Determined December challenge : P



  • PennyChallenge
    Good early morning! I burned nearly 700 calories today - BAM! Feeling wonderful! Already for the big adventure with my 4 month old and two first graders - too the Aquarium we will go! The girls are so excited Mommy gets to go!

    DEE- THANK YOU! You are quiet the sweetheart! You're doing great!

    ELIMAY- Glad the new plan is off to a great start! I totally support you!

    KERRY- I'm doing laundry right now! Least favorite task as a mommy and wife!

    CLOVER- Keep it up woman, you doing fantastic!

    Tomorrows meals are packed and um sneaking them in! My diet is not being put off because "you provide crap food in your cafe"! Just saying! Will be slinging around all the pounds I have lost tomorrow and it will remind me how heavy I was! At least it's temporary! ;0) Hope you all have an amazing Wednesday, I know I'm going too!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Morning all!

    My laptop is in the repair shop and I really don't like to type on the tablet so I am going to just do updates from work until it is back.

    Thanks for all the good vibes--hopefully everything that can possible break down has-it happens in 3s so I should be covered-sewer, computer and my HRM. I broke down and got a new HRM right away--looks like the first one was wrong from the start as I am seeing a lot more calories burned with this new one-guess that's what I get for being cheap the first time out.

    Ended up a bit over on my calories last night as I got the munchies and ate cereal after dinner. Thought about jumping on the elliptical to balance it out but utlimately was just feeling too tired. Not to mention my legs are sore so I may need to give myself a day off soon.

    Well I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday! Take Care!
  • kerryannk
    kerryannk Posts: 148
    Got a lot on my brains right now, so my apologies for the chatty Kathy rant.

    Last night I was lying in bed and I realized that one year ago I told myself I wanted to lose 25 pounds. I've never been overweight, but spent my adolescence and early adult life zigzagging on the thin line of possibly being overweight. Nonetheless, I've been body conscious my entire life. I even recall being young, hunching over and slouching down my bikini top, hiking up the bottoms, creating the worlds first tankini at the age of five. So at 25 years old, when I declared I was going to work to lose 25lbs., I heard a lot of "you dont have 25lbs. to lose".

    When it comes down to it, I don't feel the need to lose 25 lbs, I just want to look like I've lost 25 lbs. But anyway!

    Last night, I was lying in bed and I realized that I am half way toward my goal of losing 25 pounds. I've spend the last decade of my life slimming down, packing it back on, over eating, under-exercising, starving myself, feeling sorry for myself, feeling like I've always wanted to look like someone else. After one year, now that's 1/10 of the time I've spent worrying about my weight, but just one year of being honest with myself and what I use my body for and I've undone half of the mess that 10 years has piled on.

    I wouldn't have been able to accomplish any of this if it wasn't for the time I spend on this site, logging all the good and bad things I eat, logging the hard workouts and the ones that barely count, reaching out to those with answers when I'm feeling lost, and lending a hand to those who may have feel just as lost as I have in the past.

    I don't know if its the new year, or because I'm relatively fresh into a new chapter in my life, but sometimes, when I just feel so entirely overwhelmed, overstimulated, underwhelmed, understimulated, I can look back on the past year and know that a day is a day within a week, a month, a year. A day will come and a day will go, and the next thing you know it's been a year, and we're half way to where we want to be without even noticing.

    And also, "Something's Gotta Give" is on tv, and Diane Keaton looks absolutely spectacular. In 30 years, I tell ya, I'm going to feel like I look that good.

    Sigh. I think I need some fresh air, gals.
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Okay stayed under calories, drank all of my water, checking in with you all, and no flour, no sugar day 5. WOOT! WOOT! I am still craving sugar after supper so I chew gum. Have been SUPER lazy this week so have not even tried to exercise but will get back on the band wagon next week. I am going to cut it short tonight. You all are WONDERFUL!!!
    See you all tomorrow. Have a GREAT Night!!!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi there,
    Kerryann you're are just fine. Good work DeeBear. Hawkeye you got your 3. It should be all smooth sailing from here on out.
    I don't have much to report tonight. I'm in budget for calories but haven't done most of the other goals today.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone !!!!

    I have a headache tonight I expected to have one as the toxins release ,so glad it wont last :sick:
    Good job everyone !!!!! everyone is trying , and not giving up that is awesome. Kerry I loved your rant :bigsmile: made me smile good job on getting halfway to goal !!! sorry hawkeye you are having a time of it. Penny 700 calories that is awesome thank you for the support. do you have twins too ? good job on packing your lunch :tongue: have fun at the aquarium

    I have met goals today. hope I feel better tommorow....... ROOT CANAL urgggggg:noway: I hate the dentist oh well I dont want to suffer with that tooth again so got to be done ouch pocketbook too 1,500 :sad: oh well it is what it is .

    Have a great day tommorow everyone !!!!!!!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Sorry I've been AWOL since Sunday!!! Just had a mad week at work so by the time I've gotten home I haven't really had the time/energy to get on line, just a quick few minutes to log my food. Just had a read through all your updates, you've all been busy too!

    Still quite focused and managing to stay under cals each day, definitely hoping for a loss on the scales this week. Can't decide which day to weigh myself, might wait until Sunday after I've had another couple of days with bigger workouts.

  • kerryannk
    kerryannk Posts: 148
    welcome back, sammy!

    got some shopping cardio done yesterday, it was wonderful. found my new favorite outfit for vegas at a thrift store for $5. it wouldnt kill me to tone up a bit before jumping into it next saturday. very low on water. im parched!!!

    its crazy to me were on the tail end of january already.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello girls, Hope everyone is having a great day :smile: Woooo hooo kerry love your cardio :wink: Welcome back sammy it happens glad to see you.

    I have stayed on plan anouther day, yay and feeling a bit better. Couldnt have my root canal 2 teeth are really bad so they will be pulled and replaced ouch ouch:grumble: Oh well. I will have a nice body and no teeth Ha Ha Ha
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Can't decide which day to weigh myself, might wait until Sunday after I've had another couple of days with bigger workouts.


    Sammy you're so good to only weigh once a week. I weigh every morning. I know it's discouraged, but I am compelled to do it. Yes, I do watch the same pound go off, on, off. Still I can see a trend, and I like to look at the progress report on MFP.

    Sorry about your teeth Elimay. You'll get thru this.

    I'm in calories, but not much else today. Oh well.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    It's snowing again today....supposed to up to 8 inches. I ordered snowshoes online but decided to try using my cross country skis to get to work today. I am really ungraceful on them and kind of walk more than glide but I made it (not to mention it was a prettty good work out). Already got 90 minutes in this morning between the bike and elliptical and I can plan on shoveling snow after work so all in all a good work out day. Been right now with calories for most of the week.

    Dee-I would love to know how you give up sugar and grains--I need to work on this but just can't part with my bread!

    Elimay-good luck with your teeth! I dread the dentist so I cringe just reading your posts!

    Sammy-wish I could steer clear of the scale but it sucks me in every day. Lately I have been going up and down a bit every day but I seem to be handling it better(or maybe it just helps that today it was back down)

    Keep up the great work everyone! I love to hear how everyone is doing!

    Sorry for all the downer posts this week....I realized I have been acting pretty negatively and having my own little pitty party. I don't like my clients act like that so I need to knock it off....things could always be worse.

    Take care!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Think I've given the wrong impression with the scales, sorry. I do weigh myself every couple of days, but I only check-in on MFP once I'm certain the loss is real if you know what I mean. So this week I have lost 1 lb but I'm hoping to make it 2 lbs and then I'll record it on here. Mind you I have nibbled a lot today so it may end up being just the one. Also, my scales are quite old, mechanical ones so I'm never entirely sure which line it has rested on. Need to get myself up to date with a digital set.

    Goals today - worked out briefly on the Wii, walked an hour, 200 ab crunches and short free weights session. Sounds like a lot, but i don't really feel as though I've pushed myself. Finished under cals but only just and probably not the best meal choices.

    I see some of you have snow, we've not had any yet this winter and I can live without it to be honest. Don't mind looking at it through the window, hate having to try to get about in it - what a grump I am!!!! The girls love it though and we always end up having snowball fights.

    Hope you all have a great weekend :wink:
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Hey everyone, glad to see that everyone is doing well. Hawkeye you never have to apologize for letting your feelings out. We are actually your little family on here and families listen when you need a shoulder. You are an amazing woman. You are the one that picks herself up, dusts herself off and gets on with it. There is no negativity there that I can see. Also the sugar is the hardest thing for me. I do like a good sandwich but I have gotten used to wrapping all the sandwich fixings in lettuce or making chicken salad or tuna salad and filling celery sticks with the mixture. I love my sweets though.

    El hope everything is going well with your teeth. I think that we should come with false teeth to begin with. Teeth are miserable little pieces of nothing that really serve no purpose.
    Penny you are so dang cute. I like your spunk. YOU GO GIRL!!! The world is yours and all that is in it.
    Clover you are such a sweetheart. I am so happy to call you my friend.
    Sammy we did miss you and are so glad that you are back.
    Kerryannk I hope that you are not working too hard.
    I met all my goals today so am feeling very good about the end of the week.
    Will talk with you all tomorrow.
  • PennyChallenge
    Good Evening to my wonderful group of friends! I completed week 2 of the C25K! Feel great! Have stayed within diet so hopefully Monday will bring a lower number ;0)

    ELIMAY - Don't lose sight of losing that next pound its going to happen! And I sure hope your teeth start behaving! My girls in first grade are 9 1/2 months apart (Irish Twins )

    DEEBEAR - You are so sweet! Sure am glad that we are friends! How is the no flour etc. going?

    SAMMY - you know you can be without us LOL

    KERRY - WE ALL HAVE OUR MOMENTS, WE ARE ALL HUMAN! Look at my status from earlier about the pervert who send me a message that was beyond inappropriate ....even if I was single. I slightly lost it for a moment. I was floored! Now I'm laughing about it in disbelief!

  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Evening Ladies;

    My daughter stayed home from school 3 days with a cold, and now I have it. No goals today. Nice to have something to blame it on. Just thought I'd see what you're all up to.

    Penny - two first graders, that's fun.
    DeeBear, so no sugar. Does that include honey and natural sugars, or just granulated and HFCS.
    Elimay, I've always thought we should have a third set of teeth. Baby teeth, teen teeth, and the adult teeth shouldn't come in until we're about 40. That's when most folks really start taking care of them anyway.

    Every day can be a great day. Have a wonderful tomorrow.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone :happy:

    So sorry you are sick clover feel better :bigsmile: I like your idea about teeth Yep everyday can be a great day. I have alot to be thankful for.

    Good job Penny !!!!!! have fun throwing snowballs . Irish twins ha ha ha . Wow I dont think ive ever heard of anyone having children that close , Thats nice though they will always have a friend ,I have a sister that is the same age as me for 2 weeks every year.

    I agree DeeBear hawkeye you do not need to appologise we all have our days . DeeBear you are doing great.

    Sammy good job on the workout.

    Hawkeye thank you for the thought. You do an amazing amount of workout considering you spend so much time in your car good job.

    Ok so goals will change again somewhat for me . The diet I tried was not healthy for me so I had to quit, Oh well.

    My girls and grandson are here for the weekend so it is a happy time , Love it when they are here . One of my girls said "I love when I visit I just feel like I am home"......... Now you know why her nickname is sunshine :smile:

    Have a great weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will check back tommorow.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Elimay - hope you enjoy the visit from your family :smile:

    Clover - hope you feel better soon

    Penny - great job on the C25K, i didn't get mine done today despite planning to. I was just so busy having a cleaning frenzy that I ran out of time and energy. Oh well I did get my usual morning workout done so I was happy with that.

    Lovely healthy salmon fishcakes for dinner - yum yum - and leftovers for tomorrow.

    Take care all x
  • PennyChallenge
    Had a fun filled day with my girls and then a great evening with hubby as well! I have stayed within my diet outline and did my exercise! I think I'm going to repeat week 2 of C25K since I did it wrong the first two days. What do I have yo lose? Weight and lots of it!

    We made fresh snowballs bet you can't guess how. Lol. I didn't gave one but it was a blast making them. I got laundry done and house ready for RAVENS GAME TOMORROW! RA RA GOOOOOO RAVENS!

    ELIMAY- those girls keep me busy. Also I finally figured out how I had them so close and well that wont happen again lmao. HAVE A WONDERFUL weekend with the family!

    CLOVER - Hope your little one feels better soon

    SAMMY- Im sure you burn lots of calories though!

    DEEBEAR- HOW'S the no sugar and flour?

    Gave a great weekend!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Thank you girls I had an awesome weekend, Sad they leave in the morning :frown: Fresh snow balls :huh: sounds yummy are they eatable ?
    Penny I bet they do keep you busy . They grow up so fast .
    I am going to start 30 day shred weds with my daughter via skype it will help us both.
    Sammy I need to have a cleaning frenzy :wink:

    Have a great day tommorow everyone !!!!!!!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    So that's my weekend over, almost bedtime and then back to work tomorrow :sad:

    Another good day finshing under cals. Started with a solid Wii workout, then cleaned for a couple of hours and then after playing a board game with hubby and the girls I did my C25K, week 3. Yay Penny I did it!!!! I have done the week 3 run 3 times now but this has been over 2 weeks, so I think I'll do it one more time before moving on to week 4 (you have to do each run 3 times in a week before you step up to the next stage).

    Elimay - do you think we should start a new thread soon, change things up a bit and get us all thinking about our goals again. How about 'Fabulously Fit in February'? I'll leave it up to you, you're very clever at all this MFP business. Maybe one of the others will have a better title, mine is a bit cheesy. :bigsmile: