GUYS: what do u want in a woman?



  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I agreed. i am 5'4, (130 now, been 115, 120, etc, its according) and have been 103lbs before(when i was getting into drugs in my teen years), still never had my bones stick out like that lying down. neither did my ex-anorexic sister at her worst (bad) I'm not jealous, not of her. I'm jealous of what i can NOT have, like a 20 in waist cute piggy toes a button nose, two arms even (when i want to fix my hair) not of that. ANYONE CAN LOOK LIKE THAT IF THEY STOP EATING LONG ENOUGH.

    NOW, i have had friends who were naturally super thin, i felt bad, they hated it. one tried eating as much as she could for weeks and couldnt gain. she would cry so hard, she hated it. all three of them did. the one bought her curves later and feels a bit better now. i think that there are different ideas of beauty, and 12 yr old pre-pubescent skeleton bones is just not mine. sexy comic book hero chicks, pin ups, play boys, lingerie models (not vs ones, to thin now) beyonce, kim kard, those are girls i envy. or super fit ones like beil. love jessica beil. still underweight, but so pretty and fit. fit, toned, thats attractive, bones (to me) just are not. I'm sorry. no offense to anyone. i wish everyone a fab holiday, a great nights sleep, and a long and peaceful life. xo

    No matter how you word it, no matter how many times you try to come back, you're still the same girl who bust into a thread so you could argue with another member about what HE finds attractive and to insult/attack another human being who is his friend. Point blank: what you've said about TKN11 was rude and totally uncalled for. Trying to bury your post or clarify your post doesn't make that any less evident.

    ETA: This post is also really cruel of you.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    What's really amusing about this pic is that the girl in the pic would not look exactly like that if she was standing up. The angle she is holding the camera at, is making her body look leaner. Sure, she is a slim girl, but this photo is not a true representation of her body. Her legs are positioned to look slimmer, her hips are sticking out because she is laying down and her ribs are also sticking out because she is stretching her torso to take the pic. It's just another photo representing a female body type that is unrealistic for most women, including the one in the pic. As a mom with a young daughter, who is quickly learning from TV and other media to hate her body, I find it rather sad. :cry:

    You know what I find sad is that a grown woman can smugly talk about another woman she doesn't know, pick her body and picture apart, and then try to sound like she can't fathom why her daughter hates her body.

    Sunkiss, You are correct, I do not know the woman in the picture anymore then you know me. I did not smugly pick her body apart. I essentially stated what the woman in the photo confirmed herself. Which is that this picture is not a true representation of her body. It is obvious that the woman in the picture works very hard to stay fit. I would never try and dispute that or diminish her efforts at all. If my comment was perceived that way BY HER, then I apologize TO HER. It is clear that you misread my post, because I never said I couldn't "fathom why my daughter hates her body." I know exactly why my daughter feels the way she does about her body.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I know beyonce is gorgeous :( i'm so JELOUS!!!!!!!!! her skin, her body, her FACE!!!!!!

    and her voice.
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    I think if I find a woman who's in better shape than me, that'll be the end all.

    Not that I'm in fantastic shape, but try to eat better, and exercise more than most. And I can think of maybe 2 girls I know that actually go to the gym and touch a weight. Actually, I know only 2 that go to the gym period.

    And a body like this


    I don`t think she looks discusting but it sounds like you`re much more my type.

    she looks disgusting. just absolutely disturbing. what happen to women looking like sexy curvy goddess with round butts and dd's. why do they want to look like concentration camp victims? guess i'm old school. thank god hubby agrees.

    That is my picture. And I am perfectly healthy. I weigh 135, and i'm 5'7''. It is because i'm lying down that my ribs are sticking out. I've worked hard over my entire life and I was a college athlete. I also lost 70 pounds - healthily - over the course of 2 years. Thanks for calling me disgusting though.
    I think you look awesome!!!! They're just jealous:happy:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ok I'll repeat the question:

    >>>>>> GUYS: what do u want in a woman? <<<<<<<

    I think the topic was for GUYS so if you dont have a penis you should not be posting on this thread except if you're posting an answer to my question on behalf of someone who has a penis.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    A woman who is smart, funny, loves the outdoors, animals, likes to travel, she must have her stuff together and not have emotional baggage, children from a previous relationship or relationships, she must be intofitness, must have a job, must have a car and doesn't talk about herself or work 24/7 and doesn't have to take 2 hours to get ready to go somewhere. She has to be as comfortable in jeans or sweats as she is a dress?

    umm have we met? i think u just described me :)

    ok maybe i take 1 hour to get ready but that's pretty normal for girls ;)

    Hey one hour is great, it's something I can live with, lol

  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Umm all the hating and jealousy = :sick:

    I guess if you've never been thin, you wouldn't know that your hipbones stick out like that when you're lying down.

    I've been thin....I weighed 130 at 5'3" but my hip bones never stuck out like that. I'm definitely not jealous, I just stated that it wasn't 'attractive' in my opinion.

    Maybe you had a higher % body fat covering up the bones. Or maybe you have small bone structure. Besides 130 at 5'3" is not the same as 135 at 5'7" when it comes to slimness.
  • SheRa1964
    ok I'll repeat the question:

    >>>>>> GUYS: what do u want in a woman? <<<<<<<

    I think the topic was for GUYS so if you dont have a penis you should not be posting on this thread except if you're posting an answer to my question on behalf of someone who has a penis.


    Guess it's not hard to figure out what "you" want. Happy Thanksgiving to YOU.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    one word: FEMININITY!

    You don't have to be the perfect, blonde hair, big boobs type of girl. Just be warm, womenly, and smile a lot.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    I been several weights thruout my life I do have myhips poke out at any weight from 110 to just depends on your frame and bone structure anywho does it really matter each person is accountable for themselves in relation to their body and health.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    ok I'll repeat the question:

    >>>>>> GUYS: what do u want in a woman? <<<<<<<

    I think the topic was for GUYS so if you dont have a penis you should not be posting on this thread except if you're posting an answer to my question on behalf of someone who has a penis.


    I did,so have several others.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    What happened to curvy bodies and round butts and DDs..? Is that they are still over weight!! ..they get diabetes,,heart conditions..high blood pressure being a DD or above means overweight? That's funny, because I am in that curve category at 134 pounds and 5'7. hmmm.......

    And I think that the girl in the picture looks great btw.

    edit: i asked my fiance and he said physically he liked long healthy hair, pretty eyes, and nice legs.
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    Leave the lady alone, this site is meant to be supportive. I wonder how any of you would react to finding a thread with your picture on and pages of hateful comments from people you've never even had message contact with.

    I think the post was actually about what guys look for in women so leave the poor girl alone and let the guys answer their question
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I think if I find a woman who's in better shape than me, that'll be the end all.

    Not that I'm in fantastic shape, but try to eat better, and exercise more than most. And I can think of maybe 2 girls I know that actually go to the gym and touch a weight. Actually, I know only 2 that go to the gym period.

    And a body like this


    she looks disgusting. just absolutely disturbing. what happen to women looking like sexy curvy goddess with round butts and dd's. why do they want to look like concentration camp victims? guess i'm old school. thank god hubby agrees.
    Not the first person to react to this comment, but I am going to put in my two cents anyway. This woman isn't "concentration camp" skinny, she is actually very healthy. A few ribs sticking out? Seriously, I know girls at 170lbs who have ribs stick out... It's not like you can play them like a xylophone. As for the hips, she has curvy hips, and IS CURVY and is HEALTHY. Not all "curvy" women are bigger, and just because you can see the curvature of her hips in a smooth line doesn't mean she's starving.

    And if your hubby agrees? WHY DO YOU CARE WHAT THE OTHER MAN WANTS???? Just saying.

    Thankfully there are all types of men, that want all types of women so in the long run eventually there is someone for everyone. :) To me love is the most important part though, in love I find all flaws become much smaller. Oh... not that it counts, I don't have a penis ^_^
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    It was nice to read what the honest answers were.

    Also, my hip bones stick out like that when I lie down and I am 210. I just have very prominant hip bones. *shrugs* She looks dam fit to me, and I'm straight, haha.
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Somebody who is fun to be with and is positive and laughs a lot.
    Somebody who can listen and shows genuine interest in me and is not only interested in talking about herself.
    Somebody who is down to earth.
    Somebody who I find beautiful.
    Somebody who could be a best friend.

    That is all :)
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    - Trust
    - Secure (had too many gf's who hate me talking to other girls)
    - Fit and healthy (this does not mean super skinny)
    - Honest
    - Loving
    - Happy and content
    - Down to earth

    There a lot more but that would be the basic things I look for
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    - Trust
    - Secure (had too many gf's who hate me talking to other girls)
    - Fit and healthy (this does not mean super skinny)
    - Honest
    - Loving
    - Happy and content
    - Down to earth

    There a lot more but that would be the basic things I look for
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    You girls are pretty rude..

    That's a friend of mine off here, and she's got a nearly-perfect body.

    She too overcame a terrific transformation, like many of us on MFP.

    I agree, you can tell that she looks good. Of course she looks thin laying down, but some of those comments seem like they were just said out of spite/jealousy.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I really hope she looks healthy when she isn't stretched out and twisted like shes doing the potty dance.
    I tried to reply to this, but it was too long and my response didn't show up, so I'll retype it. Does no one in this thread actually go to the beach?? Maybe it's because I live in Florida, but this is what everyone (who's in shape at least) looks like laying out at the beach, I know many people with pictures like's not because they're trying to look thinner than they are or "doing the potty dance." This is what people look like laying at the beach, I don't understand the big deal.