Determined December challenge : P



  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    OK, I KNOW December is almost over, but better late then never works for me.

    1 stay slow and steady, but increase the workouts. ( for the past month 30 to 50 minutes a day 5 to 6 days a week) get back to it!
    2 continue to log in no matter what i eat. this is a very very good habit.
    3 NO FREE days for me coz i must be mindful of what i put in my mouth all the time. its too easy to go crazy on free days. i tried that in the past only to not stop, so i know i can't do that...
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I did 30 mins bike 70 situps and 50 power knees Yay !!!!!!!! The months of being on here my hugest accomplishment is I have made excersize my habit ,I no longer think will I do it , Its when will I do excersize , I rarely miss a day , So it may seem like we are making any progress but we are little by little we are making life changes. :flowerforyou:

    My keyboard is sticking so If I make a mistake its my keyboard ,not me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Elimay you are on fire!!
    Nice to read everyone checking in, good or bad. I feel like I am managing the best I can without feeling guilty about my weight. I need to enjoy this week even though my little funk added an extra hiccup. I am proud of everyone in this challenge!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    I did 30 mins bike 70 situps and 50 power knees Yay !!!!!!!! The months of being on here my hugest accomplishment is I have made excersize my habit ,I no longer think will I do it , Its when will I do excersize , I rarely miss a day , So it may seem like we are making any progress but we are little by little we are making life changes. :flowerforyou:

    My keyboard is sticking so If I make a mistake its my keyboard ,not me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Elimay you are on fire!!
    Nice to read everyone checking in, good or bad. I feel like I am managing the best I can without feeling guilty about my weight. I need to enjoy this week even though my little funk added an extra hiccup. I am proud of everyone in this challenge!

    Im glad you checked in and dont feel guilty, we all do what we can :wink: Thank you I feel like im making positive changes little by little and then there are hicups but we all have them :tongue: Thank you !!!! proud of you too :flowerforyou:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Welcome sizzlin, Never to late glad to have you :smile:
  • Hello everyone!

    I had a few cookies tonight. They were jubilee cookies, and I haven't had those in years. I think it was at least partially justified. Besides, I drank more water than I ever have in my life today and exercised a bunch. I didn't sit idle at all the whole day. I think those two things make up for the cookies.

    I'm so glad this holiday eating is coming to an end soon. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Happy Birthday Brandi!

    Elimay - You are amazing dont forget it! Keep that chin held high!!!

    My family is on there way for the holidays! I am going to clean my entire house (just straighten and run the vac) tonight before I laydown. Today is also my amazing Husbands birthday and he is at work till 7am. So i will place his gifts around the house so when he gets home he can go on the gift hunt! SO much fun. There is a letter on each on which he has to read aloud. :O)

    Tomorrows goals are

    complete the mini challenge plus all the other mini challenges of the week
    complete regular workout
    and welcome my family in for the Holidays!

    I will not be working out on Christmas Day. So Im going to do a large workout tomorrow!!!

    Merry Christmas to everyone!

  • Hi everyone,

    I know im kinda late but I want to join in on the challenge. I will start for today until Jan 22.

    1. stay with in my calorie goal
    2. drink 8 cups of water daily
    3. exercise minimum 30 minutes 5 days a week

    wish me luck!!!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Welcome presh :bigsmile: sounds great !!!! Its funny I have been doing a different challenge every month and today I had thought I could just keep this one going anouther month Thank you for making up my mind presh :wink:
    Thank you Elise you are amazing too !!!!!! Glad you are having a good time :happy:
    I have decided my crankyness is from menopause :grumble: Im actually glad I figuered it out Im maKING MYSELF CRAZY. I stayed way under calories for thursday wasnt even hard.
    Anon good job !!!!! See you all tommorow.

    I love our group so Im going to extend through Jan. so we can continue working together :bigsmile: For whoever wants to stay .
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Friday morning!

    Missed checking in last night...was zonked out by the end of my day! Was a bit over on calories and didn't cook anything. it was another one of those I am too lazy to do anything but graze kind of nights. I did have spin and strength training class so at least I had a good work out. I was good and skipped the snacks at work-helpe that it wasn't stuff I even liked.

    Debating on how many spin classes I should sign up for over the next two months...currently going twice a week but I could up it to 4 times a week. Decisions, decisions!

    So were will still shooting for side leg lifts for our mini challenge today?

    I'm in for January...I love checking in and seeing how everyone else is doing. Need to find something new for next month as I just don't see me making any progress on the cooking goal :laugh:

    Have a great end to the week!
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    Mornin' to all! okey dokey, I've entered all that i'm going to eat today & stick with brought FOOD I might have a bite of something, but then again maybe not coz it will put me over my calorie count. My goal is to not go over the next two days, coz Christmas dinner will put me over the top, but i'm ok with that...I'll be sure to walk for a min of 30 minutes the next two days.. I weighed myself this am and lost 1.2 lbs:bigsmile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning all,

    Log - yes
    eat less than burn - yes
    exercise - yes - shovel snow
    enjoy holiday - finally finished shopping and wrapping - :)

    Glad you're having a nice visit DeeBear

    Monepause can produce mood swings. I had one a couple days ago - had to isolate for a while.

    I'll stick around for January. I like our little group.
  • I've had some revelations today.

    Work has become so busy that we can't even really eat during a shift anymore. Which is a good thing, because their food is heavenly terrible for you, when you're consuming it 5 times a week. Although the sweet potato burrito is AMAZING and probably the best thing to eat (health wise) on the menu.

    Anyway, side tracked. But I realized that on average, I spend about $5 a day on the days that I work on food there. Well, duh. How bout I just take myself to the grocery store after work and buy a pound of turkey breast instead. Not only will I be able to pack a sandwich for lunch, but my sweet boyfriend will also have lunch meat. The next day I work, I can take that $5 and buy a bunch of apples. You catch my drift, I'm sure. I dont know why it takes me so long to figure things out sometimes :)

    Is everyone excited about the weekend!?!?
    I hope you are all driving safe getting your shopping done. Everyone's in a rush out there, please be careful.

    I look forward to seeing y'all through January as well. You'll see me posting more about my awesome intense workouts, I promise.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone !!!!!
    Good Revelation Kerry sounds like a good idea. I saw the video of your work Im glad I dont have one in my town I couldnt imagine eating there every day would be killer for eating right:laugh: Glad you will be with us through Jan :bigsmile: Have a great day and weekend !!!

    Clover you are so awesome good job on goals . So happy you will be with us through Jan. :bigsmile: Mood swings are worse than hot flashes and I hate hot flashes :grumble:

    Sizzlin, Good job on your WL that is awesome. I love your profile pic.Zinnias. Zinniablooms 4 ever is the name of my Buisness. Zinnias are my favorite flower and I have a pic of my mama {when she was a teen} and a zinnia on my buisness card, I picked it in memory of her when I would visit she would pick me bouquets of flowers and zinnia is my fav. Thanks made me think of her :heart:

    Hawkeye yes we are on for mini, you are just an excersize machine :happy: So Happy you will be with us through Jan.:wink: I love seeing your posts !!!!!

    I am off to a good start food wise and logging ,excersize will be wallyball wooooo hoooo killer workout I just cant get hurt :noway:

    Have an awesome day everyone !!!! I will check back latter :happy:
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Good evening everyone!!! I see that everyone is doing GREAT!!! I drank one too many margaritas last night and one too many cookies today. Just have no control over sweet things to eat. Just need to get it all over with and get it out of my sight.
    The only goal I am making today is logging in.
    Will see you all tomorrow. Still very tired from last night but had a GREAT time with the Friday Lunch Bunch girls.
  • Hi everybody!

    So, I kind of messed up today. I had a Christmas party tonight, and I knew I would be tempted to eat a lot. Instead of just trusting myself to make the right decisions, I chose to not eat all day until the party. That was a huge mistake. I binged like crazy! I feel so sick and full now. I couldn't stop eating. It was like I had no control over myself. I feel like all my hard work over the past month or so has went to waste. I wasn't even able to exercise today to undo the damage.

    I'm really hoping to get back on the right track tomorrow. Have a great day everyone.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hey girls so glad you checked in. I had a binge night a few nights ago but I started over the next day and I have did good the last few days so all is not lost, just get through this weekend and do a fresh start monday .
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Alright, I think I'm going to be okay. Like you said Elimay, everyone has hiccups, and you of all people-having raised teenagers would know a thing or two!

    I am knee deep into baking cookies, fudge, rocky road....the list goes on. And I dont feel a bit of guilt because its making me happy. I know how to get back on track but I need to enjoy the holiday season instead of getting sad & missing those that are no longer with me.

    I hope everyone is finding time to be happy & not overwhelmed by the holidays! Merry Christmas!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve!!!!!! :drinker:

    The excitement is really building up in our house now, can't wait to see the girls faces in the morning when they see what Santa has brought!

    Finally feel like I'm getting back on track (despite the beer and chocs last night). Just had a great workout to start the day and now feeling energised for the day ahead. Food planned for my meals today is all nice and healthy and I should be able to squeeze in more beer and chocs without going over, so thats good.

    I won't be on here tomorrow so I wish you all a Merry Christmas and see you soon :smile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Christmas Eve good morning

    Business first - goals
    Log - yes
    Eat less than burn - Did somebody say binge? I might have been ok if I hadn't had a burger and fries from Carl's for lunch. Note to self: if you're going to have fast food, go to McD's or somewhere with smaller portions. Not healthy, but still less calories. Since I was way over anyway, I topped it off with a bunch of cookies.
    Exercise - Umm... I did the leg lifts! Good thing we had that mini challenge.
    Enjoy holiday - yes - Finished my shopping.... AGAIN, and wrapping. Lots of Christmas music. Wrote and sent my family email Christmas exchange, and read the emails from family accross the country.

    Istnlondry - I'll be baking today too.

    I will not be counting calories today or tomorrow. These are my free days this month. Eating is a huge part of the holidays. I want to be mindful but not obsessive. I will get some exercise in today. We still have snow in the back that needs shoveling.

    My only goal next week is to exercise most days. I may not check in much, but I will be back. Merry Christmas :flowerforyou:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Alright, I think I'm going to be okay. Like you said Elimay, everyone has hiccups, and you of all people-having raised teenagers would know a thing or two!

    I am knee deep into baking cookies, fudge, rocky road....the list goes on. And I dont feel a bit of guilt because its making me happy. I know how to get back on track but I need to enjoy the holiday season instead of getting sad & missing those that are no longer with me.

    I hope everyone is finding time to be happy & not overwhelmed by the holidays! Merry Christmas!

    Teenager I understand :noway: Love them, but they are hard even my easiest ones were hard :grumble: But got through it and it gets way better :wink: