Senior Golden Sneakers............November



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I would sure love to have an exercise buddy. It comes close when I consider my friends in Zumba.

    Speaking of Zumba...I had my class last night. It snowed so the turnout was low. There is a 65 year old lady in that class and I love to see her. Unfortunately, she missed last night. She is such an inspiration to me.
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome. Yes Barbiecat, we are pretty isolated up here. I live in a city but the nearest other city is 7 hours away by car. Well there's also Duluth - that's only 3 hours. But I have to go to Toronto a lot for work and my son lives in Ottawa so I go there a lot too.

    I have been trying to maintain about 1200 calories per day and finding it easy but last night for some reason I was snacky. I have sleep problems and restless legs syndrome and when I went to bed I was so restless I got up twice and ate. What I like about MFP is having that detailed record of my day so I can try to see what might have set it off. It might have been because I wanted something warm and yummy for lunch so I had oatmeal made with soymilk and topped with cranberries and nuts. Delish but high in carbs and calories. Or it might have been that I was out and didn't have dinner until pretty late. I had a late after noon small meal of salad and salmon but perhaps I still left it too long between meals. But not a huge problems because I was still under 1600 calories and I've decided that's the upper limit except on cheat days.

    I'm looking forward to getting my fitbit. I got an email saying it's been shipped.

    Have a great day all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile: Today is my #2 son's 40th birthday, so hard to believe. My oldest son is 48, next my daughter who will be 47 on December 30 and my baby son was 39 yesterday. My husband's daughter just turned 50 and his son is also 47. How is this possible when I am only 49? :laugh: Truth is I am going to be the big 70 in March, time goes so quickly. :grumble:

    Jeanne #2, I had to look up a fitbit to see what you were referring too and it looks very cool, on the expensive side but does a lot. I lost my pedometer so I guess I will order another one even though I am not a big walker like Barbie. I think most of us have a base of 1200 calories which I find hard to stick to so that is why exercising is so crucial to gain more calories. You are supposed to eat your exercise calories and that is why this program works even though the weight comes off slowly. I did manage to stay under 1200 yesterday so that was an exception for me, but I ate no breakfast because of the blood work I had done.

    Speaking of the doctor, I lost two inches of my height, I told the nurse that if that keeps up by the time I am 90 I will disappear. :laugh: The doctor talked me into a flu shot which I normally don't get because I heard of too many people getting the flu from it. :tongue: But since my sister has a low immune system her doctor told her children everyone in contact with her should get a flu shot, so that proves how much I love her. :heart: She is doing well and we even have plans for lunch together on Friday, she love the pizza and salad from Wild Fire so I will take her there for lunch.:drinker: My hubby has a sinus infection and heart burn so the doctor gave him a med that gave him severe diarrhea all night so on it goes, seems to never end with him. :noway: I sure wish he would just get healthy, but that is me on my pity pot. :ohwell:

    Becky, I would love to be your exercise buddy, always more fun if you are with someone but now that I have equipment in my basement I never go to the gym. You are doing great so keep up the good work, zumba is hard but worth every ounce lost. :love:

    Barbie, I know you have seen deer on your walks, do you ever see skunks? How do your dogs react to other critters when they see them? Daisy is so strong and even though I have a wrap around harness on her so she doesn't pull me if she sees a squirrel or critter she is still very strong and I have to use two hands to hold her. I just ordered a new type harness, so I hope it works. :tongue:

    I have a repairman coming to put on a new humidifier on my furnace this morning, the groomer cancelled Daisy's appointment and we are taking my son out to dinner for his 40th tonight (hope hubby will be able to go). I hope to get my Christmas cards done today and if possible exercise or at least take Daisy for a walk while it is light outside.

    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning fellow Sneakers. i saw that Sandy added # 2 on our new Jackie., Name so we can tell them apart But really on't think we can mistaken Jackie #1 with her UK accents. It just shines thru.Hope to hear from her during the Holidays.

    We have a beautiful day today , a little chilly but that wonderful sun is out and warming things up. We did not get any pecans off of our pecan tree this year. Nobody in the neighborhood did not get any either. The squerials is not happy this year. They will be eating all the birds food up

    Jerry has gone to the grocer store. I 'm having him to pick me up some Chicken noodle soup for I am kind of under the weather this morning Nothing serious just a little tired.

    It was a real nice pleasure hearing from Jwffery and Connie yesterday. Hope to hear more from them to filled us in on there lives. Which remind me I need to go to Google to find out when to trim my Blackberry Bushes. Probable its too late. We planted 5 and still got 6 from our diaster summer. We did lose some hedges tho. The heat was just too much for them.

    Phoebe guess you are on the road now? Judy is camping out on the beach.. I can't imagin having Christmas holidays on the beach. Hope they don't have a heat wave this summer. Her Roses are blooming so pretty now.

    Next week I will go down my list of friends and send a note to each of them that we have not heard from Recently

    It has been nice chatting with you'al

    Marie From Coeboys Country

    PS Hey Connie your boys are doing fantastic go Vikings Go all the way for Connie.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Cleaning day today and I am done. :yawn:

    Going to Walmart to finish up a few Christmas things.

    I will read all the posts tomorrow and have a wonderful day ladies. :bigsmile:
  • jeffrey71
    Good Afternoon!

    Thank you all for the welcome back! We got 8" of snow last night. what a mess! I will try to answer all the questions:
    the knee surgery went well. the surgeon was in it for about 1 hour. after the surgery I did not even take a tylenol! Absolutely no pain! But! Then there was the rehab! Now that hurt! I was running again about 8 weeks after the surgery. They found out that I am full of arthritis, knees, shoulders, hips, back, and about everything that moves. The surgeon told me that I would probably need a knee in a couple of years unless I quit running and doing the triathlons. I told him to get the knee ready! I am slowly healing from this sciatic issue. It at times, is the most painful thing I have ever had. It seems a little bit better weekly, but at the rate I am going it is going to be quite a while before I can train again. the doc told me 2 weeks to 1 year!

    Amanda got married in Savannah, Ga. A destination wedding. It was outdoors at Warren Square. Just beautiful! I will try post some pics, but I am pretty lame at doing it. There are some on my facebook page, Jeffrey Writtenhouse, just send me a friend request. I also have Jeffrey Writtenhouse Triathlete page that Samantha made me. I have some pics on both of those of the wedding and races.

    Keeping the weight off right is going ok, but I want to drop to 170 for race season this year. If any new folks here need help just let me know! I will do my best to assist you.

    Joe the Cat is fine! He has a face book page! Joe Writtenhouse! He needs more friends! Joe is fat! He needs to train more! But he is a happy cat! Joe has become part of my portion control at meal time. He eats what I have! He is really fond of steak, and salmon. A few months back we had to have "Cuddles" our old tabby cat put down. She was 18 years old and could not stand on her own. I miss her everyday. I buried next to Bud my original black tom cat. they were best friends. We still have 2, but Dayanne will not let me get another one.

    Day and I went on another cruise this year. It was great. I swam a mile at Virgin Gorda. It was really neat seeing the 4 foot long fish and lobsters below me as I swam. We did not shop too much on this cruise. I did gamble and broke even for the trip. It was not as good as the past couple of cruises. I think we are going again soon. we have not decided yet.

    We had both the girls home for Thanksgiving! It was wonderful. I have been blessed with a great son-in-law. I really enjoy him. BUT it does not look like we will have anyone here for Christmas.

    To those of you that remember my sister in law that was fighting cancer, Diane passed away about 18 months back. We were really good friends and I miss her everyday. I was not with her at the end but I spent a lot of time with her the 2 weeks prior. She was 51.

    That is about all for now! Those of you on facebook, send me a friend request!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Good morning from snowy Calgary,

    We had a winter storm advisory but it didn't turn out as bad as expected. Hurray. We had to take my Mom out for blood tests early this morning and I was worried about it. Thankfully the roads weren't too bad.

    Thanks everyone for your kind comments about my photos. No I am not a professional, I just love taking pictures and live in a beautiful place. How lucky can I be.

    Welcome back Connie and welcome newbies.

    I may as well reintroduce myself. I am 63, retired and married to a wonderful guy. We live in Calgary in Canada. My dh and I spend lots of time helping our one of our dd's who has 7 kids - 11 and younger. Our other dd is expecting her second. My 84 yr old Mom lives very close and we help her out a lot too. Talk about the sandwich generation.

    I eat gluten free, dairy free, egg free and that is a challenge. I am just recovering from breast cancer so my weight loss stalled and I see I've even put on a bit of it. I'm still at my original goal though which was to lose 30 lbs. I sure don't want to gain any of it back. I have been suffering from fatigue so I haven't been exercising. I really want to start that again as soon as I feel up to it. For me that really is a part of my success.

    Hope you all have a great day.

    Jeri in Calgary, Alberta
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon Seniors,

    It sounds like everyone is trying to eat better and exercise more, just like me. We can do it! The cold weather is a challenge but we can be resourceful.
    We were suppose to wake up to snow storm, but it was 41 degrees and windy, no snow.

    My day today: Made oatmeal with 1 T peanut butter and 2 oz plain yogurt. The coffee tasted great today so I had 3 cups.

    We went swimming at the pool in town for 25 minutes, and sat in the hot tub 15mins, it felt so nice and relaxing.
    Came home and walked for 10 min.

    Lunch was a nice salad with regular ranch dressing, and pumpkin pudding with 1 T cool whip. Green tea too.
    Dinner will be ground chicken patty on a bun with fresh raw veggies with green tea.:drinker:

    Now I will work on my quilting and then sit down and watch some tv.

    Now take care and have an enjoyable evening.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Cleaning help coming tomorrow, and I must ready up so she can get through this mess! What's happening to me??? :noway:

    Again no time, but at least I read many of the posts and am more caught up today. Just short time for comments. Hope you all know I think about every one of you!
    SANDY, you hit a point with me, ever since I discovered I lost almost 3 inches from my original 5'6"; on which height do we figure what our weight should be? No one has been able to give me an answer on that (not that I don't know when I'm just too heavy!).
    Thnaks, BARBIE, for your observation about Mike. He really is so adaptable. I'm also not certain he's dealt with the reality, but he'll be fine!
    Everybody, I'm keeping up, even though I can't spend all the time online anymore. But I keep checking and sending best wishes to all my dear friends. :flowerforyou:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    I couldn't help but post this picture of myself, my dh and our sweet granddaughter she is just too cute.

    Photo Share by FancyLady, on Flickr
  • DottieNewton
    DottieNewton Posts: 112 Member
    Hey!! Just reading how busy all you are makes me want to get up and do something

    . I am finally(maybe) getting back on track after over eating at Thanksgiving.I will think twice about making that mistake again.

    I have a terrible memory and will have a hard time keeping all of you straight. But, hopefully in time I will know each of you better.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Dottie, I was feeling bad about all I ate on Thanksgiving also. But, now I am thinking that it was just one day. On to the future !!!

    :flowerforyou: fancylady, LOVE the picture. Yes, your granddaughter is very cute.

    :flowerforyou: buzz, are you saying that you have to clean for the cleaning lady???:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Chris, I love the whirlpool when it is cold out. So warming.

    I went to strength class tonight. I am back to going consistently. Going to burn this spare tire off.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    PS Hey Connie your boys are doing fantastic go Vikings Go all the way for Connie.

    You either have the wrong person or the wrong team, Marie. I am a Green Bay Packer fan - the only undefeated team in professional football!!! And I've filed the papers to adopt Aaron Rogers!
  • bobbie1963
    bobbie1963 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm just checking in tonight , to say hope every body is doing ok on here, i just joined , so i'll be talking again soon. Good Night.:heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie I am so sorry. Of course it is the green bay packers. And boy are they doing just great. But it got you dropping in again and I like that.

    Hi Bobbie good seeing you again. Keep on dropping in. Love it.I was a ood granny today stay on my plan.
    I had for breakfast 1/4 c of greek yogurt, 1/4 cup Sugar free cherry pie filling , 2 T cool whip and 1/4 c of fiber one. and 1 cup of coffee
    Lunch 1 c chicken noodle soup and 5 saltines crackers Tea,,,,...supper 4 small meat balls, 1/2 c of spinach, 1/2 cup canned peaches Will have anothe small yogurt and fruit for my bedtime snacks.

    Hope you all had a wonderful day.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Dottie, you are in great company with all of us. We are all focused on getting back to our healthy eating and exercise after a slight detour at Thanksgiving. The rest of the world has just decided that it will be one big food-festival from Halloween to early 2012. I am on day two of returning to doing yoga so that’s a good return to exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Becky, bravo on going to strength training class…..tell me more about what you do there---how long does the class last?

    :flowerforyou: Bobbie, keep on checking in even if you don’t have time to post…..staying connected helps me stay on track

    :flowerforyou: Chris, I was in a store today full of quilting fabric and everything looked so beautiful and reminded me of how much I admire quilters

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, your limited diet sounds like a super challenge. I don’t eat bread because of the sodium, calories, and my desire to eat the whole loaf once I eat one piece, but my Isagenix shakes contain whey, and I eat eggs once a week or so.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I am so sorry to hear about Diane, How fortunate that you were able to spend time with her near the end of your life….you are amazing to be able to keep your weight down successfully when you can’t exercise like you used to.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, chicken noodle soup is my favorite thing to eat when I’m not feeling well…….too much sodium, but so yummy.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, we see deer, squirrels, birds, and other dogs……no skunks, so far. Brandy and Sasha bark at everything including cars that are exceeding the 15 mph speed limit in our neighborhood. The reason that “walking with frisky poodles” is such a calorie burning workout is that I am forever pulling on leashes or holding them tight to restrain eager dogs. Between the two of them they weigh almost 90 pounds which is probably less than Daisy. One of the reasons I like walking so early in the morning is that there are fewer distractions.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie 2, I’ve heard about the fitbit, so I look forward to you telling us about how it’s working for you and how you like it.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    November goal
    walk for at least an hour every day with the frisky poodles no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy