Rude people



  • tywiseman
    I have a favorite return for just such people...not always polite, but since they started it..."I may be fat...but your ugly and I can go on a diet!" Just let's them know they just crossed the line...stand firm and stay strong!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I am SUPER sorry this ever happened to you. I can relate, I have had some mean people say some vicious things to me, as well. I wanted to cry, but I thought to myself that if I cry - they win. Then me being the b*tch I am would have let her have it both barrels and had her on her knees crying.

    Her judgement day will come - and it wont be pretty!!

    *HUGE HUGS* hang in there and dont let the evil wenches of the world get you down - you can do this!
  • bigfluffyjujubird
    If tattoos send you to hell then so does pretty much everything else, that woman should read her bible properly sometime! i have 2 on my back loooooove tattoos! God forgives you know or perhaps she skipped that bit in bible class? Not that i am massively religious! What was that about loving thy neighbour again?? ;0)

    i am sorry that so many people have to deal with the ugly side of life but glad that you have come up with some cracking retorts!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    What a horrid person.
    All I can say is that she sounds like the kind of person that hates everything and will never be happy.
  • dodger7977
    dodger7977 Posts: 108 Member
    I have such anger issues that it's probably better this happened to you instead of me, because I'm pretty sure I would have murdered her right then and there. I despise rude people and just because she has the right to 'freedom of speech' doesn't make what she had to say any less tacky, rude, disrespectful, etc. and it certainly doesn't mean she should be downright mean to complete strangers.

    . I think we would be good friends in jail. I would have killed her too.
  • lucy1945
    lucy1945 Posts: 153
    Oh Dear, I'm so sorry. Just know the problem is her and NOT you!!!! I'm soooo proud of you for going to Dunkin Donuts and not having a donut. WOW!!! That is what you should focus on. That is a Huge accomplishment. Don't let that twit drag you down. Focus on how you were a strong person and made good choices. Please don't give up. You can get thin, but she'll ALWAYS be a horrid Biotch! Hugs!
  • dimpleschick
    dimpleschick Posts: 85 Member
    My friend Garry who owns several tattoo studios said it the best, "my body is a temple and this is how I chose to decorate the walls".

    I have pretty thick skin and the gift of a quick tongue. I don't mine putting people in their place when it is necessary.
  • PrincessKittenpants
    I just want to give you a hug! Sometimes miserable people need to take out their self hatrid on others. I'm sure she hogged herself down some bad food and you were the strong one!:wink:
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    That's terrible. Enough has already been said...I just wanted you to know I feel your pain... hugs to you.
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    What a disgusting b$*4#h !! You should have told her to go home and scrape the butter off her teeth!
  • micahcsmith
    That's total crap she doesn't know anything about you and she was just being a horrible person. I wish I was there I would have said something really snarky like... "Well I hate hearing dumb people talk so I guess we are even." Your doing the right thing and you know yourself better then the ransom DD visitor does. You have support here keep doing your best all that matters is that you stay healthy and make the right choices
  • missjazzj
    How incredibly rude!!!!! I think like you I'd've been stuck for words! Don't let her upset you, she clearly has issues of her own and is an inferior being!!
  • CeeJourney
    CeeJourney Posts: 149 Member

  • scottberrydsm
    scottberrydsm Posts: 74 Member
    That was a horrible thing for her to say. IF you should ever happen to see her again, at a Dunkin' Donut or anywhere else, you might say something like "I was hurt by your remark about not liking to see fat people eat, and just in case you are interested I am DOING something about that so that I will feel better about myself and be healthier. What are YOU doing about your problem of having no 'filter' on what you say to people?"
  • lisablueeyes
    lisablueeyes Posts: 213 Member
    OMG The bloddy nerve of some people!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Who does that??? I'm so sorry that happened to you! Good gravy, the nerve of some people. I want to find her and beat her up right now!! :explode: Don't let it get you down hun. Stay strong and just know that you are a better person than she could ever hope to be!
  • shnazzy
    shnazzy Posts: 213
    OMG REALLY if she had said that to me she would have been wearing the tea !!!!! that really is one rude lady :angry: :angry: :angry:
  • lizjoyce6
    lizjoyce6 Posts: 4 Member
    Please don't bring Asperger's into this. My son has Asperger's; the condition has nothing to do with rudeness. In fact, many poeple with Asperger's have rudeness inflicted on them. I am not responding in anger -- I just want to educate.
  • lizjoyce6
    lizjoyce6 Posts: 4 Member
    How awful you were subjected to such rude behaviour!
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I am so sorry that happened to you. What a horrible person. You did great. If I had been sitting in a donut shop, I would have been eating a donut, not drinking tea! Good for you. How can people now know how deeply words can wound? I'm a certified personal trainer. I wanted to wait until I got all my weight off before getting certified, but my best friend and my trainer both pushed me to get certified two years ago. Good thing, because this last 30 or so doesn't seem to want to budge. But I'm healthy and fit and I've lost 100 pounds, and I'm good at what I do. There was another trainer at my gym who didn't know me or how much I had lost. He is an *kitten* and was always setting up in the middle of where I was working with my clients. I always just nicely asked him to move his stuff over or what ever. He got snarky with me a couple of times and I always just sort of laughed it off. But one day he blew up at me and told me that it didn't matter if I was there before him, when he came in I needed to get out of his way. I told him I had as much right to work with my clients as he did and he told me he had been there long before I started coming. I told him that I had been working out there for three years and had been working with clients there for over a year. Then he hit me in my most sensitive spot...he said, "Well, it's obviously not working for you." He said it in front of my client, and several guys who were there working out. I told him he was an *kitten* and didn't show how I felt, but I was devastated. My biggest fear was because I'm not skinny people wouldn't take me seriously as a trainer. I cried for 3 days every time I thought about it and I moved my clients to a place in the gym where I would be as inconspicuous as possible for about 3 months. The gym owner came to me and told me that I had as much right to train there as he did and I filled an important niche with certain clients and to get out there and do what I do well. And they told the guy about how much I had lost and how far I had come and he came and apologized later. But I still hate his guts.