Rude people



  • sheclimbsrocks
    sheclimbsrocks Posts: 110 Member
    Did the Tea scald her when you tossed it in her face?

    That's what I was thinking!

    I look at it this way - she is a miserable person who you only had the displeasure of dealing with once. She has to live her miserable life with her miserable self. Feel sorry for her and believe in karma!
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    So sorry about the whole incident - and all the other rude attacks so many has faced!

    People like that always exists. What ever we do, who or where ever we are, what ever we look like, there is always someone who just randomly picks us up and throws the s**t on our face. S**t about weight, looks, competence, behaviour, status, age, etc. When it happens, I wish I had the inner peace to remember that it is HIS/HER s**t, not mine.

    I loved so many of these witty replies other members created but what really hit me was the one member who said that if we just hit back we are no better. Do we need to be better? Maybe, since there is this law of karma, what goes around, comes around, if not in this life then the next. And if that person is "evil expert" it also might be difficult to beat her/him in his own style if it's not ours. In rare case it's possible his/her life has just shaddered (cancer, divorce, bankrupty, child died) and she's this close to make a suicide - who knows what's going on there!?

    But we are no dirt matts so it would be good to have a quick reply to remain our dignity. Something that would be classy, intelligent and might even make the other person change a view. Something to give us "10 points" since most likely there is others who have overheard the conversation and will draw conclusions of both parties.

    Hmmm... starting to plan my standard reply for similar situation... Ideas?
  • boojacobs
    that is really rude, i would have been like, oh dont talk about your self like that, then walked away, but thats just me, and yeah that EXSTREMLY rude...
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    You should have responded by saying, "Well I hate listening to JERKS (or whatever synonym you feel comfortable with!) speak!"

    Some people just don't seem to have a brain-to-mouth filter that functions properly. Unbelievable.

    Don't let it get you down, are here learning to do the right things. What you can do is hope that when you lose all your weight, you run into her somewhere again. You can march up and confront her about what she said.
  • sunburntpeach
    sunburntpeach Posts: 2 Member
    Wow... people really can be SO RUDE... I really hope that one ill-mannered person's comment doesn't deter you one step frmo your goals. KUDOS to you for goingto the Dunkin' Donuts and ordering just a tea! I love their coffee but I'm afraid to step near the place for fear I'd want to eat every blueberry cake donut they own.

    At the end of the day, it's all about how you feel, and how proud you are of your own accomplishments. I have a friend that always says to me "you can't control what other people say or do, but you can control how you feel about it"... be grateful that your problem is just WEIGHT, not a sick soul that feels the need to strike out at others.

    Ugh. Still mad!
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I haven't been on MFP for very long and have not posted anything yet. I feel the need to post this because I cannot believe how rude some people can be!! Not people on here, people in public...
    I took my three year old to Dunkin Donuts this AM because I promised him a hot chocolate... I was good, I got a small tea with skim milk and splenda... No donut, muffin or greasy sandwiches... Some lady was staring at me making the strangest face...
    So I said to her, "do we know eachother?" I was very friendly... She said "No I just really hate watching fat people eat!"
    I was devastated!! I wasn't even eating, I had a tea... I must admit, I cried on the way home:(

    That tea would have accidently found it's way on her shoes when I tripped...
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    My comment to her would have been something along the lines of "my mother always told me if I can't say something good about someone, to keep my mouth shut. Sounds like you needed to learn that from your mother"
  • ScoobyBearGP
    I know how bad that hurts, but please don't let that bother you or ruin your progress. I believe you did wonderful in not eating anything. Kepp up the good work, and forget her !!!
  • rissuhbissuh
    Oh my goodness! I am so sorry for that lady's ignorance. She was the one staring at you, so it's her own fault for watching anyone (big or small) eat.
    Just remember that you are fabulous and are looking to change your life for the better. You took the step to be on MFP, right? I hope that we can become friends and help encourage each other throughout this journey <3
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    What the heck!? That is ridiculous! I would have definitely thrown my drink at her, OR killed her with freakish kindness. I used to waitress and when people were jerks to me I was freakishly nice to them, I know it made them feel like crap afterwards!
  • LynnMichelleB
    LynnMichelleB Posts: 15 Member
    Ok, I just have to say something. If I had been in the situation, I would have to say" well I can lose weight, but you will always be a B****". Just my opinion, and keep up the good work, and don't let ugly bring you down. Know that you are doing great and becoming healthier, fitter, and better each day. Have a great day!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Next time remember the words of Winston Churchill when he was accused of being drunk.
    "Yes, I am drunk but you Lady Astor are ugly. Tomorrow I shall be sober but you shall still be ugly!"
    So, if/when you get another comment like this throw it back at them. "Yes, I am fat/overweight, but you are rude and inconsiderate. I am working on being healthier but you will always be rude and inconsiderate!"
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    WOW!!!! I cant believe people are so rude, my goodness, You just have to ignore ignorance.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    That woman deserves a punch in the baby-maker.

    Truer words were never spoken. Spot on. Spot on. I'd wish her weight related troubles in the near future, but I'm one who believes in Karma.. and so I don't need that on my chest.
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    I have an online friend from the south and she has the perfect comeback for people who say rude and cruel things. "Bless your heart Darling. Do you realize you said that outloud? You must be so embarassed. Let's just both pretend you didn't say that."

    Love this!! Kill 'em with kindness!! :)

    YES! This is great :-)
  • kmihalik516
    For some reason, it is very "in vogue" to be rude today, and to take it to a vile, personal level. But at the end of the day, you cannot control others. Do NOT let this obviously small and miserable person defeat you on any level. You have chosen to put yourself on a good path; revel in that. Read all of these posts of support and know that for every one person that behaves in this manner, there are many, many of us out here that are lifting you up and supporting you.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I have an online friend from the south and she has the perfect comeback for people who say rude and cruel things. "Bless your heart Darling. Do you realize you said that outloud? You must be so embarassed. Let's just both pretend you didn't say that."

    Southern women say the most biting things in the politest ways.
  • mklatsky
    mklatsky Posts: 3 Member
    I'm sorry- I don't have much patience for people who would say things like that. Your reaction was admirable, although mine would have been more like "Well, I hate listening to stupid people speak!". Wouldn't accomplish much and I *might* feel better.
    But all I can say is- YOU sound like a great person. The other person- not so much.
  • TitanianEternal
    i really really woulda loved to have been there for that...make sure they know i have no problem going back to jail...
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I'm sorry that you have experienced that. It's easy for thin people to say ugly things to overweight people. The lady better pray that she doesn't become overweight. She doesn't know how you feel, but if she walk in your shoes one day, she will.

    People can be ugly. Keep your head up and let the negativity flow down your back and bury it in the ground with your foot. You have to be bigger than the negative people.