Senior Golden Sneakers............November



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :smile: Marie: Love the quilt it is just beautiful. I have a quilt my husband's grandmother made
    and I just love it. I keep it on top of the bed in my daughter's room. She also used to crochet lace
    doilies too. Not too many women do this kind of work anymore.

    :smile: Barbie: Glad to hear Jake has returned safe and sound. :happy:

    :smile: Becky: Don't worry about missing your class you will get another crack at it. Strength training
    is great for the body.

    :smile: Sandy: I hope your sister goes through chemo okay. She will need your strength to help her
    get through it. I love the idea of a prayer shawl and I hope she gets all the vibes from above to help her
    through this ordeal.

    My back is doing better and my next appt. at the chiropractor is Wednesday plus I have dentist appt. too. :ohwell:
    So I get a late start on cleaning the house. I started my Wii Fit Plus Yoga last night and need to continue
    since I didn't use it since last winter.

    Have great day Sneakers.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Goodmorning Sneakers,

    It has been rather warm here lately. in fact too warm for me. Sandy I am so sorry your sister is going thu all this pain. And being down to 100 lb thats not good. Hang in there Dear friend.

    Becky how are you doing
    Shirley good hearing from you everyday.
    Barbie glad Jake made it home OK. Did you eat that chicken all up from him. ..I like to buy them for we usally get 2 meals and a big pot of chicken and dumpling out of one chicken. But last time I just roasted a chicken in one of those bags and it turn out quite well. In fact I have a pack of frozen chicken breast i will cook in one of those roasting bags. They are pretty good size I would say about a D cup.. Better get them out of the freezer.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Shirley, lucky lady !!! I would love to have a Wii Fit. I wonder, though, if I would use it. Probably not as I seem to need other people around to encourage men.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I saw the biggest chicken breasts ever on Foodnetwork last night. I wondered how big the entire chicken was.

    I have a Yoga class here at work at 5:00. My first one ever. Looking forward to it. Then, I will go to Zumba at 7:30.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    BUZZ_ I have lived in Egypt for over 20 years! I feel pretty much like it is home for me. Some days I feel like I live on another planet but other days it is just a normal day like any of you live. The for sure thing is I work myself to death every day at school and come home exhausted and ready to just sit and relax at night. The hardest thing about living over here is that I get some good friends that come with their husbands to work and after a few years they move on so my heart is constantly getting ripped out. I hate saying good bye. I do get back to the states every summer. I miss my family and friends that live in America too and miss holidays, especially Christmas.:happy:

    MARIE - Lovely ragtime quilt. I have never seen one so beautiful. The ones that my mom makes are always made of flannel and when you sew them together and then trim and throw in the washing machine they really fluff out so nice and are the best to cuddle up with on a cold evening. :smile:

    SANDY_ My sister went through chemo for a while, lost her hair, felt weak and all the rest. Had Breast Cancer . Had her breast removed but survived it all. She even had a blast wearing all kinds of wigs to cover up her bald head. She had such a positive attitude we all kind of wished we had cancer too. She made it seem so exciting. She loved all the nurses and I guess they had a good time with her every time she would go in for a treatment. My sisters in the states went with her to have the treatments. I felt bad i was so far away and had to just support her via e-mail. Be grateful that you are there to be with her. I am sure she loves having you around.

    SHIRLEY_ I'd like to get a wii some day. It must be fun to do the exercises with the wii. They sure seem to have a lot of games and activities that you can use with it. Maybe some day I can get one and bring it back.

    BARBIE_ Nice surprise to have Jake back home. Glad you and the pets are enjoying him.:heart:

    BECKY _ what ages are your kids. did you enjoy the parent conferences. I have mine next week. Some parents are a joy to visit with.. others. ...well..... are not. :laugh: I am sure it would be great to visit with you.

    O.k. had a bad migraine today. Could have had something to do with the long faculty meeting after school. We have way too many meetings at our school. Need more time to plan... and teach. My kids were so good today. We are learning about bones in the human body and they kids love science. Oh to be so curious and eager to learn like the little ones. so much energy too.
    I did swim for one hour from5 to 6 and that gets me up and going every day. but I am way tired at night when it is finally time for bed. I sleep really good most nights. Bye Sneakers. Love ya all Phyllis
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just dropping in to say hi. :happy: Still maintaining my weight, exercising and tracking every day.:bigsmile: I have my WI Fit Plus set up and WHAT A WAKE UP CALL!:noway: One day they said my WI Fit Age was 40…to my delight and the next time 75!!! :laugh: I had no idea how poorly my balancing skills are!:noway: I try to do the games to help me improve but I find it hard to figure out what I’m supposed to do!:embarassed: But I keep trying….and laughing. My little Mii Wi cracks me up!:laugh: When I do well she’s jumping and happy but when I don’t do well she’s stooped over looking defeated :laugh: . I tried to do an exercise to tone my abs and couldn’t even budge!:angry: They said to lie on the floor on your back and pull yourself up to a certain position. I was useless:embarassed: and had to roll over on all fours to get up THAT way!:laugh: WOW it’s amazing what you CAN’T do when you try!!! It does encourage me to do more of the beginner’s moves…… and every journey starts with the first step….like losing the weight.:flowerforyou: Now I’m on another journey and feel like I’m back at square one with fitness (even though I do 70 minutes of the treadmill every day!) :happy:
    Sending greetings to all!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :bigsmile: Our weather is beautiful today with temps near 60, I even opened the doors for some fresh air. :love:
    I keep saying I am getting back on track and then the day is over and I did no exercise. With all the talk of the Wii Fit I think I will try a few of the exercises to see if having fun might encourage me. I am holding my weight but the more I exercise the less I hurt. :ohwell:

    My sister went to the doctor yesterday to get the OK for her chemo but the GP did an EKG and said he wants her to see the heart doctor. She has been in and out of the hospital with good EKG's so she is not pleased with this doctor. She has an appointment today with the heart doctor and said he wanted her to do a stress test but she is of course to weak, but thinks they will do the one with the dye and she won't have to do the treadmill. She did ask her doctor (who she hates by the way) what happens if she have the port put in, what will they do about the chemo and he told her they would probably do it with a regular IV. I told her if she hates her GP that much she should change doctors so I hope she considers doing so. I will call her later to see what the heart doctor tells her.

    My hubby goes in for his foot surgery tomorrow, he went today to the oral surgeon to see how the sore in his mouth is doing and he told him he thinks it is finally healing which is good because he would have had to have a deeper biopsy if not. Sure would be nice if everyone was healthy wouldn't it?

    Have a great day, I am going to work on some DVDs to calm my stress.
  • Becky, I think Buzz mistook logging for jogging but it really was logging. Does that make any sense? Lol
    hi Birdie! I have wii fit but I want wii fit plus. Do I have to buy the whole fit platform or just software?
    Phyllis, I would like to swim every morning. Sorry you have migraines. The dry weather would annoy me. Your moms flannel quilts sound wonderful! Right up my alley!
    we are heading for TN. May or may not go home this week.
    Shirley, glad your back is improving. I miss my chiro. When we dont get in each week.
    Hi Marie, hope you are taking it easy on this warmer than normal day, it feels great in Oklahoma!
    Barbie, I read on that people who walk their pets are almost always able to meet the fitness recommendations for exercise daily. Or something like that!
    ha@ Bernie, he's got to express his opinion of Jake's dissappearance.
  • Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Finished sewing down binding on 12th turkey placemat on Sunday :smile: Now I need to add the beaks & wattles and french knots for eyes. Crazy busy week coming up, 15 people for dinner this Sunday. We leave on Friday to go to a basketball tournament & don't get back until Saturday night so I'm getting everything I can possible get ready done before we go. I'll get up early & bake pies and my Czech poppy seed bread Sunday morning. Gotta "waddle" back to the "wattles" :laugh: Will try to catch up with you all next week.

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good evening Seniors

    Shirley, Yes I do live in Montana and it seems everyone is here hunting. My son already got his deer and now he is hunting for Elk. Who does your friend go to for hunting on horseback? My friend guides people on horseback hunting.

    It sounds like everyone is trying to schedule more exercise, me too. I walk 30 mins a day and do a little strength exercises but I really need to do more. I am at a standstill with my weight again. I think I am not going to think about it so much and maybe I am stressing about it too much.

    Today my day went like this:
    We met our son for coffee and went to the casino and I won $100.00, I shared it with my hubby and son. Then we had a meeting about financial things and then went to lunch and had a lg bowl of tomatoe/sausage soup. We came home and a friend stopped over, I watched Dr Oz, made chicken yummy burgers for dinner and I did not exercise today. I am taking the day off of exercise. My back and knees are feeling pretty good these last couple of days, no pain meds either. Praise God.

    Tomorrow we only have Senior Citizens Luncheon and for sure I will exercise.

    Almost forgot, when we got home there were 2 does and 1 buck deer in our back yard, we watched them for about 10 minutes and they moved to another house. I love all the nature around here.
    Take care,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Enjoyed reading all the posts though Sandy's problems with DS & DH are worrisome. Good luck to all of your family, Sandy!
    Phoebe, of course you were right; I did indeed think Becky had hit the wrong key, because I never knew a lady who logged! Quite impressive! Just as you are the second truck driver I knew who was a female, the first being my DD when she hitched cross country back in the days when one's life was not in danger hitching! In fact, as a youngster (late teens or so), I used to hitch out to the end of Cape Cod (Provincetown) which was such fun back then!
    I went shoe shopping today, which I hate, having feet that are A at the toes, AAAA at the heels, and high insteps! But my Birkenstocks are no longer comfortable as I developed a bony protrusuin along the outside of my left foot. So I probably had a belligerent expression as I entered a "comfort" shoe store, and stated I wanted shoes that were not ugly old ladies shoes!...Not the best way to start with a shoe sales lady! Thank goodness DH was reading out in the car! After discarding about 8 pair of too wide shoes, ugly shoes, bronze shoes, you name it shoes,...the lady brought out 4 pair of shoes that fitted, looked decent, were comfortable and I grabbed them all. I hope I don't regret it! The gal was so relieved, she threw in a black evening bag as a gift!
    Now I've got to run, as DH has the new Netflix waiting for my presence! So have a good evening, y'all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    jeanne you have a few busy days ahead of you/ Glad you Are almpst finish with you placemat. I bet they are pretty

    Buzz out buying you do have a narrow heel.

    phoebe.You an Jim be careful. dxriving. Enjoy your Thanksgiving day where ever it might be.

    My Chris you are a busy lady.

    Irene hope all is well with you,
    And Sandy 's Sis
    And our Jeri. Anybody else on the sick side. Babe too. With his surgery. Hope he will not be in too much pain.

    Jake you went hunting 700 miles away from your sweetie. Did you bring home he bacon?

    Well bete hit the hay. got to get up early in the morning. Grocer shopping day.

    oh by the way we are having a tailgate partie for Thanksgiving over at Alice house. The cowboys play that day. Alice is surpose to be planning on what we are gping to have. ought to be fun. We usally leave at half time so we can get home before dark.They play at Thanksiving every yearGood nite..................Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Marie::sad: :sad: :yawn: :yawn:
    Dallas, Texas
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: made the last of the applesauce today.....tomorrow i start on the pumpkins then the squash :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: the dogs and I saw all four neighborhood deer together four time today
    once in someone's driveway :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Jake didn't bring home any turkeys, ducks, or geese but he had a great time.:bigsmile:

    :heart: Sandy, I send more wishes for health to your sister and your hubby

    :bigsmile: Phyllis, I've been retired from teaching for seven years but I still remember how exhausting and stressful it was......somehow the joy of working with the kids made up for it right up til the day I I'm happy to be away from it.

    :bigsmile: Buzz, I have wide feet and thought my feet were challenging but yours make mine seem easy to fit.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: there are two more Thanksgiving dinners coming up this week.....I am bringing baked yams.
  • Buzz, my you have skinny feet! I,, like Barbie, go the wide way.

    Marie, your tailgating Thanksgiving sounds like fun! Who knows, we might even be at home on Thanksgiving day. Then we could either go to Cracker Barrel, or drive to the family get together, about 120 miles away.

    Sandy, here's wishing good luck with Babe today.

    Nite all
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good night, dear friends! I don't know why I seem to be so busy, I don't get anything accomplished. I was madly reading The Help because there was a wait list for it at the library I knew that I couldn't renew it. I finished it very late last night. It is one of those 'I can't put it down books' so it didn't take much trouble to finish it. If you haven't read it you might want to give it a try.

    I have been thinking of all of you who have been ill and who have family who are ill. I hope each week is better than the last.

    Sandy -- You really have your hands full. I hope your sister's tests go well. I know you are a wonderful support to her. Did Babe get the biopsy done? Sorry, I didn't get all the posts read so you likely have answered this.

    Marie -- Your quilt is lovely. Those flowers pop right off the screen!

    Phoebe -- I hope you get to enjoy your family Thanksgiving.

    Buzz -- We have finally booked a holiday and are going to do an all-inclusive before Christmas. This is our first all-inlusive but the price was too good to pass up. My sister and bil may come as well if she can get a few days off. He just retired and is really itching to get away so I hope they can. Only bad part, I have to go bathing suit shopping as mine are not fit for company!! I really hate shopping for bathing suits but I just have to keep my eye on the prize.

    I must get to bed. I have to be up earlier than usual as I have a Podiatrist appointment tomorrow. I do hope he can get my foot to stop hurting as I plan to do some walking on the holiday!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: (what happened to the signature line?)
  • Hi Gayla, good to her from you. I got what is called an aquatard, I think, at
    I liked it and felt less exposed.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :bigsmile: Got up at 5:45 to get my hubby to hospital by 7:00am for his surgery at 8:30. :yawn: For those that know me, I am usually turning over at that time so needless to say I am tired. :yawn: The surgery went well and as of now no pain, but he does have meds to control the pain. :tongue: Hopefully, this is the last of his foot surgeries. :ohwell:

    After waiting for another 2 1/2 hours at the heart doctor my sister got the ok to get the port put in tomorrow and hopefully chemo the same day. She was so frustrated with waiting she went to the receptionist and said I guess patients have no rights and the *itch said neither do employees to which my sister replied but you are not dying. The heart doctor said it is minor but my sister wanted to know why they never said anything in the hospital to which he ignored her question. I really can't blame her for her frustration but it does keep her feisty. :bigsmile:

    I have been very bad with exercise and a little bad with food but still try to count the calories in my head. I think I will be walking Daisy for the next few weeks so I better get my heavy coat and winter gear out since I hate cold weather. For now I am going to watch a movie with hubby but will probably fall asleep. :yawn:

    Thanks for all the encouragement, keep praying I know it helps.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    hi Birdie! I have wii fit but I want wii fit plus. Do I have to buy the whole fit platform or just software?

    If you have the platform, I believe you can just get the software. Good luck1

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    This is Marie in case I forget to sign out From the Dallas Area.

    Gayla I am so happy that your plans are in the works. Have you told Neil Yet.? He will be just fine The boys will see to that. and he has his telelphone.

    Phoebe Glad you are going to be home for Thanksgiving.If the family get tgether will they have Coconut cake?

    Sandy. I am still sending My prayers to you all up there.

    We are having a nice cool day here. Nice I join a quilting group here and one of my quits made the top 20 list/ Don't really know what that means yet But it makes me happy. I realy don't know how to get around on their site too well but one of the ladies is so nice and been helping me.But have learn to post my quilts. And they do have some lovelies one on their site.
    I enjoy makin the quilts but theites look so professionally Makes mine look shabby Oh well enjoy whatyou are doing is the best part.. I am working on a 8 point stars today.

    Barbie You seem to be really enjoy life now. Enjoy your Thanksgiving get together. We will just have the one dinner to go to. UYou know it is next week Can't believe it is here and now now to get Christmas out of the way.
  • Thx Birdie for the info on wii fit plus. Im going to look when I get done here.
    marie, so glad you found a good group of quilting friends. Dont put your talent down, your quilts are fantastic, and would be beautiful in any home. You made that list because your good at it!

    We Hope to make it home by Thanksgiving, but we arent asking for time off. I never shop on 'black Friday'. I like to look at the sales though. We are up in KY. Now. We are supposed to load for CA., and they said 8am tomorrow, but now they say it might be tomorrow afternoon. We were going to surprise my brother by driving to his business and taking him to lunch. Oh well.
    anyway, it means we might get home for Thanksgiving.
    I hope the kitties are doing ok. They have enough food for a month. Water too, indoors and out. It rained there too, so I hope they are safe, warm, and dry. We have decided to go with the flow, and not worry so much about them.

    Sandy, you deserve some rest, there will be plenty of time for exercise this winter!

    I got all of the ingredients for Chris' weight watchers no crust pumpkin pie, now to go home SO i can make it! Im trying to resist pumpkin pie on the road, but it aint easy! Its everywhere! Pilot Travel Centers/Flying J Travel centers have Pumpkin Spice Coffee, delish and no calories, so I can add a little cream and splenda.

    Stay warm