Weight Loss Surgery--I CANNOT Believe I Am Posting This!



  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I hate to see anyone alter their body unless there is just no other way to do it. I had a fitness client who was considering the lap band surgery and went through all the prescreening stuff, classes, dietician consultations, accountability for exercise, etc and ended up losing enough weight that she didn't need the surgery. Sometimes just having someone take a look at what you're doing is enough to get things moving. Also, I've met several people who have had either gastric bypass or lap band and every one of them has gained it back.
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    Well I posted this on my wall, and have not received any feed back yet...so I thought I would try my luck here.

    Alright....well I just found out that my new insurance plan DOES cover lapband and gastric bypass and the sleeve with very minimal cost to me. I looked it up and some people who have the same insurance I do, paid only $500 total. So I was sort of looking into it. There is a class that you take once a week for 24 weeks (so about 6 months)...anyway, I am sort of looking into it. Not seriously yet, but sort of just checking things out. Would anyone consider this option if they were having a super hard time losing weigh on their own? That is where I am at. It is just soooo hard to do it. Just looking for feed back.

    Without reading anyone else's posts.....

    My Aunt had gastric bypass surgery and was successful, went from being in size 20+ to a size 10 in just over a year..... she didn't have any complications with the surgery. It's different for everyone though. She was able to eat pretty much ANYTHING she wanted after she got over the healing part. Which has now caused her to gain back 3/4 of her weight. So honestly, unless you are in the right mind set to actually keep the weight off forever, it's a waste of money in my opinion. I also have a Bestfriend who had it and ended up in a nursing home just a few months after the surgery with severe brain damage...... someone who was active w/ 5 children and was artistic like you couldn't believe, went to barely being able to write her name and now takes over 20 different medications just to stay alive. She suffered this due to her body not taking in any vitamins that she needed for her nutrition. Instead of them dissolving in her body, she was pooping them out. Therefore wasn't getting ANY nutrition which cause her to faint constantly and had the most severe headaches i've ever witnessed. AND her doctor's cleared her from any previous medical issues before having the surgery, giving her a clean bill of health prior to. Now she has trouble walking and writing and cannot be left unattended because she still suffers with occasional fainting........... so if I were you I would do the healthy thing and lose naturally. I don't believe in these surgeries because of these experiences I have witnessed.

    But again, everyone is different, I personally wouldn't put myself through any of these chances.
  • Tany27
    Tany27 Posts: 21
    I agree!!! Why not loose it the natural way and keep it off!! Afterall that is the natural healthy way!!! Surgery should be the last ever option only if docs recommend!!!
  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    You're asking what kind of dog to get on a cat lovers site.

    Would you do it if you had to pay the whole amount? Would you do liposuction if it was covered? Would you get a personal chef and personal trainer and work out 7 days a week if it was covered until you lost your weight?

    I have no answers - just more questions.
  • liz1732
    liz1732 Posts: 15 Member
    ok my mom had the full invasive stomach stapling and it was horrific for her... she did it for medical reasons not for weight reasons... yea she lost some weight probably 100 pounds and you know what??? most foods make her wanna throw up she calls the surgery the best bulimic opportunity... your stomach is sooo small u can barely eat and if u eat even the littles thing more than you can fit u puke... ok and the constant muscle loss because of lack of protein is a another issue... you dont get enough nutrients when your stomach is that small... this is for extreme health and weight issues not for someone to play with just because they dont wanna diet right.. there are many other options.... doctors weight loss plans... just not putting it in your mouth... anything is better than this surgery... ive seen it first hand.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    It is not the easy way out that you think it is, you will still need to alter your life permanently. From the WLS blogs that I read, the things you struggle with now will still be the things you have to address after surgery.

    I think you are overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem, but making small adjustments, making small goals, taking one step at a time is how we all cope. I decided a long time ago that it didn't matter how long it took, but by making my goals action oriented (i.e. cutting out sugar, exercising x no of times a week), and being accountable to someone (trainer at the gym weighing me in regularly), I was able to make sustainable long term changes that have resulted in the weight-loss that I needed.

    I gained a lot on anti-depressants, back in January I thought my weight was out of control, but I have lost the weight by trying different things until I found what worked for me. I wish you luck whatever you decide.

  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I don't think you're heavy enough for surgery. And no; I was over 200 lbs and would not consider surgery. That's a VERY SERIOUS surgery - but here's the thing - I'm not as focused on LOSING WEIGHT as GETTING HEALTHY.
    I've never been slim & never will be. But I have been much healthier & more fit. That's what I'm going for - fitness. Your healthy body weight will follow.
    Of course I can't tell you what your goals are but do you want to be THIN or healthy? Research this. Having surgery does NOT mean you can't still be heavy if you don't eat right. Carney Wilson & others have still gained weight after surgery.
    YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO EAT & LIVE HEALTHY to make it stick, so why not do that first? Many ppl have come here for a few months to lose weight before surgery AND THEN DECIDED NOT TO HAVE IT.

    Is being fit hard? harder than being lazy, yes but a child can do it- let's be honest. Is surgery easy!? I don't effin' think so. I've had 4 ceseareans and a hysterectomy. I will NEVER have surgery again unless it's a matter of life & death and even then, I'd think long & hard.
    But, in the end - your body, your choice

    Merry Christmas & good luck
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've known people who's done it, some succesfully others not much.
    The reality is that either using the traditional weigth loss methods or having surgery you HAVE to change your eating and fitness habits if you want to remain at a healthy weigth. Otherwise you'll lose everything.
    The benefit of the surgery though is time, is a lot more quicker when you ahve lots of weigth to lose.

    Good luck!

    Exactly this. The couple of people I know are doing amazing and look fantastic. But on the other hand, another friend died from complications. :brokenheart: Another doesn't exercise and just looks deflated... I'm sure she's healthier than she was when she was 80 pounds heavier, but not where she could be if she put some effort into fitness rather than just relying on the doc tightening her band. A friend of my brother's lost too much weight, can't stop losing, and is constantly in and out of the hospital.

    It's definitely not an easy way out and nothing to consider lightly.
  • adamhaywood
    I don't belive in weight loss surgery because by doing it the hard way you will remember how hard it was to lose that weight and it will make you think twice about slipping back into bad habits.

    I had the worst habits in the world binge eating, ating rubbish, but over the last 12 weeks I have learned that I need to think about what I eat and what I do.

    I am never going back, i am halfway through my loss and this is the longest i've stuck to any sort of weight loss, but this time i've changed my whole mentality.

    Losing weight has nothing to do with fad diets, it's about changing everything you think you know. It all comes down to simple maths, eat less do more. IT WORKS!

    You can do it and the fact it is going slowly is actually a good thing because that makes it more sustainable.

    It is your choice, but I hope this helps.

    Adam :)
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I don't like surgery was the reason I totally ruled it out, but, for me, if I could stick to the strict guidelines required BEFORE the surgery then I could keep doing it and not need the surgery, but, probably all doctors are different and there are different surgeries.

    Good luck on your journey...whatever you choose.
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    I was recently looking into gastric bypass surgery!! For about 9 months that all i researched and talked about. My insurance covers it and I met all the requirements except I could not provide them with a 5 year medical history and after an appeal letter they denied me twice! I decided I had to do it on my own and know I am completely grateful. I know a lot of people that have had the surgery and have done really well but I also have known one person to die from it and another to have her whole life changed for the bad because of it. In and out of the hospital, puking all the time, and very depressed!! I am glad I didn't get the surgery because I can lead a normal life. But for a lot of people it changes their life for the better!!! I would research research research!!! There is a site that is just like this one except mainly for weight loss surgery called obesityhelp.com and it is very helpful!!! The lap band has been called the "crap band" because it usually has a lot of problems and results in getting another surgery to take it out or get another wls! Its your choice just know what to expect and use it as a tool not a miracle!! Best of luck just make sure what ever you decide that it is your own decision!! I had so many different responses to wanting to get the surgery and most were negative so it can be really hard to make up your mind!

    Also know that there are several other surgeries not just gastric bypass and lap band.
  • SusanRN2b
    SusanRN2b Posts: 106 Member
    I would never recommend WLS for anyone who has less than 100 lbs to lose.

    Here's the deal with Weight Loss Surgery - most people who get it gain the weight back within 5 years. Because WLS doesn't address the problem. It forces you to eat less, but doesn't get to the heart of the issues of why you are over weight nor does it teach you how to eat normally for the long run.

    This is so true!

    Please don't do it! I'm a nursing student, and I work at a hospital. There is ALWAYS risk with any surgery. I've seen way too many people DIE from complications, e.g. sepsis, embolism. When I saw the first case where this poor lady was in the hospital for MONTHS, her poor husband, by her side, the suffering, she wound up dying. So sad!

    I would rather be fat than what these people go through!

    That surgery is not the miracle cure! The only way to lose the weight, be healthy and sustain it, is to do the work YOURSELF. Save that $500 for a new wardrobe!
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    you still have to diet and watch what you eat after about 2-3 years you don't malabsorb so you are on your own with making sure you eat right and that is why a lot of people gain the weight back! There is a more risky surgery called duodenal switch which has been really successful in keeping the weight off, but like i said is really risky and the diet you have to eat is mainly meat cheese and eggs and fat which is not healthy to me.
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    Yes the classes are for maintaining weight loss, and also an evaluation, psych evaluation, etc etc etc. All these things to make sure you are qualified.

    I understand that I need to change my eating habits and fitness habits......but like I said, losing 100 pounds is overwhelming. It is like I need a jump start of some sorts to get me moving in the right direction. The reason I am considering it is because like I said my insurance covers it...and I just pay a very small percentage of it...so in the end I will not lose a whole lot of money if I gain it all back.

    I feel weak...you guys who are doing it the natural way are strong and brave. I know this is the easy way out.

    To me getting the surgery is harder... you still have to deal with "head hunger" and the first couple of weeks you start out with 2oz of food then gradually add oz till you get to a cup. Your body won't be hungry but you tell yourself you are. Certain foods won't agree with you, some people never stop puking, some surgerys you can never ever take NSAIDS like ibproren and things like that , you can't eat bread for a year, and you can never ever drink pop again cause it will stretch the pouch out.
  • JEWEL776
    JEWEL776 Posts: 30 Member
    I have lost 85 pounds since April 2011. Following this program and exercising it could take you less then a year and be healthier. Good luck!!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Are the classes on how to maintain your future healthy weight?

    I know several who gained Everything back afterward, that's why I ask.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    My weight gain was not because of emtional eating.

    I have been on meds (anti-depressant and anti-anxiety) for a very long time...years. So that is what caused the major major weight gain the past few years. The meds will kill you if you do not try to do something about it. On one hand they help me with my mood, on the other hand they were killing me. Now I take newer meds which do not cause weight gain as much....but I still have 100 pounds on me that are extra from the old meds. It just sucks! I miss the old me that I used to be :(

    Only one other poster addressed this issue. I, too, gained weight because of illness and (lack of) medication. Once my medical problem was diagnosed and I received treatment, weight loss not only became possible, but "almost easy" in retrospect. Therefore, it appears that solving your health issue with perhaps a change in medicine is a better solution than solving your weight problem as if overeating alone is the root cause. It sounds like you are already seeing some success from a recent medication change. My understanding of WLS is that its goal is to help jump start and correct problems of overeating. If you don't have a problem with overeating, why would this be a good solution for you?
  • cxxviii
    Do what ever you want but I personally I lose total respect for anyone who has to cut them selves up just to stop over eating. Learn to make the changes you need. People can change and people can learn new healthy behaviors. It is pathetic and should only be considered as a life saving absolute last resort decision.
  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    I don't know if you've heard of Health at Every Size at all (http://www.haescommunity.org/). Basically, the premise is to focus on healthy eating and fitness without focusing on weight loss (weight loss, naturally, should follow).

    It's pretty natural not to lose tons of weight at the beginning of a lifestyle change. I would suggest you ditch the scale (get weighed at the drs--obsessing over the pounds every day is just a setup for failure) and keep focusing on eating healthy, low-cal meals and exercising.

    But, if you're set on doing this, I wish you luck! I've known a few people who've had it (one was about your size, I guess, the other was more than double that) with mixed but overall good results. I don't know that any of the people I know who did it really worked on fitness, though.
  • cpbkmb06
    I would suggest talking to your doctor about your options and seeing what will work best for YOU. There are more surgeries for weight loss than lap band and gastric bypass and each has their own sets of ups and downs. Check out www.obesityhelp.com. It is a website I learned about from going to a support group for weight loss surgeries (a requirement from my surgeon). Weight loss surgery is not the "easy" way out. It is the LAST resort. It is a decision not to be entered into lightly. There are complications with all of them. A good doctor should be able to explain the differences and the risks to you. Only YOU will know which, if any, is right for you. Does the surgery option fit your lifestyle? Are you willing to maintain the regulations that your surgery will require once you have the surgery? These are all things to ask yourself.