Determined December challenge : P



  • Good evening everyone,

    Hope everyone is doing well on this Christmas Eve! Mostly the only thing i have done today was clean the house and bake a lot of cookies! what a fun day. Tomorrow is going to be crazy. Lots of people and lots of dogs. But it should be a good time. Nothing really to talk about though.

    Hope you all have a great night and a great Christmas!

    Brandi! :wink:

    Oh and thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes. I had a great, fun birthday! :happy:
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone:bigsmile:

    So I did try and count calories yesterday but today I will just be enjoying the holiday. I went over yesterday but a bit-was having an awesome day until I was doing my laundry and some how flooded the bathroom and utility room. After cleaning up that mess and taking everything to the laundromat to finish up, I figured I deserved a break and ordered Chinese. Made it through a killer spin and strength training class yesterday morning so I did burn a lot of calories there. This morning I got 60 minutes in the elliptical before I finished cleaning the house.

    I hope that everyone enjoys a great Christmas. Take Care!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone kind of quite on here I figured it would be :wink: I will be at the mountain tommorow so I wont be able to check on chalenge except early morning. So have a great day. Yum Chinese food hawkeye, Stinks that you flooded everything as if you didnt work hard enough :frown:

    Goodnight see you tuesday if I dont have time to check intommorow :happy:
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I just pictured myself hanging by a rope all month long when I checked in!! That's why this is a great challenge because it is a month long and you can really reflect on it!!

    For the most part, I have been walking & drinking a gallon of water for the past week or so. I have my dog to thank for keeping me moving and keeping my mind off things. I owe so much to her.

    I know I have gained and I don't see getting back on logging food until after the New Year. It is okay. I am okay.

    I hope you all had a great holiday weekend!! My personal Christmas to myself was a clean bedroom, flannel jammies that smelled like downey and to be in bed by 8pm lastnight!! (Hubby has been on dayshift so we woke up@2:30am for Chrismas)
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning!!!!!!! Im on my way to the mountain :bigsmile:
    IIstnlondry,its a hard month for everyone but its almost over ,I dont even celabrate the holidays and Im caught up in eating goodies ,I agree about after the first of the year, just do the best you can till then, good job on excercizing :wink: Thank goodness for your doggie :happy:

    Have a great day everyone :flowerforyou:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning!!!!!!! Im on my way to the mountain :bigsmile:
    IIstnlondry,its a hard month for everyone but its almost over ,I dont even celabrate the holidays and Im caught up in eating goodies ,I agree about after the first of the year, just do the best you can till then, good job on excercizing :wink: Thank goodness for your doggie :happy:

    Have a great day everyone :flowerforyou:
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Day After Christmas!

    Hope you all survived the holiday! Did a bit of shopping this morning-started to stock up on the cheap toys for next years toys for tots donation.

    I went over on calories--boredom is a horrible thing for me! I got a 20 mile ride in the bike trainer before I headed to the stores. Going to try zumba class tomorrow-totally uncoordinated so it could prove very embarrassing!

    I didn't cook--left overs from yesterday. Have a few days worth to get through so that won't help the calorie count but I am trying to portion it out better.

    Take Care!
  • Good evening everyone! I hope everyone had an awesome Holiday! I sure enjoyed my family and some are still here. I managed to stay on track but did enjoy a little bit of mashed potatoes and stuffing but I'm hoping that wont reflect on my weigh in tomorrow. I'm back to the grind. I have a few more pounds to lose for my next mini-goal. I can do this!

    I plan to get my 20 minutes in tomorrow.
    Obstacle course with my brother in-law

    Wish me luck he is hardcore military but it should be fun ;0)

    Goodnight All!
  • Happy Day After Christmas!

    Hope you all survived the holiday! Did a bit of shopping this morning-started to stock up on the cheap toys for next years toys for tots donation.

    I went over on calories--boredom is a horrible thing for me! I got a 20 mile ride in the bike trainer before I headed to the stores. Going to try zumba class tomorrow-totally uncoordinated so it could prove very embarrassing!

    I didn't cook--left overs from yesterday. Have a few days worth to get through so that won't help the calorie count but I am trying to portion it out better.

    Take Care!

    Good luck tomorrow with Zumba!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Hawkeyegal - Zumba is great fun you'll love it, I have it as a Wii game never been brave enough to try it in public!

    I tried Just Dance yesterday with my youngest daughter, she was far better than me and i gave up after 3 dances.

    I shall be weighing myself shortly and taking all my measurements, I know it will be bad news I can tell when I look in the mirror that it's all going wrong. But today is my new start, I will have the willpower to not eat all the goodies that are still in the house. I shall workout with the Wii and go for a fast walk. I am definitely feeling determined at this moment in time, so lets just see if I manage all of the above!
  • Man oh man am I ready to get back to work! These four days at home with my love has felt like an eternity!

    We were blessed with wonderful gifts this year! Our whole entire kitchen has been outfitted with new dishes, pyrex glass mixing bowls, temptations ceramic cooking wear, pot and pans, skillets, a cast iron skillet, plastic tupperware, glass storage containers with lids, fancy wisks and chopper devices. So yesterday I got to wash EVERYTHING. I should honestly count it in my log. I washed so many dishes.

    So now we just need to get to the grocery store! That will get to happen tomorrow!

    I'm going to get a Jillian workout in before work today. Hmm, should I do weights or just cardio today?

    FOUR DAYS NO SMOKING!!! I swear I could tear a phonebook in half right now. :) JUST KEEP SWIMMING >O ... >O ... >O
  • Good Evening everyone,

    Kerryannk awesome job on the 4 days without smoking, i hear that is really hard to stop. But yes, Just Keep Swimming!!!

    Well this weekend wasn't too bad, family wasn't as annoying as usual. And i didn't eat too much food. Tried to get a good amount of working out in. Played a lot of kinect with my dad which was weird but really fun and got a new game, Black Eyed Peas Experiences. So much fun!!!

    Anyway on to today, haven't had Karate since Thursday, missing that intense workout. But i am going to do some good workout soon. Got the Harry Potter cook book for Christmas and am making Beef and Guinness stew for dinner. So excited! It didn't call for many veggies but i thought it couldn't hurt so i put so extra in the mix :happy: Smells good and can't wait to try it.

    Hope everyone has a great night. and remember Positive Attitude = Positive Results :bigsmile:

    Brandi :wink:
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    I'm BACK!!! Sheesh time really got away from me. ATE WAY TOO MUCH over Christmas, so yesterday did not eat anything and I really mean I did not eat anything. Drank 3 glasses of juice and about 16 glasses of water. Had a HORRIBLE headache when I woke up this morning and decided to just watch it and keep under calories.
    You all are doing GREAT. KERRYANNK I am so proud of you for not smoking. I quit 2 1/2 years ago after smoking for 37 years. Even though I put on 15 pounds, which I am trying to get off, I feel it was the best decision I ever made. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
    Hawkeye gal you simply amaze me. You are just AWESOME!! You are doing a really GREAT job!
    Elimay 59 we get to do this together for another month? I am so excited. Please count me in.
    Anywho hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas. Glad to be back.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Stayed around calories, went over by 25 for the day. Compared to what I ate over Christmas that is AMAZING!!!
    Drank 10 glasses of water.
    Logged in here and in my diary.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Awesome job everyone!

    Well I survived zumba.....going to go back tomorrow night. I am highly uncoordinated and also a lefty so I do everything backwards which made for some very humorous moments. I convinced one of my coworkers to go tomorrow. Also got 60 minutes in on the elliptical before I went into work.

    Leftovers again but they are almost finished. Stayed under calories for the day.

    I dread going into work after a holiday-never know how many crisis occurred but all of my consumers made it through--woo hoo! And I got the funding for my two guys who were going to be homeless at the end of the week. Now I just have to get transportation to move them and furnishings.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone :happy: I was out of town testerday and worked all day today. I will get back on tract logging and goals tommorow . Have a great wed. :bigsmile:
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Hey everyone, it's good to see you all still on here.

    Kerryann - keep at it with the not smoking, it gets easier day by day. I quit 5 years ago after smoking 20 a day for 18 years It makes such a difference to your health, although at the time of smoking I didn't notice the effect it was having. I use to get headaches regularly, like 4/5 times a week and so would pump myself full of painkillers, but the headaches stopped when I quit smoking - I never would have made the connection. So please keep up the good work, it will be so worth it.

    Feeling so motivated at the moment, managed to get a great workout done yesterday and today, and have eaten well. Still had a couple of treats but it hasn't sent me over on cals.

    Back to work in the morning and I am planning to walk there. It's 5 miles and will take me about an hour an half, it's been a few months since I last did this walk so fingers crossed that I survive!!. Actually the walk isn't a problem, its staying awake at my desk for the rest of the day that I will struggle with lol

    Take care x
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Had a GREAT Day also Sammylc. Stayed under calories. Drank all of my water. Did not get in much of a workout but that is okay. Seem to be pumped after Christmas. Hopefully I will stay this way. Also logged in. So glad to see that everyone is doing so well.
    Will see you all tomorrow. Keep up the good work.
  • Good Evening Everyone,

    Hope everyone had a good day. I worked all day, very stressful. tried to eat some most good food today. Went to karate and worked extremely hard, i really really needed it! Came home, made myself a recovery shake and am eating baby carrots with some ranch for a snack. Haven't lost any weight in almost two weeks but i feel great tonight, after an intense workout and mostly healthy eating! :happy: Going to keep working hard and eating right! Can't wait to workout again tomorrow! :smile:

    Hope everyone has a good night!

    Brandi :wink:
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Looks like everyone is heading into the end of 2011 on a high note! Awesome job!

    So day 2 of zumba....did a bit better but boy are my knees killing me. Not sure if I will keep going next week when it costs. They offer it 3 nights per week and I already have circuit training class on 2 of those nights. Also got an hour in on the bike trainer this morning.

    Stayed under calories (barely) for the day....didn't cook which really is nothing new. Zapped a lean cuisine when I got home tonight.

    I am going to have acupuncture on Friday--hope that will help with some of the aches and pains lately not to mention my stress level.

    Keep up the good work!
  • I have question for you all. you know we each have our calories we are aloud each day, how much are your burning off with workouts? And do you add calories for what you burn?

    I ask because I'm eating at a steady 1100 calories a day and feel full and satisfied. However I'm worried that I may put my body in starvation mode with working out and burning around 300-400 calories.

    HELP me please.

    So I have hit my 12 pound mark, come on 15!!!!!

    Tomorrow I plan to complete exercise, water intake and rearrange my daughters room!

    So proud of you Kerry you can do it! One more day is better than yesterday!

    Hope everyone is doing well!