30D of Shreddin Thru the Holidays (Open Group - All Levels)



  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Finished Day 2 Level 2 today it was easier then yesterday but still took quite a few breaks. Some of them are hard to do because when I do them I slide on my floor like the one where you are in a plank position and jump your knees up and down (sorry forgot what she calls it) my floor is just slippery and if i do it on my mat the mat slides too I may need to find different shoes to use.

    The only issue I have with Jillian personally it is just that she does not do the whole workout with you and walks around and just jumps in when she feels like it. I use to do Shpresa's Double Pump Total Body workout and she does it the entire time with you keeping you motivated. Jillian is great don't get me wrong it would just motivate me more I guess if she didn't seem like she was all talk sometimes. I hope I'm not the only one that feels like this lol.

  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Finished Day 2 Level 2 today it was easier then yesterday but still took quite a few breaks. Some of them are hard to do because when I do them I slide on my floor like the one where you are in a plank position and jump your knees up and down (sorry forgot what she calls it) my floor is just slippery and if i do it on my mat the mat slides too I may need to find different shoes to use.

    The only issue I have with Jillian personally it is just that she does not do the whole workout with you and walks around and just jumps in when she feels like it. I use to do Shpresa's Double Pump Total Body workout and she does it the entire time with you keeping you motivated. Jillian is great don't get me wrong it would just motivate me more I guess if she didn't seem like she was all talk sometimes. I hope I'm not the only one that feels like this lol.

  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    Just wondering how often everyone does their levels? Twice a day? Once? I haven't been loosing much weight as I did when I first started working out so just wondering what I can do to get more results???

  • brackish_kitty
    Just wondering how often everyone does their levels? Twice a day? Once? I haven't been loosing much weight as I did when I first started working out so just wondering what I can do to get more results???



    I completed 30 DS back in Nov and doing my second round. The first time I did it, I made sure I did 10 days per level. Come to level 2 and 3, I was getting a little bored for it was too short (I think, at least for me), so I did two levels back to back. That way I have a total of 40 minute circuit training that I can log for the day.

  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    So, yesterday was not a very productive day for me. I ended up not eating a whole lot plus I didn't shred. I went bowling with my friends for my birthday and told them I'd have a beer or two. Well, I ended up drinking more than just a couple and that pretty much so shot my day to hell. Back at it today though. I'm not feeling too guilty because I can't go back and change it plus I honestly believe that if you don't let loose every once in awhile than you'll never stick with it. I'm back at it today and will be shredding in about 20 minutes.
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Measurements for Level 1
    Beginning measurements Level 1 End
    Neck 13.75 --- 13.5
    Chest 42.0 --- 41.5
    Waist 45.5 --- 42.75
    Hips 47.0 --- 45.5
    Right thigh 28.0 --- 28.0
    Left thigh 28.5 --- 28.0
    Right calf 17.0 --- 16.0
    Left calf 16.75 --- 15.25
    Right arm 15.0 --- 14.75
    Left arm 15.0 --- 14.25

    From the beginning of level 1 until the end I have lost 1.7lbs, but I've lost 9inches. One small step at a time.
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Just did Level 2, Days 4-5 yesterday and today. I am going to really stick with it this week, before the weekend starts. I would like to do some of Level 3 before Christmas, but I don't know how that will go.

    Anyway, it's good to be back and glad to hear everyone's successes! Keep it up!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Did level 2 Friday, took a break Sat., revisited level 1 yesterday for a friend to try it with me...still plenty tough!!

    I know my results could be better if I was more strict with my diet, but I'm really quite satisfied. I feel and see changes, I've still lost a pound or two and all through the holiday season! Yay! I may splurge here or there, but I'm sure I could be much worse off. I know that I've not been so consistently active during another similar period of time this whole year.

    Keep it up, everybody!!!
  • dutchjacky
    dutchjacky Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Im new n just did the shred for the first time today, Having been going to the gym for 6 weeks I thought it wouldnt be tooo bad for me. Boy was I wrong, Lol. Will post measurements tomorrow.
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    I'm on my 3rd try of the 30DS on day 4 myself. I want to be able to suck it up and do it for 30 days straight, of course sometimes you can take a day off or switch it up as I do get bored easily. I did it for about 7 days back in the summer and saw very fast results so I'm back on the wagon.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I just bought the DVD. So I will start it tonight... im excited.. I get up at 5am5:00am and go to the gym and in the evening I will do the dvd.
  • morales08
    Measurements for Level 1
    Beginning measurements Level 1 End
    Neck 13.75 --- 13.5
    Chest 42.0 --- 41.5
    Waist 45.5 --- 42.75
    Hips 47.0 --- 45.5
    Right thigh 28.0 --- 28.0
    Left thigh 28.5 --- 28.0
    Right calf 17.0 --- 16.0
    Left calf 16.75 --- 15.25
    Right arm 15.0 --- 14.75
    Left arm 15.0 --- 14.25

    From the beginning of level 1 until the end I have lost 1.7lbs, but I've lost 9inches. One small step at a time.
  • morales08
    But that is only in 10 days tho, right?!? Thats awesome :)
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    L1 D1 with 3 lb weights was this morning, and it was harder than I expected, given that I've been working out for a couple of months and doing really well with cardio, etc.

    Waist 38.25"
    Hips 41.75"
    Bust 43.25"
    Upper arms (avg) 14.0625"
    Upper thighs (avg) 28.875"

    Weight 174 lbs
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    L2D1 done....ok, I just figured out what all those planks were....OMG I wanted to die!
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    L2D2 complete...this level is kicking my @$$
  • sbb4406
    Well... I didn't do it last Friday because I was out all night, I didn't do it yesterday because I spent the day at Universal/Islands of Adventure, and I'm not sure if I'll do it tonight because my legs are really sore from yesterday. I kind of miss it lol :(
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    My thighs are half an inch bigger than when I started. Yep, I measured and remeasured. And remeasured. But I knew by how the fit of my pants. Groan. I know they will decrease when I start to lose fat there, but I'm not happy about it right now. I'm not doing the 1200 calorie thing. I'm eating at a deficit, but smaller...about 250 cal less than my needs per day, because I'm most concerned with eating in a way I can sustain! My waist, tummy and hips may be a bit smaller, but I haven't measured those.
  • savvy85
    savvy85 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey! I'm on Day 15... I love how in the last 2 mins of cardio You're practically dieing and looking forward to abs so you can lie down... but NO! That's not good enough for Jillian! Hahaha.

    summer827: I'm also having the same prob with my thighs. I haven't lost any inches there, but i can see the changes is them... and I like :-) Don't be discouraged... We'll have hot sexy thighs when the unwanted layers come off ;-)
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm counting on it, Savvy85! I know I'm making progress and I think my legs look much better already, but I was hoping to wear some smaller pants sooner than I will, apparently. My current pants are baggy in the waist but I can't go down a size yet! I have to wear a belt, which I don't love. What am I complaining about?? Lol. I hear myself. I guess it's just an "off" day! Thanks for the encouragement! :)