. We got a little rain last night.
    Good nite all.Marie
  • bobbie1963
    bobbie1963 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi , I'm Bobbie, Marie told me about golden sneakers, i would like to join and see how it goes, i've been on here and off sence 2009, i lose then quit, gain ,then come back. i'm 65 have 3 grown children, they work, have their family's i don't see them as offen as i would like, have 2 chichiauh's i call my babies, one is 10 has heart trouble, he is on medicines, doing ok,the other was giving to us, the lady said her kids was mean to him, we took him. i stay home most of the time, try to keep busy, to exercise ,i walk on treadmill,thats about me, just saying hello and glad to meet everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member

    Bobbie, welcome aboard glad Marie suggested you join us, because we are a great group. I am Sandy, second marriage, 6 children between us, four of them live out of state and we have six grandchildren between us. We have a wonderful Old English Sheepdog named Daisy Mae and she keeps us young. I have more or less reached my goal but would like to lose an additional 5 so I have room to flucuate. I couldn't have done it without these wonderful people or this great site. I hope we can help keep you motivated and give you the support you need whether for weight or any other problems. Welcome.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    006 by Sandydur, on Flickr

    Worked all day on my inside decorations and now I am done decorating and can do my Christmas Cards and shopping. Are the holidays over yet???
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bobbie glad you found you way over here.. Let us know if you have any problems their is a slew of seniors here ready and willing to help

    Maddie I resonded to your Post don't know if it went thru or not I lost so many post here lately But wanted to take this opprotunity to welcome you back. You have certainly been missed around here. We all fall down at one time or another But now is the time to get back up. Me included. Especially me. I was so miserable after the Thanksgiving feast .It was terrible........... # 1 I will attemped to keep my dairy up each day. Don't know how long It will last it stressed me out when I can''t find what i am looking for. I know I should not let it bother me But it does..Come on we can lick this thing.

    We are surpose to have our first freeze in the morning We are to have a cold week But no word About the S word.Chris I hope you and hubby make it home safely from oh me I forgot where you went. But I do know you are headed to Montana Have a safe trip

    Dottie and Kat good seeing you girls posting. the more you post the more we can get to know you. We enjoy hearing from each and every one of you And to Bobbie a very warm welcome to you.

    :heart: Marie
  • Hi Bobbie, hope you had a great Thanksgiving. we have cats.. the number varies.. our two older ones travel with us, and one of them has heart issues too. He takes atenelol(spelling?). He's been on it for a couple of years and there have been no symptoms until about a week ago. He is starting to sleep more. His breathing is ok, and his appetite. So I haven't even mentioned to my husband that I've noticed the change.. nothing can be done that isn't being done, so there is no point in worrying him. We had a stray cat for a couple of years and he had the exact same issue as the one I just mentioned.. however, he had other health issues, and the medications to treat those problems worked against his he did not live too long.. but he was much loved and had a good, happy couple of years with us. So glad you took in the other pup,

    see, it's not all about weight loss on here.. lol.. its about a little bit of everything..

    Sandy, your lights are great.!!. you took a very good indoor photo too.. you must love to decorate. I've kinda lost interest, but I may get back to it.. when I can simplify it. DEFinitely no tree in the house this kitties kitties!!
    Speaking of kitties, they didn't make any 'messes' so to speak, just scattered toys and knocked some dvds off a table. DH has too many movies, and doesn't want to get rid of any of them. his cabinet is full, so he stacks them on the table. I told him when we get a new tv for him, he will have to build shelves for his dvds. I will get his old tv moved to the bedroom.. not too happy about that.. it is way too big for my taste.

    Barbie, that oatmeal sounds great to me too, I usually have Kashi or another high fiber, low sugar brand from Walmart, and crave it at this time of year.

    Marie, stay warm and hope you can get your posts on here, we love hearing from you!!

    we are leaving late tonight for California, I hope we are not gone a full two weeks again!! that was too long to be away from the kitties.. and it looked like they ran out of food, maybe just a day or so before we got home. I'll probably leave an unopened bag on a shelf for them to get into if they run out, they smell right thru the bag.. and know how to get into it!!

    take care
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: Welcome, Bobbie, I’m glad you found us……it didn’t take me long posting on this thread to feel like these great senior golden sneakers were like an extended family….I hope you find the same thing.

    :flowerforyou: I am Barbie. I’m married to Jake, the love of my life, who sometimes posts on this thread (usually jokes but sometimes some great philosophical insights). Our children are Brandy and Sasha, the frisky Standard Poodles, and Bernie, the affectionate Maine Coon cat. Jake has grown children in other states but we’re not nearly as connected to them as we are to our furry children. I get my exercise walking my dogs and going to line dance classes. Since I’ve been on MFP, I’ve increased my exercise gradually. I tried running but found out that I didn’t like it and I remembered some minor back injuries I’ve had in my life and realized that I’d be doing my body a favor by sticking to walking. We recently moved to a 55+ manufactured home community with trees and open green areas, walking trails, deer, and lots of birds so the dogs can’t get enough of being walked.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, your decorations are beautiful. I hope you enjoy doing all that holiday work. Many people have given up a lot of holiday preparations and continued with only the ones they enjoy. After all my years of decorating school classrooms for holidays, I have come to a time where I do almost nothing for any holiday.

    Marie, we had snow at Thanksgiving last year and it kept us from going to have Thanksgiving dinner with our friends. This :flowerforyou: year we only had light rain.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, I’m glad the cats fared well while you were gone and didn’t do any damage. Jake has lots of movies, too, but fortunately he is willing to great rid of some of them. Today we are watching a movie that we checked out of the library. Do you have a friend or neighbor who could come to your house while you’re gone and check on your kitties?

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I went back to my bad old eating pattern last night…….I went to a potluck planning to eat nothing and ended up in line and eating fried chicken and considering going back for more. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been (or as bad as it was before MFP) but it scared me a bit. Today we are doing a cleanse day. I hope it will help me get focused again. My weight has gone up and it will take at least a week of healthy eating to figure out how much of it is water weight from too much sodium and how much is actual poundage that I need to get rid of.

    :smile: It is raining today and there are lots of birds in and out of our yard so Bernie is standing on the window sill watching them. He has gotten happy with all the attention he gets as an indoor cat, but he loves to look out the window.

    Barbie from NW Washington

    November goal
    walk for at least an hour every day with the frisky poodles no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy
    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone; I'm feeling so guilty fo being absent so long. Wish I knew why I am so preoccupied I can't make time for all my dear friends! I peek in, journal my diary, and fall into bed, exhausted. :ohwell:
    I won't take the time to make a separate entry for each one of us, but
    Welcome, Bobbie, and I'm sure you'll feel at home here. I'm the eldest of our forum at 84, 3rd marriage, 6 kids between us (KIDS???:bigsmile: all around 60!), 8 grandkids, married 34 years, he's slim, I carry the pounds for both of us!
    Maddie, happy you checked in, and I'll try harder to do the same!
    All the remarks about Jeri's photography are so accurate...WOW!
    And Marie, thanks for asking about Mike; we'll get the results at the cardiologists on Tuesday. We sort of thought nothing of it originally, but watching Clinton being interviewed about his heart experience, and hearing how tightness of the chest is a warning sign, Mike has actually stopped playing his beloved tennis this week, and we are discussing getting one of those remote-controlled model airplanes for him to move on to, just in case! I'm so glad he's willing to comply if necessary! Often, men don't want to listen!
    My dinner I made Wedneday for just the 2 of us, knocked me out completely; I cannot describe my condition at the end of the day. Thank heaven I didn't plan on making it for company on Thanksgiving! I was almost comatose, and barely tasted anything. But next day, at our lovely Intercoastal restaurant, Mike whispered the food didn't compare to what I had prepared the day before! Since he is not really a foodie, I was thrilled to hear that, since it is the very first compliment he has ever paid to my 34 years!!! He usually just eats, and afterward I ask if it was OK and he'll say yes! No training, I guess, though his kids say their dear Mother burnt everything and was a dreadful cook. But lovely in every other way, and poor thing never lived beyong 49! I count our blessings!
    Sandy, your place looks fabulous; and the photos, too!
    Barbie, have a great time, and Phoebe, hope you'll be home for the holidays!
    And if I hit the "back" button, I'll lose my post, so forgive me for overlooking everyone. We're expecting a "cool" spell and I look forward to it!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Seniors.

    My post just went away so I will try again.

    Sandy, your decorations are so beautiful, you are a jewel to do so much. I don't do very much any more.

    Got home last night and the roads were dry and the sun was shinning. Thanks for the safety prayers.

    Tomorrow we will start our calorie watching again. We exercise every day but some days we eat too much.

    My day today:
    Met friends for coffee, went to the mall before the stores opened and walked for 35 min. Then we went to subway and bought a sandwich for lunch and we had a coupon for buy one foot long and get one free so tomorrow we will have one for lunch too.
    then we went to get my glasses adjusted at Shopko. After that we went to Walmart for groceries. Came home and watched a little tv and cleaned house.

    hope your day was good too.
  • Buzz of course you want snow, it would make the national news if you got it too!!

    Barbie, you have been so strong, I think this is the first time I can recall you eating fried chicken! My goodness, dh and I had it three days in a row last week when traveling, and we were both sick of it!! lol, it is only a little bit funny.. all that fried stuff we have.
    I guess it is good to feel a bit scared by it, but truly, you get so much exercise, can one meal affect your weight that much? like you said, it will take a week or so to see if it did, or if it was sodium. Anyway, you did good on not going for seconds.. I know that feeling.. I usually get seconds..

    Chris, we usually get a Subway footlong once a week and split it, since they have started toasting the bread, it is so good, its hard to husbands doctor told him to go to subway and order the tuna sand and don't eat the bread.. lol.. what fun would that be?

    ok, time to turn off this computer and get finished packing up.

    have a great week
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning was your Thanksgiving?

    :flowerforyou: Chris, Subway is a good choice. I love their veggie sub. And, I also have trouble with losing posts. Frustrating. :mad:

    :flowerforyou: AWK, buzz, I am having the same trouble. Falling alseep before posting. This weekend was a busy, tiring one. But, that is no excuse for me. I am tired all the time.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I think that a little fried chicken every so often is alright. In fact, I would love to have some now.:bigsmile: You will be fine. Just get back in there.

    I am glad to be back at work. I will not have any more time off until two weeks. I still have about 2 days of vacation that I have to use up. I so wanted to use my last one at the YMCA. But, that was the weekend that my car broke down.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers :flowerforyou:

    We had a wonderful 5 days away. Wednesday we arrived at my girlfriend's and she made
    dinner for us and invited another couple over who we also know so it was a good visit.
    Then up early and headed out tor Michigan to her daughter Kerrie's house in Coldwater.

    We checked into the Hotel and then to Kerrie's for dinner. Her boyfriend Chad did all the cooking
    and Chad's two sisters and significant others were there. Also Kerrie's four kids, her two and Chad's
    two. He made appetizers, dinner and there were three desserts. I had two :laugh:

    Then we all started checking the flyers for the sales. Our original plan was to go
    back to the Hotel and sleep and Kerrie was going to pick us up at 5:00 am. Well that all changed.
    We started at Walmart at 10:00 pm and I got a 32" Flat Screen for $188.00. It was crazy there. :tongue:
    So instead of going back to the Hotel to sleep since we got out of Walmart at 1:00 am I said let's just
    keep on going. The guys went back to the Hotel to sleep and we dropped off the TV's at the room.
    Long story short, we shopped until 5:30 am and had breakfast then continued on until 9:00 am on Friday. :noway:
    I ended up sleeping at 10:00 am until 2:30 pm and up again and back to Kerrie's for pizza and movies.
    The next day, Saturday we went to the Outlet Mall and shopped again. :happy:
    Left for home on Saturday and stayed overnight at my girlfriend's then home on Sunday.
    I would do it all over again.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow Shirley...what a full weekend you had. I have never shopped right after Thanksgiving. Never. Don't even go to a grocery store.:bigsmile: