What are/were your guilty pleasure eating habits?



  • TequillaLover89
    TequillaLover89 Posts: 260 Member
    We all of us have things like that. I just had to comment because last week I posted a topic about going on a wild binge and how if we didn't go crazy, that the next morning would most likly be the big drop in the scale we had been waiting to see. In describing this I mentioned eatting a whole large pizza, a whole box of cracker, and a whole block of cheese. My daughter gave me a hard time over that........ she said Mom I get the whole pizza and maybe a whole box of cookies or crackers but a whole block of cheese. I told her my husband will eat a whole block of cheese, and there have been times when I would cut up a block of cheese and eat it with crackers, and I might have a slice or two I broke up and fed to the dogs but for the most part I would polish off that block of cheese. Yeah cheese is a bad bad guilty pleasure of mine. Especially the sharp ones.
    Not to preach, but you really shouldn't give your dogs cheese. If you can't have it around you it would be better to trash it. Wasteful, but it's really not good for the dogs. Animals are sensitive to lactose, not to mention the high fat content. I don't have time to look for a source right now, but it's a fairly well known fact.