Rude people



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    If she hates seeing what she calls 'fat people' eat, why was she staring anyway (even though you weren't eating)?


    She did it to get her victim's attention, with the sole purpose of attacking and causing harm to her victim.
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    that is just rude beyond rude. people have no consideration for others at ALL! all you need are the people on here for support. i know sometimes the cold hard truth can be heartbreaking but at least you are trying to do something to change that about yourself. we are all in this together and if we can all support one another, we will all be better off as a whole. good luck to you and your journey!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm sorry, why should someone like that be allowed to live? If she's cruel to random strangers, you can bet she's cruel to everyone else she comes into contact with, too. She's a psychopath, and however she got to the point in her life where she's attacking strangers in public, she needs to either be locked up until she's cured or removed some other way from the population.

    Only a sick society like ours would allow someone like her to walk the streets.
    Surely you cannot be serious. I know some people have made joking references to violence, but I've read through this thread and see people condoning real violence in this situation.

    It's bad enough reading all the judgments about this person's character, the diagnosis of her motives, why she is a bad person or evil - all based on one reported incident, knowing no details about this person. But I am flabbergasted at the suggestions and support for violence. Because of a cruel comment made in a Dunkin Donuts. Are we really that barbaric? Some of you scare me.

    Explain to me how telling the OP that the person who spoke to her so rudely deserves physical harm (even death) is supposed to make the OP feel better. Yes, the lady at Dunkin Donuts was insensitive and cruel. And she probably deserved to be told off/embarrassed in some way. But hot tea in her face? Punching her in the face? Not being allowed to live? I sure hope those of you so quick to judge and condemn aren't serving on a jury when I or someone I love is in court.

    My favorite part about all of this is the OP coming back to post how she handled things with class and dignity:
    I cannot thank all of you nearly as much as I want to!!
    I have never felt so humiliated in my entire life.... There were people in Dunkin Donuts that heard her say that to me and they all looked shocked.. I felt terrible, i just got up and left. The fact that I only bought a tea was a huge accomplishment for me and I was feeling pretty good about that...
    I don't why people act like that.. Have they no compassion? I am not a person who would say something mean to a person simply because they said something mean to me.... Although if I ever choose to... I have plenty of comebacks now. It feels really good to hear so many people encouraging me.. I'm not going to let her ruin my day...
    Did I mention, she wasn't all that thin herself???
    Sometimes letting people live in the aftermath of their own actions is the best kind of "justice."

    I'm glad you didn't let it ruin your day, glad you got so much support in this thread (the nonviolent ones at least), and glad you are making healthy decisions in your life. You are in control of your own well-being.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Okay, so, I have a plan.

    Tomorrow morning, we will meet up with you at your Dunkin Donuts, all 11 pages of us, so we can take turns chewing this lady out for you.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Okay, so, I have a plan.

    Tomorrow morning, we will meet up with you at your Dunkin Donuts, all 11 pages of us, so we can take turns chewing this lady out for you.

    Can we also take a swing at her? Oh pleeeeease say we can take a swing at her!!!
    Also, 11 pages worth of us showing up is a bit too intimidating. God forbid she sees the pile of people coming for that *kitten*, and chokes to death on her bagel.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Okay, so, I have a plan.

    Tomorrow morning, we will meet up with you at your Dunkin Donuts, all 11 pages of us, so we can take turns chewing this lady out for you.

    Can we also take a swing at her? Oh pleeeeease say we can take a swing at her!!!
    Also, 11 pages worth of us showing up is a bit too intimidating. God forbid she sees the pile of people coming for that *kitten*, and chokes to death on her bagel.

    We can do it in shifts and stage it like we are customers.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Okay, so, I have a plan.

    Tomorrow morning, we will meet up with you at your Dunkin Donuts, all 11 pages of us, so we can take turns chewing this lady out for you.

    Can we also take a swing at her? Oh pleeeeease say we can take a swing at her!!!
    Also, 11 pages worth of us showing up is a bit too intimidating. God forbid she sees the pile of people coming for that *kitten*, and chokes to death on her bagel.

    We can do it in shifts and stage it like we are customers.

    Jail is gonna be a blast.. because no matter how I start the scenario in my mind, it always ends with a judge pointing at me and saying, ".....May God have mercy on your soul!'
  • Chance0304
    I am so sorry that happened to you!
  • got2Bdetermined
    got2Bdetermined Posts: 164 Member
    WOW! I am at a loss for words!, by the way you can (will) lose weight but she will always be stupid. Be proud of who you are!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Bless your heart! I am not sure what I would have done but I know if my ten year old would have heard it, he would have jumped to my defense!
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I would have ripped her self esteem apart right back. What an awful human being. So uncalled for.
  • hogaber
    I concur!!
  • ciaobellakiss
    That's really sad! It just shows her own insecurities and her low self-esteem. Even though we might be fat, we can change our faces but she can't change her mean spirit!
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Did the Tea scald her when you tossed it in her face?

    That's what I would have done and then said I think her new scarred face grosses me out when this fat person is trying to eat

    Because burn survivors with facial scars are totally fair game, hm?

    GFY ,i,,

    Q~Q -huggles-
  • bslic
    bslic Posts: 245 Member
    Wow, some people just have some nerve. I sure hope that made her feel good about herself today. Shocking!
  • iamkylie
    iamkylie Posts: 43 Member
    I know what you mean about people being rude. Today I took my mum shopping (shes 200kg+ & in a wheelchair) and this group of ladies started talking about us before we had even passed so when we seen them down the next aisle we gave them something to talk about and started dancing lol
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Sometimes letting people live in the aftermath of their own actions is the best kind of "justice."

    I'm glad you didn't let it ruin your day, glad you got so much support in this thread (the nonviolent ones at least), and glad you are making healthy decisions in your life. You are in control of your own well-being.

    This. So much.

    A lot of people forget that returning some b!tch's *verbal* comment with something physical might seem worth it in the moment, but *you* end up with the conviction that stays on *your* record (read: not the b!tch's). So other than momentary feelings of revenge, I can't see the point. I like to think we're just saying what most of us would feel like doing.
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    That's horrible. I'm so sorry this happened.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    What an evil *****!!! I would have been arrested for assault if I heard that person say that. Hunny, don't let what she said hurt you. You are doing a great job, and you are changing your life for the better. That ***** will be nothing but a ****rag clerk.

    Some people have such low self-esteem that they have to rag on others in order to feel better about themselves. That girl made herself look bad, and she made the place she works at look terrible. Karma will get her, and she will eat her words.
    Hold your head up high, girly. You're doing great! :smile:
  • SheRa1964
    I appreciate everyones kind words, it truly helps to get so much encouragement!
    But seriously, what the heck is with that comment about Asperger's Syndrome?? I should mention I work in a group home with many residents with that exact diagnosis plus more. They are amazing people!

    I should mention both of my children are on the spectrum. One you'd never even know it. I found it extremely offensive. They both have great manners and are very kind people. I have no idea why anyone would make such an ignorant statement. I was shocked.