Rude people

I haven't been on MFP for very long and have not posted anything yet. I feel the need to post this because I cannot believe how rude some people can be!! Not people on here, people in public...
I took my three year old to Dunkin Donuts this AM because I promised him a hot chocolate... I was good, I got a small tea with skim milk and splenda... No donut, muffin or greasy sandwiches... Some lady was staring at me making the strangest face...
So I said to her, "do we know eachother?" I was very friendly... She said "No I just really hate watching fat people eat!"
I was devastated!! I wasn't even eating, I had a tea... I must admit, I cried on the way home:(


  • rmc7467
    rmc7467 Posts: 8 Member
    OMG that was horrible of her to say to you! She is obviously an evil person. Pay no attention! its not whats on the outside, its whats on the inside that matters...
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    If she knows she has this personal issue, she should learn not to look, instead of dumping her feelings on you. And, as you already pointed out, you weren't eating, so she was just being mean for the sake of it. But there are lovely people on here who know that you are trying hard, and did very well to go through such a place without eating anything!

    Congrats on sticking to the tea, and don't let one ignorant person darken your day *HUGS*
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    OMG are you serious ? I don't even know what to say that would make you feel any better except that her words and actions say A LOT more about her than they do about you . Hang in there and keep working towards a healthier you :)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    This website (and all social networks) are full of RUDE people and people that think they are better than every one else. Add in the element of fitness, nutrition, and weight loss and you have a fire storm.

    Just stand your ground and ignore anyone (or block them) that you don't like on here or anyone that is mean. You're here for you and you alone.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    That woman deserves a punch in the baby-maker.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Who the hell says that? What a complete b****. There is absolutely nothing in this world that I would like better than to be able to kick evil people like that lady. I'm so sorry that she was so're beautiful so don't let her get ya down.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What a b-word! I'd even go far as to say c-word. In what world is that an appropriate thing to say to anyone?!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This website (and all social networks) are full of RUDE people and people that think they are better than every one else. Add in the element of fitness, nutrition, and weight loss and you have a fire storm.

    Just stand your ground and ignore anyone (or block them) that you don't like on here or anyone that is mean. You're here for you and you alone.

    Maybe try reading the post.
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    OMG! That is beyond rude.

    I know it can be hard, but don't pay any attention to her, she sounds like a very nasty person that really needs to take a closer look at herself.

    People like that really bother me, but she isn't worth your time or energy.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I know at the time you were in shock (anyone would be) but next time someone says something like that tell them to put the mirror down. Some people really should have been drowned at birth. :frown:
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    What the hell!?!?!? If I were you I would have gotten up and bought a donut or something, and eaten it while looking her right in the eye.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I am so so so sorry that you came into contact with such a horrible, disgusting person. You did not deserve to be treated that way and she will definitely get what she deserves someday. Please let this experience motivate and encourage you.

    I had a similar experience at the beginning of my weight loss journey. A man picked an argument with me about my daughter at a public swimming pool. He had the nerve to call my daughter pudgy and referred to me as 'big mama'! I had just lost 18 lbs and was feeling great, but I was completely devastated. Now I'm down by 70+ lbs and I wish I could throw every last one of them in that jerk's face.
  • charkendrick
    charkendrick Posts: 74 Member
    That's really sad. As others said, it's more a reflection on her than you. Use it to inspire yourself!
  • BarbiNay
    BarbiNay Posts: 65 Member
    I think it is awesomely amazing that you went to Duncan donuts and ordered nothing but a nice cup of tea. You are here and are obviously here for yourself and that lady needed to put you down in order to feel self righteous and better about herself. I am so sorry you had to go through that. That is how I feel much of the time when I do go out to eat, is this fat person doesn't need to eat (myself) and to see that people really do think much less say that is just horrible. You keep doing what you are doing and thumb your nose all all of them.
  • Determined1980
    I got very upset reading that. I am still upset! Who does that?!! That woman has the devil inside of her and she will reap what she sows
  • broby425
    Bigotry shows its ugly face in many ways, shapes, and forms. This is just another one. This woman obviously has no class and probably spends a lot of time wondering why no one wants to be around her. Kudos to you for taking the high road and doing what's right for you. Don't let this troll get to you.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I haven't been on MFP for very long and have not posted anything yet. I feel the need to post this because I cannot believe how rude some people can be!! Not people on here, people in public...
    I took my three year old to Dunkin Donuts this AM because I promised him a hot chocolate... I was good, I got a small tea with skim milk and splenda... No donut, muffin or greasy sandwiches... Some lady was staring at me making the strangest face...
    So I said to her, "do we know eachother?" I was very friendly... She said "No I just really hate watching fat people eat!"
    I was devastated!! I wasn't even eating, I had a tea... I must admit, I cried on the way home:(
    WTF??? I suspect she has Asperger's Syndrome or some other brain affliction.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Did the Tea scald her when you tossed it in her face?
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    This website (and all social networks) are full of RUDE people and people that think they are better than every one else. Add in the element of fitness, nutrition, and weight loss and you have a fire storm.

    Just stand your ground and ignore anyone (or block them) that you don't like on here or anyone that is mean. You're here for you and you alone.

    Maybe try reading the post.

  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    What a freakin B!tch!

    I have such a bad temper I prolly would taken a bite of my sons donut in front of her and then punched her in the face!