P90X Grouop to Finish the Year Strong



  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 62 - Kenpo

    I slept in all the way to 8:00 today and didn't feel well enough to hit up Kenpo until 10:30 or so. It was a rough workout actually. I was about falling over at the end. I didn't have anything to eat in the morning except for a handful of granola, so that might have been part of it. My calorie burn reflected the poor workout at only 669 calories. I'm usually well into the 700's on this one.

    I must have done something right on my Legs and Back workout yesterday. My glutes, hamstrings and quads are all hurting, especially during some of the kicks. I will have to carve out time for X-Stretch tomorrow to get some of those kinks out. I'm also looking forward to out little Sunday morning bike ride since the weather is getting nicer again.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 64 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, ARX

    I'm still feeling a bit bad and I've managed to infect my entire household. I'm down to just being stuffed up and that is still affecting my workouts. I hate having to stop just to blow my nose. It does break up my rhythm.

    The workout went fairly well though. I matched or exceeded my Week 7 numbers which I though was nice considering my illness. I did better on the slow motion pushups and think I should have them whipped by the end of this round. I am having some form issues when up my weights on tricep moves.

    I had a bad eating weekend and the scale was three pounds heavier this morning than it was Saturday morning. I need to fix that with a couple doubles this week.
  • Chubbud1
    Chubbud1 Posts: 28 Member
    Been doing P90X for about 5 weeks now (on my 5th week). Core Synergistics is my nemesis!!!!:tongue:
  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member
    I just started P90X Im in Phase 1 - week 2.

    I am going to switch from Classic to Lean - i think it is more so what I am looking to have....

    Has anyone tried the cleanse or the recovery drink? anyone use the shakeology?