Determined December challenge : P



  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy New Year!

    I went WAY over on calories yesterday. But I did log, so good for me. Didn't exercise. But I did stay up and watch the ball drop with my husband :).

    I just got back from a walk so I'm off to a good start today. All will be back to normal soon. I have enjoyed the holiday and time with husband and kids so - success on that December goal... check!

    I'm thinking about what will be my Jan goals.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Also, I've enjoyed conversing with you gals!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Hey all, I did pretty well today except for supper. We went out for the last family supper for a while, since our son is leaving in 2 days. Ate too much at the restaurant. Need to stay totally away from those places for a while. Otherwise had a very nice New Year's Eve.
    Have meals planned for tomorrow at home as we will be watching the Huskers play at noon.
    Also have exercise planned for tomorrow also. I seem to do better when I plan everything ahead of time. Call me CRAZY!!
    Anywho hope everyone is doing well. Hoping that we will all stay together with the new year.
    I have really enjoyed all of you people. You are a GREAT bunch. Wish someday we could all meet.
    That would be AWESOME.
  • PennyChallenge
    I had a wonderful December and couldn't have done it with out all of you! 12 pounds lighter I welcomed the New Year! I have increased my goals for January and can wait to see the results!

    Are we making a new challenge topic. Sure don't want to lose the support and friendships!

    Happy New Year Everyone!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Last day of the hols today, kids back to school tomorrow and I am back to work. Its been a great break but i am glad to being back to the usual routine and back to normal foods. Had a last blow out today with a KFC for lunch, so naughty!!! Was wearing my shape up trainers when i bought it, do you think that will have helped????
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    I know how you feel Sammy!! Need to get back into a routine. Did well today with food choices and did get in some exercise. Got on the scale this morning and it was not good, not good at all.
    Not going to be discouraged, just going to keep on keeping on.
    Hoping that we can all stay together in this new year.
    Planning on losing 40 pounds this year and would love to take you all with me on this journey.
    1. Want to stay close to 1200 calories a day.
    2. Drink 10 glasses of water a day.
    3. Stay away from flour and sugar.
    4. Exercise 30 minutes at least 5 days a week.
    Will talk to you all later. Let's make this a GREAT 2012.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey gals:

    Hope 2012 is treating you well.....I too am struggling to get back into a routine. Having a few days off from work has made me lazy! I have been over eating and vegging on the couch too much-football overload!

    Spin class and work resume tomorrow so hopefully that will help to right the ship again.

    I have been thinking about my January goals:
    1-increase my water intake. Had worked on this the first month and it went well but after I stopped thinking about it for this challenge I stopped drinking!
    2-track my calorie intake correctly.
    3-work on portion control.
    4-cut out breads (or at least cut back as much as possible)
    5-take some time for myself. December almost drove me over the edge with all the stress from work so I need to find some new ways to relax.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Well.... I'm working my way back into the routine.

    I logged calories today - but I went over - way over.
    Exercise - yes went for a walk.

    Husband goes back to work tomorrow. Kids go back to school on Wed. I get my food and exercise under control.

    January Goals:
    Log calories
    10,000 steps daily (not included in exercise)
    Water - drink 24 ounces a day - I know it's not much, but I don't drink much water and this will be an improvement for me.
    Housework - 1 hour daily.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Ok so did you miss me :laugh: urggggggg why cant i just be strong !!!!!! We had a anniversary party tonight and an appreciation party last night , I ate everything.

    Ok so now I need to put it behind me and get out of the rut. Tommorow fresh start :bigsmile:

    That would be fun DeeBear who kknows maybe someday. Glad you are taking a break hawkeye we dont want you to crash. Penny great job on the 12 lbs that is awesome :happy:

    Thank you all for your support and encouragment !!!!!! See you tommorow :flowerforyou:
  • PennyChallenge
    ELIMAY I did miss you! Sure hope that I can push through this workout and then its off to the grocery store. Grilled chicken salad is on the menu I believe. I need to stay really focused because my body really just wants to lay down and go to sleep. Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Thank you penny :smile: I have my protien drink ready to go to work with me ready for a succssesful day :bigsmile:

    I too hope everyone is having a good day :smile: See you tonight girls

    I dont even want to eat, I have a bad tooth ache :angry: 2 aleve and half a vicoden and I can still feel it :sick: appointment tommorow cant come soon enough !!!!!!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    My job gave me chocolates !!!!!!!! as soon as I left I dropped them at my sisters :tongue: Wooooo hoooo yay I can say no to myself !!!! check back latter. had to share.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    elimay--that is amazing restraint! Hope your tooth feels better!

    Back to work and amazingly my gang made it through the holiday without a single hospitalization or arrest :laugh:

    Spin class started this morning and they made a change to the schedule so I now spinning 3 days a week. Hopefully that will help me get my weight moving again.

    I squeaked under the calories for the day. Portion controls were pretty easy since it was frozen dinners.

    Drank about 2.5 bottles of water so check that off the list for the day.
  • PennyChallenge
    Just put baby Allie down for the night! Now its off to do my workout. Elimat hope your tooth feels better , there is nothing worse. Hawkeye spinning is great and between that and the Holidays being over we should all start to see the scales move again! Going to go pump it up! Check back in a few! DEEBEAR where are you missy?
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Thank you hawkeye and penny it is a bit better and dentist tommorrow :sad: I hate dentist but want to stop hurting :wink:
    Penny I think our DeeBear peeks in and keeps up with us ,I could be wrong,but I thin so, I miss her too !!!!!! DeeBear where oh where are you :frown: Have a great workout.

    Hawkeye you are a very caring person I love how you feel about your clients and worry about them They are fortunate to have you !!!!

    Thank you I tried not to even think about those chocolates :noway:

    I think I have had a great day I worked cleaning but so far no excersize, I havent ate much today or drank my water But I am happy with my day Im sure I am unde calories. Have a great evening everyone :yawn: see you tommorow :smile:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good morning!!!!!!! I am ready for the day, My protien drink is ready and it will be a good day :wink:

    Have an awessome day see you tonight :happy:
  • kerryannk
    kerryannk Posts: 148
    Hello everybody :) Just wanted to peek in and say hello!

    Later I plan on posting some definite January goals! I definitely didn't give it my all in December, but walked out of the holiday season with a weight loss. January is going to be more active.

    My parents are taking us on a family vacation to Florida in June. I was thinking of running a half marathon in June to get in shape. I would have to be the most focused so I don't fall behind in training and end up hurting myself again. There's a fitness center right across the street. I saw on their website they offer spinning every morning at 8am for $25 a month.

    I'll check in later with my goals!

    Goooo team!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Elimay - hope the dentist gets you patched up. At least the tooth will quit hurting.
    Hawkeye - you're great!

    Check in:
    Log calories and stay in budget - Yes, yes
    Water - yes
    housework - yes
    exercise - no
    steps - no - 7020
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Kerryann, well done for the weight loss at the end of the holidays, bet theres not many others that can say that.

    Came in under cals today, but only just. No cardio for me today as it's my long 10 hour day at work, couldn't possibly find the energy for anything else. Will do some crunches and maybe some weights later though.

    Hey Elimay, hope your tooth is better soon x
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    I'm BACK!!!! You guys are all AWESOME. Elimay I hope that your tooth is feeling so much better. Toothaches are a real pain, no pun intended. PennyChalleng, I have missed you also. Listen girl you need to keep your doctors appt for Friday even if you are feeling better. I and I know everyone would feel better if you get yourself checked out and know that everything is okay. Hawkeyegal, you are so dedicated to your people. I really respect you and hope that all is going well. You are also so dedicated to your exercise, you really inspire me. Sammylc you are doing so well with the exercise, WOW blows my mind. Keep up the good work.
    I had to take my son to the airport and just spent the night in Omaha as his plane left at 6 a.m. this morning. He is headed back to NYC to pursue his dream. It was so nice to have him home for 2 weeks. Don't know when he will be able to come home again.
    It so far has been a GREAT New Year!!!
    I have not had any sugar or flour for three days. When we ate out and if I shared a burger with my daughter I pulled the bun off and ate my burger with a fork and knife. Felt really good to be in control. HOPE IT CONTINUES!!!
    I will talk with you all tomorrow. THANKS everyone for being such a caring bunch.