Senior Golden Sneakers............November



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :smile: Sandy: Have a great time at the casino and Good Luck.:drinker:

    :smile: Barbie: Have a good week without Jake. Sometimes we need that alone time.

    :smile: Marie: Did you say Great Great Grandmother. Whoo Hoo! I am still waiting to be grandma. :bigsmile:

    I put my two cents in about the getting rid of the Signature portion on this site but I don't think it will do
    any good. :ohwell:

    So back to square one and just getting to business about losing weight.

    We have a wedding to go on Saturday and then the weekend to ourselves. :drinker:

    <<<The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched....
    But are felt in the heart.>>>Helen Keller :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    A Beautuful day out side . This is Marie, in case I forget to sign out.

    Happy Thursday Sneakers

    Jerry been to the Barber to get a hair cut. even tho he don't have much hair.

    About to get to be lunch time. It will be great northern beans and some steams carrots. and cole slaw And tonight a TV dinner I know it has a lot of sodium But what the heck. Gonna do it anyway. But I try to keep it below 1500 for the day Our body do need some salt . So I want to get my share.

    Not much going on around here better be sure to sign my name Here is the quilt block I work on yesterday


    :heart: :heart: Sending my love to all of you Marie
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    :smile: Good evening friends:drinker:

    Marie, beautiful quilt.
    Jeri, hope your day was good.

    My day was ok, slept in til 7am, had a ww smoothie with a banana for breakfast, for lunch we had wild game meat sandwich. Then we watched a little tv and took a walk. Met a couple of friends for a shor t chit chat and that was all. I wanted to sew but we are still fighting the last of our colds so I didn't do much at all.

    This morning we watched a doe and fawn prance by our house, they were very slow. We like to watch the animals around here, it is so peaceful in the morning.
    To everyone who reads this, have a nice evening.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Marie - you do such beautiful work. I'd love to see all your projects.

    Chris - We had a busy but fun day. I had to come home and have a nap for about an hour then I was up to making supper. We had friends over for a drink and a visit. It is really nice to be getting back in the swing of things. Do you live in the country as you can watch the deer? Sounds wonderful.

    Shirley - have fun at the wedding.

    Phoebe - you must really see a lot of different country. An interesting lifestyle for sure.

    Sandy - have fun at the casino!! I'm envious.

    We just got word that my Mom has something on the side of her shoulder. We have an appt with a surgeon in December. Keep your fingers crossed for us!!

    Best wishes to al and have a good night.

    Jeri in Calgary, Alberta Canada
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Chris- How lovely to get to see wild animals in your area. I used to see deer when I lived in Idaho. ( especially in the winter ) so beautiful with the snow in the back ground. Now all I see are camels!! and donkeys.

    Marie- I love the quilt blocks that you are making. Will it be a quilt when it is all put together? I love to make quilt tops but have not done that for some time. I am working on a mini wall hanging of Noahs art. It has little appliques on it and should be cute when it is finished

    Sandy _ wonder if you are winning piles of money?

    Friday here and that means day to relax. No school. We are practicing a program at church that the kids will present next Friday. I teach the songs to the kids so we will be doing lots of singing today. Those little voices are so sweet it brings goosebumps and tears every time they sing a song. I love music, especially when little kids sing.

    Hubby wants hot rolls so I am in the middle of making him a batch right now. Sure takes a long time to make a good batch of rolls. But he loves them and me when they are all baked and fresh out of the oven. Now if I can just resist eating them too!!! UGGG
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: AWWW Phyllis, you have beaten me to the thread.:bigsmile: Your hot rolls are making me hungry.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, do they have any idea as to what you mom has on her shoulder? Keep us updated and I will be praying.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you are unforgetable. So glad that you are here.

    :flowerforyou: Chris, I so envy you...would love to live in the country away from the city lights. Only wild animals here are the sqirrels. Opps, that isn't spelled right.

    What is with the signatures? Do we have to type our names at the bottom each time?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy Friday everyone !!

    :smile: Jeri: Good Luck at the surgeons appt. hope all is well :flowerforyou:

    I went to the chiroprator this morning for a treatment on my back. Ever since I started cleaning again
    without my cleaning lady, my back has been acting up. Needless to say when I called her this morning
    to chat I told her to get back at it my back is killing me. :bigsmile:
    So I am babying my back and I am not doing any exercise until it feels better.
    So watching my calories and drinking lots of water until then.

    We have a wedding on Saturday so I hope I am feeling better. :smile:

    Have a great day ladies !!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Shirley, you should certainly do whatever your chiroprator says you can do. You want your back to heal.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon Seniors
    Jeri and Phyliss,

    Yes I live in a rural small town in Montana. When I say we go to town it is only 1/2 hr away on the highway. I have a lovely country backyard and behing me is a ranch with horses to watch every day. So it's all open country behind me. I live in a little 20 house sub division and all my neighbors are like family, some you love, some you like and some you just say Hi to. We have a good bunch out here. We all love the wild life that is out here too. My son lives about 30 miles away and went hunting yesterday and saw som mountain lion tracks, he said they are really huge prints in the snow and kind of scarey that the mountain lions could be watching them.

    Phyliss, I can smell your rolls and my mouth is watering for them. I don't bake too much, because I want to eat too much then. When I make my desserts I put them in the freezer right away and serve them when we have company or I will eat them all.

    My day today,
    We met friends for coffee, went for a walk in the mall as it was only 26 degrees outside. Then we went to AppleBee's for lunch and Veterens got a free meal, so my dh was happy and the place was full of vets and their spouses, men and women. It was so nice to see a bunch of older men and women who served and the younger ones too. There was a lady vet from WW 2 and I was so glad that her family with her was so proud of her. I am so thankful to all our military service men, Thanks for giving your time to protect our country and all of us.

    We went to Subway to get a sandwich to take home and they gave my dh a free 6" sub because he was a vet. So I got a sandwich for me and he got one from Subway.

    I better get off the computer and sew or do something, I am getting lazy today.
    Have a good Veterens Day and God Bless All Our service men, past and present.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Actually, I prefer "honoring" our veterans, bless them all!

    Phyllis, I remember what a surprise it was to see camels and donkeys walking around on regular streets...or with the camels, sometimes just lying down on the pathway! I never really trusted them to behave well, as I had a few rather unpleasant encounters with camels. I imagine your DH loves those rolls; have you learned to make pita?

    Phoebe, where on the road are you now? Kitty litter can get pretty costly, so work, baby, work!

    Yes, Marie, lady of a thousand talents! Your quilmaking is fascinating; unlike anything I've seen before!

    Chris, I keep forgetting about smoothies, and I used to love them. Perhaps once the strawberry picking begins, I'l try them again!

    Jeri, couldn't the Dr see your Mom before December? I hope it's nothing, but I imagine the wait doesn't help emotionally!

    Shirley, Sorry about your back, and hope it heals pronto...before the wedding! Housecleaning help is the last thing I'd give up, and I'm finding males get sloppier as they age, and I tire more easily as I age, and I wish I could have my delightful cleaning gal in every week. When you suffer from it, a cleaning person is not an indulgence,'s a necessity!

    We have a real fun concert here tonight, it's called Klezsmer music, and is the type of rhythmic song you may remember if you've seen Fiddler on the Roof! Impossible to sit still while listening, as it really keeps one hopping! Since we don't often go out at night, I look forward to tonight.

    I made that Greek Salad dressing last night, but left out the salt. It was fine, but lacking that real pizzaz I was hoping for. I'll try adding fresh lemin juice to tonight's portion. And here's my signature, though I really didn't understand that whole thing!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I was trying to be efficient with my time so I stopped at the store on my way home from line dance. while I was getting almond milk out of the cooler there was an announcement about whole roasted chickens for $5.00 and it suddenly seemed like a great idea to get one (to eat all by myself ?????:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :tongue: ). After choosing some bags of frozen veggies from the freezer case, I started thinking about buying a lot of the stuff in the neighboring areas (fried potatoes, chicken nuggets, ice cream) and then I realized that it was lunch time and I was hungry and everything sounded good. so I rushed to the checkout line, paid for my purchases and went straight home to my pre-planned healthy lunch and was completely satisfied.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we have had rain and wind today. This afternoon a big branch broke off a tree and fell on the garage roof. I thought I could get it down so I put on my coat and got the step ladder to climb up and pull the branch down. When I got to the top of the step ladder and was just starting to pull on the branch, my cell phone rang. Since I had my cell phone and blue-tooth I answered the phone and it was a friend who wanted to drive by and show her visiting 30 something son my house. When they got there the son offered to take care of the branch for me. he climbed the ladder, climbed up on the roof, got the branch and all the small pieces off the roof and helped my carry the stuff to the back of the house. Besides my thank you, he was rewarded by a deer that appeared behind the house and stood there a long time staring at us. :bigsmile:

    :laugh: :laugh: the dogs really miss Jake, so they entertain themselves by begging to go out. Bernie misses Jake so he's been climbing into my lap whenever I sit down. Jake called this morning and I put the phone up to the ear of each pet so he could talk to them.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. I am ready for bed so just saying hello to you all. We remembere our veterans today and for us, especially my Mom's brother who was killed as a prisoner of war just before D-day. I guess it was really an execution as the prisoners were all taken outside, lined up and shot. We really need to remember our military every day and be so thankful for the life we lead because of them.

    Barbie -- I did buy one of those roasted chickens the other day and it gave the two of us 3 meals with a little leftover for sandwiches. I made broth out of the carcas and got a very tasty soup out of it. I am thankful that Dave also likes soup as I surely love it!

    Jeri -- Glad you are done with the radiation. Hope you start feeling back to yourself soon.

    I must get to bed, can't think anymore. Neil is here so I will be up earlier tomorrow. We will have to take him to his Special O bowling tomorrow. He seems to really like it. We are happy about that.

    Take care. You are all very special people. Gayla :heart: :heart:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. Yet another busy week but I have managed to check in and read your posts every now and then.
    MARIE, that's a beautiful quilt, how clever you are and we'd always know you with or without a name tag!:heart:
    PHOEBE, don't give up on little kitty just yet. When I first adopted Jasper and his sister Hebe I had to go away for a week and my neighbours who fed them said they didn't see Jasper once in that time and then he didn't come back to me for another week. If your kitty is a boy he's maybe just having a wander and checking out his territory. Cats need their freedom whether we like it or not!.

    I'm going away to visit a friend in a place called Tewkesbury, about 150 miles away. I'll be gone for a week so probably won't be checking in as I don't possess a laptop. I'll tell you all about it when I get back.

    Take care
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good morning Sneakers,

    Last night we went to the dinner with my MIL, SIL and BIL. We ate at a different restaurant for a change.
    I wanted the garlic chicken, but they were out of it. :noway: It seems every time I order garlic chicken
    at a restaurant they are out of it. I guess I am not supposed to eat garlic chicken. :laugh:
    To make a long story short, I order a grilled chicken salad instead and it was blah. No flavor to it except for
    the dressing. So by the time we left and went back for a visit at my MIL's and after started for home I was hungry again.
    Dave says I thought you might be hungry after that. So we ordered a pizza and took it home.
    We haven't had pizza in a dogs age. Anyway, I am up today on my weight :ohwell: and I don't know if I will go back
    to that restaurant agan. :noway:

    My back is improving and I was going to go for a walk today but its so windy and cold this morning I decided to pass.
    One more day not exercising weren't hurt me. The wedding is today at 3:00 pm and reception is at 5:30 pm.
    So something exciting to look forward to.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Saturday!!! :bigsmile: Beautiful sunny day here with temps in the 50's. We had a great time at the casino although I lost money and stayed up way too late or early depending how you look at it. I didn't realize the time until my friend told me it was 3:30am. Needless to say I wasn't feeling too good yesterday and for the first time in years went to bed around 10:00pm last night and slept until 8:30 this morning. My mind thinks my body is young but my body knows different. :laugh: My hubby will have another foot surgery on Wednesday, she has to go in a remove/fix the screw in his toe. She claims he will be able to wear a boot and walk so I hope she is right since we have a benefit that following Saturday. I talked to my sister on Thursday and she sounded really good and was going to the doctor to talk about a port for her chemo. I don't like to call her early so I haven't called her yet today.

    Shirley, enjoy the wedding, I am glad your back is improving just don't dance on any tables. :laugh:

    Jackie, enjoy your trip. :heart:

    Gayla, how awful for your uncle but I too am grateful that we have our freedom. I am happy that Neil is enjoying the bowling, any kind of exercise is good and bowling is fun. :bigsmile:

    Barbie, your graphics are great! I am glad that branch didn't do damage to your roof and much better a 30 year old climbs on the roof instead of you. When does Jake return, he will have to do some big explaining to those puppies on why he left them for so long. :laugh:

    Buzz, hope you enjoyed the concert, the music sounds wonderful. :drinker:

    Chris, your house sounds wonderful as do your surroundings with all the wild life. :flowerforyou:

    Becky, I like your new profile picture of your family, you are so pretty. :happy:

    Phyllis, so you not only teach you sing as well? :tongue:

    Jeri, needless to say your mom will be in my prayers and you know the power of prayer.:love:

    Marie, your quilt is beautiful, you are so talented. Since I know nothing about quilting, did you actually make that snowman?

    Phoebe, I didn't win a bundle not even a handful, I think my days at the casinos are coming to an end, I just can't win.
    I hope you got my message about Katie, they are asking us to hold off on any packages until further notice. She is going to be training with ONE and will be away from her village for a while. We both have packages in the mail but she will be back in time to receive them before meeting her parents in Spain for Christmas. Again, thank you for being so generous.

    I now hope to get back on my program with exercise and recording food, the holidays are approaching too fast and I need to lose a few extra pounds for some of that "cheating" I will be doing. Hey, at least I am honest about it, but how can I not eat turkey with dressing and mashed potatoes? :drinker:

    Have a great Saturday everyone!!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member

    Barbie, you did great at your grocery shopping. It sounds like you really feel good about the right choices you made. Good job!

    Last night the wind was howling like a train was going by, I thought a tornado was outside but being in montana and mountains all around I didn't think that could happen. We had winds of 40 to 50 mph for about 10 minutes. My hubby went outside to pick up the garbage can and all the stuff on the porch and carport. He came in and said it is really cold out there. Woke up this morning and the weather is 38 degrees and cloudy but not windy.

    My day today:
    Went to bed early last night so we woke up early, I made a big breakfast for a change, egg,can. bacon, cheese and english muffin with coffee.
    We then went to the mall to walk for 30 minutes and they had a sale so I bought a sweater. The stores opened up early so it was a store buster sale. The sweater was $54.00 and the 2 hr sale brought it to $16.97, so I was pleased. At 10 am it went back up to $54.00.
    Then we met up with some friends and had a nice visit. Came home and cleaned house again, did some laundry, and my neighbor came over for a short visit. After that we split a 6" subway sandwich and had carrot with hummus for lunch.
    I am going to sit down and have a cup of tea and watch something on tv for an hour or so.

    Have a wonderful Saturday. Next sunday is our 46th anniversary and we may go to Spokane for that and Thanksgiving.
    Bye Bye, Chris
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member

    Phoebe, I didn't win a bundle not even a handful, I think my days at the casinos are coming to an end, I just can't win.
    I hope you got my message about Katie, they are asking us to hold off on any packages until further notice. She is going to be training with ONE and will be away from her village for a while. We both have packages in the mail but she will be back in time to receive them before meeting her parents in Spain for Christmas. Again, thank you for being so generous.

    Correction Katie is going to be vounteering with WHO. (Women Helping Others). Sorry, she volunteered with ONE when she was going to school in Washington DC.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i missed Veterns day yesterday so Here is my sulutee to our brave boys and girls. God bless them all.


    Gayla I am so glad Neil is happy with his bowling. I thought he would like it once he got started. I would love to hear him give a big hollow when he knot some of them pins down.

    Sandy I didn't do nothing to the snowman. he was printed on some green strip material. I fix some up years ago and attach them to sweatshirts and sold them in my craft booth. i had. In fact I think I just might take this one and apply it to a sweatshirt with big buttons. I found this in some Of my fabric i had. I never did make me one. They sold good. also put some on demin shirts. Will have to see if I can embrodery some snowman on some stripe fabric..
    Sandy i know you have not given up on the casino. I am really surprise that you staying away from bingo.

    This is the first time I have taken an interest in anything in a long long time. Thats good for a person.
    I am having fun.

    Hello Sneakers. I did read all of your post but i don't recalled right now What I read Will go back and check you out one more time.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Marie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Everyone  -- Thanks for your support.  Our family doctor doesn't know what it is on Mom's shoulder exactly  as they couldn't tell from the ultrasound  The report recommended that she see a surgeon to make a better determination   December unfortunately  is the earliest we can get in to see him.   As he is the same surgeon I have, and I trust him, we are wanting to stay with him. 

    Chris -- where you live sounds wonderful. We are neighbors as I live in Alberta just north of you.   Montana is very beautiful. 

    Shirley.  I hope your back continues to improve. 

    Buzz. That sounded like a fun concert. I would have enjoyed it too. 

    Barbie, you'll be glad to have Jake at home and so will the dogs. My dh used to travel at lot. The first few days I used to enjoy the freedom of doing what I wanted but then I missed him a lot. When he was away for weeks at a time, it was an adjustment factor for both of us when he returned. 

    Sandy. Too bad you had bad luck. I'm going through an unlucky spell too, I just can't seem to win right now at all. I'm luckier these days at lottery tickets but I never win much. A couple bucks here or there. Just enough to buy another ticket. Last year I won $100 but I've spent that more than once again.  And I agree with you about eating turkey and dressing.  Yummy. LOL

    Marie,  that snowman was really cute. 

    Well, I had a long nap this afternoon and now it is time to make some supper for us. My dd's and their families and my Mom are coming over to celebrate that I finished radiation. We are having brunch at our house. I get to sit back while they cook. Sounds like fun but I doubt that I won't be called into the kitchen to help out. 

    Best wishes to all. 
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi everyone, we just crossed the Colorado river bridge from AZ. Into CA.
    I have decided that I love football. Dh listens to the games while he drives and that means more nap time for me! I have slept a lot today lol!
    jeri, how it isnt serious with your mom. I seem to be finding aches and lumps and bumps anew each day, if they are there when I go to my next dr. Appt., I will mention them. It is good that they get to the diagnosis and referrals so quickly, no wait and see if it goes away nonsense.

    Gayla, my friend posted some kind of bowling alley photos on facebook where the bowling pins seemed to be glowing! Kind of bowling in the dark, which would be good for me since mostly I roll the ball into the gutter.

    Sandy, i told katie I would be shipping one final pkg to her, but it turned into two, mostly just childrens things. Disney books, etc. Hope they dont mind. Should be there by Christmas.

    Shirley, hope your back didnt bother you too much today at the wedding.
    barbie, you are amazing, climbing on the roof, if you had made it up there, I guess you would have burst into a little dance while you were there. Hate for you to miss an opportunity! Jk! Lol.

    Jackie, have a great time in twuksberry, of however it was spelled. I hope the little guy does come back to us, we were both partial to him. I took some donations to the shelter and looked for him there. Lots of black kitties but not my 'Shadow'
    Chris, next time you get a strong wind from the north, you can shout out 'Thanks Jeri!' Lol, glad you didnt have much of a mess from that wind. We saw on the weather channel about strong wind and snow west of Denver CO. All those ski resorts porbably love it. I will never ski. It just has no appeal for me.

    Becky, i like the collage you made. Tell us who is in it. Is that you in the center?

    Marie, your snowman reminds me of one of the projects I enjoy too. Appliques. Time is such that I dont get any hobbies done now. I made gingerbread families and put them onto pillows. Gave them to the habitat for Humanity store. I should have kept one set. Next ones I want to do will be on denim
    my other hobby that I miss is freehand embroidery. I like to make flowers.

    Buzz, hope you are having a good weekend and staying safe. Can you believe it is only 12 days til Thanksgiving? It just Zoomed by this year!
    we will probably work on Thanksgiving day. Maybe we will get lucky and be able to stop and see our nephew in little rock AR. Hes in the air force. We could buy him and his wife dinner. Oh well, we never know.

    To who of you that I missed, be well and stay safe.

    Phoebe. Waleska GA