

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    :wink: Pam Thanks Will cut post short soon, too much sitting not enough MOVING.
    :flowerforyou: Robin Hope you get everything you want out of the hypnosis.
    :love: Kackie Tku2! Hug Judy for all of us.
    :tongue: Itamatgo cute sprinkles, congrats on the smileys! Feel the same way about diary critics. Best to ignore 'em like in Barbie's article.
    :smooched: Barbie your wisdom is always so timely. Time to get off my duff and Down on the mat!
    :cry: Amanda does anything help your knee?
    :flowerforyou: Alice glad your still here!
    :laugh: MacMadame when is Fat Talk Free Week. Sign me UP!
    :noway: SallyCC amen about the yellers!

    Yesterday got all TubaChrismasified while walking around the rotunda and up and down the stairs. Felt much better than in prior years when I just stood or sat. Alas today have been very sluggish and sleepy. Overslept and missed church, watched a movie with Joe and then napped. Now even though its early my eyes are heavy and I'm thinking of bed. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Can't even muster the energy to play on the wii or dance around the laundry mountain. Not going to fight it, but get up early to a fresh start tomorrow, another retirement practice day.

    Hugs to ALL

    animal-emoticon-0064.gifBarbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    December 2011: dance more, bark less, hit that protein goal, HoliDAY not HoliWEEKEND and CHECK IN!!! :)
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    I just found this topic and very much enjoyed reading the posts. I'm 65, and the older I get, the more I want shake people and tell them to stop anesthetizing themselves with food and become healthy! Especially my old classmates. It's nice to find so many women here who are making a choice to try to be fit even though they aren't young any more. Like a lot of you, my primary exercise is walking, which I do with my dogs. I do a little bit of strength training at home, but I have yet to find a gym where I don't feel overwhelmed by all the rapidly moving 20 and 30 somethings.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    What an inspiring thread! You have all proven to me that being 50+ doesn't mean you *HAVE* to look like a mini-bus. That's my goal.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Last month my husband and I went to a college football game with a group of his old friends. As I was picking sliced turkey and vegetables out of a sandwich at the tailgate, one of the wives told me I was too thin and shouldn't be dieting. When I replied that I still weigh 25 pounds more than I weighed at 30, she got angry at me and told me it isn't normal for 60-somethings to be as thin as 30-somethings. I asked her to give me one logical reason why I should weigh more at 65 than I did at 30, and that stopped the conversation dead.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbara, thank you finding out about the signatures. I miss mine but I recreated it in a word document so I can add it to my post whenever I want to……congrats on passing up all the food temptations.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I’ve heard some good things about hypnosis. I hope it works well for you and your DH.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, you are such a good friend.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, sorry to hear about your knee. I know how much you like walking.

    MacMadame, I agree with you about discouraging negative talk. I try to avoid people who drag me down.

    :flowerforyou: Itamatgo, the women on this thread are very supportive and have encouraged me every step of the way. I know there are some threads on MFP with people who are not so kind

    :flowerforyou: Sally, I know you’ll pick yourself back up and get back to exercise and mindful eating

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I am like you---constantly amazed at the way other people eat and that they seem to not care about their ever expanding waistlines…..and the people who say “I shouldn’t be eating this” and then eat it anyway.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, good luck with your Christmas chores
    I hope you’ll find a way to enjoy all that you do.

    :flowerforyou: JipsyJudy, welcome to the greatest and most supportive group of women. I get most of my exercise walking dogs. I live in a neighborhood with great roads, trails, and open spaces. There are birds and deer to entertain my poodles. I think the dogs would walk 24/7 if I could keep up with them. I have had conversations like the one you described. Chubby women have told me that I was wasting away and that they were concerned about my health. Yet, no one ever made a comment when I weighed over 180 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: VergingOnVegan, welcome to a supportive and healthy group of women. What do you do for exercise?

    :flowerforyou: I went to an event yesterday and made the decision to eat what was served (in moderation). Snacks in the morning were doughnuts and yogurt so I had yogurt. Lunch was chili---I ate some chili and didn’t find out until later that they had cornbread. The last time I ate cornbread, I ate about six pieces so this time I refused to get near it.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    December goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga five days a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • kathiemcn
    Just a few quick comments.

    Firstly, reading the posts, I've just remembered how large the food servings are in the US, and how hard it is to find something that is not drenched in cheese or some fatty sauce. So I feel for you. I think it is so much easier in Australia and that we have better food choices and serving sizes...so when I feel annoyed about what there is to choose from here I will stop feeling sorry for myself and think how much harder it must be for you. And therefore.....how much you are achieving....well done!!

    I also read barbiecats about walking the dogs and seeing birds and deer...wow! (any squirrels?). My brother lives in Washington DC and if my neighbourhood looked anything like his I would be ecstatic to go out walking my dogs in it every day. It is so damn boring here...nothing exciting like lovely deer or anything (not even any kangaroos or koalas...lol)....roads and dreary houses, that's all to see. maybe I should live by the beach...walking there would be much more inspiring :smile:

    I mentioned yesterday (I think it was yesterday) that I wasn't going to set goals as kilos lost anymore, but I realised today that I actually need to, to keep me on track, otherwise I just don't seem to have the commitment. It seems to inspire me. (Even if I don't make the goal, I need to have it there to spur me on). So I guess everyone is different in that way. I'm glad I realised it though, because it will help me with this.

    Hope you have a good day tomorrow everyone!

  • kathiemcn
    P.S. I loved reading the post from London!!!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    :flowerforyou: teb conVERYgratulations on putting the smokes down. When I quit I gained 15 pounds. Then I added another 15 lbs over the following decade, pushing me up from overweight to obese. Nevertheless I'm so glad I quit. 12 years smoke free and now I can do so much more! You're smart to start working on the healthy weight now, don't wait!
    :sick: Michele I have the same thing about throwing out food. Comes from having Depression-era parents in my case. One of the hardest things they had to deal with me as a child was my picky eating. They were horrified to waste food and would always try to make me finish my plate. It was always emotionally charged and I'd end up vomiting more often than not. I was so skinny, strangers would come up to my mother and either ask if I had polio or take her to task for not feeding me. Can you imagine how that made her feel?:noway: Poor mama! :brokenheart: Now, alas, I like and eat almost EVERYTHING :cry:
    :laugh: Kackie would you come over and put the lights on our tree for me? It's the Christmas task I dislike, always dissatisfied with the results, sometimes to tears and paralysis.:sad: But if I push through and actually hang the ornaments I'm always cheered. :)
    :flowerforyou: Jipsy-Judy Welcome! Love the picture, where was it taken? I gave up on gyms long ago, was always sooo uncomfortable. Felt like people were looking at me and saying "You should have started this 30 years ago." Now I hang out in saloons... Line Dancing :bigsmile: NObody tells me I'm too thin and shouldn't be dieting. To be as trim and fit as we were in our 30's? What a great goal!
    :heart: Welcome VergingOnVegan, Librarians are the light of the world!
    :tongue: Barbie your cornbread comments made me laugh. What you didn't know didn't hurt you. Yoga 5 days a week? Really???
    :huh: Kathie no koalas nor roos? There goes my Australian fantasy. Is there a park or even a busy downtown nearby with more inspiring/interesting scenery?

    Retirement practice today:
    -calls: dermatologist, vet, chiropractor
    -laundry mountain, ironong
    -almond crescent batter
    -Wal~Mart & Co-op
    -Scottish Dance Class and...
    If my SIL does NOT come over for a spa day:
    -no alcohol
    BUT if she does, hold it down to 2 glasses of wine and NO MORE.
    and Get UP and start some strength training dadrabbit!

    Hugs to ALL

    animal-emoticon-0064.gifBarbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    December 2011: dance more, bark less, hit that protein goal, HoliDAY not HoliWEEKEND and CHECK IN!!! :)
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    OK, Barbara: You CANNOT leave this site ever again...you make my day:flowerforyou: (No pressure, or anything!!!)
    But I have been meaning to ask??? WHAT is retirement practice? Sounds like a good idea:ohwell:

    Bye now!
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Barbara, I agree with Kackie. Please post often and at length; you bring a BIG smile. But ... I couldn't help but notice ... laundry mountain IRONING? Girlfriend, it's 2011. Has no one told you about wrinkle free clothing? I haven't bought anything that needs to be ironed in over a decade. Of course, I buy most of my clothes at REI, but when I need to get "all tarted up" (as an Aussie friend of mine used to call it when we dressed up) I head over to Chico's and find some of their travel stuff on the sales racks. When I made this life-changing shift in my wardrobe, I told my hubby he could buy his dress shirts in the Traveler's section at Jos Banks or take his stiff cotton shirts to the laundry. He tried the laundry option for a little while and then decided he liked Jos Banks a lot. I love your beach/dogs photo. The beach there looks a lot like south Georgia, where I grew up. I now live in northern California on San Francisco Bay, but my profile photo was taken on the Sonoma County coast.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Kackie, I'm getting in late on a conversation you were having, but I noticed that you lost weight and your blood sugar went up. Same thing happened to me. I lost 16 pounds between March and September, after I became prediabetic, and my fasting blood sugar went up 5 points. That's when I found this site and started reading the posts about carbs and blood sugar. I stumbled on The Insulin Resistance Diet Book, and I started following the program recommended in that book, essentially to always combine protein with carbs (never ever eat carbs without protein too) and to limit carbs to 30 grams in ant two hour period. I'll let you know in a few weeks if it worked. I get my 3 month retest in late December. I don't have any experience with cholesterol problems, but my husband did and couldn't manage it with diet, so he's taking Lipitor (which unfortunately increases the risk of diabetes but has done the job with his cholesterol). Oh, and thank you for reminding me that I have to do something about a Christmas tree, and I dislike that job almost as much as ironing! Every year I threaten to buy a very small, pre-decorated, artificial tree, but this year we'll have all three kids with spouses and our granddaughter with us, and can you imagine gifts for nine people around a three foot tree? Besides, the cats love Christmas trees. They live under the tree, 24/7, for as long as it's up.
  • mimi7grands
    Good morning. Just wanted to let you know...I'm Back!!! I now, finally, have, tuh duh, drum roll, a FUNCTIONAL KITCHEN! I made my first cup of tea in my very own kitchen last night. I am beyond excited. I gained "only" 10 lbs in the couple of months (or is that years) I didn't have a kitchen - and "only" 10 lbs only because I had the stomach flu for 4 days! For once, it was worth it (having the stomach flu that is). I'm back at my weight from a year ago. This year (starting now) my plan is, one day at a time, to get to my goal and stay there. For me, for now, that means staying in control of my environment and now I can do it!!! (Turning cartwheels.) Hello all my friends, I've missed you. (BTW, we won't be done with all of the construction for another week at least so I'll be scarce on here but I WILL be here.) xxx

    p.s. I just weighed in this morning. It's a little more than 10 lbs. : ( Could have been worse though. A few years ago, it would have been 50 or 100 pounds before I paused. This time 12 lbs. Victory?
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I, too, have put on 10 pounds this past year. January 5th is my anniversary date, so between now and then I hope to get back to the basics of just posting what I eat (all of it everyday) and planning my meals. Exercise? I have to figure out the trick of getting that in too now that I am working full time again.

    We are having a real blizzard here today, so work and schools are all canceled. As soon as it stops snowing, I have to start shoveling. So far I am just keeping the path to the horses and a way to get a car out in an emergency cleared.

    Have a great Monday,

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Okay, let's see if I can remember everything:

    -Fat Talk Free Week is in Oct. A sorority started it and they reach out to college campuses because that's a place where eating disorders are often born. But we older folk can do it too! And we can do it any week we want! Studies really do show that people who put down their bodies all the time have a more negative self-image than people who don't.

    -Um, that's all I remember that I was going to respond to. :laugh:

    Oh wait: I never iron any more either. If I buy something and it comes out of the dryer needing to be ironed, it gets given away!

    There was more, but I really can't remember. I need to take notes or something. This site needs a "multi-quote" tool like other sites I go to!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    What a chatty bunch we are! Just got caught up on the posts and logged my food so far today. After reading posts from you beautiful women, and being reminded of my own adage to log every bite, lick, or sip, I found renewed strength to try to do this during all of the events that I have going on this week. So, even though I have been having an extremely difficult time trying to find time to exercise, I went back to the thought that anything that I do is better than nothing, and resolved to find a few minutes to at least walk. After all, the longest journey does begin with a single step, right? So - I left my students for 10 minutes (they are seniors working on online college courses) and walked the hallways here at school. I think that I will try to find time to do that twice a day from now until Christmas break. At least it it a start! And I will try to log my dinner tonight - we are going to a staff Christmas party for our church. I can and I WILL do this!


    Grandson ETA countdown: 6 days 19 hours
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Checking in now that I am finally back home and functioning mentally again. It took a couple of days to get rested up and unpacked - well mostly unpacked - from the hunting trip to Michigan.

    I was a tiny bit concerned if I could still butcher/process all the meat we get but with the help of wrist braces on both hands and a butchers glove I managed quite well. I'm not as quick as I used to be without the "hand accessories" but I can still get it done. I also got a bit of help from our son and grandson when they had the time. I think the DGS will do fine as butcher when I give up on the job. We all have nicely filled freezers and had a great time together and had fun visiting with my brother and his family. I even managed a very basic Thanksgiving dinner while getting 2 deer in the freezer the same day.

    My garden did fine in our absence. I was concerned that my lettuce had frozen, as there was a freeze the night before we got home. The lettuce was stiff when I checked it just before sunrise the day we got home. I threw a couple sheets over it and hoped for the best. I had heard that keeping the sun off, and as a result having a more gradual warming, would save some veggies. It worked!

    Today it's back to the gym and the dreaded scale.... I know I have gained a few pounds but I will get them back off now that I am back to a normal lifestyle.

    I doubt I will have the time to get caught up with all that has gone on here the past month, so I will just start from here and go forward.

    I see you are back now too Mimi. We will keep at this and persevere there is no alternative! So glad you have your new place in order now.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello dear ladies and welcome to all the newcomers!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    If you want to be successful ... just take it ONE DAY AT A TIME.:bigsmile: ALL YOU HAVE IS TODAY.:smile: Christmas…..and all the other Holidays that take place this time of year……boil down to just another day.:wink: I won’t even start projecting about how I am going to do…..because I can only make choices in the HERE AND NOW.:bigsmile: This may seem very simplistic but it works. JUST FOR TODAY make healthy choices! Then tomorrow do the same. I am amazed at how such a simple concept can work!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Like Barbie, I have taken baby steps and over time have made great strides!:blushing: I started doing 15 min on the treadmill every day that I could and now, over two years later, I do 60 – 70 min …most days at an incline 6. JUST FOR TODAY I drink at least 8 glasses of water, JUST FOR TODAY I track my food. JUST FOR TODAY….I exercise........ And all those "JUST FOR TODAYS" have turned into 841 days of being accountable as well as healthier….. and I’m 54 pounds lighter!:bigsmile: I have had some bad days:embarassed: ….but that’s life:wink: ….and this is a lifestyle change for me.:happy: So when I see that my calories are OFF THE WALL (which I’m aware of because I track everyday:noway: :noway: …..even the bad days….) I wake up the next morning as if I am starting all over again!..... Because I AM. :laugh:..... Each day is a new beginning!:flowerforyou: Can’t think of yesterday because I can’t change any of it. :ohwell:

    My Christmas gift to myself is just making life simple and doable.:flowerforyou: And I CAN do it when I take it ONE DAY AT A TIME.

    Please be kind to yourselves,:love: and know that you have the POWER OF THE MOMENT:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ….everything else can’t affect your future as much as being in control of the present moment!:flowerforyou:

    I pray that you all discover that….and re discover it when you slip….because….for me….that attitude is what has changed my life from dieting….to living a permanently new way!:bigsmile:

    Happy December to all!!!!!

    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • marlouise
    Hello ladies, been a while. Getting through this is slow but steady, gained a bit from not taking my supplements. So back on them tomorrow. Been very busy and getting run down fighting off illnesses from the two jobs I have. Seems everyone gets a cold or flu at least twice in three months.

    Hope all is well here, miss being able to connect with you all. However the new year will bring new hopes and maybe bring a dream true too.

    I will be working throughout the Christmas weeks and New years week, so I shall quickly say to all A HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND BLESSED NEW YEAR!

    Take care,

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hello dear ladies and welcome to all the newcomers!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    If you want to be successful ... just take it ONE DAY AT A TIME.:bigsmile: ALL YOU HAVE IS TODAY.:smile: Christmas…..and all the other Holidays that take place this time of year……boil down to just another day.:wink: I won’t even start projecting about how I am going to do…..because I can only make choices in the HERE AND NOW.:bigsmile: This may seem very simplistic but it works. JUST FOR TODAY make healthy choices! Then tomorrow do the same. I am amazed at how such a simple concept can work!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Like Barbie, I have taken baby steps and over time have made great strides!:blushing: I started doing 15 min on the treadmill every day that I could and now, over two years later, I do 60 – 70 min …most days at an incline 6. JUST FOR TODAY I drink at least 8 glasses of water, JUST FOR TODAY I track my food. JUST FOR TODAY….I exercise........ And all those "JUST FOR TODAYS" have turned into 841 days of being accountable as well as healthier….. and I’m 54 pounds lighter!:bigsmile: I have had some bad days:embarassed: ….but that’s life:wink: ….and this is a lifestyle change for me.:happy: So when I see that my calories are OFF THE WALL (which I’m aware of because I track everyday:noway: :noway: …..even the bad days….) I wake up the next morning as if I am starting all over again!..... Because I AM. :laugh:..... Each day is a new beginning!:flowerforyou: Can’t think of yesterday because I can’t change any of it. :ohwell:

    My Christmas gift to myself is just making life simple and doable.:flowerforyou: And I CAN do it when I take it ONE DAY AT A TIME.

    Please be kind to yourselves,:love: and know that you have the POWER OF THE MOMENT:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ….everything else can’t affect your future as much as being in control of the present moment!:flowerforyou:

    I pray that you all discover that….and re discover it when you slip….because….for me….that attitude is what has changed my life from dieting….to living a permanently new way!:bigsmile:

    Happy December to all!!!!!

    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    thank you birdieM, what a lovely sentiment.....JUST FOR TODAY.....thank you so much:flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    On a sad note: Yesterday morning I found out that a one of my friend's husband had died in his sleep during the night. (We are friends with both husband and wife) He was early 60s and a funny, dear man. The very sadist thing is that both Jack and Judy were only children, have no children themselves, no parents, aunts, uncles or anything....just a few friends here. Judy is all by herself and they just lost their home about a year ago. They have moved into a rental home not too far from us, but in a more remote area. When I found out I drove over and spent the afternoon with her. She is in shock for sure. An old friend flew in to spend a few days with her, so thankfully, she isn't by herself right now. Just another reminder that life is short and we just never know, so we need to enjoy every minute and not sweat the small stuff.

    Can't think straight this morning. All the things that I felt were so urgent yesterday, don't seem so today. I am so thankful that I have my DH of 37 years, 2 healthy sons, a darling granddaughter, wonderful DIL and future DIL we also love, 2 parents who are in pretty good health, a sister & brother and lots of neices and nephews on both sides. I am also thankful for all of you here and for your support and friendship. Take care, dear Ladies:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie

    Reading this just breaks my heart. I, too, lost my first husband suddenly. He died while we were watching TV. My 3 daughters were only 10, 7 and 4 years old. A night I will never forget.:cry: However, I have a huge family, 12 siblings and he was one of 6. I can't tell you how having family around was a comfort to me. :love: To hear that a person has to "go it alone" in such a situation is indeed heartbreaking.:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: I hope she is a person of faith as that was the other factor that kept me strong. I will keep her in my prayers. So, so sad.:brokenheart:
