December-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN GROUP!!!



  • I have mental pause and can not remember my goals from yesterday. LOL However, I woke up this morning with renewed enthusiam. I was tired last night and I ate brownies, but today it is good to recognize, how fatigue makes you feel, today the goal is to make it through day 1 of the 17 day diet, drink my water, go to class and weigh in. Blessings....Diana:flowerforyou:
  • M77308
    M77308 Posts: 183
    Well, I'm new but I think this is a wonderful thread... My name is Elizabeth and I'm looking to tighten up my fitness and diet regimen through the holidays. The holidays are, by far, the hardest part of the year for me.. so I'm looking forward to the checking in daily and trying to accomplish my goals!

    Today's goals:
    1) Drink my 8-10 glasses of water.
    2) Get a good cardio workout in.
    3) Stay within calorie range.
  • AmyinMD
    AmyinMD Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Everyone, new to this group. Been on MFP since November 21, 2011. I love the site. It's so helpful. I am a 53 yr. old morbidly obese mom of two grown girls. I have severe emphysema, which means I have severe shortness of breath and cannot exercise, yet! I need to get in the habit of using my spirometer 3 times/day everyday, a contraption to improve my lung capacity. I continually forget. This is a great idea for forming new good habits. Thanks for posting it.

    Monday, Dec 12th, 2011:
    Use spirometer 3 times
    do strengthening exercises 3 times
    stay under 1480 calories--I've gone a little over 4 or 5 days in a row!

    I'm happy to report that I met all of Monday's goals!

    Tues Dec. 13
    Use spirometer 3 times
    Stay under caloric limit
    take lunch to work
  • mvkrayola
    mvkrayola Posts: 165 Member
  • Hi,

    You can call me Jivvy. I was slacking off a lot in November, but I'm ready to be back in the game now :smile:

    My goals for today are

    1. Put in a 1 hr on the elliptical
    2. Stay under my Cals
    3. Stop procrastinating
  • Good Morning All!!! What a superb idea!!!!

    My name is Leah. My goals for Monday are:

    1. Eat under 1,425 calories (GOAL NOT MET---ate 1,453 calories)
    2. Workout after work, including lower body strength training (GOAL MET)
    3. Finish my Christmas shopping (GOAL NOT MET--forgot a couple of gifts)
  • My Goals for Tuesday are:

    My three goals for today are:

    1. Eat under 1,425 calories;
    2. Continue 8k Training, including upper body strength training
    3. Finish Christmas shopping
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Good Morning All!


    Workouts were kept in pace with my 30 day challenge!
    WATER has been going well! 8 + cups a day
    My numbers were better yesterday
    I log it and its there....:blushing:
    I did much better with my logging yesterday!

    This month has been a doozy already but one Christmas Concert, and one party down a few more to go. I was able to get 10 yes 10 peanut butter pies and 8 dozen Snicker Doodle Cookies baked for Teachers and parties over the weekend. Can you say child involvement was an effort! But the boys were so proud to walk in with thier gifts! Happy Tuesday everyone.....

    December Goals will remain the same all month.....

    1. Workout Schedule consisting to no less than 5 workouts a week. If I get more that is a plus!
    2. WATER WATER and more WATER! The life juice....12 or more glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under required daily allotments (HARD FOR THIS SEASON)

    Have a blessed day and Good Luck on your goals! :bigsmile:

  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    i met two of the three goals yesterday. I exercised for 30 minutes and stayed within my calorie rangel but, I did not drink enough water. I'm going to go with the same 3 goals today:
    1. Eat within my calorie range
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes
    3. Drink 6 glasses of water.
  • M77308
    M77308 Posts: 183
    Today's goals:
    1) Drink my 8-10 glasses of water.
    2) Get a good cardio workout in.
    3) Stay within calorie range.

    So I met my first goal - got all my water in for the day! Wasn't feeling well yesterday so I let all my good intentions fly out the window. Back to the grind today though...

    Today's goals:
    1) Eat at least 8 servings of fruit and veggies.
    2) Workout. (Debating between cardio or strength-training.)
    3) Stay under calorie goal.
  • RosalindaP
    RosalindaP Posts: 31 Member
    Awesome idea! I was focused on looking good in my dress at the holiday party and that was this weekend. So now I am struggling with saying NO to the holiday JUNK!

    Having daily goals will help me stay focused!

    1. Stay within my calorie goal.
    2. Get in at least 30 mins of cardio today.
    3.Say calm, keep my blood pressure down.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for December 12:
    1. Water!--Yes.
    2. Workout or a brisk walk for at least 30 minutes.--Yes.
    3. Stay in my calorie goal.--Yes, just barely, but, yes.

    Yesterday was a pretty good day. Made good choices and got some walking in.

    Leah, Cheryl, Elizabeth, palakikort and any others--Welcome! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Diana--I have to be really careful if I get too tired. That's when I will go looking for ANYTHING to eat when I need to just go to bed!

    Everyone is doing great! Especially for this time of year! Keep it up!

    Goals for December 13:
    1. Water!
    2. Workout or a brisk walk for at least 30 minutes.
    3. Stay in my calorie goal.
  • Hello all! My name is Kelly. I started attending a Zumba class about 16 months ago and have been a Cardio Dance instructor since July. I'm not skinny by any means and worry that might hinder my class size. But then I figure that working out with an instructor who is on the same path as you and works out as hard or harder than you, could be a great incentive. :) I decided around Thanksgiving to just maintain through the holidays and I've gained a few or 10 pounds since then. I'm outta control. Wanting to get my control back and not completely sabotage all I have accomplished so far. I started out at 300 pounds, lost around 20 pounds before MFP and I'm down 35 pounds all together. My ultimate goal is to get to either 150 poundsor a size 7/8....I'm good with either :).

    1.Great Cardio workout tonight
    2. Drink my 8-10 glasses of water today
    3. Stay within calorie range
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi Everyone! This is just what I need to get back on track! I'm 37, 5'5", people on my old swim team called me "The Laser" (because I'm focused) and so that's my nickname on here.

    I started in February and lost 19 lbs, and gained a little back (but I was ok with that -it felt healthy). This week and last week I stepped on the scale and now there's no denying it: I'm only down 11 lbs. That's 8 lbs. I've gained back since July. Unacceptable!

    My goals for today:
    1. eat 2 servings of vegetables at lunch and dinner
    2. avoid all sugars and sweeteners
    3. stay under calories

    Long term goals:
    Get back down below 120 lbs. and rock all of my holiday photos.
    Find a way to integrate more vegetables into my diet
    Continue my strict anti-sugar campaign during the holidays
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    This was great motivation! I made all of my goals yesterday.

    My goals for today are the same:
    1. eat two servings of vegetables at lunch and dinner
    2. no sweets or sweeteners except fruit
    3. stay under calories
  • M77308
    M77308 Posts: 183
    Today's goals:
    1) Eat at least 8 servings of fruit and veggies.
    2) Workout. (Debating between cardio or strength-training.)
    3) Stay under calorie goal.

    So I met two of my goals yesterday.. I didn't quite get all 8 servings of fruit and veggies in, but it was close. I actually re-started the 30 Day Shred.. and am definitely feeling it today.

    Today's goals:
    1) Stay within calories - we have a work Christmas party tonight, so it'll be hard!!
    2) Do the 30 Day Shred, Day 2 workout
    3) Drink my 8 glasses of water.
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Good Morning All!


    Workouts were kept in pace with my 30 day challenge!
    WATER has been going well! 8 + cups a day
    My numbers were better yesterday
    I log it and its there....:blushing:

    Okay eating was better but no loss and today is the OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY! I ate an apple for breakfast and had coffe and my snack was trail mix. I have my mind set to try to aviod the white flour, breads, and sweets whooooo I am going to try.

    December Goals will remain the same all month.....

    1. Workout Schedule consisting to no less than 5 workouts a week. If I get more that is a plus!
    2. WATER WATER and more WATER! The life juice....12 or more glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under required daily allotments (HARD FOR THIS SEASON)

    Have a blessed day and Good Luck on your goals! :bigsmile:

  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'd like to join!

    I'm 30 years old and have lost about 15 pounds since August. Since Thanksgiving, I have hit a plateau and gained or stayed the same each week. Very upsetting! I joined a gym Tuesday and changed up my routine to get back on track. My 3 goals for today are:
    1. Gym-30 minutes of cardio & 30 minutes of weights....check!
    2. Eat healthy and track
    3. Get plenty of sleep so I can do it again tomorrow!
  • I think that this is a GREAT idea, especially this time of year when we are all facing the challenges of winter and daylight savings time, and the holidays!!

    I had 199 days on MFP and didn't log in one day (after a recent outpatient surgery) and was SOOOO bummed that my numbers had to start all over again. Since then, I've had a hard time making myslef log, and with the cold weather, and it getting dark so early, I'm not getting as much exercise either. I'm a 50 year old grandmother who has lost 40 pounds since April 2011, but has another 30 to go. These last 3 months my scale has NOT been moving, and I have no one to blame but myself!!

    My goals for each day:

    1. Log food and exercise EVERYDAY.
    2. Drink at least 12 glasses of water.
    3. Stay under calorie goal.
  • I love this idea. I think it'll help me meet my end weight goal by the end of this year or end of January 2012 at the latest. I am 42 years old and have officially lost 16 pounds since August. My ticker says 20 because that's what I lost when I included the dieter's tea loss before Thanksgiving -- that loss was temporary (water weight I figured out). :ohwell: I just don't feel like changing it back to reflect the 16. Instead, the 20 gives me motivation to work towards it and when I hit goal then I will log it.

    Anyway, my three goals for today (December 14) are:

    1: Drink 12 glasses of water.
    2: Log each morsel I eat and stay under calorie goal.
    3: Exercise with hubby after work for 30 minutes on the treadmill.

    Looking forward to posting my accomplishments and new goals tomorrow.