cruel people



  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    the cruelest person in my life has been the person in the mirror.

    No one has said more mean things to me than myself.

    That's been the hardest thing in this journey- UNfriending THAT person.

    Well said
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    the cruelest person in my life has been the person in the mirror.

    No one has said more mean things to me than myself.

    That's been the hardest thing in this journey- UNfriending THAT person.

    This is spot on in my case. I'm my worst critic! I no longer compete against anyone else now, but myself and it's the toughest competition I've ever faced!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Kids will pick on almost anything - even positives, and turn them into a negative.
    I was a tall kid (and I liked being tall) - but kids who didn't like me called me "CN Tower".. that's a tall tower here in Toronto
    When I did well in school they called me a geek
    I was also an immigrant and poor so they made fun of my clothes and the way I spoke.
    They made fun of my glasses
    I could go on and on..

    Wish all people were nicer! Some of the stories on here horrify me!
  • bandie320
    bandie320 Posts: 8 Member
    In high school I applied for a job in a shopping centre food court but didn't get the job. Later on my 'friend' who also worked there told me the reason I didn't get it was because the boss said I was so ugly my face would turn the customers off the food. And people wondered why I had no desire to find a job until I was 18 and had to.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    We were watching a programe on TV about an american woman weighting more than 300kg. She was unable to move and desperately trying to lose weight. My Ex grinned at me and told me: Oh look that's you in a couple of years...
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    the cruelest person in my life has been the person in the mirror.

    No one has said more mean things to me than myself.

    That's been the hardest thing in this journey- UNfriending THAT person.

    Totally agree and sometimes it comes back for me.
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    I had a lady ask me if we were having another baby, I said no, and she patted her belly and said, "It looks like you are"
  • I had a lady ask me if we were having another baby, I said no, and she patted her belly and said, "It looks like you are"

    Some people! A teacher did the same thing to me.. she walked up smiling and motioning to my tummy. I was like "no... uh... I'm not" (all akward). Then she replied "oh, then I guess you just gained weight over the summer."

    Out of curiosity, how did you repond. I just walked away without saying another word. But I wish I had told her off, I still don't know what I would have said tho....
  • We were watching a programe on TV about an american woman weighting more than 300kg. She was unable to move and desperately trying to lose weight. My Ex grinned at me and told me: Oh look that's you in a couple of years...

    Sounds like a jerk. Good thing he's outta your life! xo
  • Kids will pick on almost anything - even positives, and turn them into a negative.
    I was a tall kid (and I liked being tall) - but kids who didn't like me called me "CN Tower".. that's a tall tower here in Toronto
    When I did well in school they called me a geek
    I was also an immigrant and poor so they made fun of my clothes and the way I spoke.
    They made fun of my glasses
    I could go on and on..

    Wish all people were nicer! Some of the stories on here horrify me!

    The best revenge? LOOK AT YOU! Tall & beautiful. I bet if they see you now, they are green with envy. Sounds like you're beautiful on the inside too. That's Karma at work!! xox
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I had a lady ask me if we were having another baby, I said no, and she patted her belly and said, "It looks like you are"

    Some people! A teacher did the same thing to me.. she walked up smiling and motioning to my tummy. I was like "no... uh... I'm not" (all akward). Then she replied "oh, then I guess you just gained weight over the summer."

    Out of curiosity, how did you repond. I just walked away without saying another word. But I wish I had told her off, I still don't know what I would have said tho....

    This happens to me a lot. I have a hernia and it makes my stomach stick out so it looks like I'm pregnant. I dropped my kids off at daycare one day and a teacher said " Oh my! You're getting bigger by the day! " and rubbed my stomach. She was extremely loud and I wanted to die I was so embarrassed. I told her I wasn't pregnant and she was really embarrassed But I actually cried when I left.
  • I had a lady ask me if we were having another baby, I said no, and she patted her belly and said, "It looks like you are"

    Some people! A teacher did the same thing to me.. she walked up smiling and motioning to my tummy. I was like "no... uh... I'm not" (all akward). Then she replied "oh, then I guess you just gained weight over the summer."

    Out of curiosity, how did you repond. I just walked away without saying another word. But I wish I had told her off, I still don't know what I would have said tho....

    This happens to me a lot. I have a hernia and it makes my stomach stick out so it looks like I'm pregnant. I dropped my kids off at daycare one day and a teacher said " Oh my! You're getting bigger by the day! " and rubbed my stomach. She was extremely loud and I wanted to die I was so embarrassed. I told her I wasn't pregnant and she was really embarrassed But I actually cried when I left.

    Oh gawd, I'm so sorry. Some people are socially inept. Rule: if you're not sure if someone is pregnant, SHUT UP. If they want you to know, they will tell you eventually. UGH I feel angry for you!
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I had a lady ask me if we were having another baby, I said no, and she patted her belly and said, "It looks like you are"

    Some people! A teacher did the same thing to me.. she walked up smiling and motioning to my tummy. I was like "no... uh... I'm not" (all akward). Then she replied "oh, then I guess you just gained weight over the summer."

    Out of curiosity, how did you repond. I just walked away without saying another word. But I wish I had told her off, I still don't know what I would have said tho....

    This happens to me a lot. I have a hernia and it makes my stomach stick out so it looks like I'm pregnant. I dropped my kids off at daycare one day and a teacher said " Oh my! You're getting bigger by the day! " and rubbed my stomach. She was extremely loud and I wanted to die I was so embarrassed. I told her I wasn't pregnant and she was really embarrassed But I actually cried when I left.

    Oh gawd, I'm so sorry. Some people are socially inept. Rule: if you're not sure if someone is pregnant, SHUT UP. If they want you to know, they will tell you eventually. UGH I feel angry for you!

    It's really crappy! Until I can afford to get the hernia fixed there's nothing I can do besides wearing spanx and body shapers but since it's not fat I'm concealing, it doesn't push in so its basically pointless. I had a customer once shout "WHENS YOUR BABY DUE?!"I told her I wasn't pregnant and she said "OH WELL IT LOOKS LIKE IT.YOUR SHIRT IS TOO TIGHT HONEY " it's like wow! What is wrong with people?!
  • In high school I applied for a job in a shopping centre food court but didn't get the job. Later on my 'friend' who also worked there told me the reason I didn't get it was because the boss said I was so ugly my face would turn the customers off the food. And people wondered why I had no desire to find a job until I was 18 and had to.

    I know the feeling. Several years ago I was working at a high school attending classes with a young lady with physical limitations. I was thin at the time and as I walked past a couple of the coaches, I heard one of them say, "That one there has a good body, but the face isnt much to look at". I wanted so badly to tell him off, as he sure didnt have a face to look at either, but I just walked on by. I wonder sometimes if he thought I was deaf or something. If only people would look at what's inside of us and not the outer shell. Because Ive found that the most beautiful people in the world are the most nasty and disrespectful. And one of the other most hurtful remarks is when they say "You would be pretty if (fill in the blank). I always wanted to say "Arent I pretty enough now?" But your feelings are so hurt that you just turn and walk away. And usually cry yourself to sleep that night.
  • emyishardcore
    emyishardcore Posts: 352 Member
    This may sound weird, but I think its cruel if I ask for an honest opinion about how I look and I get lied to. I realize they are trying to be nice and spare my feelings. But I just cant stand it when people lie. I asked for a honest opinion and I can handle it no matter how bad it is why can't people understand that.
  • katdouce
    katdouce Posts: 79 Member
    My ex-husband told me one time that the reason we didn't go out anymore is because I was too fat to be seen in public. :frown:

    Good thing that he's an EX! You deserve so much better than that!

    Agreed! ^^

    My ex posted on FB for all to see "Lost 200 pounds this summer and it feels great!"

    This was after I left him for hitting me in the face while I was breastfeeding our 3 week old baby. I left when she was 4 weeks old. Yeah so, he was referring to me. I was the 200 pounds. Awful huh.

    well ladies you are both beautiful in many many ways!!! and ya know what? you can lose weight (if you chose to) your X's will always be *kitten*'s!!!!! And I'm so glad they are X's!!!!!! :drinker:
  • pph79
    pph79 Posts: 78
    Usually, i'm the meanest person to myself as far as self-depreciating thoughts. But when i was my shortest and heaviest in high school years ago, people would call me "Marshmallow" because i was short, fat, and really pale. It's kinda funny when i think of it now, but at the time it was hurtful. Luckily i had a growth spurt after school from about 5'6" to 6'2" now. :smile:
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    One summer I was at a family party and I was packing up a plate of leftovers desserts for a friend to take home. My grandmother looked at me with an absolutely horrified expression and said "Don't eat that! You're FAT!" in front of all of my family and friends. She also loves to pinch my waist and tell me how much I need to lose.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    My ex husband recently offered to "tell me where I've lost my weight" and then less than a week later told me white guys are hitting on me because the frat houses must be having a "pig party" nice huh? Loser!
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    My father in law told my mother in law he won't go to Disney world with us as a big family because he refuses to get on a plane with her due to her weight. I was pissed! She's going with my hubby and kids in 1 year! We're working together to lose weight but no matter what I will go with her and never would say that!