30D of Shreddin Thru the Holidays (Open Group - All Levels)



  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    I actually am continuing because I am still on Level 2. I plan on finishing Levels 2 and 3 and after that I'm either going to start over or try Ripped in 30.
    I'm back!!! Are we going to continue past the holiday's?

    Today is (RESTART) L1D1 for me :)
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    L2D6 done....how is everyone else doing out there? I have to say, I really am not a fan of Level 2. I'm getting better at the planks. I can actually do the plank jacks the proper way and am not having to follow Anita for them. There are still some things I have to follow Anita for, but I'm slowly getting better, although I still hate Level 2. I bought heavier weights for some of the exercises. I'm using both 2 and 5 lb weights. The chair squats with a V fly I have to use the 2's, just can't handle the 5's yet.
  • sbb4406
    Level 2, day... I have no idea haha. I did a little better today than usual, although I had to take a little break halfway because of stomach pain :(
    I feel so blah... I haven't been keeping up with my food diary and I weighed myself earlier and have gained around 2 lbs. I'm going to measure myself this Saturday to see how I've done with the shred so far, but I really don't think I've made much progress. I feel a little stronger (as strong as you can get doing all this with 3 lbs weights) but I don't look any different. I also tried to start the 100 push-ups challenge (http://www.hundredpushups.com/) and found myself unable to even do one proper one lol. I think it's mostly not getting the form right, but I can't even get halfway down without my muscles weeping. So.. overall it's just been a disappointing day. lol
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm back!! Today is my first day back in normalcy. I think I may do Level 1 today, Level 2 tomorrow and start Level 3 Friday! Glad to get back to it! I'm going to hurt, though!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Ok! Level 1 done as a return to the Shred and it was tough, but so much better than the first go 'round!
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome back...I havent been doing the shred on consecutive days always. I do about 4 days and then take a rest day. Yesterday I did 2 of Jillian's workouts, 30DS and RI30, was sore today so I took a day off. Back at it tomorrow.
    I'm back!! Today is my first day back in normalcy. I think I may do Level 1 today, Level 2 tomorrow and start Level 3 Friday! Glad to get back to it! I'm going to hurt, though!
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Just finished 30DS L2D7...I think I'm starting to mainly notice a difference in the upper part of my abdomen. It seems like it's starting to flatten a little bit...still have the pouch at the bottom though (which really makes me crazy), but slowly I'll get there.
  • sbb4406
    L2D9 done! It went by a lot faster than usual and I feel like I got more done. But.. I don't feel like I can do as much of level 2 as I can of level 1. I'm not sure if I should move on to level 3, but I don't think I can handle another week or two of this torturous level lol
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Welcome back...I havent been doing the shred on consecutive days always. I do about 4 days and then take a rest day. Yesterday I did 2 of Jillian's workouts, 30DS and RI30, was sore today so I took a day off. Back at it tomorrow.
    I'm back!! Today is my first day back in normalcy. I think I may do Level 1 today, Level 2 tomorrow and start Level 3 Friday! Glad to get back to it! I'm going to hurt, though!

    Thanks! Yesterday was strength training in gym. I noticed I could do much more than I've previously done in some areas, especially tricep dips and crunches on the Schnell. Yay! I am ready to try level 3 today!
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Ok! Level 1 done as a return to the Shred and it was tough, but so much better than the first go 'round!

    I went back to level 1 today because I haven't done the shred since the 17th and it was tough but so much better than the first time I tried it. I can really tell the strength difference in the bicycle crunches and the shoulder moves. All those planks in level 2 really do pay off : ) I'm going to do level 2 tomorrow and then just kind of rotate through them. I am thinking of starting ripped in 30 next but we'll see.
  • sbb4406
    L2D10 over! Thank god it's done lol. I can't wait to start level 3. I watched it today and it seems a bit easier than 2. Either way, I'm looking forward to a change.
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm going to tackle Level 3 this weekend. Took some measurements this morning! I haven't weighed in a while, so don't know about that, but I'm happy with my results so far considering I was pretty liberal with my eating for much of this time period!

    Starting weight on 12/01/11 118.0
    Waist 28.25 on 12/01/11
    Hips 37.75 on 12/01/11
    Left Arm 11.25 on 12/01/11
    Right Arm 11.75 on 12/01/11
    Left Thigh 22.0 on 12/01/11
    Right Thigh 22.0 on 12/01/11
    1" above navel 29.5 on 12/01/11
    1" below navel 31.5 on 12/01/11
    Navel 30.5 on 12/01/2011

    Waist 27.75 on 12/31/11 -.5
    Hips 35.25 on 12/31/11 -2.5 (checked about 5 times!)
    Left Arm 10.5 on 12/31/11 -.75
    Right Arm 10.75 on 12/31/11 -1"
    Left Thigh 22.0 on 12/31/11 0 change (but 2 weeks ago each thigh measured 22.5)
    Right Thigh 22.0 on 12/31/11
    1 inch above navel 28.25 on 12/31/11 -.75
    1 inch below navel 31.25 on 12/31/11 -.25
    Navel 30.25 on 12/31/11 -.25

    Hoping the thighs budge soon. Then I'll actually be able to go down a pants size!
  • sbb4406
    sbb4406 Posts: 65
    L3D1.. not as easy as it looks! lol
    I can't really do the supermans for some reason. Maybe I'm doing it right, but it just feels wrong. I'm going to just try holding the pose for the duration of that exercise instead of the up and down. I also suck at the push ups... can't even get halfway down :| Those are really my only complaints, though. The jumping at the end sucks but I can get through it... sort of. lol
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Sorry haven't checked in for a while I did my first day of level 3 yesterday. Got caught up packing today but ended up doing other workouts so still did something at least. Just didn't have the room in my bedroom today for the workout. But my first day of level 3 was not as hard as I thought it would be but all the jumping was a little much lol but I see how its gonna work.

    How is everyone else doing with level 3??

  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Hi Alicia,
    I believe shortjules has started a new thred for shredding in 2012. You should give her an add :) Congrats on continuing in 2012!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    Well yesturday was my first day. That kicked my but. I thought I was in ok shape. But wow I was wrong. I don't feel like im burning enough calories. Its only a 20 minute workout. I usually workout for an hour. So I just don't get how this will be enough.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    L1D2 I took a day off, sore. But tonight im back. Also im going to the gym to do sometimes on the elliptical,
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I just got done with D2L1. And wowI my legs are really hurting ..
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    D2L1 and I can not do the push ups. So instead of doing the I do planks instead. Im still sore. So today im going to the gym. And tomorrow I will get up and do D3L1! .