What are/were your guilty pleasure eating habits?



  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    Hot links wrapped in puff pastry dressed with butter and cheese. Pigs in a blanket evolved to what I called "quilted hottie links."
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Melton Mowbray Pork Pies, I miss them so :sad:
  • HLHSmom
    I used to love carbs! I loved to make mashed potatoes and melt a whole bag of shredded cheese in it and the put it on a slice of bread and eat it like a folded sandwich. I would eat 3 or 4 of those half sandwiches. I also have a hard time when stuffed peppers are made with rice and cheese. I also LOVE suddenly salad pasta's. I can munch on all those things all day long. It's horrible. Also anything cheesy I eat a lot of. I've been watching my intake closely and I don't seem to be craving those things anymore.
  • HLHSmom
    I could also eat the party pizza's and pizza rolls or any type of those appetizers and the whole box full!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    A bottle of wine and a carton of cigarettes. Food..naah
  • StacyLynn8241
    Nachos and cheese with jalapenos. I would not go to a movie or sporting event without ordering some. I enjoyed them so much that I would use my finger to make sure I got every bit of cheese out of the container! I made them at home quite a bit too! I am also a huge sucker for Mexican food. I could eat it every day, all day if I knew I wouldn't gain a ton of weight by doing so.
  • Peachy_T
    Peachy_T Posts: 138 Member
    Nachos and cheese with jalapenos. I would not go to a movie or sporting event without ordering some. I enjoyed them so much that I would use my finger to make sure I got every bit of cheese out of the container! I made them at home quite a bit too! I am also a huge sucker for Mexican food. I could eat it every day, all day if I knew I wouldn't gain a ton of weight by doing so.
    I can totally relate, LOL!! I could also eat bacon all day every day if I didn't have to deal with the repercussions!
  • cheyenneandcosmo
    cheyenneandcosmo Posts: 25 Member
    Well...mine is going to sound really bad (I havent done this since I started MFP)

    During a binge, I usually had an average of eating 5,000 (or MORE!) calories! And that was just a binge....not including the other calories of my other meals, snacks, midnight cravings, etc....

    So Im guessing that in a day, I had over 8,000 calories!

    I usually did this 2 maybe 3 times a week

  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    1/2 a stick of butter on a bag of pop secret... need I say more!
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    Copying my response to a similar thread --

    Breakfast -- McDonald's Big Breakfast, complete with second hash brown and orange juice, OR huge bowl of Cheerios with added sugar, OR *two* Dunkin Donuts Banana Nut Muffins (when I joined WW and found out the point value I was horrified!)

    Lunch -- three slices of pizza, or the Double Quarter Pounder meal and Hi-C orange drink from McDonalds, or a huge burrito AND side order of chili AND Mexican rice (as if the burrito didn't have enough rice!) with a 24-oz C&C fruit punch soda cola from the local restaurant, or foot long cheeseburger from Blimpies

    Dinner -- USD 5.00 regular crust medium pizza from Dominos with sausage and half a container of chicken bites and dressing, or four-piece KFC meal with baked beans and mashed potatoes, or corned beef with Goya yellow rice (can you say sodium attack, boys and girls?); or would split a 20-cheeseburger pack from White Castle

    Snacks -- I would open a box of crackers around 11 a.m. at work, eat lunch at 1, and go back to the box between 2 and 3, usually finishing it in one day. In my early 20s I would spend the afternoon at the movies -- the Pretzel Time at the mall sold four pretzels for the price of three so I would get that and sneak them into the movie, then pick up a four-piece from Popeyes to have later. Salty stuff, sweet stuff -- I ate it all, and I sure looked like it!

    After years of that, I had the nerve to be shocked to find out I weighed 320 pounds. :girlbye:
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    Oh! I have lots! I used to drink almost an entire 3 liter of diet coke a day. I used to eat an entire box of sugar cereal in one day. I used to eat 3 large fries from a fast food place in Texas with already supersized portions!! When there was nothing sweet to eat, I would rummage the fridge and eat a whole jar of cake icing!! The list goes on and like the icing thing, they were some bad and disgusting habits. Most of the time I didn't even really want it, I just wanted something. I am glad I am not that bad anymore.

    -Confessions of an emotional eater and binger.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I use to order small pizzas and bread sticks for myself.. and eat the whole thing by myself in 2 days.

    Tacos and Margaritas.. Whole boxes of Mac and Cheese.. Cheese FIlled Hot Dogs... Crescent rolls(in college, we would make the whole tube as a snack and smother them in butter.) Jimmy Johns(ate this pretty much 3 or 4 times a week), Eating burger king/sabarro's pizza 3 or 4 times a week my jr yr of college.

    College sucked for eating.. Esp, because I didn't give a ****!
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    I was horrible for junk food... and I must admit... I miss it! But now I don't feel very good when I'm done because I just want to throw up because I feel like my stomach is going to bust from being so full.

    Some of the things I don't eat anymore (I have to stay away cause I can't controll myself) Large pizzas (by myself) a whole bag of chips with Salsa & Cheese & sour cream. Family sized bags of candy - sweedish berries and peanut butter M&Ms were the best. A whole friggin tub of icecream... the presidents choice "Loads of" kind... yeah... friggin' good stuff. And a whole bag of cookies on occasion... the Pirate cookies are the best.

    Now if I get a craving for some chips or candy I buy a personal size bag and split it with the kids.
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    We all of us have things like that. I just had to comment because last week I posted a topic about going on a wild binge and how if we didn't go crazy, that the next morning would most likly be the big drop in the scale we had been waiting to see. In describing this I mentioned eatting a whole large pizza, a whole box of cracker, and a whole block of cheese. My daughter gave me a hard time over that........ she said Mom I get the whole pizza and maybe a whole box of cookies or crackers but a whole block of cheese. I told her my husband will eat a whole block of cheese, and there have been times when I would cut up a block of cheese and eat it with crackers, and I might have a slice or two I broke up and fed to the dogs but for the most part I would polish off that block of cheese. Yeah cheese is a bad bad guilty pleasure of mine. Especially the sharp ones.
  • Beaverton_2015
    My biggest downfall was that I would eat 3 of the medium size cartons of my fave Ice cream a day or one sitting, and not for desert, they would be my dinner. Now and then I would have one of the oval tubs of ice cream if I really got a sweet tooth.
  • mommygirl81
    I can eat an entire box of Entenmann's donuts if I let myself! And Pringles...a whole can in 10 minutes!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I can eat an entire box of Entenmann's donuts if I let myself! And Pringles...a whole can in 10 minutes!

    OH pringles are a weakness!

    I used to eat like half a can.
    Now if I really want them I will take out 8 chips, track the calories, put the can back in the cupboard and walk away.
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    Just about any sweets (brownies,cookies, cakes) at least 2-3 pieces per day.

    This one I am still struggling with the Archer Farms chocolate chip cookie mix. Those cookies are addictive.

    Ranch dressing in spaghetti, it just adds a tang to the spaghetti.
  • PZlady
    PZlady Posts: 137 Member
    I would sit on the sofa, watch TV, and eat about 1/2 a block of cheese. I'd just sit there is carve it off a piece at a time. My granddog's sorry I don't do this much anymore (I would share w/ him). Now when I "fall," I try to keep it to 3 oz. and a bit for the happy pooch.
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    Eating something that's meant to be shared, like spinach dip or cheesey breadsticks, by myself and as a meal.